Show r I rr rI r I TRANK FRANCIS 4 I li tIlL thi thi-i 11 II round tho tho t rId arId the thu m Ami are bringing moments of pride T to 10 men and women in t r who ar an proud rouel to be known f It n ax citizens citizen ot or the tho United States State Rec when th tho air air- pline phines glided do down don n to loTh the tbt r f I h lR hr h r on tho the banks bank or of o I i Sir Mr and Mrs Ur KIrbY irby or Oden o den were there to Xe bit biri bs them Mrs Irs Mr I Kirby was wa for for- formerly formerly for formerly merly Allis Allie Gunnell ot or Thousands or of o mlle mItes miles jm In n the tho country tile thc lov tt b-tt and with of home horn uppermost In t Int mind they saw aw the treat nat plane I coming and Mrs Ira Mr KIrb I ru home to her hor h r father tather I tax It wa ns a thrilling sensation rn atlon I II I stroked the wines Ing of o the th he American around the around orld air air- airplanes airplanes airplanes I planes today the he her he father under ditto date ot of o June Juno 9 Wo We an all went vent out to the U S dt- dt which hill hui Ir been here a 11 waiting for tor the tho planes plane to e arrie from rom All ii the American French and eid AndI es pre e wort wro And an I 0 had a jolly lolly time on board l 1 I I I se e e saw aw three thre reat birds headed straight fer er Cr us us They circled the lh ship once one and nd then gently dropped don do n to 10 tho the one after the other In a most perfect landing It was w minute after atter we w first saw i them until the thet were rest rest- re t-nc t I log Ing be b l lo their little buoyS buoy Alter After the lh commander made ulde hl hIs official call we wo aI got tot tnt Int Into motOr and circled round and round I 4 I The men nn bad broad grins for us an and ans to our calls of I greeting to Old Glory They I were tiri-d tiri dirt sunburned and hungry and We w did not on them any length l nth of ot Urns time It If you were aw away off ff rf h l-i Hal HI phong Jhong In Tonkin Indo China In Ih ib dtta S d Ita of or the S x and had lad j I on I vv I NEWS AND VIEWS I 4 41 1 t Continued from Pogo Pago One not been home In years and ou saw three vigorous daring cd td ed Americans come como down to the tho 1 wives s In airplanes what I our thoughts be I Why iou ou would be o ed as awas rae as the Ogden girl Irl and our thoughts would be divided dh bet betsi bete e n the heroes of the occasion and the old home heme tar far a away ay When viere ere In the desert and hunget hunge na cd at their vitals Manna OS sos reigned front from heaven Well there are times time when a Inmost self hungers as does dees the b body dy and the spiritual be administered to and It ItIs itis ItIs Is on an aD occasion of that kInd that the coming of the bos from th the land we ee live best beRt must satis satisfy satisfy fy ty the lonely gnaw Ings as did Manna Ianna appease the tho appetites of the tho This This morning sa sas Mrs Kirby writing the nu nea day wo we watched them take tal oft off for tor Tour Tour- Tour ran ran and Saigon It has bus been heen a great experience tor for us to ha hase hae e seen them for tor it was a really marvelous undertaking The take tak- tak taking ing lag ort oft Is much more moro difficult than the landing They as went ent miles up the rive river and then came camo tearing down with the heads of ot the pontoons dancing high above C theater the water ater They must mut ha have base e plenty of f space pace and speed It was asas a glorious sight We Vo motored out into the tho open country after atter them ani nfl until the three tiny ere eero lost In the tho clouds clouda In this you discover e a double personality The Kirbys In iii body siere ere In Indo IndoChina but their thoughts took flight and flew out outto Outto outto to the thc tin tiny specks species spec Its In the clouds and went vent on and on to home 8 home homo far for away aw y Tho The longing for tor home and friends Is about the most grip grip- gripping gripping gripping ping thing In life lite Wh When n Napoleons Napoleon's am army was In Egypt homesickness tool took posses posses- possession possession sion slen of the he soldiers nod and caused death The Tho men who did not hesitate to meet an armed amed toe foe I and who had conquered ss as the nightmare nis came camo upon upen them and the blues dulled eyes The condition was lothing but mental but as It gr grew gree the skies darkened and all bout about was St glau night It It Is an Impressive lesson In Iii Inthe inthe the necessity of ot a man or wo- wo woman woman wo woman man controlling the mind Any Anyone Anyone Anyone one can be readily trained to keep out of mental depression S When Dr S W Wherry Whey and wire wife were sere on their vacation they took the tho rail all and boat trip which carried them to Interior Alaska They landed at Skag Skagway a and were ed to White Horse by train Remember tho the Morl stories s which came back front from Skagway SI ng ay In 1898 when the tho rush WAS on tor for the gold fields of son Daymen how hun hun- hundreds hundreds hun hundreds tault faulted d at tho foot of et the great rid ridge go of hills s hill and others tell felt under a burden too great geat I Dawson then was pictured as asan asan an almost Inaccessible place In Ina ina Ina I a lid and desolate region Sir Mr and Mrs Wherry Verry rode Into Dawson by rail and boat and enjo td all 1111 the comforts of ef mod mod- modern ern rn tray tra el to for tor the entire distance Dawson on once a n city of now has haa Inhabitants It Is like ono one of ot the ghost cities of Ne which have havo been do- do described de described scribed In News and nd Views Its dilapidated dated Great ro rows of buildings dilapi- dilapi dated and anti In ruin are where In inthe Inthe the tho dark nights of winter the old timers must hear the ilie cry of the banshee searching to for the souls souli of the miners mIner who in that whirl of excitement and the lure of gold wore lost What changes time Back In 1898 1398 Dan Ensign was waK In that Stampede to th the gold of the tho Yukon Dan may b be a ao young yeung s as ashe ash h he was wae wa th then n and may be bo capable I I I I of o enduring another dash Into the uncharted and unknown 11 regions ot of earth but me v e 0 doubt It Few rew of the tIme great horde hode who camped 01 the bleak highlands h of ot White WhiteHorse WhiteHorse Horse In the tho winter of 1898 ara alive today D Dr Wherry an and 6 wife wite were charmed by the tho scenic beauty In inthe Inthe the tho 1500 miles of steamer ride rido on the mighty Yukon river and the tho journey back by rail Fair Fairbanks banks In the Mt ML lU McKinle re- re region re region gion glon the cloud piercing peaks bot gorges goges mighty y glaciers glacier and dash dashing In waterfalls are beyond t de- de de description The struggle which the th gold seekers In Invited is a reminder of Thomson Thomson's tribute to those who beaN beart their load he heel el great It may be wit without bout cringing The human race ar are sons eons of ot sor- sor sorrow sor sorrow row born And each must h have ve hIs hll hl portion minds Refuse 0 or crouch beneath thel their load the brave brav Bear theirs without repIning |