Show MAYOR HYLAN NOT V P CANDIDATE CHICAGO July Mayor 12 12 1 Mayor Johl F Hylan of New ew York de- de denied de denied nied reports that he might be bo a candidate for tor vice president In Robert M d Lo In- In independent In Independent dependent campaign toi rOI the upon hl lii arrival here to 0 today day with Mrs llan I-llan H lan and Mr and airs William Randolph Hearst The party Is en routs to Call Call- California fornia Nobody has offered me such an office Maor Ma Mas or and and I am not nol a candidate for army any other office than election re-election re next year a as mayor of ot Dew ew York fork City Ma Mayor or H In said Bald he had not decided whether h would sup sup sup- port pert JohnV John W V Davis nominee tor for president I I will watch developments deve h he said I I want ant to know more mort about hID 11 Davis b before fre I tom an opinion o Mayor If H lan Ian conferred Ith aith 1 Malor or William E Dever of Chi Chicago cairo cago tor for a 0 short time and Mayor Deter DeHr said ald that they the he political In in a a gen sen genera eral era way ay ay The two nia were also In conference with George Illinois chieftain The Time ew ow ew l lork rk party dopa departed for tor the coas tOnight I 00 00 Mho bo Is la who |