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Show OREM-GENEVA TIMES FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely Home 2 acres of ground, modern coops for 1200 layers, driving distance dis-tance of Steel Plant. For appointment to see, call 068 J3, Provo. ALTERATIONS! I malt man's mils, shliti and xlra panic, alio remodeling. Build formali. drMsat and childrens clothing. See or call Mrs. Curler, 447 No. 2nd Wast. ProTO. Phone 2276-R. STEEL FENCE POSTS WAR SURPLUS Ideal For Farm, Ranch or Home Drive type. U-Shaped, 3Vi inches wide, W inch thick. Extra heavy, weighing over two pounds per foot. Available now in the following follow-ing lengths and prices F. O. B. Ogden, Utah. 8 Ft. 90c 7 Ft 80c 5 Ft 55c 2 Ft 20c. These posts available to General Public. Special Spe-cial discounts for quantity purchases over "()0. Ideal for farm, ranch or home. Write, Phone or Wire Veterans Supply Co., Inc. fi.15 West 12th St., Hox 1120. Ogden. Utah Phone 2-9.501 - - 1 il-ir i HiililairMit aiil iili aif jrMlfaiiiali' siMafcinAiili'" 'Ittiil Ready for the Centennial? Special on Film: (Get a summer's supply) Size List Sale Price 127 $ .27 $ .23 616 & 120 .33 .28 616 & 116 .38 .31 8 mm Koda- chrome 3.77 3.58 16 mm Koda- , chrome 8.84 8.40 16 mm Super X 6.60 6.27 Any film returned with sales slip, developed and printed for 25c. Cameras: Light Meters: Falcon Delux 4.45 . , , , Twinflex, used 3.25 Weston, G.E., Phaostron Baby Brownie 1,50 (Models from $1.50 up) Darkroom Supplies: Complete developing and printing outfit $ 2.25 Spot-O-Matic Enlarging Meter 10.00 Luxor Mercury Foot Switch, used 4.00 Solar Enlarger, used, 5x7 ' 30.00 8 mm Movie Projector and Screen 45.00 Bring your camera with you for free inspection and instruction. Sale ends April 1st OREM PHOTO SHOP No. 3 Mt. View Sub-division Phone 0107.M2 VERMONT CHAPEL BANQUET. HUGE SUCCESS . The .delicious turkey banquet prepared by the Relief Society and young mothers of the Ver mont ward last Friday evening proved a most pleasant affair for the 200 attending. Members of Sharon stake presidency, bish oprics : from Timpanogos and Sharon wards, as weii as friends from other wards within Sharon Shar-on stake and from Provo were present. Patriarch J. P. Rudy offend the invocation and the entire group sang the "Vermont Chapel Chap-el Song" words of which were written by Kent Fielding. Bishop Bish-op Arch Pulham gave the address ad-dress of welcome. Merlin Me-cham Me-cham presented a comic panto-mine panto-mine and musical numbers were given by BYU students, under the direction of Lorna Anderson; Ander-son; Remarks bv President Henry I), Taylor. i Following the dinner the pot-ed pot-ed flowers used to decorate 1 ho i tables were auctioned off wMh. a great deal of fun, bringing the j building fund more than $300., Chairman J. O. Stratton an-i nounces (he banquet netted the! finance committee $i:00.00, and 'lie buifdiri!! plans can now go ahead as. planned. A motion picture "Where the Saints have trod was shown with 'benediction being pro-noii"eed pro-noii"eed by P. K, Nielsen, . Ohainran Stratton reports the cainnai'gn which has been carried on during the past two months i for the chapel fund has beenj mot gratifying, and he and members of the committee wish to thank all who have helped so generously. He reports the ground for the cTiapel will be broken as soon as Presiding Bishop LeGrand Richards returns re-turns to Salt Lake City from a trip. He hopes it will be within with-in the next few days. Library Notes By Clyde E. Weeks The stock of new books in the library is steadily growing every week. In keeping with our policy pol-icy of accepting only recently published books people have been very generous in supporting support-ing the drive for new books. Mrs. Clarice Haws, librarian, has her hands full cataloguing the books because they are coming com-ing in so fast. A meeting of the Library Board was held last Saturday afternoon during which requirements require-ments for obtaining library cards were set up. Library cards may be obtained by property owners in Orem, and persons not owning own-ing property in Orem must have heir card signed by a property owner who will accept responsibility respon-sibility for the return of books m the event the borrower does not return them. tiutiating a new feature in the Orem Librarv, the board has ar ranged for a story hour for chil-l dren to be held beginning Fri- j r;iy at 3:80 in the library. Mrs. j I Mr St, a gratia siory icuer wm entertain the children who come. The time has been set at 3:40 in. so that the children will have time to get to' the library after school. The Children's Story Horn: is expected to be a rcgu-i lar feature, at, the library, and pareids are encouraged to send their children to: this special j weeklv nit faction. ; or as the best pioneer dressed man. To complete the evening some good old time square dances were called and plentiful basket lunches refreshed the hungry revelers. SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS RETURN FROM EAST A. H. Christensen returned Thursday from Atlantic City, where he attended the national convention of school boards. While away the members A GOOD APPETITE A S wonderful Thing to have, TVlAT IS IF YOU HAVE WHAT IT OESIRE3 c. 1: V Windsor Ward Fetes Girls and Mothers The L. D. S. Girls organization organiza-tion of Windsor ward and their mothers were entertained at a banguet and program Friday evening at the ward hall. The tables, at which the 70 guests were seated, were decorated deco-rated in a lovely manner. During Dur-ing the dinner a fine program was given and Mrs. Myrtle Christensen of Sharon Stake Girls' organization was guest speaker. The committee in charge was Emma Nicholes, Jane Elsmore, Olive Stark, Nettie Wiloerg, Rosa Baxter, Golda Kirk, Bertha Kirk, Iona Jarman and Jennie Johnson. Let your light so shine before be-fore men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16. 1 I Graceful Cocktail Tables traditionally designed to lend distinctive charm to your living room. Solid mahogany, hand rubbed waxed finish for long-lasting long-lasting loveliness Also a splendid display of Coffee Tables and End Tables, on special this week at U EDflosmiimtt Home Furnishings WE DELIVER OREM, UTAH PHONE 0103-R1 CENTENNIAL BALL PLEASES MANY With an excellent crowd in attendance last Wednesday night the Centennial Ball was a huge success. The Pleasant View ward hall, gaily decorated for this festive occasion, was the scene ot this enjoyable evening. Prizes were given to the best waltzing couple and also for the best pioneer costume, men's and ladies. In the waltz contest Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ercanbrack were chosen the winning pair. This selection proved very popular with the many other contestants. In the costume judging MISs La Preal Jones was chosen the victor vic-tor over the other lovely ladies and Mr. Bob Elliot took the hon- e haw what you desire in the food line. When you plan Vi.iiu meals, keep in mind that you can't provide good nutritions nutri-tions meals without all the I ;'. oils e.-seutial to a balanced i diet. You'll find everything I . . . fine groceries of all de-' de-' scriptions at BUNKERS. , (TREATED SEED GRAIN I Cwt. i BARLEY: Winter Club, i Trebi $3.75 j WHEAT: Dicklow, Fed. i Lemhi 4.15 ! OATS: Uton 4.50 Most grains 1 to 2 years from certification. Custom Cleaning and : Testing ............... .19 CERTIFIED SWEET SPANISH SPAN-ISH Onion Seed .. ..... Lb. 4.00 Save on All Seed Needs at BUNKERS Geneva Steel is Across from Us. PHONE 016-R3 visited prominent schools in New York City, Washington, D. C, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Oklahoma Okla-homa City and Denver. Judge Christensen also visited visit-ed with his children at Washington, Wash-ington, D. C. including, Miss Mable Christensen, Mr, and Mrs. Cullen Christensen and their two sons, Richard and Robert Christensen. He reported a most pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Gammon were also representatives of Alpine Al-pine school district at the convention. tween 1847 and 1869, fewer than 200 remain alive today. As a special honor to the present pres-ent living pioneers, observances will be held during the "know your living pioneer week" throughout Utah, Idaho, Wyoming Wyom-ing and California. Thursday, March 13, 1947 Family Enjoys Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Clarence York and two children, Brent and Shiela are enjoying a two weeks vacation trip. They went througTi Arizona to Mexico and will return re-turn up the coast route, through California. Proclaimed D U P Week "Know your living pioneers week" has been proclaimed by Governor Herbert B. Maw, starting start-ing Sunday, March 15th. While no original pioneers of 1847 are still alive, the Dough-teis Dough-teis of Utah Pioneers estimate that of the 80,000 Mormon pioneers pio-neers who migrated to Utah be- J FOR SALE Utah Grown Fruit Trees ! Commercial Varieties j! Freshly Dug j! S Phone 05E2 !! Or See I! 1 JULIAN HANSEN ... Orem, Utah ii WE CARKY THE.... MYERS LINE OF ORCHARD SPRAYS Come in and see New Silver-Air Method of Spraying L. O.; PETERSON IMPLEMENT CO, J. I. Case, Dealer About Vz mile south of Orem City Hall Westside Highway 91 "Bingham, one of the world's leading copper district, was first a gold camp. Soldien under the command of General P. E. Connor from Fort Douglas panned gold there in the late 1850V METAL MINING INDUSTRY OF UTAH YOU'IX HAVE ini WW IN VOUR NEW FREEDOM 6? 4Z KITCHEN PHILCO RADIOS On The Floor Philco REFRIGERATORS On The Floor For Immediate Delivery Lawn Mowers Garden Tools SEEDS For Garden Field n mm nan m s Lumber & Hardware at OREM - UTAH r!alyra'';- no "ew Troc-ilam Troc-ilam GAS Kitclicit is com-pittc com-pittc witlLOut a modern, automatic GAS water heater. It's the most efficient ef-ficient way to get oceans ot hot water . . . day or night for even "cleanup" "clean-up" Jul) in the house. In the lannJrv, in the bath, in the linden there'll be plenty of hot Witter but that's not all! Your New freedom ()., Kitchen gives you two "Kr iml'spttisnble time and work sue-s . . . an automatically con- Pretfy up W the houses 'k:rn ii4i: RSe ?-V. :-rr r rirr ' 1S2 I 'i-y -. hi kiiW :mM .. .f:vW! tm: i t n-r. s r trolled cooking marvel, the new gas range built to Certified Performance Per-formance standards . : . and a roomy, economical and silent new gas re-1 frigerator. Come in and let us tell you how to get them! PRISCILLA CURTAINS of quality dotted marquisette! mar-quisette! Each side is 2 yds. x 42", with full, riffles! pair 3,9g TAILORED Cl'RTAINS of finest quality plain or dottJtl ".narquisctte, with deep hems and .ht'adinjrs! White or colored! pair l9g SLIPCOVER AM) DRAPERY FABRICS. Beautiful cretonnes in pre-shrunk, sun-fast 36" twiil or herringbone! J'1'- 98c FOUNTAIN FUEL SUPPLY COMPANY A 7 u-att-six L'iuh and Wyoming Communities f :. i |