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Show tX.DfcS DAILY COM.MKRClAL: SATl RDAV. FEBRl'AK away rr. THE COMMERCIAL. TW UTAH OGOCN. A FifiMrtM is Match DautaVr HvM tbe liiy. a Cm, Mun, Fab. 13, U&L -- Curroa .at cHta II JPfl Tai Peru ruts ratoiuuontata IUMUi ob thm l?lh umL bb rapturad i Gummiju ial that HdRio irJ mj Sine I k of th oottotr; I Uie ss Wcrhta th was pnacspaby GRAND OPERA HOUSE! Laads bowls a PHixurs. -- be'.at ww bat good opportunity to bo ia a uiwul Has i,d tbe per act. lira tiii.) HINTS Bonsy oow ; i Hah Bt-rr- MUSE 1 11. It. i rrijf , Keats uavhetir SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Feb. 24 and 25. Tuesday, and Wednesday, Direct from Niblo" Garden Theater. New York. ld m Men aiuvncht aaadea cood OwUd that th irnim awwr k lolorx it. pupia tag lady whs with bar huaUod of th of th xlud opinion paopl in Mi past, Lotus James A a star she may L ytmt mdi b by far the beet a th ha strung point, but last of Ogdaav torj bar support was loo good to OKdea, and th fac'. m for bar to shio asa-f- a. Htr comi i aeiaia Ih m PusrMAHTe la Barton Hill pany a) vary fair oa. tiouiL Vbwuaiaker '.:..'. r l. : Laand uohoiiled resource aha ha a taadii g maa who at getting anl adtantag bupea to rruvd tua uuatal w have until aad hat along in years. He could do very wall away get thta MW tnrough MM AnuK't and experiMo leacb u tue in a Ruuuin toga in mow tragedy ol an ctut daya. but as a you eg hero h w Bianbe Wahh as Za baa ten days utjf ut wbarb Many fassiliat and buatneaa mm here, hardly an kieal. V lilw KIRALFY'S easy-lo- g All OO.. the Sumptuous Fair)- Spectacle - '. nt.NiiltmUi,iut.i )r. mH I at who are already Th to do prrint JMM down i hiatury a wuonpar ooMtnurtod. tba Odao Mi bkaly to go But O, what a bio among iU kind Bhnnf 8lra U railroad will be ooe ut railroad kLmvmmoii un t ha grand thagloba. Dure i to havn a bo pi Lai or two Theditani. bftwwn Ojja-- u and ike for who wish to b treated tormmutof the projected Beh withoooumpttv In thai part Dr. Koch 'a lymph Strait bridge la, approiimaUdj, of the our outnauinpliun cur i country i7fl0 ui ilea. Owio to the topographical in th air. diffi?ulttaa to be avoided, the railroad liM will be 33 per oaat longer, or a Ij.odom diapatcht aUla that diaUnce of 3,000 mile. of th abipping inlaraata bv The aide track, coal feeder lines and combined against the striking dockmce, iraaafor track will increaaa the dutUni and the London Ttmf state that the ooat of to 4.3 mile. Tbe aatiiuaU-strike has virtually collapsed. tb road, with right of way, rolling etock and other morabln equipment, ahopa, They are atill talking of making round bouM. water tank, anow aheds, th wieci of tb political rati abed, eta, will be27,500 per mile, in Iowa this year, despite tb campaign or a total of tllWOO.000. fact that during tbe past two years tb from line the north Ogden. Starting a practical failure in ill parallel tbe Utah A Northern to theory bus proved state. tho Hawkey will line Thence the (ieaver Canyon. bear away to tbe uorthweU, following roin.-'.rkAn tAMTi kn that "the pHr the western bue of the Rocky Moun to hard are ailver men discourage." oourae until this will tain. It pursue near the boundary line b Iweeu the Right you are, aud they will not be dis counted from noa until the da) I'uited Htatee find the British pim-.comwhen the route will detlwt when the wmte metal is put on a with mon gold. plaue ply to the west until a point nearly on Puget opponite Port Towusond, LATbiT advice bear tbe intelligence Sound, is reached. At this point t'xi. n Hive whnrvM will bemnstructed to meet that the Standard Oil company is buy the demands of tratllc and travel with ini up land in Pennsylvania by counties. Thin great corporation doe not want the Japan and China. Prom this punt the line will follow earth it only wants that portion which the general trend of the coast line of it can use to udvantage. British Columbia until the (southeastern part of Alaska is reaohed. lt,will follow Pkkmu'Ro, Hungary, was the locality this long, narrow strip of laud attending of a triple affliction. First a terrific along tho ae.'t coast from the pyirallel of windstorm did great damage, destroying II degrees, 40 tninuUH north tA Mount houses ami tearing up trees. The windSt. Eliaa and bounded on the northeast storm was followed by an earthquake, by a mountain rango parallel to tho and the latter by two destructive tiros. VThaa pro-bibiti- s Paoitto. This atrip is only about thirty miles The climate is humid and less severe than in the corresponding latitude on tbe Atlantin coast. The mean annual rnture is about 42 dogrtwp. l. Klin tho lino will i Mount pass diagonally tnrnuun Aiaan to trie east terminus of the Groat ' Bohring Htraita bridge, by which it will connect with the Great Siberian railroAd to be built to east cape Asia. When this great line is built (Jgden people will aoon get accustomed to hoar iug the stentorian voice of the depot caller announce: "All uhoard, by way of tho Ogden Behrint; Straits railway for Sitka, Yukon, Yakutsk, Olokminsk, St. Vilniak, Dantzik, Petersburg, Cracow, Vienna and Venice!" wide. ThkCommiwiai. take pleasure in stat ing that the suspension of the daily f of this city, is only ternpornry. A gen tleman prominently connected with tho paper informs us that arrangements will bo lnailo immediately to meet its indebt edneas and that it will appear on Monday as usual. n, An accident without parallel in the annals of railroad disaster is reported in the dispatches this morning. The accident was a double rear end collision in a tunnel in New York City, and was extremely terrifying to the passengers, although only seven" people wore killed and four wounded. Thk manifesto of tho Pope of Rome decreeing that the Catholic church must OENERAL SHERMAN'S BURIAL hold itself aloof from political parties SERVICES. will be approved by all intelligent people of progressive ideas. There is nothing Today, all over the nation, Macaulay's to bo said, in this in favor of the age, declaration that "Republics are ungratethe uuion of church and state--princiful" meets n striking refutation. Flags which has wrought evil and ruin are at half mast, public and private ple wherever it has obtained. buildings are draped in mourning, business is suspended, and a sorrowing peo-Thkre are excellent prospects that meet to hear eloquence eulogize our farmers are about to throttle merit and fame grace noble worth. This republics is neither unmindful another villainous trust - the binding nor ungrateful. It remembers the mag- twine combine. It has iieen found that nificent services rendered by the great hemp raised in certain of the western It holds both the soldier and states furnishes material for twine susoldier. his services in grateful appreciation. perior to sisal or manilla and arrangements have been perfected for growing Today America drapes the laurel wreath of fame with symbols of mourning to- it in immense quantity the coming morrow history's pages will have a glor- season. ious record of the completed work of This morning's Washington disone of this republic's noblest soldiers, indicate the defeat of the silver patches T. W. Gen. Sherman. coinage bill. How much longer will the eastern capitalists control legislation to A FABLE. the detriment of Western interests? If Once upon a time during a storm, such control comes through either or when the wind was piercingly cold, a both of the great parties, let the West herd of cattle wero huddled close to- express its disapprobation in such a mauner that hereafter Western interests gether, protecting each other from the wind and keeping comparatively warm. will be recognized. But there wero some kickers among Maosan-imitwas oueof General Sherthem who became dissatisfied, and comnoblo man's and he never ntttributes, menced crowding and hookiug until the herd b:sumoft3paratod, mid all foil vie was known to detract from tho claims of other groat men in order to magnify his tims to tho fury of the storm. own t;lory and power. In a conversation "Unfort unite bovir.es,'' shivvringly said a wta. old ox just before he froze to once regarding the comparative abilities death; "had wo stood close together of himself and our other two great warhe said: "Sheridan and I could during the storm we could have survived, riors, but our general CHlutuity is due to the plan a dozen campaigns or methods of attack, but neither of us could tell which rashness at a few." Moral: During hard times, stand close was the better plan. But when we would take them to Grant he would at once together. tell us which was the bt st, and give us It sfku-- i queer that it is necessary for clear and acceptable reasons. Therefore, newspapers to re Urate eternally tho he was entitled to the position which he admonition to their correspondents to held that of the great loader." "write only upon one side of the paper." A Domestic It is said that the world is growing in Tragedy. wisdom every day, but many a wielder Lkioh, Nob., Feb. 20. This morning of the blue poncil is oftentimes conAl McCurrin, a stockmnn, strained to vik'orously deny that propo- living four miles north, shot and killed sition. The fact that manuscript is his wife and hired man, Frank Yob. He written on both sides is of itsolf cause gave his oldest child money with insufficient for its rejection, no matter structions to take the younger" children to what Uie merita of tho article may tooktheir grandparents' home aud then aconite, dying shortly after. acJ this rule ought to be be, troubles. p i well-to-d- o tntcrrMltd in (Jgdec. are making earnest preparation to Kve to Ogdeo in a abort tint, ao look out for a grand ruab for home, if half th peopW com that talk of doing an. And as w hav ncglaetad our duty through too much oonfklenoe oa our part L.d failed to elect all our officers, let us not, it any rat, allow those little horn political affair to interfere with th gaoeral prog tm of our thriving atJ Popular cit. So let very good citizen of Ogden put hi aboulder to th wheal of prosparity Mad avpoa hi power and generoua aid a during the past two yean. Than in pit of any eu tuberous obstacle that may present itcelf in our path we can at least swoll our population and industries to th demands of our fertile surround ing country, which means a future city of at least .5,000 people. F. V. Dankoi skl rn PARTY PABULUM. Editor Commercial: In my letter, which appeared in The Comm eri i kl of the l!th, I referred to and mentioned the city nomination Aldermen aud eouncilmeii were nominated by the voters of their respective wards in open primaries assembled; they were not uwiuiuated by tbe managers of the party. The appointmebts made by the council were not made by the said party mauagt rs; they were made by the men nominated by tho voters - the uldwrmen and eouncilmen. To put a stop to all of this, which did not sua the democratic ring, tho good old fashioned primaries, where cery voter could express himself, were abol uhed, and we, the voters who were not memtiem of the ring nor elate makers, could take our own choice of the various tickets supplied by the ring and other hungry seekers after loaves and fishes. It was a regular case of thimble little thimbles and one little pea." We could vote as we pleased, but in do ing so wo were helping to grind mora was excaUaat. as was Wal S as RoiaoduL. Tb company ware fat. ly Iogar-ao- ll balance of the good Last night tbe scenery got mixed up woiottiit through mismanagement, and the drop curtain descended without warning on tbe middle of the third act. These things ahould not occur and would sol if proper men were in charge of the Ito Water WATER QUEEN. Resplendent with Gorgeous Costumes. Ghttenng Armor. Scenery. Fascinating Ballets, Grand Marches, Magnificent Calcium Lights and Novel European Specialties- - 40 Persons I1JS0, $1.00, 75, 50 and 35 Box Office, 10 m. to 5 p m. Seats, yaer. Oooaaraiug Kiraify's great spectacl', The Water tJueen," aeon to be product d at the Grand, the Chicago Herald say: "BoliMsy Kiraify's new spectacle, 'The Water Queen,' was received with every demonstration of suoeea. Tbe sovoery - very beautifu and striking, iiarticu-larlthat representing the enchanted forest aud the realms of the Water Queen, while the gr ind transformation scene represent ti g the four seasons was gorgeous in effect of light and color. The premieiedan-vrsen- j yed an enthusiastic reception, and the coi us do ballet create! quite a sensation, parliculariv with tbe stalactite ballet. For ail thepurpo?e of a spectacle 'The W'u'o Queen' is admirably designed. During the second act Mr. Kiralfy was called before the curtain aud bowed his tbai.ks with pardonable unction." at in the Grand Production oeota Sale of seats open Saturday morning a -- i (IN(X)KPOKATKD.) O. A. P. HENUEKSHOT, O. Manacer. PARMELEY, Sec. and Tfcai. SINCE PURCHASING THE Ogden City Steam Laundry to oar Fine Equipment, employed Eiporienfl Ws have added many Implement and Competent Lflp. and are no prepared to fire our patron Sunday Rvwksf OWMTt. Something novel in the way of Sunin Good day amusement.- - will be introduced tomorrow evening, when tho local musical talent of Ogden, assisted by a few proad leare the Quantity to fessionals, will give a sue red concert at We intend to head all Competitor in Qualit)' of i'i the Union opera bouse. Tho program Uive ua a trial. an Appreciative Public. presents many excellent selections and will be diversified enough in character to prevent the interest of the audience from lugging. Among the volunteers Tel. 17.1 iJSth St. Hour ot KoU Hotel. may lx uie turned Miss Libbie Ijong, Mr. James Dulton, a well known professional, Fred Voight, the local zither artist, Joe How ord, the motto singer. Miss Emma Delve, the ! elocutionist, and others. This is an innovation in Sunday past times' and will furnish a pleasant diverBY GAUZY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF sion for those whoso great complaint has nxe. I repeat, the majority of the late city beeu that they have noway of dispelling The officials, elected in February, 1888, were the monotony of the evening. democrat? James Cas;in. assessor, was artists are all welt known and should be a republican, aud the mayor, recorder greeted with a full house. and treasurer were democrats. Marshal Metcalf was nominated on account The Virginia Floods. of his popularity with 'he railroad men They are only Schemes to Work off Stale, Wuxei.150, W. Va., Fob. 20. The 'Hid for the purpose of securing the Goods. Old Goods Unsaleable and Shelf-wor- n rivor is falling here very raj idly. The railroad vote. are expensive at any price. Quality and not H)no of tho Thirteen" shows very scene in flooded districts is one of desolation and ruin. There is much sutfer-mclearly that he is a Quantity is to be desired. We do not have the democrat. He claims credit for tho Among the poorer classes. At accumulations of years to offer to our patrons. and of for election tho nomination and points between Wheeling ring republican eouncilmen and aldermen. It aud that place the situation is very disis the old style of his party to steal couraging. At Parkersburg the water thunder whbh does not belong to it. is still rising. The damago cannot be "Domocrat" (No. 2) tries to be very e timuted, but it is enormous and the Come Our New Goods! funny in showing that Tom Whalen is u suffering is grcat. The deluge has parsort of "ruulturu in parvo;" but to make alyzed business and the city of Parkershis case, he had, like "Ono of the Thir- burg is cut off from tho outside world. teen." to misrepresent what I said. The suburban town of Riverside is still Will either "Democrat" (No. S) or covered anil inhabitants are camping on "One of the Thirteen" show tho politithe hills until the water subsides. A CO. cal affiliations of the fifteen ward nomispecial from Fmdlny, Ohio, says: nees on the last Liberal Democratic Blanc'uard river is driving all the resiticket? dent of the lower section from their 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. e My democratic friends and critics, houses and doing considerable damage to ad vise you thus far: "Be honest, to property. Not for twenty years has if you can ; and if you cannot be honest, the river been so high. then bo as honest as you can." Repuulicak. Idaho's Ruby Lawmakers. Boise City, Idaho, Feb. 20. Today is EWER TESTIMONIAL CONCERT. the end of the sixty day's session of the Editor Commercial: In your paper of legislature, but in a caucus of both GET IN ON this morning I notice n communication houses last night it was decided to conGROUND tinue for about ten days. In the meanheaded "A Denial," wherein a committee time one raemb' r will sue for extra pay of the Ogden protends that and it will be submitted to the supreme 1 10x462 or 1 acres on South Washington avenue, new brick neither tho society nor any individual court In tho house this morning a bill dimember of the name has anything to do house and barn, fine orchard, etc.; a model home on easy with the concert tendered to Professor viding Ada county was passed. terms; rent, $25 per month, $5,500. Ewers. Allow me to contradict this Smoke Carpenter's Oath Havana statement. 8 lots 25x143, to alley, three blocks from Union cigars. I myself as "an individual member" of depot, $1,300. the Ogden with several RAVAGES OF DISEASE. in 2 nice lots Woodmansee addition on Sullivan avenue, other "individual members" of tho society, whose names can be learned by call- La Grippe in Leghorn and Small $525.00. ing at my office, have tendered the conPox in He Un st. cert to Herr Ewers, as we consider it a 100 feet on Fowler avenue, between Twenty-fift- h and Twenty-sixt- h rare treat to the Ogden public to hear Leghorn, Feb. 18. The disease known choice, $i,8oo. streets, the singing of tho gentleman. as "la grippe'T has reappeared in this The members of the committee who with alarming severity. The hospicity on Twenty-nint- h and Childs avenue, near Grant, published the "denial" this morning tals are crowded with people suffering 135x186 know this and have even interviewed me $2,000. are with the Troops malady. popular about the matter. The whole "denial" forming a garrison for the specially is only a personal spite by one oue indiaffected. vidual member. Belfast, Feb. 18. Smallpox prevails The concert will be rendered in tine The muto an alarming extent here on Sundav afternoon at the Union style are doing their utauthorities nicipal the house"denial" notwithstan- most to check the opera spread of the disease. dingand I assert that it will be a de2404 lightful treat to lovrs of music and refined singing. Dr. E. Thiele is Service as k fan Had Mai OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO. world-renowne- DOIT BE DECEIVED 's Cut Sale! Closing Out! Etc.! Overstocked! g and Get Prices on Fresh UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION THE WAR OVER! IS THE Turu-Veroi- EL00R. n Turn-Verei- C. B. WHEELER, WASHINGTON AVENUE. For iv Worthless Husband. New York. Feb. 20. Mary Yanny, the wif of Henry Yanny of Newark, took -- Paris green yesterday because her d whs on a spree. She was sent to Bt Michael's hospital and will probably recover. She is 4" years olc5, and childhuf-ban- less. Odd Nesting Place for Mice. Hammondsport, N. Y.. Feb. 10. Adsit Bailey of this tov n keeps a good many sheep on his farm, two mil s from Bamm i da ort. Tl e other ilay he went out to feed his flock, w hen ho noticed a black spot on the back of one of his sheep, which disappeared while he was looking at it. He made a closer examination. and was amazed to see three mice come from somewhere down in the sheep's thick coat of wool, jump to the ground, and scamper away. The farmer put his hand down into the wool and found three enug and cosy mice nests, each with a litter of young ones in it The mouse colonies were broken up. Similar ones were found in the warm fleeces of three other sheep in th flock. The sheep didn't seem to mind it. new-bor- n pass Troy S earn Laity, m. CRAIG, PROP., Baking an S MIAIIP. M Powden A. rr 1 11 Med in Million ot Boms- sTsars the standard, Its inperior nxreUenc proven in million of bomra (or moro Uian a quarter of a ceutury. It is oed br the United States (ieverumnt. Endorsed by the bBd of tho Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest, and moat Healthful. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder does not rootrtin Ammonia. Lin-.- or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICK BAJUKQ POWDKK CO. New Wii. Chicago, ban Fraucitoo 8t Louia. 1 1 1 Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden owning and operating his own plant. Best work and Prompt Delivery . |