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Show THE Report of lilt) condition TIMES-NEW- of the T NEPHI NATIONAL BANK, NEPHI, UTAH lit (lit Huso of luiMiirss, May 12, 11)11). RKSOl'KCKS ' Loans and Discounts U. 8, Honda deposited to secure circulation (pur value).... Liberty Loan UondH, 3 Vj , 4 und 4 '4 per cent, unpledged.... Stock of Federal Reserve Hunk (50 per cent of 8Ub.) Value of banking house, owned and uniucuiuhered Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned, other than bunking house Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bunk Cash in vaults and net amounts due from Natlonul bunks Checks on other bunks in name city as reporting bunk, other than item 17 Total of items 14, 15 16. 17 and 18 84,014.80 Checks on banks located outside of city of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasury und due from U. S. 30 POUNDS GAINS 215,843,48 50,000.0 28,500.0 ,1,800.0 4,700.0 2,610.0 1,925.0 14,754.4 80,244.7 NEPHI. UTAH. S, Is Also Relieved of IMieumutism Through Taking Course of Tan lac The weight of wool taken from the From Eureka comes the word that The Tintlc mines yeilded $900,000 sheep Bheared at Fountain Green this new equipment is being Installed at during April, with a total of 29.500 year averaged nine pounds per head. the Iron King. There is also being tons, 24 producers. Several of the put in a 1260 gallon per minute mines show an increase. The East Tintio mining district Is pumping equipment for the Chief entering a period of great activity. We print Batter Wrapjerw. A new hoist Is being installed at the Lot the Times-New- s do your next Standard and the output Is to be order of Job Printing. doubled. The I. W. VV. convention at Sioux City, la., names Suit Lake City for the next convention on June 21. Sheriff Corless says: "We can ar3,770.0 range to accomodate about 2000 prisn said C. B. Gwln, a pro oners and will not hesitate to act if Miss. duce of a convention is held here preaching merchant Amory, 1,904.1 ','For a long time my system was lawlessness." 2,500.00 debilitated," he continued, "and m Treasury Interest earned but not collected, approximate, on notou and digestion out of order so I could NOTICK TO WATEH USERS bills receivable not past due . . 2,4 25.0 hurdly eat a thing. I suffered from War Savings Certillcates and Thrift Stump actually owned State Engineer's Office, 65.66 awful tarn headaches, my nerves were on Salt Lake City, Utah. Apr. SO, 1919 a muscles lik und strain felt my Total 411,042.5 Notice la hereby given that Louis they were tied Into knots with rheu MAUIMTIKS whose post office address is Fugal, I lost weight and got weak mutism; 50.000.00 Capital stock paid in Pleasant Grove, Utah, has made ap. 10.000.00 er every day. T Surplus fund "I was induced to try Tunluc by a plication In accordance with the reUndivided prollts 17,227.66 1 2.404.1 Less expenses and tuxes paid 4,823.47 friend und It is making a new man quirements of the Compiled Laws of BEAUTIFUL AND EVERLASTING 1.500.00 of mo. I now eut und sleep better Utah, 1907, as amended Amount reserved for all interest accrued by the ses50,000.00 thun Circulating notes outstanding have in yeurs, my rheuma sion Laws of Utah, 1909, 1911. and 197.666.53 Individual deposits subject to check Usui is nil gone and I feel stronger 1915, to appropriate two (2) aecocd-fee- t 1 13.00 Dividends unpaid of watar from three springs 22.00 und better thun I huve In il long time Oilier demand deposits . Total of demand deposits (oilier than bunk deTunluc is sold in Nephi by R. V In Juab county. Said springs are 1. Best Grade of Material. posits) subject to reserve items 36, 37, 3S, Tomliusou, Nephi Drug Co., and la situated as follows: From the south 2. Best of Workmanship. 197.801 39. 40 and 41 Schrumtu-Johnso- n 3. Artistic Proportions. Drug west corner of Section 2, Township Certificates of deposit other than for money borrowed... 1.216.23 Kureka by 4. Perfect Lettering. in 11 Silver 1 liefferinan Co., by City South, East. Otfler time deposits Suit Range Luke i5,69.r..55 G. Substantial Foundations. Thompson Mercantile Co., lu Mam Base and Meridian, No. 1 bears N. 72 BUY A Total of time deposits subject to reserve items 6. Careful Settings. Co. moth Mammoth 45 44 and 86.911 Ar, 42. 43, by Supply degrees 24 minutes, E. 1638 ft, No. 2 7. Reasonable Prices. Liabilities other than those above stated 2,425.00 beara N. 71 degree 47 minutes E. Job Made Right. Every Every WHEN RAILROADS WERE NEW 1796 ft. and No. 3 bear N. 73 de411.042 Total Promise Made Good. One Hundred Per Cent Service. gree 49 minute E. 1692 ft. The State of Utah, County of Juab, ss: I. J. W. Houd, cashier of the above named bauk, do solemnly swear Engineer! In Charge of Construction water will be collected and comingied OU A FAMOUS KDISON Send for Illustrated Catalogue. TALKING at Spring No. 1, from where It will MACHIXK. PIANOS AND PLAY Kit that the above statement is 'true to the best of my knowledge and belief Work Had Ideas That Now Seem J. W. UUi:i, Cashier. be conveyed by means of a pipe line PIANOS. A FKKK DKMONSTHA-TIOa Llttlo Psoullar. Correct Attest: I. it. Grace, T. A. Foole, J, 10. Ostler, Directors ANY T1MK. for a distance of 4310 ft. and there Subscribed and sworn before me this 2th day of May, 1919. Light on strange Ideas of pioneer used from January 1 to December L. A. Miner. Notary Public JVly commission expires Oct. 18. 1919. railroad builders was thrown by Ed 31, Inclusive, of each year, to proReserve District No. 12 ward S. Jouett, general solicitor of duce Charter No. 3537 power for electric lighting and t he A L. of the condition of the a la talk N., before the Ro Report MA BULK AND GRANITE WORKS. for propelling machinery In the Nebo Special Representative Daynes-Keeb- e tary club at Louisville. PROVO, UTAH. Music Co., Suit Laike City. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, NEPHI, UTAH The Lexington-Frankfor- t line," aald Mining d.strlct. Utah. After being so water be will returned at be, "was built with longitudinal atone used, the At the close of business. May 12. 1919. Ills capped with a strip of Iron, and a point S. 77 degrees W. 2672 ft. RKSOl'RCF.S the numerous curves, which you have from the southwest corner of aald 419 045.60 Loans and discounts 11 noted, are aald to have been pur- Section 2. This application Is desig U. S. lionds deposited to secure circulation, (par value) 2 50 Introduced upon the theory that nated in the State Engineer's office ,000.00 cent posely per IT. S. Bonds and' certificates of Indebtedness pledged as col they were an advantage In enabling as No. 7944. 65 ,000.00 f the conductor the more lateral for State or other deposits and bills payable to tee All the granting of 50 ,050.00 the rear of his train. easily Liberty Loan Bonds. 3 Mr, 4 and 4 ' per cent, unpledged The coaches said protests against 4 4 3 secure to application, Btatlng the reasons und Loan per cent, pledged Bonds, '!, On Improved Farms, at 5 2 Per Cent InterLiberty were women and affair 35 ,000.00 U. S. deposits ' children below and men above and thirefor, must be made by affidavit est. Long Time. Easy Terms. Apply to Bonds (other than U. S. Bonds) pledged to seoure Postal in duplicate, accompanied with a fee 30 ,000.00 the motive power was mule to the Savings Deposits of In filed office this $2.50. and within top of the bill above Frankfort The Securities other than IT. S. Bonds (not including Stocks) train was let down the hill Into the thirty (30) days after the completion 33, 000.00 ownded and unpledged 3 out). oo city upon an Incline operated by a of the publication of this notice. Stock of'Federal Reserve bank (50 per cent of subscription) . . 1 500.00 . stationary engine. G. F. McQonagle, Furnitnre and fixtures 1.00 "You may be interested, lo pawing, Real estate owned other than bunking house Slate Engineer. 29 036.60 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve bank... to leurn that with the of a Nephi National Farm Loan Association Date of first publication, May 9, 193 215.07 few miles near New exception Cash In vaults and net amount due from National bunks which Orleans, Net amount due from bunks, bankers und trust companies antedated It about a week, this line 1919. Date of completion of publi ,254.04 from other than Included in items 13, 14 and 15 Lexington to Frankfort is the cation. June 6, 1919. Checks on other banks In the same city or town as reporting oldest railroad In the United States .528.78 bank, (other than item 17) south of the Ohio and west of the 235. 997. S9 Total of items 14. 15. 16, 17 and IS....' Alleghenles. It was chartered In 1S30 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting 2. 283. IT very early la railroad history, when bank and other cash Items wo remember that the first railroad Redemption fund with I'. S. Treasury and due from 1. S. 2.500.00 In the United States was built In Treasury 247.08 and the first locomotive engine was War Savings Certificates and Thrift Stamps actually owned. . operated in 1829." 956.663.34 Total LIABILITIES Health and Height Count. 50.000 00 Capital stock paid in Every flying roan in the United 00 50.00 . Fund Surplus State air errlc ha to aodergo a 21.012 .5 5 Undivided profits 9.746.47 strict medical test periodically In or11.266 ' Less expenses and taxes paid . d 2.500.00 der that be may be classified la on of Amount reserved for Interest ac AA" men a re the few 49.9sZ.50 four grade. Circulating notes outstanding 7.896.86 who can stand air work at altitude Net amounts due to Natlonul bunks above 20.(100 feet "A" men can stand Net amount due to banks, bankers ami trut companies, (other 163.413 68 the strain between 13,000 and 20.0)0 than Included In Items 31 r 32) 1.6i7.58 Cashier checks on own bunk outstanding . . .' feet, while the das consist of 172.918.1 Total of Items 32. 33. 34. and 35 pilot for duties between 8. OCX) and 87 305.316 Individual deposits subject to check 13,000 feet and the "C" group Include Certificate of depostit due in less than 30 days (other than all airmen fit only for service between 9 11.385 for money harrowed) ground level and 8.000 feet It bs 105 00 hr-r-a Dividends unpaid found that airmen of moat robust 3.84 55 4. always welcome the establishing of an institution Other demand deposits physique cannot stand the sodden Total of demand deposit (other than bank decommunity need; unfortunately it doesn't changes of air pressure entailed by posits) subject to reserve. Items 36, 37. 38, a manifest interest in the health of auch an insti-tttio- a always and for lively diving rapid climbing any 321.192.31 39. 40. and 41 . 34.157 67 length of lime. Hence the frequent after it la established. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed i 44,055 80 medical examination, carried out by Postal savings deposits 134.610 47 experts who have drawn up a care Other time deposits It ia ooa thiag to establish industries; it is quite another thing U fully calculated Maodard of efficiency, Total of time deposits subject to reserve items 212.S23 94 42. 43. 44 and 4.1 daralop and maintain them. 65,000 00 Bills payable with federal reserve bank Less acceptances of this bank purchased or discounted, see UP Am induatrj aan be established by the investment of 22. 45.00 SUMMING Item lc capilal; its "I have not only gained 30 pound on a few bottles of Tanlac but can do more work than I have been able to do at any time in the last ten yours. r . well-know- GRANITE MONUMENTS 1 Our Guarantee: Grafonola N Beesley Robert Lomax Plenty of Money 1-- two-stor- y T. C. Winn, 1, - - - Secretary To Build and Foster AOOmCUNlTi ..... daraloptoaot and raaintenanre depend upou the attitude of the public the ectarpria and toward the product td 956.663 34 THE EVIDENCE f'iiinlv of Juab, ss: I G. M. Whitmore, raher of the above named bank, do solemnly swear knowteiie- - ana wiiei. that the above statement Is true to the bet O.f my M. WIIITMOKK. CaMiler. Nephi People Have IWaj Correct Attes: W. 8. McCormfck. J. W. Whitmore. L. A Whltmore. Man) Directors. t'allnl mm Wilnec day of May. 191S. Subscribed and sworn to before mn Ihl Karl S llivt. Count Clerk Week after week has been publish ed Ihe testimony of Nephl peoule kidney sufferers barkartm Victims people who have endured many forms of kidney, bladder or urinary disorders. These witnesses have nsed Man's Kidney Tills. All Lave given heir enthusiastic approval. It' the sme everywhere 50,009 American men and women are publicly recommending Noun's always In th home Isn't It a wonderful, ronvin- ing Dia of proof? If you are a suf- rrt--r your verdict must be "Try Term Total Kiii i.t t ah Ha tt to lth Money To Loan on Improved Farm Reasonable Rales. Satisfactory Wc make a thoughtful study of your particular requirements, which enable us 'to give your business more than ordinary service. Keep you loans at home! Askus how. The Geo. C. Whitmore Co. OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, NEPHI aoothMM uaHocners to pay a sufficient will-kl"'- '" price for its product to enable atootif and healthy financially. Tba XconAaia States Telephone and Telegraph Company's nysfera of wires, fwBlftbiaf the means of communication over mountain, plains and dnert, la a tremendous factor in the devel opment of the Writ. TaUpaooa awriee is a "borne product" of every community in tha awotntaia slat as, and is woven into the very warp and woof of commercial d social atta. Tna permanency and adequacy of telephone service apoo tLs same factors as are involved in tha security and of orery other established industry. do-po- ad par-saaaes- pr. oan's first" Here's one more Nephl case: Mrs. 3. O. Ord says: "Several years go I had occasion to ase a kidney remedy and as I had hoard and of Dean's Kidney rill so often. I went lo LBnt'spharmacy and it only took one box to give me relief. Doan't strengthened my kidneys. Thy are good remndy for anyone suffering with weakness or lameness through the back or other symptom of kidney isorder." Pries, SOc at all dealers. lHn't imply ask for a kidney remedy got Doan's KUney Tills- the same that Mrs. Ord had. Co, tba permanency of an institution depends upon the l&rwi, tlaae Wti Ty( prtnaiples locjKLoaata vary few exception the people of the West recofnlia aad pursue a "live and let lira" policy toward all bistnaaa institutions. rJ - Foster-Mllbur- Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. T. ft n The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company r |