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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL. VOLUME IV. NUMBER 121. LI En BILL flHIhtll. OGDEN, UTAH, the floor, statin: I I thu s would merits U the ef - nAn.M Ar.n hauirea u not li.r minute deUie dm doc ' object U.' ; 1 of the furtv pmtioc Bowed under the rules. in the affirmative. Report it Unfavorably. new of the dilatory notion Id already lead of McMilhn. the oepted uolwe from that tSa that it did not desire to faoiliut the democrats ould nine at ever) in Hunt the by mymauoVrittff point Blount moved to reoomm.t ibe reeolu The Senate on the LWmor taw aud, oa yeas and a great body Bill. of democrat left the haP. The roto re ulted. yeas, IX nays ISO, the clerk not a quorum. WiUi3oTuji. Feb. 20. The oouj&ge ingThe question tb n recurred on the deLmu.it tee today, by a iuU of 8 to 3. de mand for tbe previous question and Had to report the male free noinajrs having demanded Teas and nays, McS advswely. with a rerun meodalion Milhn called the domocrato from the it do not pas. The minority were cloak room to his support. Having the signal long enough to acBarline, Bland and Williams, the obeyed McMillin's complish object the demo :.u.rd being republicans aud crate once more disappeared. Tbe mo1 two last democrats. 'Hie majority tion was carried 50 to 8, a quorum be ( oumim-ii lfhurii. ing uoVd re naUcrr The resolutions were then agreed to J and. napp, layior. republicans, racy. 155 to 4 and the emit bill was immedi aux, democrau. Whin the ately taken up. The senate amend dcoi, ments were in and concoinage men fo ind they were Eee on ordered. House substitute tbe senate free coinage bill. ference for bill fixing thfe salaries of United iter moved as a substitute, first, a bill States distr'ct judges whs withdrawn, mr free coinage of tbe American prod uct. leaving the senate bill in the original md next, one tor purchases of tun mu! form, providing that tdaries shall be of for three six silver and moi.ths M $5,UjO per annum. illions each month thereafter. Both McMilliu offered an amendment reefeated; only Carter, Bart mo and Bland ducing salaries to $4,000. To this J. D. tetl for the first and Carter and Har Taylor offered an amendment providing fo., the second proposition. '1 'r- that salaries shall be increase $500. No ile free coinage bill will now go to the voted, and the house took a house ca'.en quorum M of the overburdened recess. r. with the committee recomniendu ions that it do not paaa. Notes from the Cubital. Before t lie committee closed its hear WASHiM.roN.Fob.20. James H.Beatty ra this morning, Congressman Elect rry nun peon ot Kansas, argued in ncmiuatod by president as United States vor of free coinage. The farmers de for Idaho, and whose nomination mauded more money, he said, lie did judgebeen has opposed by the Idaho senators not care if free coinage did cause foreign lver to come to the united States, he on the ground that he was connected ished it would. It couldn't come too with the Claggett faction in the legislafor it would give tbe people more ture, which sought to reverse the action of that body in the election of Senator oney. Alonzo Waddell of South Dakota, Dubois, has arrived here and appeared of the senate ierre Humbert of Boston, and Senator before a tew art spoke in favor of free coinage. this morning to defend himself agaiust ME. B. Bacon, representing the chamber the charges preferred against him. Confirmations: Joseph D. Jones of oommerce and merchants association of submitted an argument Utah, judge of probate, Utah county, Milwaukee, Utah; James A. Stack of Utah, judge of against free coinage. in Piute county. t he silver bill will be reported to the probate The president has approved the act to bouse tomorrow. The majority report ill not go inio an argument of the ques amend the act regarding the forfeiture tion. The silver men generally are dis- of certain lauds heretofore granted for posed to regard todays action as prac- aiding the construction of railroads. tically the end of silver legislation for this congress. An effort will be made HEAVIEST KTtfKM OF THE SEASON. to have the bill acted on by the house but its friends do not express hope of The Entire Northwest Visited by a The auti silver men Bre well Severe Snow Gale Success. and Representative Walker ex Chicago, Feb. 20.- - Reports from all pressed the opinion this afternoon that V1" bill would never see lijjht again in over the Northwest indicate that the ia congress. heaviest snow storm of the eenson pre vailed last night Railway trail!. was . Senate. not much. Trains through interrupted WAsiiutGTON Feb. 20. The senate to were however, Wisconsin, delayed some145 day passed pension bills,and then what by sleet. Telegraph communication of to consideration the the proceeded with nil parts of the West and Northwest is badly demoralized, but as a large Nicaragua canal bill. Vest, in opposing the Nicaragua canal force of linemen is at work repairing the done, everything is expected to bill, said if Groat Britain assumed that damage lie in shape soon. the Clayton Bui wer treaty was in exist ence (and tbe donate had no intimation The Bier Sleet Storm. that it did not), then it was fair to as sume that the government of Great BritChicago, Feb. 20. The sleet storm of ain woulil act as the government of the last night was the most serious in effect U nited States would act under similar circumstances. If Great Britain should. on telegraphic communication experThis morning in spite of the Clayton-Bulwe- r treaty.un- - ienced here for years. dertake to build a canal across the isth nearly all train dispatchers in the railmus without the consent ef the United road offices here were without communiStates, would Great Britain be satisfied cation from outside points, and trains when told that her conduct as to the ran as best they could without orders. Belize and Misquito coast had destroyed Fortunately no accidents occured. Great the Clayton-Bulwe- r treaty? If the sen- forces of. linemen are out and communiators were prepared to say to the British cation with all points is being gradually restored. The Western Union company empire that thoy would determine the suffered fmore than at any time since to roference her without any question interests or wishes, then let inem say the great sleet of 1883. Not only the that and accept what would be the con wires, but many poles were down. The company was in the same condisequences if not war, a condition of an- Postal tion. The signal service predicts that imosity, antagonism and distrust which the warm rain of today will be followed would operate injuriously on the interby colder weather tomorrow. ests of both countries and of the world. Edmunds asked if Vest thinks the Dakota and Minnesota bill is a violation of any obligation of the United States toward Great Britain St. Paul, Feb. 20. A heavy snowor any other foreign country. Vest I think unless Great Britain has storm prevailed yesterday in South Dakota and southern Minnesota, the obrogated the treaty this does. The remainder of Vest's speech was snow fall being heavy and general. Todevoted to an argument that the inter- day it was snowing hard in North Daests of the United States were sacritlced kota and the northern part of Iowa there to those of the concessionaries of tbe was a heavy sleetatorm. There has been canal company with which themareime no railroad service thus far. company made contracts. Morgan explained if the work had to Southern Colorado Suowatorra. be done by a company it would cost, (as sold 60 at be would to bare bonds the Antonito, Colo., Feb. 20. A terrific have to be paid snow and windstorm has been per cent and an interestwork raging was in proon the stock while the the past three days over the mountain So, instead of the gress) $24,000,000. west of Antonito. Railroad traffic shippers having to pay $9.50 a ton, tr.ey range would not have to pay more than a dol- is entirely suspended toward Durango. The express which passed through lar a ton. -Stewart gave notice of an amendment Wednesday morning is now ooped up in the mountains. of of chief the that engineers providing the army shall have supervision and conTortured His Wife to Death. trol of the construction of the canal and the work be subject to the laws, rules WtLKF.sBAKRK, Pa., Feb. 20. - Edward and regulations of congress or the war McMullen murdered his wife Ann, aged department. Davis opposed the bill. The pending 50 years, at Sturmerville, near West proposition was, in plain terms, a subsidy Pittston, today, after torturing her. to the extent of $100,000 to build a work Both were beastly drunk, and it is not lying entirely out of the national know exactly how the murder was comn foreign mitted. But from all the circumstances domain and traversing country. It was his opinion, if the canal it is evident that he took a pair of blackwas to be constructed at all, it should be smith's tongs, heated them in the fire done by the government directly, like and put them about his wife, burning her to death. Her body was frightfully any other work of public improvement. Edmunds spoke in defense and ad- mutilated. The room in which the deed vocacy of the bill, and, without action, was committed looked like a slaughter the senate adjourned. pen. IlLLED FOR THIS SESSION. I rU JkincttCiul nv, I r 1 e House. Washington, Feb. 20. Cannon reported from the committee on rules a resolution for the immediate consideration of business reported by the committee on Judiciary, t he first bill to be one fo the relief af the supreme court with After an ineffeSenate ameadmenta. ctual effort by Blount and Breckinridge to defeat the resolution, Cannon took Bnyinff Up the Earth. Parkkbsbcrg, W. Va., Feb. 20. -- The Standard Oil company has just pur chased 20,000 acres of land in Green county, Pa., and Monongabela and Marion counties in this state, tbe entire county of Gilmer, outside of the county seat, and nearly all of Dodridge county and part of Mason, and are negotiating for other tracts. H v 1 HUD AY MORNING, FKBKIARV 21, 1891. Fl'NM TRAIN. Remains on Their Journey to M. LotiU. (iett. Mi- m... ius FHROUGH A VALE OF TEARS PRICE, FIVE CENTS. sil lost comrade sad frwod. Taks WHHChKDIN ATLNNEL. at TQTSelTsa. boys, sad good gowt asi When BatMisH finished speskiae, tears were running down the cher4u of many of the group .V old soldier. Whs A Trail TVlrsroped in the flrtrl the train started, the boom of eaunou of Bra York City. was heard, church bells bngan to toll and the RtesjaMMid Light Guard tired a salute. ladiaaapoU was retched at In o'clock. FIKE AMWTo THE HoKR"K Lake Frvut Abandoned. Chicago, Feb. JO. -- Probably tbe most Seven Killed and Three Humble Devotion of the Feople who important Mating vet held in the Wounded Fervwhrre Pay Tbir ikeiiiug Sigh World's Fair directory, was concluded Witnessed l. Rescuers. Tribnte to the Dead. When just before Midnight adjournment was token the dir. voted to abandon Lake had New Yob, Keu. 41 A shop tram PiTTSBi-KtFeb. at). When the funeral Frontformally as part of tbe silo for the eipui train left Harrisburg last night at half lion. Tbe fair will be concentrated at consisting of empty cars was moving through Fourth avenue railroad tunnel past eleven o'clock a cold rnin was fall- Jactaon Park. Estimates ware submitted showing a this morning when ii stopped. Behind ing. This continued all nigM and alien of a million dollars in construe the tram arrived at Pittsburg it was still saving tun and operating expenses by putting it came tbe New Haven local and liefore raining. The ruu don. g the night was all tbe fair in one place aud Ibis, to- the engineer of tbe local could see the devoid of accident. Crowds of tld sol- gether with lbs interminable delays en- standing train be ran into it. Tbe rear cars of the train were wrecked as diers and citizens assembled at the sta countered in harmonizing the vast in- were tt.nH-e- f shop In a few m in the iorsl. affected by the use Lake Front, terests lions along the line to see the train go resulted in ting tbe entire show to uto flames broke out and to add to the At Edgewood the train the southern pari of the city. Nothing terror and confusion, a third or. gin through. which was ibout cars, ran slopped lung enough for three of Lieu- will be done with Lake Front save to into the wreck.running with foundations it against tenant Fitch's children to get on. As beautify The tire was soon extinguished, and as memorials of the exposition. tbe funeral train neured Pittsburg and statuary A delegation of labor leaders pre- the work of rescue began. Five men road cr.iesings became more numerous, sented demands fo- - the employment of were killed ant seven wounded. None group after group of people were to be of the passengers were known to have seen standing there unmindful of the union labor aa far as possible; eight been killed or injured, the casualties hour to local resident preference day, in I their rain, and only intent on ononng confined to employes of tbe road. being ci and American a minimum izons; rate humble way the remains of the dead 1.50 misunderstanding of the signal by per day for unskilled labor; estab A hero. 4 the engineer of tbe New Haven train is arbitration of lisl.ment The system. Soon after they got on the train tbe to have been tho cause of the accipromised to puts upon the de said grandchildren were taken by Lieutenant directory dent. were the contracts mands before let. Fitch, their father, into the composite Four more bodies have been removed car that thoy might see tbe casket in from the wreck and these are thought MAKING 8L0W PKUUBESS. which lay all that was mortal of their to be all of the dead. All were burned illustrious grandfather. beyond recognition. A numter of the Bone Has The Snth Committee Senate Nearly all the people on the train arose injured will probably die. and got ready for breakfast as Pittsburg With tbe Suirar Trust. ing A LATER ACCOCjrr. jraa reached at 0:07. New York, Feb 20. - The senate comNew 1 oKk, rob. 20. A horrible acci The departure from Pittsburg was at 7:10. Breakfast was served as soon as mittee resumed its investigation into the dent occurred early this mortyjig in the the train got outside of the city limits, sugar trust this morning. It was found middle of the railway tunnel through Fourth avenue near Eighty fifth street, and while the travelers were thus en- that Treasurer Johu E. Sear lee, jr.. had resulting in the death of six people aud gaged the storm cleared away. disappeared to avoid being questioned. the painful injury of several more. The Boston express, which had been Tbe deputy sergeant a' arms announced The Train at Pittsburg. that he had been unable to serve sub emptied of paseeugers,w as moving slowly PiTTsnt'Rp, Feb. 20. When the train pumas on Sear Is. Theodore Havomeyer, through the tunuel towards the shops, arrived in this city bells were tolled and Dekest and Williams, and J. D. Dick, where it was to be cleaned,. There were Uiard. minute guns tired, while ttags dropped deputy, said be bad been been hampered a dor.en or more car cleaners on New Haven ac in the rain at half mast. At tbe depot by people in the office of .the trust com The fog was dense, The was assembled a large crowd, the regi- pany, employes doing all thev could to oommodation train, which left Grand ment national guard and all Grand prevent htm from finding the persons Central station soon after, came up at a high rate of speed and crashed into the Army Poets of tbe city were in the line wanted. rear of the other train, completely deand when the train stopped they saCleveland In the Race. molishing the two last cars. They took luted. New York, Fob. 20. Ex President tire almost immediately. The smoke Almost a Wreck up through tbe opening of the Grover Cleveland said, tonight, in refer pouring roof of the tunuel attracted the policePrrreBiKO, Feb. 20. The Sherman once to a statement published iu tho men aud the tire engines were quickly funeral train ran into an open switch at Washington Post, to tbe effect that he on the scene. The tlnmos were extinMansfield, Pa., but was only delayed five had definitely decided not to come ire guished as soon us possible and then the minutes. But for the fact that the train the people as a candidato for tho demo work of rescue began. was running slowly a collision would emtio presidential nomination in 1H92: As the firemen lxgan clearing away have occurred. "It is entirely untrue so far as I am ac- the debris, quainted with the fac.ti in wnnoctjoQ -jxur. siasT was awuu MonrnlnTOhlwith it. T believe it more newspaper sen Dead and roasted bodies, in all con ion." oeivable attitudes, were found. One man Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 20. At Den- - satThe parried all additional was still alive wheu taken out, but died nioon a large crowd gathered at the questions put to him anent the story in a few minutes. Every fresh body station, including G. A. R veterans. and positively declined to define his pobrought out steamed as if it had been The door of the funeral car was opened sition regarding the convention of 1892. parboiled. and they were allowed to take a look at The dead are: Mrs. Nellie Supple, A Government Prisoner Free. the casket. At New Comerstown all the John Hancko, John Murray, and James Nkw York, Feb. 20. The efforts of tho Flvnn, car cleaners; H. Killinn, train public school children stood in line as the train passed with heads uncovered Musical Mutual Protoctivo an unknown man, burned beUnion, boy, and and carrying small flags edged with yond recognition, supposed to be the black. At 12:50 the train stopped at through its president, Alexander Bre- sleeping car porter; Daniel Cullicrth, Newark. Here Mrs. Judge Grangor and mer, in behalf of Charles Bernhardt, Wm. D. Brown, and another employe, her son, Sherman Granger, got on the musician in the navy, who has been in named Rankin, badly but not fat; v train. Tbe doors of the car in which confinement on board the Chicago since hurt. was the body, were opened and the G. last November on a charge of dosertiou, Enginoer Fowler, of the New Haven A. R veterans passed by, each one hav6 been successful. Mr. Bremer has train, was committed without bail. Both taking a look at the casket as he passed. received a letter from the secretary of ho and the llremen assert that the block The entire trip from Pittsburg to this the navy informing him that in view of signals were set for a clear track. The point has been interspersed with dem- Bernhardt's imprisonment since bis ar lights on the rear of the Bostontrain had onstrations of sorrow by all classes of rest, instructions have been issned to re- been extinguished, and the fog was too The family of Gen. Sherman lease him from custody and to restore thick for them to see it. people. themselves became, as the day passed him to duty. and these signs of sorrow multiplied, SAILORS ASK AN INCBEASK. more and more impressed with the 951,000 to Yale Divinity School. great love the people bore for the lost New Haven, Feb. 20. - The announce- They Make Valuable Suggestions to one. As the "train rolled into the'sta-tiowas made today that Morris K. ment the Navy Department. at Columbus, the space on either side was crowded with people and for Jesup of New York had given $T1,000 Fob. 20. have Washington, squares away there was a solid mass, es- government bonds to th Yale Divinity been received the navy department by timated at full twenty thousand, strug- school. The girt is made in memory of Atgling to get a view of the train. The Mr. Jesup's father, who graduated from from sailors on board the Chicago, comrades of McCoy Post G. A. R, were the college in 1814, and it will be known lanta, Boston, Yorktown, Philadelphia at the station, accompanied by a drum as the '"Charles Jesup Fund." No stip- and Dale asking that their pay be inulations accompany the gift, and the in- creased, that marines be removed from corps. Senator Sherman,Ex-Presiden- t as standing between sailors Hayes, terest of the sum will be used at the disGen. Ewing and others of tbe party cretion of the faculty. and officers, that sailors be created noncommissioned officers the same as in the allighted from the train and had a hr ef talk with the relatives. Quite a number army, and various other suggestions for Year. a Smallest of the relatives of the deceased general which they consider will improve their 20. Nkw The interruption position and relieve them from humi from Lancaster and Zanesville joined York, Feb. the funeral party at this point. to telegraphic communication over a liation and increase the efficiency of the service or cause the common large portion of the country served to sailor to take more interest in bis work. The Pall Bearers Selected. render the transactions of the stock the smallest for a year St. Lons, Feb. 20. The storm of rain market today were small fractional ad- Lieut. Casey's Murderers Arrested Final and sleet ceased tonight and was fol- vanceschanges with no material improvement Chicago, Feb. JO. A dispatch re lowed by a cold wind, which promises to anywhere, dovernments steady.. Petro ceived at army headquarters today from get the streets into a presentable shape leum, March closed 76. General Brooks announces that Lieut. for the funeral procession tomorrow. AN ELABORATE MONUMENT. Cloman, of the First infantry, has cap were selected this evenThe pall bearers tured the Indians who murdered Lieut. ing, as follows: Military Gen. Pope, Gen. Beckwith. Gen. A. J. Smith, Gen. It Marks the Resting; Place of the Casev and Herder Miller. The arrest caused no disturbance. They will be Turner, Gen. W arner. brig. lien. l ate Emma Abbott. tried by civil authorities. Commander Cotton. U. S. N.; Citizens Judge Samuel Treat, Daniel Gu)ccr8ter, Mass., Feb. 20. An Shook His Wife for Keeps. R Garrison, Isaac H. Sturgon, Thos. E. elaborate monument was placed over Tutt, R P. Tansey. the grave of the late Emma Abbott toBostok, Feb. 20 - '"Doctor" George day. The monument widen cost 885,-00- Clark, who has recently advertised as a Through Indiana. , is composed of Quiuc Westerly specialist at 1571 Washington street, was Indianapolis, Feb. 20. Rain was fal- granite, and is of the '. loti.ic style of arrested yesterday, charged with Clark was married about Above the base supported bigamy. ling in torrents and a high wind blowing architicture. when Saint Paris wa9 reached at 5:40. by columns is a cap of Westerly granite. twenty years agp in Nebraska to Mary center of the base is a ledger Jane Berry, by whom he had five FlagB could be seen at half mast on In the a receptacle 1 foot 6 inches by 3 children. Nine years ago he left there with and School ehurch bells many buildings. 7 inches for the ashes of the famous with one Mary Kenney, coming to A big crowd, were tolling. including a feel Boston, where they lived as man and singer. company af Grand Army men, aud one wife until his arrest at the instigation of of Sons of Veterans, were at the depot. wife No. L He was sent to jail for ton a of State In Siege. At Piqua, a small town just west of years, and promised to return to his real St. Paris, a repetition of the scones at Buf.xos Aykes, Feb. 20. A state of wife upon his release. He did not do so, the latter place were witnessed. A force however and was married to Miss Delia been declared here. Just as dinner was over, Richmond, siege has His tirst wife, of Roxbury. Ind., was reached. Governor Hovey here of artillery has been brought to tbe cap Coffey has now caused boarded the train to escort the remains ital from Sarate, and the troops at Pal- learning of his action, to Indianapolis. It waB the people of ermo are held in readiness for an emer his arrest Richmond that gave the train the grand- gency, ine puonc nave oecome much Terrorised by Cracksmen. est reception it had received since it left alarmed. New York. Over 10,000 people woro at Scranton, Pa., Feb. 20. This city is the station. As soon as the old soldiers An Attempt at Aftsassinatlon. terrorized by a gang of bold and now on the platform heard that Gen. hcofield Buenos Atres, Feb. 20. An attempt succ?esful professional cracksmen. Two was on the train, they called for him. new chief assumed charge Gen. Schotield came to the platform and, was made today to assassinate Gen. wonlrs turn in a brief speech, said: "There are thouRoca. formerly minister of the interior. of the city police, and tbe depredations sands of children here that I know. It The would-bassassin was imprisoned. of the burglars date from the night that Prru Lt -- i, lr n men-of-w- Har-rige- 1 e St. .r: Vtir iJ th nt mm greatly alartLed, and bare n mined the patios that they have so placed their safes that they can platnlv be reen from the street. The banks are all taking el tra precautions against tbe crsx.kasaer. uutft-han- ta officer Kmed the (iood. Toaojrro. Feb. 30, Sarr uel Close, from shorn wural thourand dollars' worth of jeaelry was taken yesterday by customs officers, u an Eoghshnuu. about 10 years old. He says he dors an importing and jobbing bucinens oc He says he Broadway, New York. brought $1500 worth of sealskins and jewelry from New Y.rk to trade with a real estate broker there for real estate. Th broker could not raise the money tbrfund to k the jewelry ,,ver to Tor onto to secure u loan. Mr. Close and Mr. Close went with hm He failed to find the accommodation here and handej w the iriKkU lui,-lt.. th;r Close says be did not offer tho goods for sale, but only tried to raise a loan n them. r I ili THE POPES MAMIEslo. Holm. tin .say- - Churrh Mum Parties. Hold Aloor From Political Paris, Feb. 20. The Figaro says: M. Freppel, the well known clerical membei of the chamber of deputies who is on a visit to Rome, has banded the pope a letter signed bv the Due de La Koch, fouoald De Cassaguae and forty five members of the right in the chamber of deputies in support of their contention. His Holiness declares that since he accepted the republic he lcis seen no reason On why any Catholic should reject it two points, he said, uo misconception was possible. Thoee jKiints were, first, that the government must be acknowl edged, and second, that tho church must hold aloof from iolitical parties. Celman Plot Nipped ii the Bad Paris, Feb. 20. A dispatch from Buenos Ayres says a plot to replace Gel man in power was nipped in tbe bud by tbe activity of President Pelligrini ana the loyalty of the troops. Quiet has been restored. , William's Appeal to His Peonle-Berlin, Feb. 20. Emperor William at a dinner given in bus honor this evening by tho Bradenburg Diet, said he was aware that much he had dene recently . had changed mr.ny of his people. It was necessary, however, for them to confide in him with a view only to the welfiire of the whole In our time, he added, when disloyalty and other vices Heal tiiroujn the WOrtd, when an. ocean of printing ink and bper is lavished to embarrass and darken everything, you must hold with me. I remain calm in the hope that you will follow me. William Is Very Well. Bkrijn, Fob. 20. The rumors on the lxuirsoH of Berlin,, Paris and Vienna, to the effect that Emperor William is ad vised by his physicians to go to Italy for several months because of bad health, are emphatically denied. -- Chilian News Doubted. London, Feb. 20. An official dispatch to the Chilian legation, states that the resolution is confine 3 to the rebel squat: ron and troops at Marapaca. A greater part of Chili is quiet, nnd tho regular troops and national guards are support The accuracy of ing the government. this news is doubted atuang commercial firms. Ileeeiver Appointed. London, Feb. 'JO. A receiver has beer, appointed for the Hansard Publishing union (Bfla.) on application of the deben lure corporation which advanced 11,280. 000 to the publishing house. A petition asking for a winding up of the affairs of the union was presented at tbe same time. The English Commons. London, Feb. 20.- - In the Com mo ruth is evening, Morgan's resolution in favor of tbe disestablishment of the church in Wales was rejected, 235 to 203. The announcement of tbe large vote in its favor was greeted with loud Gladstone made a oDpposition choers. speech of considerable length, which was greeted with much applause, in favor of Morgan's resolution. VALUE OF A HUSBAND. (ien. Barrnndia's Widow Sets 1 1,000, 000 as the Price of Hers. New York. Feb. 20. Transits the widow of Gen. Barrundiii. killed by Guatemalan officers on board the American steamer Acapulco, has, according to the World, officially an nounced her intention of asking the United States government for 1,000,000 indemnity for the killing of her husband. Tho papers in the suit were served oc Secretary of State Blaine. Thev recite that tho widow and her minor daughter. Victoria, and her mar nod daughter, leresa ltarrundia, wife of Karoon Becgoehes. demand $1,000,009 from the government for Gen. Bar rundia's murder. They declare that in his message of December 1, 1890, President Harrison admits it was by order of Minister Mizner, that Barrundia was apprehended and that this led to his being murdered by tbe agents of tbe Guatemalan government. In the same message, the papers continue, it is unconditionally affirmed that Minister Mizner overstepped his authori'y when he issued the order and acted contrary to all established precedents in similar Au-rant- cases. |