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Show Orem Centennial Cleanup,Painfup, Fixup Campaign , March 1 to SGOUTERS PLAN 'SHIP MEET AT PROVO Plans are under way for the 26th annual fellowship meeting for scouters of the Utah National Nation-al Parks council, Boy Scouts of America. The meeting is set for March 22 in the Joseph Smith building build-ing .beginning with a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Brigham Young University cafeteria. cafe-teria. Approximately 500 scouters scout-ers and their partners are expected ex-pected at the dinner. Reservations Reserva-tions must be made at the scoul headquarters not later than March 19. Special awards to individuals and districts will be made during dur-ing the evening. Pleasant View i - I K' I j ! " fmw mi Reading from left to right on the back row are Laura Perry, Mamie B. Davis, Ella lorence Allred; Front row, Chloe Finlaysen,Huhlestein, LaPreal Jones, Leah Gleason and F Alice M. Muhlestein, Lila Brake, Edith Snow and Lucy Tippets. Melba W. Cluff is center front. These ladies participated in their pioneer costumes in the recent Relief Society program presented in Pleasant View ward. The pageant program presented in songs and readings, "A Story in Granite and Bronze" inspired by the centennial monument "This is The Place" by Priscilla L. Evans of the Relief Society General board and explained the various plaques of the mounment, part of which are shown in the background. Ascha E. Paxman and Anna B. Hart of the General board, President Ruby S. Hunn cf Sharon stake were also present. Officers of Pleasant View Relief Society are, Edna M. Hansen, president; Anna Ashton and Marian Ercanbrack, counselors, with Merle S. Foote, secretary. GENEVA WARD CELEBRATE SECOND REUNION Geneva ward celebrated its second anniversary, March 11, when at 3 p.m. the Junior Sunday Sun-day school and Primary officers and Jeachers entertained 150 children. Tables were beautifully beauti-fully decorated and a delightful delight-ful program enjoyed. At 8 p.m. Bishop C. Wilford Larsen welcomed the large ward membership attending, and a program of the finest talent was presented. The Relief Society was responsible for the food; the Adult Aaronic Priesthood the cider; The MIA Activity counselors the program; Tony Rohbock, the flowers; the Bishopric Bish-opric the invitations and the Sunday school, the dance which completed the evening's entertainment. enter-tainment. Highlighting the event, was the huge birthday cake, which was auctioned off, netting the ward building fund $120.00. Mrs. Edna Larson bid S60.00 for the "beautiful cake, turning it back for reauctionina; Rcoi Gappmayer then bid $25.00. turning it back. Ralph and Fern Knifiht paid S10.00 for the privilege" of cut'in it. and Clyde and Helen Wock. $5.00 for the first piece. wih other pieces being be-ing sold at $1.00 apiece, bring- ig the total to SI 20 00. ! j WANTED! i I Bright oung lady, prefer- j t ably high school graduate, j j for work in Orem-Geneva j Times office. Phone 13 for j appointment. j .DGEMONT GOLD & GHEEN BALL, MARCH 20 Thursday evening, March 20, has been set for Edgemont' s annual an-nual Gold and Green Ball, with Howard Nelson's orchestra. The theme of the evening will be "Evening on the Prairie", with decorations and floor show numbers to correlate. Miss Maxine Davis has Deen named queen of the event, with Miss Beth Jones and Miss Myr-lene Myr-lene Smith as her attendants. All members of the ward and friends are invited to be present pres-ent at this outstanding social vent of the season. Iteiief Society Centennial Z.i.f, "SILVER JUBILEE" ANQUET & DANCE This year is not only eventful event-ful as a centennial year for Utah but also as the 25th anniversary of the M-Men and Gleaner Girl orgaization of the Mutual Improvement Im-provement Association. In celebration of this milestone, mile-stone, "Silver Jubilee" has been selected as the theme of the annual an-nual Sharon Stake M-Men and Gleaner Girl banquet and semi-formal semi-formal dance to be held at the Joseph Smith building on the evening of April 8. Tickets may now be purchased from MIA representatives in each ward, it was announced today by officials. WINDSOR WARD GOLD m GREEN BALL Friday evening, Marcn 2, has been set for the annual Gold and Green Ball for Windsor ward, with Howard Paxman's orches-ra orches-ra engaged to furnish music. This most important social event of the season will be held in the First ward hall at Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. A feature of the evening will be the corefwiio11 of the queen and her attendan'and the clev-or clev-or floor show whJ will be p t?-sented. t?-sented. Ail IfittA" 'members, find partners r.re irvited to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Parley A. Nielsen Niel-sen of .. Alhnmbra. California visited 'Monday with their hro'her and family. Mr. and Mrs, P. K. Nielsen.: The Nielsen's Niel-sen's have been in Idaho and Nevada in the interest of Western Wes-tern Auto Company, with which eompanv Mr. Nielsen is affili ated. Volume 15 Number 10 P. V. Relief Society To Observe Birthday President Edna Hansen announces an-nounces a special program honoring hon-oring the 105th anniversary of the Relief Society will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Relief Society hall in the Plasant View ward. All ladies of the ward are invited in-vited to join in this anniversary program. Program Held SUNDAY SERVICES Geneva Ward: The MIA will be in charge of the program at 7 o'clock. Vermont Ward: Ward conference will be held at 5 o'clock in Sharon ward chap el. Edgemont Ward: The Sunday school, under the supervision of the superintend-ency, superintend-ency, Clarence Cluff, Arlo M Anderson and Junius Gordon will be in charge of the program at 7 o'clock. Pleasant View Ward: Ward conference will be held at 7 o'clock. V'-ieyard Ward: Ward conference at 7:30 p.m. Windsor Ward: The Bishopric will be in charge at 7:30 p.m. Lake View Ward: Carl Taylor of the ward bishopric bish-opric will be in charge at 7:30 p.m. Grand View Ward: The Mutual organizations will present the program at 7:00 o'clock. Timpanogos Ward: Sacrament meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Sharon Ward Meeting will begin at 7:00 o'clock. 4-1 1 Leader Attends Si-He Convention Mrs. Alex (Ermal Josie re turned Saturday evening from I.ounn where she and a Group of i-TT leaders throughout the tato. attended a leaders eonve-i-tion from March 3 to 8th. Mrs. Jns-ie and .Mrs. Viola Cn"-:n of Snr'n" Lake were awarded special prizes jn the 4-H judging contest. Others attending at-tending from Utah county were Mrs. Anna Ashton. Pleasant View; Mrs. Maud Francis. Lake Shore: Mrs. Elda Throckmor- 1 ton. Payson and Mrs. Vcrda Throckmorton, Genola. HOME OFGKEKEVA STEEL "LET'S BEAUTIFY FOR THE CENTENNIAL" Fellow citizens! Have you started on a beautification program pro-gram for your own home and lot? This is the centennial year. Think how beautiful our own city would appear to our visitors visit-ors if every individual put his own place in order, moved the trash .burned the weeds on the ditch bank planted a shrub or some flowers, repaired and painted his house and all buildings build-ings on his premises. At a recent meeting of Orem-?hr-on Centennial Committee at the city hall, Ephraim Twitch-ell Twitch-ell was named chairman of the beautification committee in this local area. At this meeting the new chairman expressed a de-ire de-ire that all ward beautification representatives who have not made their house to house visit, will please do so at once. "Let's Beautify for the Centennial." Cen-tennial." MIA Play Given At Grand View "A Case of Springtime" three act comedy, was presented before be-fore a large and appreciative audience in Grand View ward hall Friday evening, with the following cast: Glen Buckner, Rodney Kimball, Ilia McKinnon, Gay Harward, Frankie Johnson, Donna Wilde, Sherrel Young, Conrad Harward, Marilyn Young, William McKinnon, Dora Hartley, Desma Galloway, Ruby Larsen, Max Williams and Avon Dodge. The play was directed by John M. Nicol, assisted by floyd Johnson, YMMIA president. presi-dent. Miss Mary Ellen Damlro and Ileen Olseiv were proitip-1 ters. Appreciation Expressed President Winnie Graff wishes to voice her appreciation to the members of Geneva ward for their cooperation and generosity generos-ity in giving the delicious food which was served at the ward reunion. She also expresses appreciation apprecia-tion for the fine response last Monday at Relief Society to the Church Welfare project. Any articles not finished may be brought in when they are completed. Proclamation Whereas this Centennial year is well under way and in a few months Centennial celebrations will be held, attracting people from all over the United States to Utah and to the city of Orem, I hereby proclaim the week of March 17 as Centennial Centen-nial Clean-up and Beautification Week in Orem. The season is right for planting and cleaning up homes, barns, yards, and fields. Every Orem citizen should make a special effort during this week" to make his buildings and property clean and attractive. Nothing adds more to the appearance of homes and fences than a coat of paint. Let every Orem citizen busy himself in beautifying his surroundings. sur-roundings. rI his is a fine opportunity for long promised, much needed repairing and painting of buildings which have become unsightly through thoughtless neglect. The culture of flowers is. becoming notable in Orem and special effort should be made thIV veek to prepare for tie plantii' of flowers. Flowers Flow-ers make any city ;t colorful city and especially during this Centeiiiii;;! year Orem should have a pvat many flowers ". display. Let everyone put forth their best efforts this week and make Orem a city which visitors will long rem; mb r, which its citiezns will better ap- predate. (Sign March 13, 1947 turn RED GROSS DRIVE N PROGRESS Red Cross chairman John S. tewis reports all ward committees com-mittees are organized and the wards as well as the industrial and business drive under the direction of Lionel Fairbanks is going ahead in a good manner. man-ner. The kick-off meeting was held Wednesday evening, with Sterling Sterl-ing M. Ercanbrack, Utah county coun-ty chairman, addressing the group. The check in date has been set for March 20. On Friday, following the meet-inn. meet-inn. Sharon school handed in 100'! of their allottment, being he first organization in the community to go over the top. Ward. -chairmen are. Edge-r.x.iil: Edge-r.x.iil: Mrs; : Clifford - Stubbs: Grand View, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Nutlall- Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Durham; Pleasant View. Mrs. Mnrv 13. Davis; Timpanogos. j Mr. and Mrs. Andy Cooper; Ver-Mrs. Ver-Mrs. Jennie Thorn and Mrs. 7,ina Selman; Vineyard. I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen. ; A quota of $1862 has- been isitrned Qrem-Sharon community com-munity in this worth-while drive. Illustrated Lecture On Landscaping L. S. Morris will give an illustrated il-lustrated lecture on landscape gardening Friday evening, Mar. 14, at 7:30 in the South Courtroom Court-room of the County building. This announcement is made by Clarence Ashton, assistant county coun-ty agent and member of the extension ex-tension division. , Mr. Morris is extension landscape land-scape architect for the State of Utah and is a member of the faculty a USAC at J-ogan. The meeting is sponsored by the Utah County Centennial Beautification committee and It he State Extension Service. All T . .... .. TTl.L beautmcauon groups oi uian county and the general public are invited to attend. Orem Peach Growers To Meet March 21 Members of Orem Peach Growers Association will meet Friday evening, March 21 at 7:30 in Orem city hall, according accord-ing to E. E. Twitchell, secretary. Important business will be taken up at this meeting and all members are urged to be pres ent. d) J. W. GILLMAN, Mayor of Orem City tEftrag THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 Spencer School PTA Wednesday Wednesday evening, March 19, Spencer school patrons are invited in-vited to a Parent-Teachers meeting meet-ing at the Lincoln high school. The program will deal with "Foundation for Safer Living" and a motion picture will be shown under the direction of Arnold Burningham. Music will be furnished by the grade scnool chorus, directed by Wm. M. Vernon. Geneva i J9 - - Mniiilr Hi Reading from the top, left to Steele, bugder; Second row, attendant; Bottom row, Joyce WARD CONFERENCE PLANS , , ' . . Ward conference will be com - pleted Sunday evening m Pleas - ant View, Vineyard and Ver- mont wards, when the general public sessions will be held at the usual meeting time. The ward leadership meetings for all ward leaders and their partners part-ners will be held Friday evening eve-ning in Vineyard ward and Saturday evening in Pleasant View and Vermont wards During the week from March 17 to 23. inclusive, conferences will be held in Timpanogos,! Edgemont and Grand View) wards. i A member of Sharon Stake presidency, members of the high council and stake officers from all auxiliaries are in attendance at-tendance at the various sessions. ses-sions. Geneva MIA to Present Program Sunday evening at 7 p. m. in 'he Timpanogos ward recreation hall, the Geneva w;ird Mutual officers will conduct the following follow-ing fine program. It will deal with the MIA reading course 'hook "Third Nephi" with Betty Foster as narrator; Dean Adams as reader, choral reading of the Beatitudes by six M-mcn and Gleaner Girls; solo "The Lord's Prayer" bv Catherine Christensen. Christ-ensen. "There will be spt-cial organ music and the congregation congrega-tion will sing "An Angel from on High'' and "The Lord is My Light." A special invitation is extended ex-tended all members of the ward to be present. Geneva Ward Holds Elaborate Gold and Green Ball The drums were rolling, the audience quieted down, Master of ceremonies Clarence Moon announced the queen of Geneva ward and her Royal Court. Carol Brown and DaNec Steele walked briskly in, placed their trumpets to their lips and the fanfare began, be-gan, Little Brent Patten, the crownbearer, led the procession, while Kathryn Christensen, Willie ivaini j ii 111 waiiriiscu, 3etty Foster and Erma Nielsen, followed, eacn one carrying a lighted candle, for the theme was "Candlelight." Now, the queen is seen. She is Lucile Moon, her train is carried by Joyce and Gloria Jensen. The whole procession walked the full length of the Timpanogos ward hall and then up to the throne. Ward MIA Queen and Party I iV'i y W 1 -i i -J right, are Carol B rown, bugler, Betty Foster, attendant; DaNec Erma Nielsen, attendant; Lucile Moon, queen; Marilyn Christensen, and Gloria Jensen, trainbearers and Brent Patten, crownbearer. , I Two Wards to Observe Relief Society Anniversary All ladies of Geneva and ! Timpanogos wards are invited , to a specia, program honoring the 105tn anniversary of the eiicf Society. The affair will be heid Monday at 3 o'clock in the Timpanogos ward hall Mrs. Erma Allen will give a book review "For This My Glory" a pioneer story, and the literary lesson will be given by I cassleaders Deipha Davis and Vanesse Woffinden. A specially prepared birthday cake will be a feature of the party. LINCOLN HIGH JUNIOR PROM "Pretending" will be the theme carried out at the Lin-col Lin-col n high schuol Junior Prom, Wednesday evening, March 19, in the Joseph Smith ballroom. The committee, Lorna Anderson, Ander-son, -chairman,- Richaiu Ilobert- on, si;iss president, Jtsirdene Terry, Loye Allred. Eugene Stubbs and Gordon Anderson have been very busy planning 'he decorations, which are going go-ing to represent Fairyland in the characters placed around the hall. The theme is also earned ear-ned out by the large book Tales of Junior Class" from which Richard Hebertson will step and lead the promenade. The assembly progtam at the high school will also be given by the Junior class. Ronald Griggs orchestra will furnish music for the prom, and the iuniors are extending a special invitation to the alumni and students of other schools. lav The throne was green with tall yellow candles silhouetted in the background. As the queen took her place on the throne, Thurn Blackburn walked up the royal steps and crowned her "Queen Luclle", In the dance demonstration, the participants, Grant and Fern Rowley, dance directors, Delo and Alta Rowley, Delmar Davis , and Marilyn Christensen, Thurn 1 Blackburn and Lucile Moon, and Erma Nielsen and Gordon DeLange and Alene Cordner danced the 'Schottische' and the 'GavoJle', with Mary Rowley as accompanist. The dancing began again and everyone was back to earth. Bert Skinner and Beth Moon wtre co-chairmen. r i i 'it, '4 V CONSUMER'S SPEAK PROJECT Miss Marjorie Holdaway and Miss Hilda Knudsen, homemak-ing homemak-ing teachers at Lincoln high school in Orem attended a meeting of home economics at Brigham Young University on March 8. The convention was under the direction of Miss Ruth Wilson, 6f Springville high, district chairman of this region for the Utah State Home Economics Eco-nomics Association. The session included a skit by Springville high school girls on the national project of the home economists' organizaton. The project is the 'Consumer speaks' and the purpose is to take repre sentative goods on the market I and vote on improvements with the thought that manufacturers will meet the consumer demands. A sample discussion was held by those present, and it was agreed that if any group in the communities they represented are interested in holding, discussions discus-sions to improve goods on the market, they would be happy to help organize and conduct discussions. dis-cussions. Any group desiring this service can have this discussion discus-sion by contacting Miss, Wilson or any local member. Lions Hold Initiations Initiations were the order of 1 usiness at the regular meeting of Orem Lions club, which was 1 eld Thursday evening at Twin lines Cafe. Plans for the next meeting, which will feautre the Father and Sons banquet, were made. A wonderful time is planned for all who attend. . .... i. ... i 1 |