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Show OGDfcX DAILY COMMERCIAL: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1691. 8 THIS IS THE WEATHER FOR CO l- ARCTIC! (73 3 o 10 4 Wo havo them in all Grades and at Prices to beat the "World. CO GOODRICH & CO o r2 o OVERSHOES. RUBBERS, -J CO 313 24th St. i W. W. FUNGE. w CO., : 55 -- d B combination, by the eay. are "bleeds" WANTED. in the Uggvet eeoee of the term. CuL 'ASTEU-- A HK OF FOCKTEKK Otti received afteroonn lik. a uiutu. AiUr. . aC. 1 seauy- Mrs. Liaot Pudey ot EIt LaU, it ia Locke ytwierday from Mtas Wainright to have fifth a lunch spread for twelve pUtes in her ATE1-LADKSI&tS A FOHTiOk W. Soriling, ot Logaa, ia a 0dtn eparunaats after the performance lat a uiMiTmlMir ami nuewnur. AddraHS. A. O. W Uus tor. evening, that should U prepared regard-lea- s ugic of expense snd include ail the deliWaldwnar Vu Colt, of Salt Lake, u cacies A dozen quarts of in market the FOR RENT. different kinds of i the city. Mumm's extra dry were among ihe.inci-denUla- . RENT SirELY ITBMSI1EII FROST CoL Lick accordingly spread Heating: Stoves in stock and can Tb Democrat meet fur organization JX)K luvr flour, hum viaiiuw. aU30 thia evening. himself and the feast that awaited the suit almost anybody, both in style hivik return on of their tired Tbeapis The democrat ara rustling to funn from disciples KENT HOUSES l ALL PABTS Or and We o to made have eeuld price. the theatre propose keep teaia part orgaoiratkm. loo's steward bluah. A JOXES BEXTIXG AGENCY. of bitlTH the head the procession and will IVJt WathiOjfUta Aieaua. C K. Kelly ia a Rock Bpricga srotle-make will satisfy always To Soften tbe fckin. in the city oa buninea. prices YXJH KENT STOKE ROOM TO EEKT. ES- our customers. quire at 3. TvMU-fuu3 ads Prhaw waa not much better stiwt. Ladies shose akin is subject t roughia ill to the lia ness ben air aerioualy may remedy l;E.T-N- H exposed yesterday, ELY Fl RMSHl I iRONT yL F,U convenient to Luluo depot. 3&I applying Window's Rano'a oyatar parlora bald their usual the difficulty by restores Wall skuuo. the natural Violet Cream. It the Ihratre. after throng lat evening action of the akin and induces softneas TTOR RENT 4 ROOM HOI SK FOR IlENT- -J Union Pacific paaaenger No. 7, from and elasticity. two blocks frucD Suwot ear. Eagcir of K. &il Tvot-fir- st Mortutt. waa three boun late yesterday. tlnet, the eaat, Sale. Anrtion Hie Anderson Preaeed Brink company FOR SALE. ia enlarging ita plant oonaiderably fur Monday, Feb. 23, 1891, on Twenty fifth H)R SALE-NE- W OKflAV. AT A liREAT street at 1 p. to--, between Monroe and aering work. sacritic. Cokt fl. fur t'.i. Klack walavenues first house, corner of foil nut eumbinntiua. Mut bs slii at raw, This, Saturday, ia the day oa which (juincy lot of household mc. No r'axnalla offer refutod. Call at the parade in honor of Gen. Sherman Monroe street, a fine 3M0 VYa.himrlua ave. of tine parlor suits, goods consisting will take place. carpets, elegant bedroom seta, finest of IXR SALE-VE- RY 1'HEAP, THREE GOOD Two car toads ot exoureioniste from chairs, tables, sofas, shades, etc., all r horsra. PostoBire bi til. Trove passed through Ogden yetterday kitchen furniture, a fins range and par-I HAVE. FOR SALE, A LARUE, 1rOB 6ALE-and lor stove. All tlrst-claa- s en route to Logan. gooda. aal. family homa and a two. seated ; cheap, YYiU take a Rood milch burnt)' W. B. Wedell returned from the east aa cow part payment and bankable paper tor Tbe Greatest Strike. balance. J. h. Hurd. Commercial Ollice. Monday with more confidence in Ogden 'a Among the great strikes that of Dr. future than ever bvfor. Miles in discovering his New Heart The aeaaon of legitimate playa of the Cure haa proven itself to be one of the past week has been very acceptable moat important The demand for it haa Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descripto Ogden theatre goers, become aatonisbing. Already tbe treat- tion. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. Utah National Ouard'a grand mask ment of heart disease ia being revolu hall Monday evening, Feb. 23. Costumes tionized, and many unexpected cures : effected. It soon relieves short breath, at 2154 Yi ashtngton avenue. in aide, arms, shoulder, SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. fluttering, FOB SALE EVERYWHERE. : 2463 WASHINGTON AVE. : The atone arch over the big entrance weak and paina OGDEN, UTAH spells, oppression, en the north aide of the Utah Loan and swelling ofhungry ankles, smothering and Trust company block ia being sprung heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart F. R. LASHER, today. and nervous diseases tree. The New Heart Cure ia sold and The breaking of the water pipes in front of the Grand Opera house caused guaranteed by II. A. Walker. Also hia for considerable excitement yesterday Kestorative Nervinenervousheadache, fits, chills, opium sprees, hot Hashes, aaorning. Habit, etc. Died In thia city atone o'clock a. ra., SACKED HEART ACADEMY, Saturday, Feb. Slat, Caroline Klfreda, infant daughter of Jamea IL and Sarah Fruits ud Produce. Offdc n, Utah. Conducted by tbe Sitters J. Wardleigh. ! of tbe Holy Cross. A young oolt belonging to II. A. Is a boarding and day sohool Hent's Water Crackers, Pilot Bread, Fancy Cakes and Cookies, Smith became gay yesterday afternoon Twenty-fourt- h St. and demolished one wheel ot hia o er's devoted to the education of young Canned Genuine Asparagus Tips, Spanish Chili Sauce, Indies and little girls. In addition to a j buggy with hia heels, York New State Cheese, course Armour's and Fluid Extract of Beef, thorough practical English ( l AlCHM BLOCK.) The poet office will be closed between Latin, classes in Pure Lard, in 3 and 5 B Pails, type Sugar-Cure- d Finest in Hams the Market. in honor ot writing and short-han-d the hours ot 12 and 3 are conducted Jen. Sherman's funeral, by the order ot after the latest approved methods. Telephone No. S44, Ogden, L'tuh. JPoatmaater General Wanamaker. i French and German are optional studies. Grand Opera House Building, Besidea the elements of drawing which W. B. Dougal ot Salt Lake, auperin-teoden- t 2516 Washington Avenue. Orders Solicited and Carefn and Prompt are taught in all the classes, private y of the Deeerot Telegraph Attention OiTen to Delivery of Them. in studio receive instruction the was in the city yesterday looking pupils in crayon, pastel, painting in od and after the local interests of hia company. water colors, on China silk, satin and The following undelivered telngrama velvet remain at the Western Union Telegraph In the musical department leeeona are Jbe: O. C. Clements, B. C. Hi tee, N. givon in vocal music, and on piano, harp, ft. Marsh, B. D. Holing, E. T. Looman, guitar, organ, violin, maudoiin and JWred. Fay. zither. Special classes in art music, There was an error in the date of the fancy work, eta, have been formed for residing in the oity. mayor's proclamation as to when the ladies For further particulars apply to Sister rites in honor ot Gen. Shorman would Superior, Ogden. Utah. take place. It should hare read Saturday instead ot Friday. "Learned, Skilled and Capable PhyMies Millie Hulrereon left yesterday sicians." aaorning for a three months visit at her Such ia the term applied by all doctors Id home in Logan. Messrs. Fred and George llulvereon, her brothers, followed who are not misled by envy, to Dr. Lie-bi- g A Co., ot San Francisco. her on the evening train. Incorporators ot "Liebig World Dispensary," of of Two hundred and fifty car loada Kansas city, City and Butto City, ties have been shipped from the Utah that whose old contracting physician, and the division ot theUnion Paoifio for use on moet successful specialist, will be the Idaho division. The latter haa felt at Broom U.tel, living Ogden, Feb. 25 and 26, the need sadly tor a long time. Clift House, Salt Lake, Feb. 27 and 28, Chaa. O. Beynolda and W. 8. Smith, for the purpose ot contracting with all Larioiore, M. S. Titus, Minto and desiring to be cured of chronic diseases Geo. B. Clifford of Grand Forka are a of the eye, ear, nose, throat lungs, organs, deformities, etc. ReTarty ot North Dakotana looking over member that the Liebig International A Ggden. They are at the Pacific WELL KNOWN HOUSE Institute ia the only manufacAttention of voter ia called to the no- - Surgical turer ot and Trusses, Braces, appliances ttoe published in the local oolumna in NEEDS NO BRASS for deformities, that visit to issuing bonds for school nur- - apparatua Utah imitators no but Many quarterly. BAND ANNOUNCEMENT anses in thia district The question ia equals. Trust only the responsible and an be submitted at the polls March 16. qualified. WE ARE STILL son of Mr and The little Mis. C. E. Braiuard died of bronchitis AT THE OLD STAND MEETING OF TAX PAYERS. yesterday after a severe illnesa. The will be held services from the ntneral BETTER PREPARED Notioe U hereby sirra that a mmting of the of the Ogtlon School Dutrirt ia teaaily residence, 51 Twenty fourth pjrn on eallml beld to be lttth the of Monday, THAN day EVER TO MEET street, thia morning at 10 o'ciock. The March, imi, at Mm Oity Hall of Ogtfea City, in interment will be made at Mountain Waber County, Utah Teir to y. for th purpose THE WANTS OF OUR of aubetituna; to a vote of aiil district whether View. bond of aatd district shall be imued and told The following notioe haa been plased to raiae money for th public aehoola of aaid NUMEROUS FRIENDS. sjver the caahier'a desk in the Western divtrict. The three jadfes who an to conduct aaid Uaion office: "Buainess for points east meeting: BIGGEST THING are A. J. Bailey, John Wataon and THE 8. Sohramm. Kansas S. St. and Paul (Omaha, City be open for voting upon aaid IN OGDEN subject to delay on account ot The poliaonwill the aaid loth day of March, and at aleet and storm." Early yesterday morn- question, the aaid plaoe, from o'clock a. m. to a o'clock IS OUR BARGAIN LINE ing but one wire waa working between p. no. The amount ef aaid bonds is to be One HunOotaha and Chicago, but last evening dred Thousand (I100.0UO.OO) Dollars, to run for OF HOUSE FURthe wires were in better condition. twenty years, but to be payable any time after ton years at the option of the Board of EducaThe work on the sewer ditch on Wash- tion of the City of Ogden, Utah. Each bond is NISHINGS OF EVERY ington avenue ia progressing steadily. to be of the denomination of $1000.00 and to interest at the rate of fire per cent.'per DESCRIPTION. The excavation is mainly in sand bear payable ""mi annually. and gravel and can be done much annum The purpose for which it is proposed to issue CALL AND SEE THEM. more rapidly and cheaply than that and sell aaid bonds is to raise money for the of school site, for building school which bad to be made through the purchase house and for school houses, and .gravel mixed with water, found when for supplying the purchasing same with the necessary fur nearly all the work had to be done here- niture and the necessary apparatus, and tor tofore. unproTiug the grounds. The Board of Education of the City of Ogden, TUBNaa. is show a town and Mayor of aaid City and By Wm. S. President That Ogden good of contains some ot the finest theatrical said Board. Wat. H. Surra. talent obtainable ia evidenced by the Clerk of said Board. fact that Miss Lillie Hamilton, the dainty terpaichorean artiste now under R. ROSS, engagement at the Novelty, yesterday received a telegram from Hoyt'e mana- Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing. ger offering her 1100 a week for the balance of the season, to join hia leading "Brans Monkey" combination as one ot the "graces," imme diately at Rochester, EDGAR F. WAITE, N. Y. Miss Hamilton haa not yet decided whether she will accept The Earle ehildred have also received a flattering LATE OF CniCaEKING 4 SONS, BjSTON. jwoposition to sign with Barnum for his Madison New at Square garden, opening 24 11 WITH liork, in the spring. Marie Wainright and her company F. E. WARREN MERCANTILE COMPANY, -wre quartered at the Pacific during .their eiay in tho city. Tho Wainright 2378 Washington Ave., Ogden. CITY IN BRIEF. SOLE AGENT FOR It WE DY HAVE NEARLY ONE at Del-mo- u tK that rt Nearlya00U,O0OinUse UNo. 2441 Washington Avenue. r st-- THE LEADING JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, GOOD GOODS. CLOCKS, LOW PRICES. Era FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. BEITMAN BROS., Cigars are Unequaled. GROCERIES. JUST RECEIVED 185 book-keepin- -- to-da- E. FEIEDERICH. com--pan- WHY PAY A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. Fancy Prices! When You Can Buy re-ar- d m li ail Dili SIm d tl Children's Shoes d MEN'S SHOES THE FAIR. Proprietor. For 25 to 50 per cent, less than regular prices at W. G. CHILD & SON'S ' Washington Avenue. |