Show I I I Jungle Yields Yield Secret of I AND AD ANDi i TEMPLES WILL Willi WilliBE WILLBE BE UNCOVERED I Amazing Culture of An An- Ancient Ancient American People Is Disclosed 1 THRILLED BY ART Market Places Ball Courts Tombs and Plazas Found I I WASHINGTON July 12 DPI I Cf Excavation of Ita the II brilliant of tho the lost I IIa Ia Maa a lace a civilization m cl atlon of m mr I r-Ican r lean Ian that n en I I amazIng culture on this I before the II ot at the era and then disappeared t to le e- e I to posterity a n ast Ild- Ild ild dl prland of ot l-ot ot rUined temples temple a nid has been under the direction of at no Carnegie le In- In Institute In Institute Ithe of ot Washington An expedition sent Into Inlo Yuca- Yuca I IAn tin in ln the site of theIa th the Ma Ia SIai n s neat meat Jl neatest eat eat- est cst cultural achievement m amly Iy I I I sprint his hu sent back to fa o the In here Its Ih first t repol t I ot of I antul progress on he tas of ot dig dif dif- I gins cine the ancient metropolis from Irom I It jungle CO covered cred grave crave ve In a gen gem gem- gemI i een-i I I effort to solve the time 10 rot tho the origin of ot the p ople ho built it I G i FIR p n Ul I i Dr G C Morle I ale of the Carnegie Carnecie tinn In American Archaeology Is I head of ot the expedition which I reached Chich Chichen en Itza May Vay 18 j I Since that time th the e s shove shove hove de their I 1 nt- nt at attention ten Uon to uncovering a group croup roup ot P and temple temples In th th ery heart of the burl burled d city 1 known as The Court of ot me the Thousand Col- Col Columns Columns Col Columns aSI Part ParI of this has already been reclaimed the th excavators coming upon beautifully carved ared I numbers led to tle th name ascribed to tho the court above e lii In Inthe I the cour course o of at their excavations the archaeologists Dr MonO Morle wrote found a greit mosaic which had once traced graced the entrance to one of the temples temple In this thin court Rr VI 1 Ln Examination E pro proved eel It to have contained a large centra central I figu-e figu fleu-cof fleu ot of Ku Iu the tho patron ih il d It ot of Chich en Itza surrounded by and flo floers flowers ers The t J lay In a thousand pieces piece when iChien thE lIme archaeologists found It ovel a stone stano tone platform form thit on once co been the of ot tho ho temple Dr Morley Storley compared It 11 to i t teat reat p puzzle which the th ot of his hl star staff must piece and study a originally covered tred an c extent Dr lorlei I vi a rote Tho The ch civic 1 Ic and i tou c the temples pal pal pal- palaces pal ae aces pyramids market pi ph ices ice loil I coutts tombs anI nl laras alone covered an nn area two to i miles long by a mile maile wide side Ido But e 01 In every 1 ery direction for nule nulen and anti miles formerly h I the homes of the humbler folk NO 0 0 TR CI JaT i Err Of these not n a trace nay lIay 1100 io iobe b be seen een The Th great forest foreit of catan Yu- Yu Yucatan Yu catan ha has obliterated them so that nothey now no they boy are ns as a much a it I t pa-t pa t a-t ot of the th earth a as the thousands o t f who reared hem so o long ago J S 0 Kilmartin of ot the United St States te Geological Survey who ho Wt W t loaned to the th Carnegie for the th purpose of ot making i 1 t map mapo of at Itza It a has just jut I to 10 sir Mr Un hisS h completed the first modern map ot of a portion of ot this ancient ancl nt city drawn to a 1 scale which will 1 ill 11 Liter Iter enable the tho archaeologists t to ie 0 In- In in kert In-kert Lea ert In it II proper place e every ery tern tem temple pIe and amid even every column in the tho It if desired ron FOR on lI i lEN EN YEARS YEAns The Th program of the th Carnegie Canie Institution contemplate excava- excava excavations covering cov a period of at ot at t least lell leaten t ten years No work will be b pos pas possible sible elble In urn lira durin during the summer and autumn because of oth tile the torrential rain rains which fall dur- dur durIng Ing those seasons eason ons But Dut It In is ex- ex cx ex that t In ten len years the time then ene- ene ne n will have hav progressed ed far farenough enough nough to know whether the th he many surrounding the history ot of th the tho Maya civilization al ar ate e to be solved there v |