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Show Thursday, March 13, 1947 OREM-GENE A TIMES R F R A CHATTFR -5? TIMPANOGOS ORKM Doors open 7:00 Friday and Saturday .J - . f A ?X IN THE MIDDLE Of A KISS, M " c ,V TimnTiii nrunmrn V a intf&IILLKtlVltlYIBtK 'St 1 I - w ,-. THE 3 y i iiiii UMiTrn nnrMMAM rivr yrtLicr DrriMivrtiM rnir. w .....TV GEORGE COULOURIS GEORGE TOBIAS and "Popular Science" In Color "With Rod and Gun" Sport Pathe News S. S. S. Fun Club Saturday Matinee 1:30 March 15 THE HUMAN COMEDY Selected by the National parent Teachers Association Associa-tion as one of the best pictures for children to see! Starring Mickey Rooney and Jackie "Butch" Jenkins! Jenk-ins! -: and CARTOON IK COLOR HUGH HERBERT COMEDY s Monday Through Friday, March 17-22 theM vftfeSs the M America's' m Greatest "LARRY WILLIAM Scrnnplay by Stephen Longstml hoSmi by SIDNEY SKOLSKY Directed 6 ALFRED . GREEN J PLANT :ans, MOUNTAIN GROWN j:r-i nil '"".DifN pX. Hi i " f!fyfHr; . UTAH First show 7:0 HIIKHCtttOIIMHHIIiimiJUiilKmillllfin March li-i: V MAN THEf KILLED! 'J rirnrmi r,mi.r.u.oav niRLirrro ev JEAN NtGUtf SCO uvirnouri ADlH.PH lfi,U!CH IIIKIHIIIlHItltl. MltltlUIIIIIIItlllillUIII The Music... LflgiC... Times mm.-- PARKS EVELYN KEYES DEMAREST - BILL GOODWIN, PORTER-WALTON'S SEEDS Vigorous, acclimated vegetable and flower seeds, bred for the West. Accept no substitute. P,-W.'Mounfin Grown Seeds assure gardening success. Your local dealer has them or will get them for you promptly. a- n. ait m II A A rUnltn-lVALlUN IU. P. O Bo. I(H Salt Lake City II. Utah Pinnhnf information Jrte ror orchard, f?rrrfen. ram'h or larvt. Wntt lor it. Mr. and Mrs. John Stratton end daughter, MarRene and son, Richard, and Mr .and Mrs C. H. Poulson ar? visiting in San Francisco, and other California "Hies and in Nevada. The Timpanogos Camp, rauf,'htf rs of Utah Pioneers met ' hursd;y aftrrnoon at the home (A Mrs. Fmma Stratton. Mrs. Edna Larsen gave the lesson and a social time and refreshments were enjoyed. The Junior girls and Senior scouts met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Knight following follow-ing church service Sunday evening eve-ning in a 'fireside chat', Dean Anderson gave the program, howing slides taken while he was in Europe. Mr. arid Mrs. Don Smith of Los Angeles are visiting with Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Jake Smith. Th Special Interest group of 'ie ward met Sunday evening at th'; Milton Jamison home in a 'fireside chat'. Mrs. Dale Brown reviewed the book "Swoe 1 ove Remember" by a Utah .v;''mr and community singinr was rnioved- by the 30 iremb'Ts present Refreshment were served. "ake spare time money, no selling or canvasing, pleasant work, experieiue iinm-se-'sary, free particulars. particu-lars. Write Home Industries, Indus-tries, 517 South Sth West St net. Salt Lake City, Hah LOST One tarpaulin used to cover rai) truck on state highway in Orem. Anyone finding same please contact Orem Post office. FOR SALE Reconditioned Plows, Cultivators, Cul-tivators, Spring Tooth Harrows. Har-rows. W. F. WISCOMBE Phone 023-J1 if. AH ; iS.aknf7fpwtitm m& Adding Machine: - -Repaired & Reconditioned W CalUfad Deliver Estimates Free - Prices Reasonable 20 YEARS SERVICE IN PROVO PROVO TYPEWRITER SERVICE 52 North 4th West Phone 69J or W PETER J. WIPF NURSERY STOCK 300,000 Peach, Prune, Plum Apple, Apricot and Pear trees. Strawberry plants. Boysen-berries. Boysen-berries. Raspberries, Young-berries, Young-berries, Blackberries. Blueberries, Blue-berries, Filberts, Walnuts, Almond trees. Flowering and shale trees. Complete assortment assort-ment of 700 Varieties new, improved, record - bearing strains. Whether you are a small planter or one who needs 10,000 trees or more, it will pay you to get our FREE catalog to see what slock we have. TUALATIN VALLEY NURSERIES Sherwood, Oregon 4i WHITE FAWN i I .--....Mrl-r.,1, f -V if """" -! I Just Genuine Good!! Baking i In - : Leads Them All At All Food Stores There is no picture of recent years that has brought such superlative reviews as THE JOLSON STORY. Kate Smith says, "Thrilled me as no movie ever has". Walter Winchell , says, "Sensational, Colossal". You will feel the same. The picture ran for 6 months! in Los Angeles. It ran for six i weeks in Salt Lake, two weeks j longer than any otner picture has ever run. It ran for two weeks in Provo. Thousands of people who have already seen it are anxious to see it again. If you are one of those folks who haven't seen the picture, you have a great treat in store for you. In order to try to accomodate all who will want to see the picture, pic-ture, we have booked this great picture for an entire week starting start-ing Monday, the 17th and you won't have to pay 75c or 65c to see the picture as we are running run-ning it at our regular evening prices. In order to meet your con venience oeiier. tne snows win : n rt thirty minutes later com-j moating Monday, March 17;; '1 he rirst show starting at 7:30 1 and the second show at 9:45 with ; t tioors opening at r.uv. ) Except with special pictures : li( TliK JOLSON STORY, the, matinee rate will prevail from ' 7 00 to 7 :i(). We appreciate! that many families have difficul-j ty balancing the budget and we are pleased to offer this saving to them by coining early. j Through the efforts of the Na-! tional Parent Teachers Associa-i uon, the major picture com-! panies were persuaded to each re-release some of the outstand-1 ing pictures that children could enjoy. Some of these we have already booked. This Saturday) we again bring vou one of these fine pictures, THE HUMAN' COMEDY. starring Mickey Rooney and little Butch Jenkins. It is a beautiful story that everyone every-one will enjoy. If you haven't been to the S. S. S. club parties, you real' miss a lot of fun. We sing and play and dance. This Saturday there's going to be a song fest with a lot of prizes. In the past we have admitted parents free but due to criticism coming from other theatres that we are exercising unfair trade practices, it will be necessary lha.t we. make the minimum charge of 20c. We dVinvite the oarents to came with their children. chil-dren. By the way you have never seen six or seven hundred boys and girls as well behavefl as they do at these club parties. They are a model fer any group even the Sunday school. . Special vaLiotJfajJi a glorifying twosomet popular 2.25' value special at 1.59' foundation crem regular 1.23 value face powder regular l.OO' value oolh for only 1.50 j ! tftlvnui I i ! EX-CE1VCIS j mmsw ef sWutiige B & H PHARMACY PROVO OREM II VACUUM GLEANERS IMotor Driven Brush Type Available Now! GENEVA SUPPLY CO. OK EM, UTAH Phono 056R3 Ft ... t ?T V , ' a THREE MONTH'S DANCING TERM Under the direction of MRS. NORMA H. ANDERSON will t.tart March 15th at the Timpanogos ward hall in Orem Classes are scheduled as follows: Advanced group (ages 10 to 16) 9 AM Intermediate group (ages 9 to 12) 10 AM Keginners fToup (ages 5 to 7) 11 AM Beginners (ages 7 to 10) 12 Noon n u We know that bereaved families, while they u .si. lo pay tr.bute in unstinted measure, do not wunt to be exploited by inflationary prices. Our prices, for complete service, have only moder-au-ly increased over pre-war figures even in i.e. lace of greatly increased operating costs. We will continue to provide services that are never MORTUARY TELEPHONE 378 - l -- - . e-r?s ll?K4fy i ' ' ' I I Jt 4 I -VC 1 It I - . 1 I .Ur i .... .klr 1 I 185 EAST CENTER 5 t-r Coal& HAY For Sale HALLADAY GOAL Phone 2264-R SPEAR LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 34 See Us For Asphalt Roofing 135 W. 3rd South PROVO THE BEST OF TENNIS EQUIPMENT GOOD SADDLES BICYCLES AT BURR'S SPORTING GOODS 1 Across from Scera -ALSO Plenty of Red Beeds for the Fishermen ;4i YOUR garage man can pound a dent out of your steel fender and make it as good as new. Made of almost anything except steel, your fender would have a hole in it, or else you would have to buy a new one. The gears of your car can now stand five times as much vcar as the best gear steel of twenty years ao. And so it goes for thousands of things you buy. Tetter and safer automobiles, better watches, bctrer shovels, better refrigerators all start with better steels that conic out of the research laboratories of st . e! com pan !es, American Iron and Steel Institute 350 Fifth Avenue. Mew ) ork 7, V. Y. TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING BATTERIES BR1MHALL BROS. '21 W. 1st N. Prove: ffcova 200 ! FRUIT TREES ! At Greiitly Reduced Prices IN COMMEI1CIAL LOTS Pears. Peaches, Prunes, Apricots, Apri-cots, Apples. Cherries, Plums, c'.c. berry plants in complete assortment. Grapes, Ornamental Ornamen-tal Shrubs. Write today for free catalog and price list. Lafityelle Nursery Co. Lafayette, Ore. Since 1890 KELSCH'S f COMPLETE SHOE ITOT SERVICE 1 Lib" West Center m S leifphone 707 P AT IIOOTEKIE h Provo; Utah Orem ''Si |