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Show THE THE TIMES-NEW- S Circulates throughout East Juab County. An Independent paper published in the interest of all the people all the time. Let us enter your name on our subscription list. boostei for the Agricultural and Minina interests of Juab County. A valuable ad- versing medium, being widely read by the citizens of the county. Subscribe Today. A The Timet. Vol. 10, No. 31 Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Friday, May 23, 1919 .M).tMK) SURVEY FOR STRAWBERRY 10 WATER lln n.u I iiJad Givo Estimate of Cost IUj First Step Under Way. The Strawberry Water committee received u letter Wednesday from Senator Smuot, who is now in Washington, which tails of his visit to Mr. DuvIb, Chief of the Keclamatiou Service, before whom he had l:iil the question of the survey of the canal for the purpose of bringing the sur ir plus water from the Strawberry to this valley. Senator Smnut states that he was moat cordially re- celved by Mr. Davis, who told him tbt the Keclamatiou Service was ready to proceed with the work of making the survey and estimate of the cost of bringing the water here as soon as possible, and that tho matter would be taken up by the department immediately. Senator Smoot jrged that speedy action be taken In getting tho required funds to nay the expense of making the survey, so that no lime Hes-ervo- CELEBRATION FOR NEPHI BUILDING J. 4 A meeting of the Commercial club was held in the club rooms Tuesday evening, about 25 members being present. President Cadd was in the chair and many questions of public Interest were taken up and discussed. It was unanimously agreed by all those present that Kephi should have a big celebration on July 4th in honor of the soldier boys and that committees should lie appointed in plenty of time In order to have a calibration In keeping with the day. Another matter that was taken up was the question of baseball for this summer and on motion the president was authorized to appoint a committee to Investigate the situation, and to rail a mans meeting to find out wht the sentiment was regarding a season of baseball. The chairman of the house committee reported that the club rooms would be furnished and cleaned up for the next meeting. It was also decided to have a house warming on June 10, with a dance and straw berry festival. The chairman of the civic committer reported on the civic clean-u- p nd the report was approved. ( I.K.,N-- l I OK TOW N WAS RIG hftXESS GIVEN SURPRISE City Electrician J. A. Kendall was giveu a complete Burprlno, Friday evening at his home at the City power plant, when a numbor of his friends came unannounced nnd hud it 11 arrangements made for a good time. After a most enjoyable evening, refreshments were Berved to the following: Mr, and Mrs. Hurry Irons, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Forrest left and Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday for Alpine, Utah, where they R. E. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. will make their home for the sum- Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Vlckers, G. Mrs. L. Hobbs, mer, Mr. Forrest having accepted a Mr. and position with the Utah Light & Mrs. Ralph Rellistoti, und Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kendall. Power Co. would be lost after the engineers arrived here, but this information had been furnished by the water committee the day previous to receiving the letter, word having been sent by Secretary T. C. Winn, that tho money to pay this expense was suhs.Ti; ed and now in the local bank. The farmers of East Juab county will soon know whether this project E SCHOOLS CONDUCT is feasable or not, and It it prove to to be so, there is no further question now where this surplus water will go. EW LI BOOKS OR With the powerful help of Senator DRIVE ber seemed to obstacles that Smoot, Crammer Crudes the progres of the project will be Andrew Lv.tipter's Dth grudo. . . 442 overcome and if the survey declares Hooka and 20,794 MutgaKlneti Frunk Grl tilth's 6th 402 the feasibility of the project there 4,727 grade.... 390 Donated Response of People was Mae Wlllluiiis Cth grade. will be no question but what this Vol- - Alonzo Ingram's 8th grade. . . . 359 valley will get the water. Excellent Many Splendid 292 Lillian Condies 5th grude letter. luiiea Given aa Xeuclus of Library. Edith Spuntons 6th 236 grude.... The following telegram was re200 J. C. Hulll's 7th grude ceived yesterday by T. C. Winn from C. W. Johnsons 7th grade. 162 Senator Smoot. A magnificent response was the re- - Miss McPherson's 7th grade . . 9$ Washington. D. C. Director Davis uslt of the book drive carried on by W. Sells' Dth grade 82 will wire Denver office to take up the public and high schools last week question of detailed survey and esti- which ended at noon Friday. Teach Total 2668 mate with you at once, with view of ers and students entered into the Grades Magazine Primary Arbeginning work Immediately. spirit of the drive with a vim and de- Mrs. L. Wurner's 3rd grude. . 6.200 rangements submitted satisfactory. termination that always wins out. Mrs. L. llrough'ts 4th grude. . 5, 506 Reed Smoot. Much friendly rivalry was shown In Miss Rhoda Olson 1.99 5 various grades and the high Miss Leah Lewis the 1,798 EVELYN ll.ULKY, tXUB as to who should have the Miss Eulu school, Jorgeusen'a 3rd.... DELEGATE WRITES honor of having the largest collection 1.500 grade of books to their credit. When the Miss Peurl Allen's 2nd grade. 1.020 Times-NewEditor 969 drive was ended a total of 4,724 Miss Ruby Parks 1st grade. Logan is a beautiful place. The books and 20,794 had Miss I. Dtisjrup'g 4th grade.. 965 magazines can on so a hill is that you college been collected. 841 Miss M. Sperry's 1st grade. . . look down into the city and see the In the high school the freshmen beautiful green trees, the farms a Total Magazines 20.794 little further on, and In the distance class led with a total collection of With the above collection of books the mountains, which makes a beau- 572 books. In the grade schools Mr. and magazines the foundation of a tiful place with its beautiful sights. Andrew Latimer's room of the 5th In good public library is assured and In 442 with and led the books, The campus Is also a beautiful place grade a few weeks this city will have a Luclle Mrs. Warner's grades, primary with its beautiful lawns, flowers and left 3rd 6.200 library that every citizen will lie w:th the room, grade, , buildings. proud- - of. We took an excursion all over the matgazlnea. The work of getting the rooms of a The is list tabulated following campus Tuesday afternoon, and visit fixed up Is now under way und It will ed the various buildings of Interest. the efforts of each school In the big be only u. mutter of a short time One of the most interesting was the drive for books and magazines: until the library will be open to the On the Mechanical Arts building. High School public. second floor of the building there are The library board takes this means 572 class Freshmen a number of the most wonderful . . 547 of expressing their thanks for the class Senior hand carvings. There are the heads 524 work of the teachers and pupils, and Junior class of various cbaracters.such as Lin413 also to the citizens of Nephi for their class Sophomore carved coln, Washington and others splendid response in the giving of by hand and the features are very dis Total Books for High school. 20 5 books and magazines. was There the also in each. tinct most beautiful hand carved chair WRITES IMPRESSIONS OF games and the girls from the dancthere. LOGAN AND THE A. V. ing class under the direction of the A. We saw some of the china paintC. Gymnasium teacher. We have all enjoyed ourselves very ing and needlework done by the stu- The Times-New- s, Utah: Nephl, dents of the college, which were very "Oh, what a wonderful place Is the much and all look forward to the beautiful. city of Logan. When I first arrived time when we can come back and go The lectures we bava heard have at the A. C, I stood gazing down to school here. convinced us of the Importance of Into the Respectfully yours, valley below and thought this Boys and Girls Club work. They 'What a wonderful place this old OXEITA REKS. are giving Instructions for organizing world Is and Oh, for some boosters Dr. and Mrs. W. U Ellerbeck of one when we get home. and writers to tell the people of the Lake were Nephl visitors WedSalt We sleep where the soldiers did world bow beautiful, romantic and We have a historical Utah when they were' here. and Thursday. Mr. Ellerberk nesday really Is.' From the straw tick and three army blankets. top of the bill where the A. C. Is is general manager oOhe Nephl Plas Everyone has to be In bed at 10 situated you see below you the beau- ter Mill. o'clock and up at six. Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Christensen are tiful city of Logan with Us fields of We are meeting many of the Prof-fessfrom one aide of the down from Garfield. Utah, this week stretching grain of the college, which we en- - valley to the other and resembling vlsHIng friend and relatives in I hope wa will be Joy very much. N'ephl. patchwork quilt. grandma's successful In our club work at home. Attorney W. A. C. Rryan made a "We sure can sympathize with the Vourstruly, as we have had to sleep flying trip to Provo Tuesday on soldier boys EVELYN BAILEY. on thefr straw mattresses and every legal business, returning home the Delegate from Nephl. time you turn from one side of the same day. bed to the other the rustle of the Mr. and Mrs. Jar-oColeman of GOOD riMXiKAM. FOK straw awakens you. We rise In the Provo, former residents of this cily. NEXT HUM) AY EVENING morning at six o'clock and prepare are the guests at the home of Mr. and for our breakfast which Is at seven-thirtMrs. Geo. A Sperry this week. At the Tabernacle next Sunday While waiting we take a Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart motord evening a good musical and reading walk and see the sun come up and f Fafrvlew Tuesday on account of program will be given to commence send Its rays down Into the valley. the Illness of Mrs Stewart's mother. at 8 o'clock, to which the public are After eating our breakfast la the Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Miller an Cordially Invited to attend. The fol school cafeteria we assemble and slni, nounce the engagement of their lowing Is the program: good lively songs such as "Goo I, Two songs from a group of the 4th Morning, Mr. Zep, Zep, Zep.' dilut- daughter, Ophelia, to M. J. Dmond of Ball Lake City, the marriage to grade students. ed by Professor Johnson. Then Two songs from a group of the 2rd go down to the cafeteria and ha'e take place In the near future. Miss Miller has been teaching school the grade students. lunch. The afternoon la spent In A number from the beginners visiting the campus and the different past winter In Rlrbvllle. Morgan County, Utah. grade, "The Toy Symphony Orches departments. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sells returned tra." "And on visiting these departViolin Duet by Hollo Orme and ments 1 saw some of our Neph' boys home from Kama Monday, where Dent H. Bryan. and girls working along with the they have been teaching school the Two numbers by the Double Mixed rest of them and they all like It past winter. After a short viit in fine Quart ett. John Orme especially likes art Nephl they will return to Ksmas for Tour selected readings by Lorett and you can see him In the art room tbe summer, Mr. Bells baring re to teach Sparks. Oenevle Orover, Reta Seho- - late Into the afternoon. Ruth S perry ceived tho appolntement field and Evelyn Park. still sing as sweetly as ever, and summer school In that county, The entertainment will be tinder seems to be liked by everyone, while Ralph names left for Iehl Tiles the directioah of K. J. Hlrd and Miss Iora Evans and Albert Allen are as day morning to take part in a big high popular as ever. Mary Wat kins of the local soldier celebration in that town, the school. "Everone seems to want to make 145th Artillery Hand, of which he Is you fee! at home and show you the a member, furnishing the muic. Is Miss Itollo of Parowan the beat of times, and we were well cared Mr. and Mrs. John H. Linton of guest of Mis Ruth Foole this week. for and chaperoned. of their We have had Provo were (he guests Robert O. Howarth returned home entertainments both nights and have daughter. Mrs. W. Stephenson, Sun Tuesday from France where he has had a delightful time getting ac- day. returning to their bom Monday been for the past year. quainted and being enertaSned by morning SUCCESSFUL ..... ... s: URGED FOR JULY A. KENDALL disAccording to Washington patches of Tuesday, Senator Smoot a bill appropriating Introduced $50,000 for the building of the new The government Js'ephi post office. already owns the site In this city and if the bi:i goes through the work ought to commence next spring or summer. START AT ONGE Engineers Will Soon lie ...... I ... tl.La W,. JtjM'liiitiittiun . The New., Vol. 3, No 43 1 RETURNED to the call of the u,ajiii of the streets and bark yards of the town was and one of the best clean-up- s ever had took place last Friday Nephl Tbe high and grade fafternoon. 'hool did splendid work In cleaning up aroand the school grounds and also on the main streets of the town members of the Commercial About rial aft came out with rake and hovels and spent the afternoon In r leaning up the business section of the city. Mayor Garrett leading In the work. The majority of the buslnes men also did good work In cleaning up the back yard of tbelr premises, alwho have though there are a f not yet attended to this matter, but the Hoard of Health Is Insisting that everyone do so at onre. The cMy has hd two or three teams at work this week hauling the garbage that was placed out on the streets and by the end of the week this work will be practically finished and Nephl will be a clean as any flty In the state. m nt Mrs. Delia Relllslon entertained a namber of ber lady friends Wednes dav evening at her home. The time oiher social was spent were served activities Kefrebmen to the following guests: Mrs. A. T a'": Mrs. II E. Chappell. I., Mrs. O Irons. J. Mrs. Harrr Iron. a. Hohbe. Mrs. Allie Belliston and Mrs Iella Relllston. the Gadd. Mrs. hote, y. HEROES TO BE GUESTS AT BANQUET Carter, Public Spirited and Patriotic ltU.ii Will be HoM to tlio Nepltl Roys Who Have Seen Service. Itltf Free Dunce After llyi-u- Nephl soldiers, sailors and marines will be entertained at the Forrest hotel tomorrow evening with u big bunquet given in their honor. After the big feed they will adjourn to the Arlington, where a general invitation is extended to all over 18 years of age to dunce the light fantastic free of charge. All these big doings are made pos sible through the public spirit and gunerous patriotic Impulse of one of Nephl's good citizens, Mr. Hyrum Carter, who Is beurlng all the expense utturhed to the event. The Times-New- s congratulates Mr. Carter on his thoughtful consideration for the Nephl boys who have served their country so well, and his action In getting the boys together on such an occasion cannot but commend Itself to all right thinking people. Till paper hopes that atl the boys who are In town will be there and enter into the spirit of the occasion. Again we take off our hat to Mr. Carter for his splendid generosity and appreciation of the service the boys have rendered. ; RADUATI N EX EIU1SKM NEXT WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 THE PROGRAM FOR The Nephl high school graduating exercises will take place next WedDAY nesday evening. May 2S, at the Arlington theatre. The following Is the program for the evening: Vocal Duet Ophelia Jennings and Memorial day, Friday, May 30, will Paxman. Julia be fittingly observed in Nephl. The Prayer Jas. Garrett, Jr. Mullen' Literary club have arranged Vocal Solo Prof. K. J. Bird. tho followiug program: Paper The Reconstruction Period All citizens are requested to meet Ruth Lundsteen. by in front of the Tabernaclo at 10.30 The Soldier of 1818. by Paper ot to form the order m., and Thelma Park. march to the cemetarles as follows. Song The Double Mixed Quartett. Dellu Hand. Address to Graduates Professor Soldiers, sailors and marines. Adam Bennion of the University of Indian War veterans. Utah. Ladies' Literary club and all other Reading Loriett Sparks. clubs. Presentation of Diplomas Supt. Commercial club. , Ray Stewart. City and County officials. Song Class of 1919. All citizens. Prayer J. W. Paxman. March to the Old Cemetary and decorate, then proceed to the Vine l;iufT cemetary and decorate, after COURT ADJOURNED which return to their homes and ob serve tbe duy as befitting the oceas-lo- a. DECORA! the Tabernacle the following program will be given. Soldiers, sailors and marines are ask ed to meet In tho vestry of the Taber nacle prior to the meeting, aa seats will be reserved for them and It Is earnestly dslred that they occupy these seats In a body. Music by tbe Dellu Rand. Prayer. J. E. Lunt. Opening Address, Mayor Garrett. Song. Mrs. Allie Ilelllston and Lutie lirough. In the evening Reading. Reta Srhofield. Song. L. P. Anderson. Address, "Memorial to the diers' J. W. Paxman. Mixed Sol- Quartett, Frank Russell company. Song. Mrs. Mabel Lunt. Prayer, T. D. Rees. NAOMI HA I LEY WRITES FROM IXKiAN Editor The Times-New- BEEN BUSY SESSION In or The response TIMES-NEW- S s: "The army of club worker who have met In this convention have obtained Idea that If worked out will put the West far ahead of any other seetion of the country. We have In st ructions from people known all over the country and most of iii re profiting by them. The workers h.'re are doing" a great work and we hope to follow In their footstep. We hope that when we return home that It won t be long before we will be able to return and go to hool here. Coming here seems to have timnlVed our desire to J so Tuesdav we were taken over the The May term of the district court which has been In session here for" the last two or three weeks adjourned Wednesday until the next terra which opens here September 9th. A great deal of business waa transacted at this term of court, about 95 cases being bandied since the opening day. The rase of (he State of Utah vs. Jamea E. Peters which occupied the attention of the court for four days was finished Monday with a verdict in favor of the defendant. This was a case of (rand larency In which the defendant was charged with tbe possession of a steer which the owner claimed had not been sold. Mr. Peters claimed be had bought the steer from Mr. Lewis, tbe complaining witness. A great many witnesses appeared on both sides, much Interest being taken In tbe case by local cattlemen. After the evidence bad all been completed. the defendanta counsel argued a motion to dismiss the case, the jury being given a recess while this was being done. After bearing; the arguments and the motion tbe Court Instructed the Jury to return a verdict of not guilty, which was done and the defendant discharged. The case was hotly contested by counsel for both side. District Attorney Murdock. County Attorney Rryan and J, H. McKnlght representing the State, and Willard I'anson of Salt Lake aand Attorney L. A. Miner of this city representing the defendant. In tbe matter of the estate of Benjamin Howarth, deceased, Moroni Ilowsrth waa appointed administrator with bonds t 1209. In the matter of the dissolution of the Excelsior Mercantile Company, tbe court, after hearing all the Information net forth and being fully advised ot tbe facts, approved the application for dissolution of tbe corporation. In the case of tbe dissolution of the Golden Rule Clothing Co.. the particulars being net forth to the eosrt. the prayer of tbe petitioner for dissolution of tbe eorportatlon was approved. campus by one of our NpM boy who attends school here. We visited the This Arts building. Mechanical building attracts the Interest ot the boys who care for this work. We next viewed the work of the girls who paint china, weave baskets and the work of the artists of the school. We visited all tbe other buildings. The most enjoyable time of our visit was the program given by the seniors and we bad a small inside look at college life. We hope next year that our school will again send other students to visit this college aa It Is a trip worth taking. NAOMI BAILEY. of and Girls' Club, the Boys' Mr. and Mrs Frank Wllke? and Ielegate from Nephl. family left last week for Paris, Idaho, where they will make their home. Mrs. Bert Thomas !eft Tuesday for Mf. Wllke has been employed for I .as Vats after vlsrtlng relatives In the past two or three years at the Ostler and Allea bamea shop. this city for a few days. |