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Show TH2 May pole. The queen of the May was Sylvia Anderson, she being the one who had attended the most primary meetings during the past year, May Day wag very enthusiastically "he dance in the evening wag very celebrated Monday under the direc- well attended. Mr. and Mrs. N. ,M. Jensen, Edna tion of the primary. A most InterestAllied were ing program was given In the new Jensen and Mildred hall In the forenoon. In the after- Provo and Salt Lake visitors last noon the children enjoyed 'themselves week. Ilardell Collard has returned home nt n dance and the brniding of the from a military training camp. Mrs. A. Livingston hug as guests at her home, her mother and brother, ITS A PRIME RIB ROAST Mrs. Lewis and W'ilford Lewis of OFWHICHIBOAST. Mid vale. ANDIT5 "lAVO The junior high school closed last CANT 0t BfATCN ! and there were many enjoyFriday THIS IN MIND I CAR YOU able parties hold during the week TMAJ WIU FIND before closing. Tho ninth grude ITS THE entertained the seventh and eighth TtNDEREST grades und also surprised their teachrouvr EATEN er, Mr. Holman. He has been their FOUNTAIN GREEN NEWS NEPHI. UTaH. TIMKS-NEW- S. indeed sorry to lose him. The eighth grade also surprised Miss Sumslon with a party. Friday the entire junior high school wound up their festivities with a picnic at the Big Springs. Katie Anderson was a Centerfleld visitor Sunday, Her mother, Mrs. E. M. Anderson, returned with her. Mr, LaMar Oldroyd of Olenwood Is a visitor here. YISITH V1NTAH COUNTY IX INTKKKST OF l)KV FARMING S( HOOI.MATKS GIYK K1LYKK VVVS NOW ON DISIWY l HANK VlMOW The silver loving cups to be given by Mr. Boud in the "Clean Yard" contest are now on display in the window ot the Nephl National bank. The cups have been made specially for thlH contest and the purpose for which hey ure to be given is engraved on the cups. The remuluder of this month will be given tor entering the content, and then one month will be befure the given tor the clean-u- p udgtng will take place, Those who J. W. Paxamn left Monday tor wish to enter the contest should Uintah County where he will make register their names before the end of an extensive investigation ot that the month. section in the interest of dry farming. The following is the program Famous Martinique Women. mapped out for his visit, according to il !f of Napo Joseph ue, the Vernal Express: leon, was burn In Mi.riliilque, and her "Thursday, May 22, leave Vernal statue, splendid und melancholy, teacher In several subjects tor the at 8 a. m. for Dead Man's Kidge to de- dominates the public plaza, or near the center of Fort de past four years and the students are termine possibilities of dry farming. France. Here, too, was born Mme. 8.30 at 24, nt., p. May "Saturday, de Malntenoti, the bountiful courtesan. n at the Court House, Vernal, Mr. whose Intlucnce on Louis XIV was re will deliver a lecture on "The for one of the religious massponsible AsH Your Dealer Farm, Its Management for Profit." sacres during his reljrn. Sunday, May 25, 7.30 a. m., will leave Vernal for Dlamoud Mountain Optimistic Thought. dry farming area, will hold a meeting Grand A song will outlive all sermons In of all interested on the mountain at firearms o Ammunition Pi' such time and place as the committee memory. Kil may specify." Write for Catalogue ARMS UCC6 F '! MI TWC IWMINOTON .Monday and Tuesday, May 26 and IN THE DISTRICT COl'RT OF Jl'AH mmnmtm fCM 'jaJ 27, field work and return to Vernal. COl'NTY, STATE OF I'TAH. in prime condition 1m a prime iit'it-Nshto any mail or wo- Pax-ma- man In I In- mime f lift. Yliiitcor your ut you will find niiliicloiis t'lijoj nicnl In - f liny piirlakiiiK incut The schoolmates of Frances Niel sen took her by surprise on the evening of her 13th birthday and called "Playing Hookey." "To play hookey" originally meant on her. The time was spent very hide around tho corner, Uoekje pleasantly and Mrs, Nellsen served a to was the old Dutch word meaning "a Winnie to Pearl lunch Garrett. dainty little corner." Gas Logic. NeilHen. Dolla Nellsen, Leola Nellsen, CZJ lZjiL-- rl n nnIft UULIJ- - Con-hlstc- ;i:. WILL OPKKATK Fltl'IT AND I'KODl't'K HUSIXES.S (iAKKKTT, Prop. E. R. A Hon and Karl Kellerstrass were In Salt Lake the early part of the week and brought back with them a motor truck which was purchased through the agency ot G. R. Judd ot this city. The gentlemen above named will open up in the near future a wholesale fruit and produce busi ness in this city, making Nephl the headquarters tor this and surround ing territory, paying cash for all products purchased They expect to have a commodious warehouse to handle their business in and will use the truck to gather In the produce from the various towns in this sec tion of the state. CKKTAIX POISE OK KEELING IX HAVING THAT MOKE Willi 1! Alii- STKHTLV I THAN COMPENSATES HMt THE KEASOXABLK EXPENSE OK HI VING THEM H EKE T1IF.KK IS A Kl'K-XISHIN- The world will look hrlRhter. the obstacles smaller, from a beautifully furnished Interior. (tl IX E SEE ANI HOW EASILY IT CAN Ml part of your earnings and start an account with us, we will pay you interest. It won't be long then until you SUMMONS ant. The State of Utah to the suid defend ant: to ap pear within twenty days after the ser vice of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure to do so, Judg ment will be rendered against you ac cording to the demand of the com plaint, which has been filed with the clerk of the said court. This action is brought to recover a judgment dissolving the marriage contract and bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between you and Hadn't Changed. One day a link buy cutne to the the plaintiff. IT KKVl'IKKM A (iltKAT . postofflce window asking for mulL Stott & Warner, The clerk Inquired the lad's name and PF.AL OF SKILL Plaintiff's Attorneys. gave him some mull. The following Lonsdale Clark- Deane, know Hlml to kind of nhoea a homo day be again appeared asking for Plaintiff. It neiN. Just aa much to niall, hut was not recognized by the rrsjulrcH P. O. Address. 533 Ju.lge Illdg.. Salt busy clerk, who Inquired, "Whose lit I hem fit liia feet tlicm and to Lake City, Utah. tle boy are you?" And, the boy, look . re In farrlem .Our nieu proH-rl23. 1919. First May publication. lug trustfully up Into her face, replied. the true Kern of the wortl. "Why, I'm the same little boy I was Last publication June 20, 1919. can have your own business. If you ever expect to be a leader in affairs you must practice frugality and foresight now. NEPHI NATIONAL BANK ftra 1MNE P.E yesterday. Boots Waterproof. To make boots waterproof mix equal part of mutton fat, beeswax and sweet oil together in a small pan. heat over stove until melted, then after the mixture lias cooled little apply It to the boots plentifully, particularly about the seams and edge of soles, and that will really render them perfect ly waterproof. mmuwwmmm m &m KOVE RALLS For Children The Ideal playtime garment far Maiia all in ore littU folks. pUca, with drop back. ftfiVCCtUg can be quickly al pped on or ort, 0 0 5 For Abstracts of Titles -- and aaily rahed. Far nor healthful than liomp rs. Cut large to gia u::iu.t comfort yet filling veil and Good looking Lor veering No ripping lo tearing fey $1.50 fbe suit COMPANY We Pay Special Attention to All Work in Connection With Leases, Mortgages, General Conveyance ALL BUBINK88 8TIUCTLY i V I ' 'v It J ..y I N-- . h.i--' , flf !',,! J'ijl' oljl fyltS rmJt- -. Kmlf m mm m M Snn4-l- 0mw&d fM0t4mmtt 01. mm mTmmmw. tipimmt !( fn your face that's filled cheerily brimful of Princ PUT a pfpe A. will if you're on the trail of smoke peace I For, win wish make tobacco that a of your you joy sing you song life job was to see how much of the national joy smoke you hours I could get away with every twenty-fou- r You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. You'll be after laying down a smoke barrage thatH make the boys think of the old front line in France P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And, that P. A. is made by our exclulet it slip into your think-tan- k sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch assurance seven days out of that you can hit every week without any comeback but real smoke joy I T. C. Winn, 1 TT$ T smoke-record-high-po- oVnim. and el iedifO dfd uuie blue and wSite htciarf eiripr. Alee hfhier weisM, r in ell apfmpri. a eerie) of pUeeme lal-rok- 4ctt, rh t.tmi (le, fari-cnl- Foida ia rotor) tSmtirgdilcnnt aatnt ire aa teipmt. Sires I lo 8 ffifl. Awarded Crarvd Prire at Panama ak tent Pacitie Interna tione.1 Lx N. C Aim Manager rrr. mm i i mm i We Carry A Full Line of KnvrRAtts Kt TOOfW U1HK HCKKKM ;4KIr:N TI,TlVATOa' Aim Ml UK 11 i kmt: Hint: POI LTIIV MCTTIHO AM) position. Off. U Everything in Hardware If VI STp.M.ftCO B year deeW caaaot ferward prpead, apoa utt trtrA w rul of priea ts J Reynolds Tobacco Company, WintonSUm, - W1HK LK Insist on this Label HKNTI 'with Mad Mm A f. I Il" a1eee, ?' er)f triawd r ill Wv J .V alaevea. .l'1 1 tured. Jwitn Dutch neck and VOSri Office Goldsbrough Bdg. Over Posloffice 3E Rite x SEE- 5 No tll.t e?itic looking well. baod at knee to atop free circulation of blood and retnrd freedom of motion. All ilulJren lave them. ' ' aVlmaan e- Your Own n Dusmess If Lonsdale Clark Peane, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Ann Tattersal Deane, Defend Y'ou are hereby summoned ''-e- i ir you win save a "- CITY MEAT MARKET V. "smsy PrizeMateiJ pur- chased nt this market. on Icons Mtloiiicii and rapid lire delivery. l CZl LL1 LL I e. A PRIME RIB ROAST Mildred Fllison,, Dorothea Olsen, Ruby Olsen, Ev Pay. Eva dowers, Desma Jones, Ida Blgler, May Andrews and Nola Lunt. SI KPUISK KteJe and giiarantcvd L LEVI STRAUSS & CO. COOPER, PYPER & CO. IJ |