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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SATURDAY. FEIiKl'AKY 21. IfeU!. IUtU lnstn Urt IidtfcLX . AtAr-taij,211- tLe K4: Earn, frt L LLxk 1. fcr ker, fit A. J. S.Uurk to 1L t, J. E1U to L Cv V. jrtJ. 11 YV. act yUi P. A. tCi. 1Xul(. 3 to ti II. to Atoi U Savor! lO IjilaAar-U- i 1 jOL ilurt to (& kiL:p J. M- lir tug rt J kU 5 uA - fcBxanJ 11, ti-- ); riAl fc. fctr-LJ- C nx I'M. s t of , 7, Irtf tf a i t ; ' k rtilloC. CLUJ. la South O.'lrtitur. tt U to D. II. 5, ruL Pt-r- 1 (IulWui tut M U.j fT adit- - its ;j-- VD A .... asi b SaK lij &J Tarty. Tb condition of political affair in L'uli territory, and p.-ia)In IHfJtw tletuaHl the City, iuot careful ooDsiaeratkta of all Demo-rraLocal party dineuasioDH which hava for ao runty year ecgrusl tb attention of all pertKKia inchued to actively participate in politic are fast culmioa-Unin the disintegration of the olJ political partic. , A strung, active and permanent Democratic organization ia tiecewary to the future welfare of the city and territory. Therefore, we call upon all citiz?na of Orfden and Weber county who believe in the great principles of the national lXmocratic party to aaaeoiblo at the ( Jraod opera house at 130 o'clock on the evening of Saturday, Feb. 21st, 1811, to ixmeider the beet means to adopt to insure success to the Democratic party in Ofc'den and Utah. IL P. II oderaon, D. Evans, K. W. Crone, C. B. Wheeler. J. lirinker, J. P. Ledndge, IL IL Henderson, Jeoee B. liarton, .1. W. McNutt, John O. Tyler, Henry IL Ilolapp, IL W. Smith, J. D. Hurd, ()dtm Hilea, Wm. Haroombe, W. L. Maginnis, R.A. Iioed, T.J. Hudson, L. R. Rhodes, T. A. Whalen, H. Whetstone, IL C. Gilbert, IL M. llond. Scott Short, Val Gideon, John P. Culioui, R. W. Farris, E. A. McDaniel, H. C. Bipelow, C. B. Pash, L. IL Mitchell, Fred A. Shields, A: A. Wengor, Alei. Loeb, J. E. Biillantyne, Thoa. C. Foley, Kidney U. Wuddy, 11. A. Lindley, E. G. Wooley, jr., IL J. Gney, U. W. Landie, J. F. O'Connor, J. W. Dal ton, John MiiRuire, E. W. McDaniel, J. J Sullivan, A. D. Khakespear, J. M. White, , F. B. A. Z. Washburn, W. M. Hanson, Geo. N. Silks, Win. V. Holfncb, Samuel Long, . C. H. Buschman, T. W. Jones, A. FchriuRer, A. B. Patton, Matt G. Stephen, C. Fehringor, B. II. Goddard, Shirley P. Aeh, D. W. Ellis, J. S. Pecry, T. P. Bryan, A. Bos Icy, R. T. Hume, H. A. Smith, W. O. B. Green, J. G. Anderson, C. F. Grant, Albert Bacon, John A. Preenell, G. W. Jones. Thos. McDermott, J. M. Lnjsdorf, J. L. Schaeffer, T. D. Johnson, F. R Christenson, Chas. Pascoe, A. C. Harris, l. C. McKinney, Joe T. O'Connor, A. J. Weber, S. D. Coulbourn, R. B. Shepard, Jas. P. Sprunt, Geo. Dutcan, I. S. McCaully, Jno. S. Corlew, Jno. McManis, J. S. Ormsby, Jno. D. Carnahan, J. D. Horrock, Tho. A. Cottingham C D. Tyree, L. E. Saunders, T. E. Fitzgerald, Wado H. Spencer, Jno. F. Ahern, C. M. Hotaling, E. S. Luty, Jas. W. Eden, A. W. Davie. J. C. Solomon, R. S. Cox, J. M. Phillips, Ray L. Davis, W. J. Bows, Ezra Farr, Thos. D. Doc, F. R. Lasher, Wm. Rush, F. H. Lasher, C. J. Besore, Jos. Roes, Achilles Perrin, J. S. Knowles, J. G. Kenny, J. T. Johnson, H. C. Hurd, Lew II. Beason, F. W. Herrington, T. C. Morris, Dr. E. Thiole, Jno. Scowcroft, A. L Faut, T. Maloney, J. N. Faut, H. Markle, E. W. Smith. F. Moses, W. Id. McGee, J. F. Conley, A. Wiikinson, W. A. Ewers, John Timmons, S. W. May, L B. Bligh, Jas. F. Pender, . Geo. C. Ruland, A. O. Robbins, W. A. Bates, J. F. Ledwidge, Frank J. Parker, Herman Kahn, Ed. Roeenbaum, J. V. Sherer, M. J. Hogan, 8. H. Laws, W. P. Dwyer. W. T. Brennen, Meloin Scholle, B. Ternes, S. Dugan, J. J. Clayton. R. S. Collins, J. W. McGee, P. Garrett, W. P. Collier, Thos. Denahy. W. Garrett, L. W. Shinn. g D.n-oto- "Take it Before Breakfast." Because it will give you an appetite, regulate the bowels and cleanse the sys- tem of all impurities. Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic. Sold everywhere. Will be Given Away. Our enterprising druggist H. Walker, who carries the finest stock A of drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, brushes, epon?cs, etc., is giving away a large celeler of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' brated Restorative Nervine. He guarantees it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is universally satisfactory, lie also guarantees Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases" free. Mayor Fitler, of Philadelphia, gives all the fees be receives for performing the marriage ceremony to charitable mostly to the Southern Home for Destitute Children, an institution in which Mrs. Fitler feels great interest. pur-pose- p, Money to Loan! loan on Diamonds, Watches, to Money pledges for Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed St sale cheap. 201 and 20G, Twcnty-UXti- i cir of V)o, far 4) t M4 Cuuil UiC utMnl, kill tr'ii nirt. o in CVotrul City. in LaraaiM, 2 Kit in IVri XO CO 5M 00 L. clir, to C-l-- b Vir aad IUU, I AdiitiKMu. t ail aad oJ liu r. l'rufwrtir ia all n II. MITCIIEL, Xi Ivetat lu-t- . to for you this week. LOOK AT THEM! nerr 21th St, $ 473 per rod 61x111 feet, comer 21th and Jack-eo- None bat and m us. n 27) 47x132 feet on 23rd street firiKlas properties bandied. Call D.II.PEERYJr.&CO. horse care. $ TiOO. Ter ncro, 8t' acre, near Uniirerdil v. Will cut into ten lots at ."0 per lot. Adjoining sold and Belli ds for &.U0 each, liargain. $1000. 53x118 with two litiuse renting $18.00 per month. liriGO. Choice Nob Hill corner, 10Sxl37 to alley. $650. 41x138 to alley on Harrison near Twenty-uft-h etrceu (2500. 384 acres. Trior water rights. On motor line. Fine roeidenco $2250. 42x165 on Twenty-fourtlot. $ 100. Per acre. Fine farm land water; in tract to suit. A BARGAIN. Feed and rist mill complete, on Main rtreet. One mile from P. O. on Motor line. $23,000. The beet paying property in Ogden for an.ount invested, leased for 3 years. $ 500. Tor foot. 25 foet oa Twenty-fourt- h street business. J. D.GILL, 2404 Washing-A- OGDEN. w, NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY Real Estate I Experience of the past three years has taught us that all property bought well at this season of the year will bring at lout 50 per cent, profit during the following winter. We offer for sale ihe following choice property at these low prices : Sixty acr.j in section 10, overlooking the $ 100 00 city between feet on Twenty-fourtLincoln and Wall Avenues, per foot.... 275 00 90x130 Bench on feet Lots the eight blocks 300 00 from Washington Avenue Two, acre Ipt oft Thirieth, near the Park. .3200 00 Lots in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. paying 1223000 Improved business property 00 per cent, net, leased for 4 years 165x148 feet betweon J aclcson and Quincy . . 1660 00 15000 Lots in Mountain View Addition Also ZZZZ 8x8 rod corner on Twenty-fonrtWall Avenue property below real value. 22H acres near north Washington will subdivide. 66x330 h If you will call on us we will show and con vince you thero is money in buying now. REED & Hernman A BURGITT. Addition ! number of Choice Lots are still unsold in this favorite Locality, and are now offered for sale at LOW PSICES and EASY TERMS, hy avoah, Ja-ara- t-- tt a ruarl u) iL -- t- ri 4;t tari um-inf-. ajat m r. inaa-Mt- a J .:, riaif ttn a.t CHICAGO imig-Bjfa- ct i kel Uu, r f u-- mt)-Max- ta eArt-tra- c . e'l thr-br- f' u-- aa-i- ur 'If' larra-ari- rr utlu-ia- Ui atu-n-tio- i. ua t "t u HOUSE, tlat-rat- i, rara-ouxt- iuil-me- Grant rtat. aT Boston Meat Market, to-w-it forty-eigh- 3-- 4 1 Twenty-fburt- OGDEN. St, h baenn-truct- UTAH. : appurt-i,anor- 'IIAVEU' llEUWlty CIIOICE LOCATION'S in all jiarU of the ('ity. GOOD EANCIIES and KOB Gardv-- lv-,a- 1 1 JULOi. n Tracts. HILL PROPERTY J nrM-dti- A SPECIALTY. d No trouble to show propcrtjr. (.'nil and we mo No. Sil. Wash. Ave., OGDIOT, . . UTAIL MARSHAL'S SALE. Klir.a-bot- Hot Springs Ry Ogden Bjrvirtnoof on pxrration issued out of the District Court of tho First Judicial District of the Territory if 1,'tiih. dated the 13th day of Febnmry. l iiil, in a certain action wherein the First National link of Otrdrn, a corporation, ns rlainti:f, rwfvercl a jurtirmont aicainft the Omtrni-itHallway Co., W. R. Swan and Swan, doing business under the namo tin. I ttylo of W. R. tfwau A ('., and riobiTt KoliiuMiD, defonrtanu, for the sum of four thousand six linndred and twenty-thre- e a hundredths dollars, lawful and mon'-of the United States, with interest and 1 coetb thereon, havo levied upon tho following : described property, Lots 11, 12 and 13. in block 51 ; lots 4, 5. 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14. in block 53; lots 10, tl, 12, 13. 14, l.r. Hi, 17 and IS, in block 50; lntti n, 6, 7. 8 and 9. in block 57 ; lots IS, 19 and 20, in block 74 ; lots 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8, in block 75 ; lots 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. IS and 19, in block 76; nil in Nob Hill Annex Addition to Opden City, Utah. Also lots 14 and 15, in block 13; lots 19. 20, 21 and 22, in block 13; lots 25 and 2ti, in block 14; and lots 1. 2, 8. 4 and 5, in block 15 ; all in Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Said property was levied upon nnder a writ of attachment on tho 27th day of October, 1890, said attachment being issued out of the above named court, and in tho above entitled action. Notice is hereby given that on Wednesday the 11th day of March, 1x91. at 12 o'clock, noon of that day, at the front door of the County Court House in the county of Weber 1 will seU all tho right, title and interest that the said defendants, the Ogden City Railway company, and W. R. Swan. Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the name and style of W. K. ban & Co., and Robert Robinson, had on tho 2ith day of October, 1890, of, in and to the above described property, at public auction, for cash, lawful money of the United States of America, to the highest and best bidder, to satisfy said execution and all cost. Ei.iAfl H. PAE90MS, V. S. Marshal. By B. A, Bowmak, Deputy V. 8. Marshal. Ogdon City. Utah, February 17th, 1291. tj to-w- MARSHAL'S SALE. By virtue of ao execution issned out of the District Court of tbe First Judicial District of the Tertory of Utah, dated the 13th day of February, 1S91. in a certain action wherein the Utah National Bank of Ogden. a corporation, as plaintiff, recovered judgment against W. R. Bwan and Elizabeth Swan, doing business nnder the name and style of W. K. Swan A Co., and Robert Robinson, defendants, for tho Bum of Six Thousand Kight Hundred and Ten Dollars, lawful money of the United St ates, and costs of suit tnxedat Seventy-on-e and fifty Noone hundredths dollars, on the vember. 1.S90. I have levied upen the following described property, 12 : and 13, in Work 81 ; lots 4. 5, 6. 7. Lots 11, 12. 13 and 14. in block 53; lots 10, 11, 12, 13, U. 15, 16, 17 and 18, in block 5o ; lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, in block 57 ; lots is, 19 and 29. in block 74 ; lots 4, 5. 6. 7 and 8, in block 75 ; and lrts 13, 14, 15, IS, 1". 18 and 19, in block 76 : nil in Nob Hill Annex Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Also lots 11 and 15, in block 13; lots 19. 20, 21 and 22, in block 13 ; lots 25 and 2fi. in block 14 : anil lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 5, in block 15, all in Nob Hill Addition to Ogdcn City, Utah. Said property was levied upon under a writ of attachment on the 27th day of October, 1890, said attachment being issued ont of the alove named court and in the aboreoutitled action. Notice is horeby given that on Wednesday tho to-w-it 11th day of March, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that door of the County Court day, at tho houvo- in the County of Webor, I will sell all the right, title and interest that the said defendant, W. R. Swan and Elizabeth Swan, doing business under the (inn name and style of W. R. Swan It Co., and Robert Robinaon, had on tho 27th day of October, IfSO, of, in and to the above described prop" rty' at public nution, for cash, lawful money of the Umtod Ktatos, to tho highest and best bidder, to satisfy mid elocution and all costs. Ei.ias II. Pabhoxr, TJ. S. Marshal. Py B. A- Bowman. Dennty U. K. MarshaL Ogden City. Utah. Ffbrnory 11 Jl , 180!. R. P. HUNTER, lllllll No. 2414 Washington Ave. aV aiaat. bu tn lart . a Real Estate. fsif nil linilU SOLE AGENT, tM ,ia-cul- Near Uuy and Sell eigiity-ninpou- I have a largo list of residence, farm and acre property, and handle nothing that I cRnnot see money in for my customers. Am pleased to show at all times. aL: J . JaA TtRibn taTlaa ac&d JoLa A. Low. DrlWdaat. lua ait taMj n.ateoi w atiasar a) aa tamja;',4 ar. if r aiiiajaat fey u ; jait: . aa ta l Ltt l trl tur tut .i ito 4 I imL. aaad a LUr raaaa..u.1 Uarma. ttiiauaj tarn Uat tta ad acvaw, afta Uaa aa' i.atitiall.4 tan )oa of tiki tutannm if wiaav- ta Uiaa aua-3- a y !ati laautvat taf Uar rail-ara- (Member Heal Estate Exchange) Choice Sob Hill lots, 50x137 to alloy. On Twenty-fift- h utreot, 50x125 to alley, on a 11 d J. D. GILL Real Estate and Loans. JIOOO. J u, I Jaaa t. ta aaWar Laaaam a 2106 WASHINGTON AVE. Offer yon Ui? following properties: - ntri.U tdkMMa- - anaa. latrau. aa4 aarl uf bna, aa'tatawt (vianraict tat ail aa.J tvcaiaa tXakktf ; aar, A amaai .Mat (4 Udl CtHaaty. tt-raa tia la ajaa aaraali. wwt atr unruiar4 lrr-a-fu oniac- wtuoa .! i'lnrt, tu. lob rLail at taaa ar juuriartl by aria.it tVany aaaa 'UjS. tar LriL t aar I 4 aarctitsl yaaa. am '" to tlaa 4 i f i.a: tatiutiat Ut aaaa tv--l a pr1 trf of aaal caMa.(ait- at aL'rfa.arfa ur aarva. laritad.uf aUi ai l i aaj tela a anuirtit Ua titaia ut tu irat cur ui :mi rii t aaf I jaa t oort arataat u lawiaxit laar t il taijaaa t wiiaai. arucix-tarK- j Try tar Par. artlrr av tar tia taf f. tAt' ai'L u.tarai fnuB it oj. hftvmtirt r aBd f wa arulLant aoatuftid, aunl LCki iiur a4 raj. a j !ay aB ai-- f vcl-iMrt of of aed r..t tuu artaaaa, . .t rb4 tr Iw.&it-tiht- i a: tw Mail trW and Wabeaiu Fiajtifl u arvarr. roda7d wM4)iixr a atasrial 1m Ba. Twcatti-iuurrllwt, at a t.jal.1 tttf l ur I sh rt4 .4 Mia il-!i-- t aad lor rvarar aave vrctaaiae f- atnasl t V 1 . f iaaa- ajuaa.i'.a t a frtiMT l u" t. t4 I v,ajt-- f iti i!nH W ila F at iarfadaat beraaarM-k- a A tiarvm aunk aaij taauta at .u J. F. Fam. taaa EoaTT. 1'kUL.tVU lax. Jj. ttar o aaxwtu.1 tr.m t aiuatT a"l M arvt.ua to aaara ra4 maraw wrfurpd It Ua aaid I). K rir aataay '.ra.W- - A'at ru;i-i- r a wtMar a at M u 't.i Ua uf aaad Urfnedaait taiaeat Lata 1 ra. J ai a.u- waartk tb tuutrt taf uaat bandrwd dulaata; ua if a k ....A. i , i aatkue; ui aaauai, that t! aa aaui rummi 'J .ImH, aljMarw 4v4 tuuta U. I avit-ljaul aaia-i- d tlaat flau.Ua! fur a laiav-aU I a)!, id aw . . ki. f 4 m at. ui ia S UUi A.klitaua la t V'att t'aiy. Umo taMita ta lajw av&uata kt turu and fkuW aarticdara rf-rr- )a -Har. a i a at aad ail La tat ii muuie to Uaa eaaatplatat ua tie tarraa. railruavtl. atwUi-- r u(araUl tijt axittaial. raiaUt, ber.y Aad yuai are beera kunnaai that if yua ta fail t auara auai ut iiiiet and aiaaawr tua aaid 4aiot a abnaay BiaiuLaitaed tar ofaYaul t aaivi raa,uind. fJU f?t. ai,4 ,lautltl( ami uka I ta llaiiiaar o ntrrr test aaHMtlir, jl) roaj (ur iia aua of fititJM, aad u- aMa-iaauii all acdaUjaruiax.taaalabda.riMi-- , Urtat araib4 tuad Cuata uf at: it. raula laii or tut Irara.. City OSrrbicaeo Uarket. SU WaluLaTta Ar Witaewth Btaa.JaaaeaA. laiiL, ai liua. ianxMita. urarLa, brad-- , H iitrr, j wlcw, atid tta anti aaf a)a ClUDtN. ITAU. c daa-luuattd rvi.ta aif wa)a. ttMt liaati-areguiiiavruta, ourt uf Ua ix.laat. wttva, dnfaulat, ktatalt, car Itouatat, l J I'aatrart, ia aad l . tta. rti'-t- . butl liutta. airbctatrrv, iraaaa attd lntti.. temtory tJ I taa. MAKLSG OF ALL KINDS OF SltSAGE intatrvta, c tilraUv. dinar ta anauaa. rM.r till ISta day of January, la uartita aol pi iii.ra tauv briuucina; ar Ua year uf wvr a - to Hard taiuuiatrf of m tar pnarumi uriilt tu liaofurof UMHavaad aa'bl buBttead aa4 ffECULTV. tlu- - pun r.MtMa auaetTHaB. .f rail a a Uit aaij tkj.ira ay kailtaatr t'utav paiiy, ur tb iuautitaoaac tar oprratttaa iLaanajf, By L. R Bear. Droaty IVrk. ur aur tf thtmaif, ur atartiaar Uaeaanw M. . OiLatar, Attorawy All ortWa hf mail or wir rivea (or fUiatiit. aliali at any uut bmtv'tv hrloc cr apprrtaia prompt Hi. V. U. Box to ur L aanj or prorurrj m iia tiic (baaia-- of fae uaanl Iitt tua purpuae uf or ia ciaianruua lag MARSHAL'S SALE. with tit hnna uf rnxtaay Dow car Itrrraf u to ba doee. joa j Walsh. cvanatrw-ta! by tia aaij Of.iro t iiy kaulaiir A J. Hueneer. aucceaaura car Ui tvuiiHacr. ur iu Frank W. SherPlaintiff, aaaiarna, KNTKIilMlISE tuaiulrfiaaft? aad utatarattoa of tb aanva or aoy wood and Martha J. baarwood, Uvfeodaava. ; and aiau all Uaa car and all otlarr la tb Diatrart Court of tb First Judicial part aturk ur quiprurcita, all bonca. Diulra, uantaa. U Territory of I'Uk, County. uuw pluw. aacuaa. caulaaa, furra, Webc !4Ui Street, Next to Thomas Bros. Uanla. K0.2K ftiruitura and tmlfitrta, oilier) tirturrai of rvery kind; all rtKla, rhtma nW uf ftale and Deere jf Forwloaora. and aptkea and aU otlwv aiauarial muataurvrr orrarv uf aale and t ader and by virtu of as or puiaiaai'il by aaud tV-t bote Hrata of all kind. rWtrr, City decree of forecUaHiea kaaiuad ont f tia liut.aat ana Dow ua nisi Katlaray t HnBy. ur wliirlt aliali at aur tint Court of th t irat Jadictal District of Ua Ter GauM ia aeaauo. W. tiaodl. awn. but U bflrvaf ter ba acquired t it, iu .Qrcwaaura and ritory or i tali, cboiawt roorla. Katiafactioa cnaranuwd. Coontj of Weber, oa tbe 14th 4roorla Ivhrerr-Ynm. Out order wauD will avurna, for Uaa ua and purtauan or lai4mil day of t'etraary, IW1, ia the above cnliliett fur ua) in eoticncUun ttli.ur fur Uu operaUoa, actaoa. whereto A. J. Kpeseer. th auof call for orders if drirat. Freocb and EokIuUi ipoken. (iiv. as a trial! mainlonaitre far rrparaUoa of aaid liorn of and dawree plainnff, obtained a nnw or linrealicr to ba eunatructad by tua agaioat Frank W. Kherwood and Martha J. aaid Ui;ilr i'lty Uailwaa IVMupany, iu auroaa-atr- a hhervuod, defendant, oa t b Kuurtiarnlh day 24th St., Ave. cor. or awairna, wltrtuer kuraa, cale,tlucUic or of February, 11, wbicb aaid tleere waa, oa Ut otl.or railwata ur any part tiu'rvof. Fourteaiotb day of Vrbruary, I til, reeurded ia Alan the folio In tkarrilaad rrvil to-- it : Judgment Book "H" of aaid court, at pagw . A. . WaTHEKai. L. Balch All uf block eitrltt W in Nob Hill Additiun to aaid I amronimanded to tell All that eertam lot. pier or parrel of land OkiIcd City, of twenty-ai- i (Jti) lota. And alo all the right. pririltirKa and franrliiar and briug in the of Offilen.eou&tr vliich tint (aid l(fti'U Cur Hallway Company of Vt ebttr and Territury of I fit Uli.and particularly Dow bolda, poaartuaa or I cntalnd to, or wliicU described a follows, : A part of lot nine it. or it iurciawoni or aaaicua oiay llfrraftcr ar in block t (41). or bocoYnn iwMmnj of or t entit ltd to, plat "C, ' Ogdeu City().survey, hearinuing at ta quira alao rtiTeoua tolla, and inrouirof any and all outheut corner of aaid lot and running these linn uf railway of tha aaid Oitdr-- City west eight roil, thmao north four rod, theneo Fresh Moats, Fish, Poultry and the Kailw ay Company now or btreaftpr to east eight rod, thenc ouU four rod to th Game in Season. with all and ainfrular tb nlaceof beginning, together with all and the tenmnenta, heridttamuut and of ht'nlitamnU and tha )roniiaoa afurvfaid.or any uf them, or any nance thereunto I elonging or ia nyappnrt. wi apOrders taken at your door, and r'xvls delivthereof. part pertaining. erer! to any part of the city. l'KOMIT Which aid morfeiaT lndrntum waa onllifi Notice 1 hereby given thst - Friday, the a specially. Our Meat 19th day of June A. t the hour of ll:a0 thirteenth day of March, A, U. IW'1. at 12 o'clock natron ia a Market on wherU which rails at a. m., bletj for mvirdI).,in tli ollioa of the noon of that day. in frout of thConnty Court, your hons. so that you mayaolort your own of drmla.in and for Wolirr county. I'tah houee. in the city Ogiien, county of Wober. It runs mirth of 23d St. on Waahincton Territory, and duly rorordi-- in book "L" at nd Territory of oft'tah, 1 will, in obedience to Xood. and the Bench. Ml to &. inrltiKire ; and said order of sale and decree ol foreclosure, ell paie V ia Ivh1 in MaUEAS. of it aaid trnnt the alKive deacrilted 1. TfL No. U:J1 1 WiuthiriEton Ave. that in rnxn default proridod property, or ao mncb t hereof a may be ahall lie made in tlie necessary to satisfy plaintiff' intonwtnr any of nitid bontla, and aarh Judgment, with Interest thereon and coats, to default ahull ctmtiuue for t hit t y tlaya. then the the higlirat and beat J.ler for caah, lawful principal of all of aaid bonda, if tha trttoe ao money of the United StaUta of amerea. rlcct. upon written notice by aaid truatee to KtlA II. Paksons, V. 8. Marshal. the party of the Ural part, (nteaniuaT the Oadrn By B. A. ItowuAN, Deputy I'. 8. Marshal. ( ity liililwny ComiiNii.vl ahall bxcomn Ktid be Ogditn, I'tah, February iSttt. lSbl. at otii'o due niul paynlile and ao behl and tliwnfHl fur the pnrixi.-- of forerlosuro aud Kile in eit her of I he indho.lx LEGAL NOTICE. prtJTidcd, atwl for all other ptinxwe. And WiitiiKAi", the Interest uxn nid honda due To an whom it may concern : 'TJASf'F.tiAUTY. Notice I hereby given that I. Oiarln M. on the of November 1M. ia in aud unpaid, and audi th'fauU Ima continued Rrotili, assignee under deud of aaaiirament mailm and delivered to me on the 2tllh day of morn than thirty day, and the trustee ha elected to declare the principal Decenilier, the by i'riuling all of i'.ie bond acenrud by aaid Ueed of truat ul Fubliel li:t: Company, will from this date to OGDEN CITY RAILWAY CO. of duo and payable, and ha eiven written notice the 'tfKa dnv of January. 1NU. otter for kale sud sell the foliowtug deairibfeit iMiratmal property of nch election to tbe raid Ugden City Railway AND conveyed mi Company, and bysaid deettof assignment: Th V n dant of the Ogden Daily Democrat liHtAfi, it ia further provided in aaid deed entire & of .runt that if the aaid Ogden City Huilway newspaper, oonsir tin f f presses, type, paper, Company (hull fail to pay tho principal or part machinery, etc., etc., at private sale; and if not AND thereof, or the intcroat or any part thereof, sold befoni said "'Jtb day of January. ISid, I will which may become duo on aaid bond ectired on aaid day sell said property at public sale to or intended to ho secured by aaid deed of trust tbe highest bid.ier. HEALTH RESORT CO. Person ilee'rii r ( n purchase any of said propat tho time when and at the place where aame may become due and payable, according to the erty can, ei ami ax ije same by applying to me at tenor and effect thereof or of the coupon! tho Utah ic'iui Bank of Ogden. Term of :! tlo. caf 1 thereto annned and for thirty day thereafter, Between Twenty-fiftivory of property. St root and Hot then ahall be lawful for this t mates in it Ogden, Unli, January 3rd, 1WI. it Springs, taking effect Thursday, or Cbarlka M. Baot'oH. Trustee, by it attorney, attordiscretion, pcreonnlly Above alt. postiioned to Fob. 10, lfl. aaretit or airentu, to cauae t he (aid uiort- January 22, 1891. ney, Above aale Hired tiostfioned to Feb. 25th premises or property, riirht and fntorertrailway to lie fold by public auction at tho GOING NOItXlI. front dtxir of the county court botiae of the aaid Welter county in the Territory of L'tah nnd in aaid Option (ity, f!rH ftivinK not le than C2 D 2. thirty daya' notice of the time, terma nnd pi nee of uch aule by advertiaement iu some nowppa-pe- r A.M. A. M. puliliHhed in said Ogden City. And A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. attached Whkukah, tho raid iutcnwt and child in utah. 7 5 G:.r)0 7:02 7:15 7:40 to tho aiil bonila, due by coupon their term on tho 1?W0, of November nnd first 7:50 8:02 8:14 8:15 8:25 being the inter-ea- t 8:50 day anid bond due at that date, aroand 9:00 9:.T0 9:15 9:35 9:45 10:10 havo on to this time remained unpaid. 10:10 10:25 10:40 10:45 10 55 11:20 Now therefore, notice ia hereby given that tb 11:20 11:35 11:50 11:55 undersigned trustee in said mortgage or deed Diseases of the of trust named, will on Thursday the Btu day of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. March lSill, proceed to eell all the property hereinbefore and in said mortgage descrilml at Chronic Diseases and Deformities. 12'05 1230 public aucliou at tho front door of the county l!40 court house of Wober county, Territory of 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:05 L15 Utah, in tho said city of Option, between the 1:40 2:10 1:55 2:15 2:25 2:50 hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon nud five 2:50 3:20 3:05 3:25 3:35 4:00 o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, to satisfy The old surgeon and examining physician of 4:00 4:30 4:15 4:35 4:45 5:10 the debt secured by said mortgage aud the cost "Tho IJebig Hurgical Institute and World Die- 5:25 5:40 5:10 5:45 G:20 of such sale.n 5:55 of Kansas ('ity and Sau Francisco TarrsT Co. pensary" Mortoage 6:20 will 6:35 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:30 visit Ogden and have office at the Broom Roland R. Conklin, Secy. 25 and 26, at ("lift house, Halt Lake, Feb. hotel, L. B. 7:45 7:30 8:00 8:05 Rhode. Atty. 8:15 8:40 Feb. 27 and ffii, 191. This will be a rare chance 8:40 9:10 8:55 9:15 9:25 9:50 for the people of Utah to consult free wilh the 10:00 10:12 10:24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' oldest and most successful California specialist, who has had nearly fifty year special practice, having graduated in IMS. Hcmemhor the old GO INC SOUTH. Terrritory of Utah, ) doctor will visit t'tah himself. Dr. Liebig at County of Weber, ) Co. of San Francisco are the only reliable In the Probate (knrt of said (Tonntv. In the matter of the estate of Qeorge A. Mitch specialists from the large citie who visit Utah, &3. 3. C quarterly, who treat all wasting and annoying ell, (leceaseii. chronic diseases of men, women and children, Kstate of Oeorge A. Mitchell, deceased : Notice is hereby given by the undersigned and the only brace and deformity manufae- - . A. M I A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. administrator of tb estate of Ueorge A. turers who visit Utah from Ban Francisco and deceased, to the creditor of. and Kansas City. "im 7:17 7:30 Mitchell, all person having claims against tbe eaid de 8:00 7:40 8:10 8:15 8:27 8:40 ceased t exnibit them witb the necessary 9:00 9:20 9:35 9:30 9:50 10:05 voucher within ten (10) month after the first 10:10 10:30 10:40 10:45 11:00 11:15 publication of this notice to the said adminis ! ' trator at his omce in the owre or the toonty 11:20 11:40 11:50 11:55 Recorder of Weber County, Utah, in the County P.M P. M. P. M. P. M. V. M. Court house in Ogden City. P. M. Jon O. Ttleb, 23G0 Washington Avenue. 12:10 12:25 Administrator of the estate of George A, Mitchell. 12:30 1:00 12:50 1:05 1:20 1:35 Dated. Ogden, Utah, Feb. 13th, lfOl. 1:40 2:00 2:10 2:15 2:30 2:45 Elec2:50 3:10 3:20 2:25 3:40 3:55 SUMMONS. 4:00 4:.35 4:20 4:30 4:50 5:05 Before B. Ternes, Justice of the Peace for tod 5:10 5:30 5:40 5:45 6:00 6:15 precinct. 0:20 6:40 6:50 6:55 7:10 7:25 Ogden TERRITORY OF UTAH 7:30 7:50 8:00 8:05 8:20 8:35 i County or Webeb. Stencils Made, Bubber Stamp Mr. A. Richard, plaintiff,. v. Wm. Dwyer, Locksmiths, 8:40 9:00 9:10 9:15 9:30 9:45 to order. defendant. Demand. $25.00. 9:50 10:10 10:20 10:26 10:38 The People of Utah Territory send greeting : To Wm. Dwyer, defendant : Trains will begin running at 8:00 a. m. Yon are hereby directed to appear and answer on Sundays. at before the Justice of the Peace hi otlice in Ogden City, in said County, th. within complaint of Said Plaintiff filed herein, Ave day after service on you of this Summons Models and Experimental Machinery to Order if served on yon in Ogden ity, within ten days All kinds of Novelty Repairing if served out of said City but in the (bounty in nonra trtmorrlioua and jti which this action is brought, and within twenty I vi 1 mrcimrnfr 7,m .be urinryor-- i CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS days if served elsewhere. l T;icarc.imted This action is brought to recover of yon the from Plaintiff due be sum to $25.00 of alleged . DKU.kiWTa I if ALL J'n S crJK O. yon as follows: For board and room rent fur XQHl, New XorkJ Mt4ertak is brtotr nished you by Plaintiff at yourspecial insunc iottlttrnitpsffvoBtrfeitlhfT and request during IXiO. IM T7Tlt, and WaV4, Kor further pirticulr.rs reforence i hereby WMWm (Mlniction.wUl work indttttftoiulT, Ta made to Plaintiff's complaint now on Die at my tear-lj tbctrown kKhtl4M.whrwTthrT MtsJ will law format!. otlice, in this action. wUufttiot. which jom cu ani Ibat uimm, And you are hereby notified that unless yon th Ko mon m for m bu.cm .boT. wwMfii) Kuitj tod qnicklT do so appear and answer said complaint as t d4r bat HOUSE AND SIGN worhr from Mwh dlatrirt orooaoty. I above required, Plaintiff will take judgment hrjlfrfly U.irht m tn4 provklH with mpknat Urrt C3O00 rwiuli It NEW iiumb'r, who r mkinf acainst you for the sum claimed by her, nd MOLIO. KQUnrtlt,r,rKfeK. Addmtt ftt one., $25.00, interest and cost of suit. K. C. AtLE.N, Weber of Constahln Aatuatta, MalM, To Sheriff or the any ALSO Make Greeting: County. Territory of Utah, hereof. . PAPER HANGING AND CALSOMINING. legalservice and duo return StU Oiven nnder my hand tine day of January B. Tebnm, A. D. 1S91. Jnstic of the Pence for 2nd Ojln Precinct. FINISHING A SPECIALTY. WntTB A White, Attorneys for Plaintiff. HARD WOOD Reed Hotel Building, MARKET OGDEN. UTAIL Brainard, Robinson & Co. IT. M' 430. iLar i COO Seventeen rods on corner Quincy 200 and 20th streets, per rod Twenty-fiv- e lota in Ruve addition, between 21st and 22nd streets. Cheap and easy terms. Several house to sell ot small cash payment, and balance monthly or quarterly. Five houses to rent in good location. -- ! i.nwU l A.Ajir.nai taf L Law ! abarz varRjrAa (t awMrv.w of IW aCau.aak -AU aatil a. uiar iu rtuu aa tvaj a.ta ali.s.ri. aij aJ Ularaa,tjrwt.t. vt a . tftf Jerm. Inui.ua. rtatuta BUTCHERS. t arauaa-lio- 6x10 rods on Quincy, streets I'aaU-ar- rita-tri- Bowl Uul4 We have a few Snaps t- - aur-atricuir- m. Wa&hinrtoa i&'J -t -- kEunMtrt. a ly t trj4.n. .ara tawaaj-- a Foot of Twentieth niiiim HiiU ltut uut I aru at LAFHKNTZ & POOLE, J.jrV. McCulloch Ileal Estate Dealers. BuilJin. krr.. ai 4m-4- avaM atta j. i. ui lur iirtiU uar'.itr vt , kaa - 11 atu Sausage Works! ii!i for ()'Jt-- property. Call and ee me. HOC - j E, j 1 ic-- trade for OJ?n property. clM-4- amM fur rwf w Adiuuall diwtuiMAcmtc ia Uvod barraiua ia lU i-- . A im;4i.y. ai4 Meat,PoultrvamlFish LiN) r4 of grxtj rWr land in Trias, fur Ok'dr property. 14 1U !&r ti incurii bra ?! in La Junta. CJu, tjt Odea rvl tett or su k of 21 rcL. The TO TRADE! ( bw Grant At raaa. CttiuM prufxrtf i Eft) fuut fc4 ia 1'itf Virv Ailiilioa, TO OGDO HEXUCfi.lTS! OS r ll SUMMONS. IstLe Canart :ia a,. i t iamiaa. wr 4 I t,f Ity: aurta DW"? & 1. t Tr4 Lta. R'". ruU5. J tu Hit Jtn4uuut attfaw tarfccMiajit. r'i-- iru DEAXXS IX -- ctrax. v-ih e OF SALE. A."-- W (k4 !) a Llx ; iiJ- - JI fall for a Mmin; to Orranire kt L,f Irfu vlft-- jirt iitt; rnix :;. IsM-ti-vi- t4 br?iin V. BCi.n. Sat YLxuara Ai. iiwue ia.i i.rm. j liaif ! Lu. toauttiip lbr Ik3 5, toDeii.p Total, jrt ftu ' C.II.(.reeinvelR'I!ros. Choice business and dence property in all parts of Ojden at prices that will astonish you. t, W. C. Catrr, 2 7. iiti t; Vi. l si U j J kkxic. ! C, iajck 17, f lat A; eCSj Cj. f tut Eain-rt- fil, L3 fectiua ., d ci;tLt rr 2 t; f yu. C. T. K Sjn4 Hvud plat A: fTjft. NOTICE resi- VA V. 1A 9. 11 Kct La. fc. jn MARKETS. FOR SALE! VVjawb-izeUi- I j Frb. 3. I(-ci- a ESTATE. REAL. REAL ESTATE t tiTLi&bvi by 7 cwitMMrarditMrinwihiiorirat. ril'T nd hoaenblr. hr thoM of mi, jtomir or old, and la th.tr lYl I I I U rI WI Xlber ewaloetlltm,rKrrmrtiTMTC.Aiir 11 W 1 M one ran do tfa. work. IUr to tram. W Sjrnlih ortrrtbior. W. tut you. N. risk. Toa can TIME TABLE h i.tanttoetrymax,wom 1 . Jabvis-Consm- 13 z $z I Crescent Novelty Works Electric Wiringf and tric Supplies of all Kinds IRON FENCING. above-name- it fiyBantul-Midy- M.TEAHEN PAINTING tfjll m -- if for nm mm SFor LOSTorFAXiano JAABHUOUI and BEBV0D8 DiElLITYl To meet frequent calls for mining iOanl IWeaknaaaof Body and Hid, Effeeta and has Commercial The blanks, Evoasaas in I) Id or Teaar. Jnf F.rreraar printd MAIN SHOP ST. avol lM. ROIHMID rally KratoiTd. Iia. la aHf5 pa Tbtt tt .a hason hand for sale the following: Notice Imiiaa!, yoar rnar. mom rait, or .11 your tti to the work. Siraaaiar.irS,riDsri:UPF.BtlKtt.tal'tKTxvriu)ll. nUrtly nw lead .and brtnat wondarni! Kttta tn mn workn. of of location of mining claim, proof Xaaatmaly ar.fljllnr liniE TRa'ATHtSTBrapkU la a aar. BraHntirrt .r. tarnm. from tti to fO prrwrrk and arwapia, rluUaak Mr,. and mnrraf'rra little aifrlmce. Wrcaa furolah you ta tin. One door Sorth of the Ilop.tz Oil and labor performed, power of attorney to IK .ar.lralltrraiaVAUI.aaafMVlratasalra, rtnlaRBOaa aa aroo'i "tiU farala) frafa slli HKf. Ho ancto riitlain her.. FtM y .li.ymMit aoH iiloM CUFFAarO. W. V Company. ktmuiiM rtm. 'A ICI r. a VO AlClail, BAUk. tiliU MgDiCAl locato unci sell end mining dood. I43 , |