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Show THK TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH. S. The Times News PB381TE1ND Recipe for Happiness. This gospel of hnpplness la one I'l'llMSIIKI) EVKRY FRIDAY BY Consult Couuty Clerk or the He. which every one should lay to heart Set out with the Invincible determinaTtIK TIMKS-NKW- 8 PUU. CO, spectlve Signers for Further In tion that you will bear burdens and Dtuiin Wood, Editor and Manager formation. not Impose them. Whether the sua shines or the rain falls, show a glad Hubacrlptloa Ratesi face to your neighbor. If you must XOTIt'K TO CREDITORS One Yeur in Advance $2.0 iviontlu In Advance Estate of Benjamin Howarth, de fall In life's battle, you can at least $1.0 fall with a smile on your face. iditered $ 801011 4 Class Matter at ceased. the "ost Omce ai Nepu., Utah Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his Advertising rates made known on In Nephl City. Juab County, rouident Prices Widows Exceed Widowers. reasonable uppr.cution. Suae of Utah, on or before the 30th Widows outnunilier widowers In the United Stttt- - tlireii to one. Indlnn-- s day of July, A. D, 1918, or polls Ntwx. Moroni Howarth, tTUllSIAU Aihniniut.-e.to-r of tb estate of Den Jamiii Howarth, deeeaaod. Neplii' Htronu; Financial Condition W. -- BUARD1AHSHIP How's This? KOTIChS ns We offer On Hundred Dollars Reward for any caaa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine. Hall's Catar-- h Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers tor the past thirty five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hell's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on n the Muoous surfaces, spelllna the from the Blood and healing the portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taktns Hall's Catarrh Mdt. cine at once and set rid of catarrh. Send for testimonlali. free. CO., Toledo. Ohio, P. J. CHENEY Sold by nil Drussists. no. Pol-so- die-eas- . Your Banking Connection is the Most Important Business Relation you have We offer you it connection tlmt is thnt Ih Hccoiiuxlntluic, iroNMriii; Unit Ih Mleuitto to your every bunking need. Your Mccouiit I noI lilted and. will be handled here TO YOUH ' t'KKTAI.Y A I VANTAGE and li Indent tl.sfullou. EE III We are prepared to supply you with Hay Loaders Side Delivery Rak McCormick and Acme Mowers Binders and Headers and everything you may need i m msi mm Main Street, Opposite Chas. Foote & Sons Store SHOVEL SALE THIS WF.F.K AMI XKXT WE OH Fit THE f ()I,IX)HI() VHUTM OS MIOVFIJ4 2 25 HTEEIj MIOIKLH 2.13 NTEEL Ml ASK MIAMK KIIOVFLM 91.AO IKRIUATI KIIOVEIJ It'll P.WTM, SCJ -- $l.o5 , ple70 . $1.40 oil. VARMMIFJ4. KAIiOMIF, KtV., ARE fit'A RA VTFKII XO K HETTER Kendall Broth ers THE FM'MBFRM. l'IIOK 1 A, C. Bryan. for Administrator. Attorney The strong financial position which First publication, May 23, 1919. Nephl oocuples in the State of Utah ia Last publication June 13, 1919. reflected by the bank report called for by the government of the two NOTICE TO CREDITORS local hanks which are publluhed in another part of thla paper. These re In the matter of the eatate of porta show the banking resources of Thomas Andrews, deceaaed. Nephl to be over one million three Credltora will claims with hundred and fifty tbouaand dollars vouchers attachedpresent to Thomas Bailey while the Individual deposits are well or Wiu. A. Warner at their resi over halt a million dollars. This cer dences In Nephl City, Juab county, Is a splendid showing and re talnly on or fleets the strength of our local bank Utah, A. D. before: the 15th day of 1919. July, Ing Institutions. Thomas Ualley and Wo. A. Warmer To show the financial growth that Administrator of the estate of Thom has taken place the pant 15 years In as Andrews. our city, we looked up the back files T. H. Burton. for that period and found that the for Administrators. Attorney May report for 1904 showed the first pub. May Z; 1919. laat Dub banking resources of Nephl to be May 23, 1919. three hundred dnd sixty thousand dollars, compared with one million. NOTICE TO CREDITORS three hundred and fifty thousand for In May of this year, or practically an In late1 the matter of the estate of the Osborne Sutton, deceased. crease of one million dollars. The Credltora will present claims with Individual deposits for May, 1904 .were only one hundred and twenty vouchers attached to Thomas K, Bur. thousand dollars, compared with the ton at his office at the City Hall. Individual deposits of May, 1919, of Nephl City, Juab county, Utah, on or over half a million dollars, or an In- - before the 1Mb day of July, A. D. crese of nearly four hundred thous 1919, Thomas H. Sutton. and dollars, and yet you will find Administrator of the eetata of Os who individuals will pessimistic tell you that Nepbl has not grown at all. borne Sutton, deceased. T. IL Burton. and is going back, nank deposits are Attorned for Administrator. the barometer of the growth of any First pub. May 2. 1919: laat pub community and the above figures. which are cold facta, tell the atory of May 23, 1919. the substantial and healthy growth of NOTICE TO CREDITORS our city during the past 15 years. Eatate of Charles Walter Klrgan, -- deceased. Hawking In Persia. uawkinr la a favorite ntim t Persia. Every great personara has bl facloner and falconrv uuireea nis pannaire niwki ami nounas. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at his residence in Nephl City, Juab county, Utah, on or before the 9th day of August, A. D. 1919. Lester Gustln, Admlnistratir of the Estate) of NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION. Charlea Walter Klrgan, deceased- Town of Levan. Juab County, State Thomas H. Burton, of Utah. Attorney for Administrator. First pub. May 9th. 1919; laat pub. WHEREAS, there la an Immed May 30th. 1919. late and pressing need for raisinsWe print letter heads. Dill reads. funds to defray the ei pease of erect shipping tags, envelopea, wedding ing a memorial building for tbe Invitations, statements,, and la fact of commorating the achieve- everything except green backs. ments of tbe soldiers, sailors and marines of Levan, Juab county, Utah, who fought, or otherwise served In Lee L. Bakei Claude F. Bakv the Great World War. - We print Butter Wrappers. Special for Friday and Saturday Curtis Ripe Olives Full Pints - - 20c Full Quarts 35c - Yours for Service ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. This dry, windy weather calls for hand and face lotions pur-purpo- se NOW THEREFORE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday the 3rd day of June. A. D. 1919. a special election will be held within the limits of the aald Town of Levan Juab county. Utah, for tbe purpose of submitting to such qualified elec tors of aald town as shall have oald a property tai therein la tbe year ora-ceedlng such election, the following propositions, to wit: "Shall bonds of the Town of La-van, Juab county. State of Utah, la the sum of Nine Thousand (tt&s'O) Dollars, payable la not to eiceed twenty (20) years from the date of their Issue, bearing Interest at tbe rate of not to exceed Ave per ceo per annum. Interest parable uml annually, be Issued and aold for th purpose of raising funds to defray tne expense of erecting a memorial building for tbe purpose of com mem-oratitbe achievements of the soldiers, sailors and marines of Levan. Juab county, Utah, who fought or otherwise served In tbe great world war?" Baker First pab. May Pb. May tth, 1919. . 1919 tM has proven its worth. Bottle for 25c i Big Lunt's Pharmacy NEVER SUBSTITUTES Dr. Charles Dunn f DENTIST Pttoae No. Bid, , PoetoOLca i Nephl, Utah see a. X -- . He Batlda Wisely Who Balls - FORD The Universal Car WelL- TO BUILD WELL 1,1,1111 1 Nephi Plaster """"'"HI,,,,, ij HAS NO EQUAL lret loo Lsurceet aad Nataral Deposit of Oypwaaa la I NEPHIPUSTER&MF6.CQ. ittllinnittr--- - X I Shoe Repairing . A. CHRXSTEXSE5 Very Beet of Oak Taa I outlier Used la AO Repair Work Doa By Us. Oar Prices For Hs SMtlrta; Defy All CvaaaatJUast. Tran. n.,,. Baker Attorneys aad Goaaaelor at Law 101 W. Center St. Provo, Utah Elka Building. Eureka, Utah At said election tbe form of ballot shall be as follows: BOND ELECTION BALLOT Yea For tbe laeea of bonds to de- - J j fray tbe expense of tbe erec-- No lion of a memorial baildlng. At said election tbe Polls shall ba opened at tbe hoar of seven o'clock m., and cloned at tbe boar of seven o'clock p. m. The voting place for all ao.iifli electors of said Town of Levan. Jamb county, State of Utah, shall be at tbe nntj Coart Hoaee, In Levan . Jaah tounly, state of Utah. In led at Levan. Jaah coantv. Muia of Utah, tbls 10th day of April. A. D. 1911. By order of: Board of the Town of Levaa, Jaab county. State of Utah. By Alexander Petarana Pra.tA.La Attest: 3. E. Hansen, Towa Clara I Real Thoe ll Towa Attorney. 6c Lunt's Amber Lotion ! LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Bas Mets All Traia GOOD MVERT RICH, DRAT AND EXPRESS WAGONS rWM Us. Ageats for Coal PBOXB 44-- 9J T H. D. Goldsbroagh, Promriator f The Ford Hedaa at hlrh-rU- a la appearance aad appointment. The oa are restful, aad deeply upholstered with cloth of high quality. Large door give roavralent entrance on either aides plate glam window stake It a rloaed rar for weather, and give freoh air whea opea. With high qaality la appear anre aad equipment there Is the simple aad safe control la driving. A woman's rar a family rar for every day In the year. .Ford Hedaa $773, f .o. b. Detroit. lack-me- innniiH"11""1 I Judd Garage G. R. Judd, Proprietor 81 |