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Show THE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Just Received A M .W I.I MO OK Men' s an Young Men's Suits m:m:st in Tii k form-fittin- m:i: tiif.m, wk can stvi.ks. s.wi: Yor from ti:n dollars ox a si IIKill STTRRY FKOM g to it. GHADH fif-ti:- i: all Sl'ITS Till: ItFST MAKFKS KEDS Till: WIIITF. si.ii'i"i:i:s CANVAS NHOF.S AM) xow hf.rio ix all. SIYl.i:S AND ALL SIZFS, Till: MOST I'OI'l l.Alt Kl'MMFK HIIOKS. SFK Til KM. IM'OVOMY I5ASF.M FNT. Sl i : Til KM FOR SALE. See Young Pigs. Joseph E. Iiellistou. The 11. V. V. Dramatic Club, by Miss Edith Harlow, will present "Hljf Idea Comedy" In three acts at the Arlington, Tueluy, May 27. .Price 2.V, 85c, and ROo, not including Mar tax. Geo. Booth does first class altering and repairing. Ladies' and gents' clothes. Located over Kendall Bros. For Sale Good milk cow and two heifers. See Elliot Miller. FOIl SALE A cupboard with mir ror attached. See Mrs. Lenard Pay. FOR SALE-r-Wate- r tank and Sete troughs ' cheap. Joseph W Vlckers. FOR SALE CHEAP One 3 Mit chell wagon, one Mower, practically new, one hay rake, one spring tooth harrow. See Joseph W. Vickers. The Ubriiry Hoard are reudy to receive applications for the. position of Librarian .of the Nephl City Library. Applications should be in writing and should be sent without delay to T. II. ISurton, Secretary of the Hoard. 3E 64 lee for Sale. See IS. Tunnor. L. Frank went to Suit Lake yes terduy on business. Harrison Sperry of Mantl was Keplii visitor on Sunday. I'on't Forget, Farmers, ' that you patronage with us means success for you.. Juab County Farmers' A.isn We can give you bargains on Mowers rakes anil binders. Juub County Farmers' Assn. City Attorney T. H. Burton went to Salt Lake yesterday on legal bus! ness. Stop working and Farmers Get your machine extras over the worrying now, don't wait till you need them holes, that wont stay Juab County Farmers' Austin. darned. Buy Armor My team and wagon for sale Plate Hose for the cheap. See Elliot Millar. whole family. It takes Don't forget we have the best long time to wear a In all sixes and a wide grade of tires for the least money hole in range of colors and Juab County Farmer's Assn. V O. M. Whitmore went to Payson fctjles. a to attend meeting of bank Tuesday directors in that city. even With children's FOK HALF, 2 Milk rows, 1 younjr CAM OF THANKS rompine play. Made brood mure weight 1GOO lbs., and We wish to thank all those who of the strongest and .'$ ycai'lhiK colls. Come and see (hem rendered assistance during the illbeit yarn obtainable M. F. Jennings, Levan, I'tali. ness and death of our wife and knit to shape and size Woman Cook Wanted Woman for mother. exactly anddyed with W1IITK SHOES pastry making and vegetable cook. Harms-No- t It. T. Beagley and Family. Dye (it ab lug. Wages $17.50 per week and AND SLU'rKHS solutely will not meals. Address llox UNI, l'rovo City STUDY MFSIC burn or weakrot, I'tali. Commencing June 2. Mr. K. J. en the yarn). for the little folks aa Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carter are Bird will give a six weeks course of Armor down from Salt Lake this week visit supervised study on all valve instruwell as the grown ups. stockings fit in All those ing Mr. Carter's parents. ments, violin and vocal. with the policy of I. M. Petty made a trip to Deseret desirous of taking this course should our store because they're the very JUST KKCKIVKD Monday to look over a sugar beet register early. Tuition $12.50. best for the money. All sizes all farm in which he is interested. We prices. recommend them the A COMPLETE STOCK TO "THE BOYS" County Clerk Hoyt issued marrlug e makers guarantee them. licenses this week to Myrtle Walker Boys returning from the service See them today. AT THE of Cedar City and Andrew Tldwell of should by all means keep up their of and to Paulsen Edith as Insurance It is the Spring City, government Ephrlain, and John M. Draper of cheapest, safest and best insurance In the world. I have a copy of the Moroni. We carry the Yankee Auto Clean government Insurance rate book and er and Polisher, for $1.7.1. You can policies and shall be glad to furnish iur rar several times and It free all possible Information and as polish will look us good as new. Juub sistance to the boys wishing to con vert their War Risk Insurance into County Farmers' Assn. Mv Strawberries will be read on the standard forms of policies now IsWednesday, May "Sth. Order early sued by the government. I also have WIIKHK GOOD SHOES AKE CIIEAI'KK and uvoid the rush. Elliot Miller. advice from the Bureau of War Risk French Pry Cleaning at George Insurance' that policies which have Plenty of Kvel. Jtuy While We Have What Yon Want booth's shop. lapsed can still be reinstated. I would Found A valuable article on Main urge all returned service men to keep street. Anyone can secure same by up at least a portion of their insurapplying to Ernest Foote and des- ance, as It is cheaper and better If you cribing article and paying for this than any other obtainable. advertisemen t. have not kept up your insurance you II ELI StM" WANTED Remember when you need Gas, llert can have It reinstated at any time 9IO.OO Worker. Thinning, per acre. machine or auto oils, tires or tubes, within six months of your discharge without medical examination, by pay Klrnt Hoeing, ;l.(M mt ucre. Free the Equity -- has them. J nb County sn. June I ttriiiers' ment of the premium and making ap lent. miI fuel. Work Hi once and Come our auto cleanser and UKing Ity let Do not jour Bureau. to the plication . Heel Suuar ( VirHrutlon, poUsher you san use your car withthe s.x months go by without arrang Held. I:t--:t I tali. in ten minutes after. Juab County ing to hold at least a part of your Ifc'lta, Farmers' Asxn. We Batter as or Information Wrappers. insurunce. print Any sistance I can give I shall be glad to T7T, furnish. WILL L. HOYT. ARMOR Make the PLATE Darning Basket a Relic of the Past HOSIERY I' St Armor Plate Hosiery Plate Economy Basement stairs stork visit tho rig ik)v. for Money Saving Iturains. variety of Mand.iril A ureal on hale. RLES FOOTE One Price To All. 8 SONS Never Undersold. si Nephi Mer. Co. lt. st-le- rt Do not neglect having your Homes, Itarnw, and Crops Inurel against ! The by fire. Now Is the time. MW Will n lliUffffBM companion I rrprewnt are an reliable as any In the United State. 1'hone or Call Ralph I trough at the Nephl 41 3t. National lUnk. MBM -- Ladies, Attention! The long expected lines of C. O. LOMAX hHOE flEI'AHUXO Now Summer Dresses ct iKM.r Houlh of Nephl j .W y It Copies of Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps and Slippers C. P. Ford, Johansen and Maxine Shoes for Ladies They are some of the most popular brands. Also Buster Brown Shoes for Boys and Girls OUR PRICES ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT Rubber Sole Footwear- - "KEDS"-Fo- r the Entire Family. Hundreds of Pairs to Select from98c and up GOLDEN RULE STORE GOULD B. BLAKELY, -- ev Firt pub April 2'., pub Mar 22, It It. Register. 1I. Ist 3 V all-wo- ol i, V. said lists as far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuous ly ported in this office for Inspection by any person Interested and by the public generally.. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter. and before final approval and certi fication; under department regula- ions of April 25, HOT, protests or conwt against tbe claim of the Ktate to any of tbs tracts or sub- Iriflions herlnbefore described on the ground that the same la more valu- ahln for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land Office t Washington, D. C. Failure so to roteot within the time specified will be considered sufficient evidence of character ot tbt tracts nd the selections thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will le approved to tbe state. Having the Goods You Want to Buy It'a easy enough for any chant to have goods to much harder to have the men want to buy. If want good style, rics, reliable tailoring think you do. you'll them here In i. 1 i Drug United States Salt Lake City, Utah, April l?th, 1919. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the State of Utah baa Died In this office isls of lands, selected by the said Slate, under section ( of the Act ot Congress, approved July It, 18M, a Indemnity School Lands, Tis: Serial N. W. 4. N. E. U, Sec. 15, 0243, N. B. 8. E. 4, 8. E. 4, 8. E. 4. Sec. 10; N. W. , 8. W. , 8. W. , N. E. i. 8. W. M, Sec. V, 8. W. 8. E. II. T. 13. 8 , II. 2 E.; N. E. 8. E. 8. E. 4, Sec. 10. T. 1J, Also a fine line of nifty styles of Afternoon Dresses at popular prices m Kliop NOTICK Land Office, Dreams of Quality and Distinction Arriving now more steadily u . titrated in Wllkey Hame HAIIT SCHAFFNER mer- M sell; kind you fab- rtod find A MAIlX CLOTHES There are many new styles to modrhooe from; walst-seaels, young men's sacks; more conservative styles for older men; In all sizes. We bought them to give satisfaction. It they don't let tis know, we'll make it right. m I ! TheT oggery tni 'M. f.KT VOI K MONKVH WOKTII |