Show G L DECKER BECKER TO AID LOGAN Centennial City Looks Forward to Exhibition of Marksmanship r Logan Is looking tor torn al aid d to the thc appearance there ther roi tot Its Centen Centen- Centennial Centennial Centennial nial celebration July 24 and 2 23 ot of O G L Becker Ogden rJ m marksman oman u t according to Logan s a newspaper Journal Tie Tte paper Iap says says 09 In to Mr acceptance ot of the In Invitation to participate Gus Gus Gils L Decker Becker or Ogden ono one qt of the tho best 11 0 known n In the country who represented r Bill In a recent Wild lid West show how at Ogden hM has h ni consent consent- consented td fd ed to give two tao t 0 exhibitions ot of at ot the Clone Cliche Centennial p l bration Iu July 4 34 4 and andS S 5 S according ac nc- nc cording to Secreta Secretary Hovey Hov of the ct ot Commerce who ho is In receipt of at a letter from Ml bA h Lecker er SAying that he will till be here Mr Beckers Becker's exhibition will bp be b one of the biggest features of at the tao t tOda da days s program and will otter offer an excellent opportunity for tor visitors on these t two tao 0 days day TO sEe see se some ex- ex expert expert ex expert pert marksmanship T Two Tao 0 exhibitions will III be given ghen The first one will till come just after atler the Pageant of at Progress on Thurs Thurs- Thursday Thursday Thursday day July 24 H and the second tm- tm Immediately Im Immediately mediately preceding the tho baseball gAme on the second day dav da July 25 Mr Becker will sill 11 use a t 2 calibre Browning automatic rifle and a 44 44 calibre rifle Mr TrI Becker rides a a tine fine horse which l I Is becoming well known In InthIs Inthis Inthis thIs part ot of the country countr The ex ex- ex expert expert pert rifleman will bring this horse with Ith him and it will be kept In Logan during the two days lIa s ot of celebration It Is planned Mr Ir Becker s a consent ot of course to cave ave him ride his horse representing representing representing Buffalo Bill In the his his- historical his historical orical which will nark ork one on e ot of the days of Cache Valleys Valley's anniversary observance observant The shattering of ot clay y halls bolIs thrown high Into the air both from a stationary position and from a speeding automobile will be bea bea bea a part of at Mr Beckers Becker's exhibition Such a performance requires an extremely high ordet ordel of at o skill kill but Mr Becker Is perfectly capable able ot of this feat teat a as well sell as others of equal or greatel greater difficulty At an Og- Og Og Ogden den d n Fourth of at o July Jul celebration he pled played cd tunes upon chimes specIally arranged for tor the occasion striking tog lag each note noto clearly clearl and square by shooting at a target Mr Becker is a true friend and an enthusiastic supporter r of at the West est and Is la glad to lend his aId aIdIn aidIn In making such a historic and significant event e ent as the Cache Valley Centennial celebration I- I success Those In chal charge ge of the thc celebration are happy to announce his part in the big t two tao a days doys pro pro- program pro program gram gran Mr Becker last night said It sae as true he would tal take part In Inthe Inthe Inthe the celebration Ogden Our slogan Is Js Do it for tor Og- Og Og den Mr Becker said sald helped us out In our Fourth of at July celebration and we wo reciprocate In my small way I desIre to do what chat hat eve evet I is In toy Iny power to add to the success of the Logan event |