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Show A THE TIMES-NEW- S. NEPHI. UTAH. All this would appear to be reason- - I ably definite were It not for the note regarding the color of his hair. It leaves to me the simple task of com pleting the very admirable description of Mr. Barnes by announcing that Miss Tilly's hair was an extremely dark brown. Also It Is advisable to apivend the following biographical Information : Thomas Kingsbury Barnes, engineer, born in Montclalr, N. J., September 26, 1S85. Cornell and Beaux Arts. Purls. Son of the late Stephen 8. Barnes, engineer, and Edith (Valen tine) Burnes. Office, MetroMlitan building. New York city. Residence, Amsterdam mansion. Clubs: (Lack gentlemen, or I would Introduce each of space prevents listing them here). of you separately and divlsibly." Recreations, golf, tennis and horse wua Rushcroft a tall, saggy Lyndon man of fifty. Despite his determined back riding. Fellow of the Royal Geo Member of the erectness he was Inclined to sag from graphical society. the shoulders down. Ills head, huge Loyal Legion and the Sons of the and gray, appeared to be much too American Revolution. Added to this, the mere announce ponderous for his yielding body, and ment that he was In a position to InIt even he the carried yet manfully, a fancy for long and perhaps atrically. The lines In his dark, sea dulge soned face were like furrows ; his nose aimless walking tours through more sections of his was large and somewhat bulbous, his or less month wide and grim. Thick, black own country, to say nothing of excur eyebrows-shadea pair of eyes In sions In Europe. He waa rich. Perhaps not as riches which white was no longer apparent days, It had given way to a permanent red. are measured In these Mldaa-llk- e A two-da- y a' stubble covered his chin but rich beyond the demands of avaHis legacy had been an ample and cheeks. Altogether he waa a sin rice. one. The fact that he worked hard at gular exemplification of one's idea of his profession from one year's end to e actor. the the other not excluding the six arm his the office, through Passing linked In one of Barnes. Mr. Rush devoted to mentally productive jaunts Is proof sufficient that he was not croft hesitated long enough to Impress content to subsist on the fruits of anupon Landlord Jones the Importance lie was a of providing his "distinguished friend, other man's enterprise. Robert W. Barnes," with the very best worker. The first fortnight of a proposed that the establishment afforded. Putnam Jones blinked slightly and bis six weeks' jaunt through upper New terminated when he laid eyes sought the register aa If to ac- England cuse or Justify his memory. Then he aside his heavy pack In the little bedroom at Cockcrow spat copiously Into the corner, a nec- would findHart's Tavern. hlia ready and eager to beHe essary preliminary to a grin. hadn't much use for the great Lyndon gin his third week. At least so he His grin was sardonic, thought. But truth Is, he had come Rushcroft, him that Mr. Rush- to his Journey's end; he waa not to told Something sling his pack for many a day to come. croft was about to be liberally fed. After setting the mind of the landlord at rest Barnes declined Mr. CHAPTER III. Rushcroft's Invitation to "quaff" a corMr. Rushcroft Dissolves, Mr. Jones In dial with him In the taproom, explaining that he was exceedingly tired and tervenes, and Two Men Ride Away. to retire early. Mr. Rushcroft explained that he had Intended Instead of going up to his room Imhad bis supper. In fact, he went on to confess, he had been compelled, mediately, however, he decided to unlike the dog, to "speak" for It. What have a look at the weather. Ills woman easiness the young concerning could be more disgusting, more degrad of the crossroads Increased as he ing, he mourned, than the spectacle loomof a man who had appeared In all of peered at the wall of blackness up beyond the circle of light She the principal theaters of the land as ing was sorawbere outside that sinister star and leading support to stars, set black wall and in the smothering tling for his supper by telling stories grasp of those invisible hills, but was and reciting poetry In the taproom she living or dead? Had she reached of a tavern? her Journey's end safely? He tried to "Still," he consented, when Mr, Barnes Insisted that It would be a extract comfort from the confidence kindness to him, "since you put It that she bad expressed In the ability and of the old man who drove way, I dare say I could do with a little Integrity with recklessness than one far greater so as a snack, you aptly put It Just would looked have for In a wild and bite or two. What have you ready, Irresponsible youngster. Miss Tilly He recalled with a thrill the imperiMiss Tilly was a buxom female of ous manner In which she gave direcor with thereabouts, forty spectacles. She was one of a pair of sedentary tions to the man, and his surprising waitresses who had been so long In the servility. It suddenly occurred to him that she was no ordinary person; he employ of Mr. Janes that he hated the was rather amazed that be had not alght of them. Mr. Rushcroft's conception of a bite thought of It before. Moreover, now that he thought of It, or two may have staggered Barnes but It did not bewilder Miss Tilly. He there was, even In the agreesble she had made to bis offerings, had four eggs with his ham. and other things Id proportion. He talked the faint suggestion of an accent that a great deal, proving In that way that should have struck him at the time It was a supper well worth speaking but did not for the obvious reason that for. Among other things he dilated he was then not at all Interested in at great length upon his reasons for her. Her English was so perfect that not being a member of the Players or he had failed to detect the almost Imthe Lambs In New Tork city. It seems perceptible foreign flavor that now that he had promised his dear, devoted took definite form In his reflections. wife that he would never join a club He tried to place this accent Waa of any description. Dear old girl, he It French or Italian or Spanish? Cerwould as soon have cut off his right tainly It was not German. ne took a few turns up and down hand as to break any promise made to her. He brushed something away the long porch, stopping finally at the from his eyes, and his chin, contract Upper end. The clear. Inspiring clang ing, trembled slightly. "What Is It, of a hammer on an anvil fell sudMr. Bacon? Any word from New denly upon his ears. He looked at hla watch. The hour was nine, certainly York?" Mr. Bacon hovered near, perhaps a a unusual time for men to he at work In a forge. He remembered two men hungrily. "Our genial host has Instructed me In the taproom who were hare-armeto aay to his latest guest that the and wore the shapeless leather aprons rates are two dollars a day. In ad of the smithy. vance, all dining-roochecks payable on presentation," said Mr. Bacon, apol ogetically. Hart's tavern is enterRushcroft exploded. "O emrvy Inwhen tainingly serio-comi- c, sult," he boomed. "Confound his " The new guest wss amiable. H suddenly tragedy takes the Interrupted the outraged star. "Tell stage battle, murder and Mr. Jones that I shall settle promptsudden death. ly." be said with a smile. "It has Just entered his bean that you may be an actor, Mr. Barnes," said tTO BE tONTINL'fcU.) Bscon. Miss Tilly, overhearing, drew a step Metbar Wasp's Good Work. or two nesrer. A sudden Interest In So far as known, only one smart In Mr. Barnes developed. She had not sect a ws-- p of ibe sphex family noticed before that he waa an uncom-tnonl- y among the millions of creatures belongalfellow. She ing to a lower order than man. has ways had said that she adored strong, ever employed the aid of a tool to ac"athaletlc" faces. a desired result The mother Lster on she felt Inspired to Jot complish of this family digs a funnel In e no doubt In some future wasp down, for the ground, deposits her ere" In It and literary production, a conde, though after the wasp has made Its tunnel snd general, description of the magnificent deposited the eggs. It finishes Its task Mr. lis men. Hie utilised the back of ramming down pellets of earth, litthe bill of fsre and she wrote with by tle stones, etc, into the mouth of the the feverish ardor of one who dreads tunnel. This Is the race habit of these . I herethe loss of a first It Is recorded on undoubted waps. with append her visual estimate of the authority that orn Inventive mother, here of this story: when the mouth of the tunnel was cov"He waa a tall, shapely specimen ered to a level with the rest of tha of mankind, "wrote Miss Tilly. ground about It, brought a quantity of Smooth-shave- d penface, fine grains of dirt to the spot and pick. etrating gray eyes, Short, curly hair Ing up a small pebble In her mandibles, about the color of mine. Strong used It as a hammer In pounding them bands of good shape. Face tanned down with rapid strokes, thus making considerable. dark Ilesvy eyebrows. Good teeth, very white. Square chin. the spot as firm and as hard aa tha surface. Then she departLovely smile that seemed t light up surrounding the room for everybody within bear- ed, brought more dirt, picked up tha and weed It ing. None Ideal. Mouth same. Voice pebble again aristocratic and reverberating with Me-x- y af the Future. education. Age about thirty or thirty-one- . d Rica aa Croesus. The veil which covers the face fit cf aaercy. futurity is woven by the leg. WeoJd make a rood Eulwer Lylto. J By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON SS? e.?I Copjrlghl by Do4d, Mead and Coatpan, I no. falo, so the rest of us scraped together all the money we had nine dollars and sixty cents and did the right thing by her. Actors ' are always doing darn-foo- l things like that, Mr. do you suppose she Barnes. And what Synopia. Thomas K. Barnes, did? She took that money and bought wealthy New' Worker oq a two tickets to Albany, one for herself walking trip Id New England, la and another for the manager of the threatened by mountain storm. company the lowest, meanest orner-les- t cross-roada At dusk at lonely white man that ever But I am miles from Hart's tavern, where crabbing the old man's part. You he Intends to pass the night, he ought to hear what be has to say about meets a girl la a similar plight, Mr. Manager. He can use words I bound for a dwelling bouse never even heard of before. So that called Green Fancy. Along leaves Just the four of us here, workcomes an automobile for the ing off the two days' board bill of girl. She gives him a lift to his Bradley and the manager, Rushcroft's tavern. There he falls in with ungodly spree, and at the same time a stranded troupe of "barnour own slate clean. Mis keeping storming" actors, of which Lynwill no doubt make up your Thackeray t 1.4 Itusht-rufthe star and don bed In the morning. She is tempo"Miss Thackeray" the leading rarily a chambermaid. Cracking fine woman. The theutrlcal people girl, too. Are you all ready? I'll lead are doing hotel work for their you to the dining room. Or would you board. prefer a little appetizer beforehand? The taproom Is right on the way. You mustn't call It the bar. Everybody In CHAPTER II Continued. that little graveyard town down the 2 would turn over completely if road Barnes laughed aloud. There was you did. Hallowed tradition, you no withstanding the fellow's sprightly know." Impudence. "I don't mind having a cocktail. Will "I happen to enjoy walking," said you Join me?" he. a matter of fact. I'm expected "As "If I enjoyed It as much as you do confessed Mr. Dillingford. "We've I'd be limping Into Harlem by this to," a bit of custom to been time." said Mr. Dillingford sadly. "But the drawing quite taproom. The rubes like to sit too an actor. I'm see I'm you proud around and listen to conversation to walk" about Broadway and Bunker Hill and The cracked bell on the ofllre desk Old Point Comfort and other places, somewhat peremphim, Interrupted and then go home and tell the neigh assumed Mr. fare Dilllngford's torily. bors that they know quite a number an expression of profound dignity. He of stage people. Human nature, I lowered his voice as be gave vent to guess. Listen! Hear that? Rush-crothe following: Din.' You can't 'Gunga reciting "Tliat man Jones Is the meanest hu hear the thunder for the noise he's man being God ever let Yes, sir. making." coming, sir!" ne started for the open They descended the stairs and endoor with surprising alacrity. tered the taproom, where a dozen men Barnes surveyed the little bedcham were seated around the tables, all of ber. It was Just what he had expected them with pewter mugs In front of It would be. The walls were covered them. Standing at the top table that with a garish pnper selected by one Is to say, the one farthest removed who had an eye but not a taste for from the door and commanding the atcolor bright pink flowers that looked tention of every creature In the room more or less like chunks of a shattered was the Imposing figure of Lyndon watermelon spilt promiscuously ever ltuxnrrort. He was In a soa background of pearl gray. The bed norous voice and withreciting, tremendous fer stead, bureau and weshstnnd were of vor, uie famous mpiing poem, a fensively modern. Everything was as genial smile wiped the tragic expres clean as a pin, however, and the bed sion from his face. He advanced upon looked comfortable. He stepped to the Barnes and the beaming Mr. Wiling-ford- , window and looked itmalt. many-panehis hand extended. out Into the night. The storm was at "My dear fellow," he exclaimed re Its height. In all Ms life he never bad soundingly, "how are you?" Cordial heard such a clatter of rain, nor ity boomed in his voice. "I heard you wind that shrieked so appallingly. had arrived. Welcome thrleefold wel- Ills thoughts went quite naturally to the woman who was out there In the thick of It. He wondered how she was faring and lamented that she was not In bis place now and be In hers. What was she doing up In this Godforsaken country? What was the name of the place she was bound for? Greeo Fancy I What an odd name for bouse ! And what sort of bouse His reflections were Interrupted by the return of Mr. Dillingford. who car ried a huge pewter pitcher from which steam arose In volume. At his heels strode a tall, cadaverous person In checked suit Never bad r.smes seen anything quite so overpowering In the way of a suit. Joseph's coat of msny colors wss no longer a vision of childhood. It was a reality. The checks were an Inch square and each cube had a nar row border of axure blue. The general tone was a dirty gray, due no doubt to age and a constitution that would Dot allow it to outlive It usefulness. "Meet Mr. Bscon, Mr. Barnes." In troduced Mr. Dillingford, going to the ncelc exertion of Indicating Mr. Be ma with a generous sweep of his free hand. "Our heavy leads. Mr. Mont Bscon, also of New Tork." "Ham and eggs, pork tenderloin, country sausage, romp aleak and wpring chicken." said Mr. Bscon In a "Welcome, Thricef.d Welcome." ratfrnntia voice, getting It over with while the lift was freh In bis tnetn-,(r- comer He Defected to say that Mr, "rled and boiled potatoes, beans, Montague Bacon, In passing a few urcot lib. onions, stewed tomatoes and minute before, had leaned over and er Jot a moment, please. Fried whimpered behind his hand : and boiled ottoe, beans" "Fellow upstair from New fork "Ham and eggs, potatoes and a cup-o- r Mr, Rurhcmft fellow named Barnes. two of coffee," ald Barnes, Quite a swell, believe me." a desire to laugh. It wss a tip. for Mr. concluded the Rushcroft hsd been telling the native "And apple pie waiter triumphantly. "I knew I'd get for days that he knew everybody It If yon gave me time. As yo may worth knowing la New Tork. have observed, my dear sir, I am not Barnea was momentarily taken what you would call an experienced aback. Then he rose to the spirit f " I a of fact. waiter. As matter the occasion. The be 'I dnwartairs rang violently. "Hello, RuBbrroft, he greeted, as If Mr. Bacon departed la great haste. and greatly meeting an While the traveler performed his abfriend. "This Is good. Ton lution Mr. Dillingford, for the moment my soul you are like a thriving dste dingagei. eat apon the edge of the palm In the middle of aa endless des bed and enjoyed himself. He talked. ert. How are you?" "We were nine at the start," eeld he They shook hands warmly. Mr. Dil lingford alappod the newcomer on the pensively. "Gradually we were to seven, Hot Including the tno-arer- . shoulder affectionately, familiarly, and Two of m escaped before the shouted : snsh. The low comedian and rhsr-acte- r "Who would have dreamed we'd ran old woman. Joe Buckley and his across good old Rarnesy up here? By wife. That left the old man I mean Jove, It's marvelous!" Mr. Ruhmft the star Lyndon Rush-crof- t, "Friends, countrymen." boomed Mr, you know myself and Bacon, Rushcroft "this Is Mr. Barnes of New Tommy Gray, Miss Rushcroft Mis Tork. Not the maa the hook was Hughes and a wnmsa named Bradley, written about hut one of the best felseven of us. The woman named Brad- lows God ever put Into this little world ley said hf mother wa dying la Baf- - of ours. I do not recall your names, Girl of Mystery! House of Mystery! s, ft . a.. e y. enp-prei- well-place- d " old-tim- e ej d Satisfaction for the sweet tooth. d ' d good-lookin- g and enjoyment f' 3 I And only 5 cents ? I a package. mHi tie Flavor Lasts Subtlety wins but wisdom holds. GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Cuticura Stops Itchingr and Saves the Hair has been a household remedy all over the civilized world for more than half a century, for constipation. Intestinal So S. Olnantf tW.T.Imit !l troubles, torpid liver and the generally S. I11M " IUmla not tnm at "Clllma. depressed feeling that accompanies such disorders. It Is a most valuable KILLER TXSZrSXESZ remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys- DAISY FLY an i r at oa liver and trouble, bringing pepsia headache, coming up of food, palpitar mU. 1 twJl tion of heart, and many other sympart m mr toms. A few dosee of August Flower t ew " m - r will relieve you. It Is a gentle laxaW Hi nr.A, , turn. tive. Ask your druggist. Sold In all in.liniin..t. civilised countries. Adv. ria (PPM S- Mysttry Explained. Keeping It Up. He stood amid the blase and servant applied for a week- dor of his tnssnlflcent mansion,splen and was for her home off. as end distant In his hand he held the portrait of a the purpose of being at home on her beautiful woman. Hla face was pale parents sliver wedding day. and bis lips moved conThe leave was granted, and the maid and haggard, vulsively. returned. Wss this Whst was this mystery. "Well." said her mistress, "did every- the of bis departed wife? picture thing go off satisfactory?" No. "Oh, yes. thank you, ma'am." said Wss It the portrait of his dead but the girl, "and mother told me to say remembered daughter. she la very grateful to you for letting dearly No. me off." What, then, was the causa af bis "And what did your father say?" face? baggard asked the lady. Waa It not the same portrait that ma'am." replied the girt "Ob. ago hsd fallen from its "he wasn't there. He's been V d this two minutes a lump as big as a raised and nail, 20 years." ben's egg on bis head? It waa. That Friend! "Mother doenn't think she'll go to A Diagnosis. the theater with us tonight Albert" "Oh, doctor," said a worried looking that so? I hsve got three tickets. agrarian, "My wife Is In an awful conWhst shall I do with the third oner dition I From a medium fat womsn she "Give It to the msn you always t has been reduced to skin and bones. out to see between the acts. He can She talks In a loud squawksit with us and you won't have to go ing voice, lnce.ntly begins a sentence and never out and see him." finishes It and Jumps from subject to subject without ottering anything that eene to It." has the Complimentary to Mim. He But I asked you, dearest, to "Hmt I see!" rettmed the pbl-cln"1ii home, Mr, Gabbleby, and take keep our engagement a secret for the out your party line telephone st once. present She I couldn't help it That hateful Tour wife has bei liotening la on It Miss Oldutn said the reason I wasn't too much." Kans City Star. married was because no foci bad proIots of pewple make fortunes out of posed to me, so I up and told her you bad. Brooklyn Otlien. other people's curiosities. It! Is let n. Breakfast is Ready when you have a package of "Broad-shouldere- bt I In LASTING form. Impf-emion- Well-turae- I Aid to appetite and benefit digestion old-tim- r 14 for tHiS'tastefuf blend of wheat CLbarleyiis ready-cooke- df 'Not aBitvofvvaste. a Usable .to. the last crumb r? Uual price: I5f per package. |