Show Vi ASHINGTON GIVING NEW NEY NEWYORK J I YORK PLENTY OF WORRY Ruth Ex- Ex Expects E Ex Expects New York Players Discuss Pennant Situation St Louis to Give Champions Trouble Before Close se of Present Season I Uy ily GEORGE GIORGE CT CU pt orr to The 1 d 1 op right 1924 b the Consoli Consoli- Consolidated Consolidated dated Press NEW NE- YORK July 12 Wash 12 Wash Wash Washington WashIngton ington s a use ls to the Iho lor lo loX in lit the tho American league race raco hai ha hll affected the tho junior circuit as ns 11 ii grateful rain affects the Ide In the springtime It 11 has started a crop of speculation and surmise as to the te winner sinner Inner that takes tal In practical eer eser e co club In lime tho league except the th 10 lowly Iy Athletics It wasn won t so o m mich ch the ousting of the lanks tanks from first place lace that caused tho the sensation as a It was as the fact tact that Wa moved mod to the top Sliding do doII dosh II 11 Isn In t as ase toI I hill l hillAnd hillAnd e as climbing up Ul Vie And when hen some ome one rake the climb that was a as not o 0 C peeled tomake to tomake I Imako make mako It the time world orld mar eli m neb nd figures that some omo of the thc other climbers likewise ha e a chance to reach the top It Its s Interesting to note how of the much lIuch mauled world champion team clew le lethe ew time the battle at this critical stage tuge Teke T J Jerett erett Scott tor for Instance a buns bunsman oung man with Ith an old head who ho plays short hort tor for the th lanks yanks Dud cud who I is accustomed to figuring tl things out In bridge and astronomy as sell ell as In Iii baseball LULS DETROIT Scott cott cott figures that the team the tho Yanks will III ha e h e to b boat beat at K Ir they are to win In Is Detroit Pcs New e York has done en well sell ell against trot De-trot Do- Do DetroIt troIt trOt to 10 date dite but still till they ha ewon base hl son on oftener from D then th the Tigers Tiger o ha from them So If Scott Is right they ought to fInish h the tho th Son semeon in first pIece But Babe Babo Ruth St StLouis StLouis StLouis Louis as s the th team the he lanks will har ho to beat Ruth fears that the St Louis club having ing been despoiled dc polled of ot the champlon- champlon ship by the Yanks in s ars past III play phay It Its heed head Into a bit t bag to keep New Nev York out of ot another penn nt Ruth thinks a the Washington pitchers will wiil go ge back But that thatIs thatis thatis Is not so 10 significant a 01 as It might be because the Washington pitch pitch- pitchers pitcher er ers ens hae ha ha e not been i cony rv rv far tr ar out In front Its better support has been heen mainly responsible for tor Wash Wash- Washington ington 8 climb and an 1 as long leng as that sUPT conti continues nut the pitchers sill 1 look good Wally ally lipp Is more pessimIstic Ho He figures s that the lanka 1 links ha hose all 11 the rest rett of ot the time Ipa leapi-e leapi to beat And that after atter oil all Is an opinion based on sound found logic when hen lou id ou stop Hop to consider how close the had bad weeks week's I late aee is I Its It's barely a drop from the th top to seventh place And It the Athletics had hd kept up UI any sort of or a 0 It would be bo hardly a II weeks seeks eek's drop to last place JR ER 1117 Ward the tho Yank second base base- baseman baseman man bae-man man prefaces his remarks remark by the atlon which may sound egotistical but hut In the light of ot the tho dope sheets Is Ig not that not that the th Yanks Yank would have been lit sll ic or seven games better bettor oft off It if he had not been hurt and the th Infield upset for tor three weeks or so He Is I not noto enthusiastic Wash Wash- Washington's Washington's ash ington's tons chances although gh he will concede that any tean tearl that can better Its Ita way to the tho top must h have ve some Bomo class clan Pitcher Hoyt alwa i an optimist optimist optimist mist already himself as pitching In the 12 H 1924 24 world orld and series and winning which he didn t do In 1923 Bush Bu h lit Is I pessi pessi- pessi pessimistic when he has been token out of ot a game by Manager Huggin Huggins and cannot find It In his heart to gue guess who ho the tho ultimate winner sinner wll Ie he h Peu- Peu Pen nock nock flock Is not haling basing the tle good luck he did lid last er and nd I Is h too busy looking o cr his shoulder to find the tho new moon and change Chango his luck to bother I i his head over what hat club malt ma Or r may not win Jones Is feeling pretty much the way Job Joh did when hen h he launched his historic tirade against his comforters and for tor the same reason bolls bolls All Au the Yankee pitchers pitcher that the tho burden of ot winning sinning Inning an another an- an another another other pennant Is on their ders dens ders And like all tha th men who e base been through the mill they shut hut their lips grimly when hen they think of the battle that Is But the tho talk of ot what hat may be bee of other teams does not the tact feet that Washington has earned It Its standing landing ard arc that as much by victories 0 o er New York Yorka a as o er anything else For the first time in a blue moon It Is ahead of ot New York In series be- be between be between tween Iween the tho two Washington has won ten from New York and lost eIght The two teams team have four more games to play and amid Wash Wash- Washington WashIngton Washington ington ha has hs to win only two h 0 ot of then them to gain the edge edl for tor the season seon It needs to wh only one for a tie lie lieThe The rest rOlt of ot the league lc gue might just t as well ell w eli face fac the fact tact that Washington t win sIn by luck luek Clark Griffith has hs a real ball team this 3 icar ear er |