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Show GRR'lW.ftF.N'Rl S tttwpo MOPSY by GLADYS PARKER SORRY, WAITER. I HAVEN'T TIME , TO WAIT FOR A TABLE . r . HOME -TOWN ECHOES By C. Kessler CM, tVE BEEM r-lMVS"IMCf?- ItVX HEB6- tMT TO UMSAS Crcy- eoy eoBEQTs cot ms a PASS- TO DC OKWEllM TiJEATf l tP SEP tTEUA POX - FROM TMEBS I VEjjT 1b OHCA40- SAtUMAY UOiUiRD AT SAM T JACKS' - MET A COIiPLB AllCg FEU-feS1 IM ST.IOulS THE v sa.Q ms bads; eaicx FtxzrvBury I an -me PiAlTEE? WW SUB hghtsv7 7 V itHw ftSi"; AVEMOC OF A cWMAUJkm- LAUGHING STOCK By Frank Adams "Myb we'd better forget the painting for awhile. deer.1" ALWAYS REFRESHED Woman (to maid) When I interviewed inter-viewed you at the employment agency, agen-cy, you told me you never got tired, but this ia the third afternoon in succession I have come into the kitchen and found you asleep. Maid Yes'm. That's why I never nev-er get tired. Real Emergency "Well, what's your excuse (or driving SO miles an hour in the city?" "My wile's bridge club was giving giv-ing a rummage sale, Your Honor, and I was trying to get home while I still bad pair of pants left" Incapacitated Cute Nurse There's one patient in my ward who doesn't make love to me. Second One of my patients is unconscious, un-conscious, too. CHANCES LOST The Sunday School class was being be-ing examined by the pastor. "What are the sins of omission?" he asked. One little girl timidly raised net hand. "I think they're the sins we should have committed and didn't, sir." ; Yes. Go On A girl walked up to the chairman to give her vital statistics. Chairman What's your name? Girl Mary Machokoloovijwts-chiank. Machokoloovijwts-chiank. Chairman How do you spell it? Girl M-a-r-y. No Middleman Lawyer Here's my bill. Please pay me $500 down and $50 a week thereafter for 10 weeks. Client Sounds like buying a car. Lawyer I am. BOBBY SOX u Mart Links "What is it TBIS time candy, cold or love?" CROSS TOWN By IRoland Cod 'Just what ARE some of the farmer's problems we hear ... MAk rrlM9 I . U . . - - n f 1 . bv uiuvu auuutf null v c uccu lai luci iur uitcv years and haven't encountered any of them." NANCY IF WE GET SERIOUS T 1 INFLATION, MONEy MM WILL BE PLENTIFUL r BUT. WILL. PURCHASE ) .MUCH LESS I CAN USE THIS OLD TIN OL J By Ernie Buihmillcr rj THAT'S Aty MKIMHK I INFLATION V PI6Gy BANK J MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher MUTT. ANYTHING ( I DONT iu tjc daoto Attmrr I KNOW! THE MAN NEXT DOOrJi HAVEN'T FIGHTING WITH fT JOME TOTHc jhews yet; OH. ISN'T THIS AWFUL! it says Here some of the natives in africa pchanse their wives FOR HORSES ANDMULESy MUTT DEAR.' v fZo X WlSH l) 3 1 5 WOULD YOO I uaoANEW 1 X TT EXCHAN6EME iCfoT NOW.VVHAT FOR A HORSE ?WRT I DID I SAY I OR A MOLE? fe THATT LITTLE REGGIE COME ON RUMPUS THERE S NO-ONE AROUND tTO SEE US I .' ( THIS 15 A By Margarita JITTER By Arthur Pointer REG'LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes &OCO HEAEHS.' WHAT A RACKET.' laa a tF THWACK.' Crf- THCVltE just ) I. SS '( WHAT - (f 4-; cCrcr-' CALM 9 Y'SEtF.MOM" WE'VE STREAMLINED NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS Crocie? a Gf Doy or Runner Heart and Flowers Embroidery VIRGIL By Len Kleis '6tE-THAT WOULD L MAKE A NICE v BIRTH QAY 6.IFT f jyPONA UtM I COULD EARN ENOU6H IN ONE DAY TO OUY T IF I SKIPPED SCHOOL V'm'M m SEBJING A BAKKJUET THIS AFTERNOON-1 COULD USE AM EXTRA BUS BOY. SILENT SAM By Jeff Hayes 1 itlr- 53,8 5885 Pineapple Design O ANDSOME eleven-inch squares to crochet in the popular pineapple design. Crochet one square and use it as a doily do three and join them to form a buffet buf-fet or dresser runner. It will make a treasured gift for a friend who collects this exquisite motif. To obtain complete crocheting Instructions Instruc-tions for the Lacy Pineapple Runner (Pattern (Pat-tern No. S885) send 20 cents In coin, your name, address and pattern number. For Pillowcases and Sheets HERE'S a romantic design to embroider on pillowcases and top-sheets. Bride's roses of soft rose-pink enclosed in a "heart" of dainty blue forget-me-nots. The satin-smooth embroidered ribbon is done in two shades of pale rose-pinks. To obtain 2 pillowcase transfers, 1 sheet transfer design of the Hearts and Flowers Designs (Pattern No. 5318) color chart for working, amounts of various flosses specified, speci-fied, sketches of stitches used, send 20 cents In coin, your name, address and pattern pat-tern number. Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in filling orders for a few of th most popular patterns. Send your order to: If a shingle stain has been exposed ex-posed to the weather for three or four years it can be safely painted. paint-ed. Earlier than that, there is a chance it will become discolored. If the collar of a man's shirt is badly worn, cut it off with a razor ra-zor blade and use it for a pattern in cutting a new collar from the tail of the shirt. Rubber heel marks may be removed re-moved from linoleum with a cloth moistened with turpentine. Sweep up broken glass carefully and empty it into a tin can. Use a damp cloth or moist cotton to DICK up the tiny slivers. Cut worn out bath towels into rectangles to put under table place mats. The toweling protects the table from hot dishes which may mar the surface, especially if the mat used is of a thin material. For removing rust from steel or iron, a combination of steel wool and kerosene is good, although considerable con-siderable elbow grease certainly will be necessary. When you paper a room, mark the number of rolls of paper it took inconspicuously behind the door for use the next time. Wash nylons after every wearing, wear-ing, since perspiration is detrimental detrimen-tal to the delicate fibers. It's a good idea to wash new nylons before be-fore you wear them. 100 -Year Sale The library of rare books and manuscripts left by Sir Thomas Phillips of England upon his death in 1872 was so large that, although its sale has been going on for 60 years, auctioneers estimate that 40 more years will be required to sell the rest of its contents. SEWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 709 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No Name Address WHY BE A -SUVMSSV HARSH LAXATIVES? Healthful Fresh Fruit Drink Has Restored Millions to Normal Regularity! Here's a way to overcome constipation constipa-tion without harsh laxatives. Drink juice of 1 Sunkist Lemon in a glass of water first thing on arising. Most people find this all they need -stimulates normal bowel action day after day! Lemon and water is good for you. Lemons are among the richest sources of vitarnin C, which combats fatigue, helps resist colds and infections. They supply valuable amounts of vitaminj Bi and P. They pep up appetite. They alkalinize, aid digestion. Lemon and water has a fresh tang too -clean the mouth, wakes you up, starts you going. Try this grand wake-up drink 10 mornings. See if it doesn't help youl Use California Sunkist Lemons. m mm with -HighEhergy tonic If yoa catch cold easily because yon lack all the natural A&D Vitaminj and enerry-bnDdlnr natural oils you need you may be amazed how Seott'a Emukiom can help bafld energy, stamina ; and rttistanc. Try it ! See why i many doctor recommend this eood-tastinff, high enenry, food tonic. Buy at your dnifi-pn'st'su U. S. Savings Bonds Hot Cereal Breakfasts Are Best for Growing Babies and Children and no other cooked cereal so completely com-pletely answers the diet problem fcr children as does ' CREAM OF THE WEST the world's best cooked wheat cereal breakfast hod Only the meaty, digestible and nourishing and tasty centers of golden wheat grains go into this popular breakfast food. Children love it with cream and sugar, butter, whole milk. Cooks in 3 minutes. MONTANA CEREAL CO., Billings, Montana |