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Show UUDEX DAILY" COMMERCIAL: SATUKDAV. FEBRUAKV 21. IRE et tta prk IRON' THE WAYS ISO MITTEE f o,4e, aad thoaght lb SALT LAKE PKEI5GS. aLouid be m.ek ebeaper Lhaa lixm jar. iro a. Mr. JjLmm that matter Duiajr et Yesterday ia the Terrieouid be srr&Eged tbougtt torial Capital ia a attitfartory v. Tha Great Salt Ltk Narigatioa comadxjroad uaui ntmg Tuesday pany that promises to La a Moore of icfinit pleistuw aad relaxation will The Yolk Erord. Jofca WiWo, who was accused ot aa opee its season ia a abort tin and eoa-tusto opt rata for aa iodehnit period, assault cpoa a young girl on Thursday its la aquipmeot eompacy that has weeing, was discharged jtsterday. It had in riew tha profit bi Etariga-tio- a kacg appeared that U was drutk. and. whila of tha great lake has provided for ia that eooditioa, h was set a tha tourist aa well aa freight traffic aod lot ct ehildreo, who began toupoa by plt him with ctonm 11 coada a charga tha water will b plowed by a fleet concs them and caught th girl who was amid of two steamers and three nil-ta- g to ba aasauital by Ih apmo, aad. ia sisting craf la. Tb former will be devoted trying to weape, a was torn e3. That to passenger traffic and th latter to ttxd to t about all there was of it. freight, Th fleet will ply between all Cfcarte lloau got &5 aod axpeoaes as points and regular trip will be mad a plain druak. from GartWki Beach to Lake Park, A man who ctole a draw pattern was touching Antelope island and inter I ring aaseeked f 10 and MrMH ki-potnta. Tb vessels will be confined to paid. th handling of freight, including or and such other classes of freight as tb SSYUEB UOBISSOX ASSIGXliEXT route may afford. It ia well known that on tb western margins of the lake Large Statements of W. X. Suillin Berard- - deposits of or ver disclosed year ago but th absence of any means of econoinff Detail f the Hatter. mic transportation mad it impossible to W. X. Shilling, vie president of tba handle it at a profit. The result was that Utah National Bank, desires Tax Com- - it was permitted to remain in place aad now that a line of boats will tap it much MEacuL to aay for tha bank relative to of this will reach th or markets. On yesterday's account of tha assign meat of the other hand th steamers will provide the Snyder A Robinson Hard are Com- for th tourist who will find an excursion pany, that there are several impress ions one of th most pleasant features of a tha article might create w hich he desires trip to and around Zion. Manager Ed. Smith, who is directing tbe affairs of tb to be beard upon. The first is that the Utah National company is overlooking nothing that th bank was not instrumental in bringing equipment of tbe line may b complete about tha assignment. In fact, Mr. and for th accommodation of the tour Shilling and other influential friends be- ists to Antelope mountain that rises lieved tbe assignment to be unnecessary, from tbe bosom of tbe lake has ordered and went around to take steps, after he plans of Carroll A Xerne for a commodi had heard of tbe assignment, to see if ous hotel Tbe opening of th season something could not be done to have the will be duly announced. firm contiuue in business, and only deREGARDING OLSES'a FABDOM. sisted in his efforts when he learned that Some weeks since, a petition signed br the fact of the assignment had already a number of cit izens of Salt Lake, re been reported to the commercial agenthat Governor Thomas pardon cies ana bad been given to the associated questing Ldard01sen, was sent to his excel- press. lency.rl Governor Thomas has received The second point is that he did not the following letter from Joseph P. know that the claims held by tbe bank ISacbe, cierk of the sujjrerae court of were rated as preferred cluims until be Utah territory, in regard to the matter: had seen that fact Htated and had exSalt Lakk Citv. Feb. 18. 1891. amined the records in the case. The Governor, Utah Territory, Salt Lake These statements of Mr. Shilling efuuy: fectually dispose of the impression, if Sir The npplicant, Edward Olsen. in such exists, that the bank of which be the petition herewith sent ycu desiring was instrumental in that a brief statement in his behalf be is bringing about the assignment of the made, I willingly make tbe same for Arm. him. He has been a "trusty" since eiaht The District Court. days after his incarceration in the peni In the First District court yesterday tentiary, Dota Dy Marshal Uyer, as well the present marshal of the territory, the case of Job u A Taylor et aL vs. M. B. as Marshal Parsons, and respectfully refers Buford et al. was continued during the to those gentlemen, as well as to the forenoon. The jury was charged just present warden of the penitentiary (who after dinner by Judge James A. Miner would willingly sign this petition, but it and retired. could not be gotten to him) Oscar The balance of the day was occupied as to his conduct and bearing by the jury trial of John A. Tracy ve. while imprisoned. It appears to be a deserving case. Joseph Baxter. Maloney 4 Perkins appeared for the plaintiif and Kimball A which I think you will find upon examiAllison for the defendant. nation. The applicant wafjtried during The following jury was empanelled: the time of the bitter tight between the J. W. McJilton, J. W. Allen, P. D. mines at Eureka, some five yeais ago, Brown, O. R. Chase, James Williamson, and no doubt some of the same bitterJames Brovn, B. A B bee, J. W. Brown- ness then existing was the cause of his ing, Thorn us Grant, M. M. Fellers, Wm. being unable to bring forth a proper defense of himself. Hope, L. S. Miller. This was a replevin suit in which there Very respectfully, was a difference between the owner ot Jossph P. Bacrr. the horse and the person who held him BENNETT POUND GUILTY. for trespass as to the amount of damages The Bennett case went to the jury at tbe horse had done while at large. this afternoon, and 3 o'clock a verOther dispositions made were as fol- 2:30 of dict guilty was rendered. The delows: fendant was visibly affected. It is unA. movs. E. Alex Osman, on Stabn tion of I R. Rogers and by consent of derstooda that an effort will be made to secure new trial. The Stringham case Maloney & Perkins, the appeal was disis now on trial. missed. PICKED TIIEIB POCKETS. David Eccles vs. Louis N. Loch, dismissed at plaintiff's costs. At an auction sale in the Thompson block this morning Mrs. Stewart residing at 27 West Temple and Mrs. JenHERE AGAIN. kins, wife of the patrolman, were robbed of 131 and $10 respectively. Dr. B. S. Harvey Arrrived ia the The auction bell had found a generous City Yesterday. response and the chamber was packed Dr. R. S. Harvey arrived in the city to its full capacity when the auctioneer He bad probegan his yesterday from New Orleans, expecting ceeded but amonologue. few steps when an injuncto meet Mr. A. B. Hayes here. He pre- tion was slapped on the sale that ferred not to discuss business matters to stopped short and the chamber was emptied. Upon going out the ladies any great extent. made an invoice and detected their loss He did say, however, that there will which was promptly reported to the be no trouble in inducing eastern capien that beat. The picktalists to set up iron smelters here with patrolman had evidently been in the associate iron industries, if they once are pocket assurred that there is an abundance of throng. good ore here and an extensive market HONOR TO KIESEL. for iron products. But they would desire to found the works on a very extensive scale, so much Besolntions of Eespect and Gratitude so that they would necessarily control for, Educational Services. them. The board of education of this city has formulated and adopted the followGrand Ball. A grand ball will be given at the Union ing preamble and resolutions: Whereas, The term of office of the opera house on Monday, Feb. 23, afternoon and evening, to commemorate Hon. Fred J. Kiesel, president Washington'a birthday. Admission, in of the board of education of the city of 25 cents the afternoon, each; evening, Ogden, has expired, and 's $1.00. No charge for extra lady. He has labored dilligently Whereas, orchestra in attendance. and efficiently in the discharge of the V. Thoknbkro, Proprietor. duties of his office, and by his zeal has greatly helped to advance the cause of Swedish Nightingales education in our city, and by his deFeb. 21 and 23 in New West Hall. Tick- meanor and courtesy has endeared himbe it ets at Giesey & Spargo's, and Dalton, self to his Resolved, by tho Board of Education Nye & Cannon's. Secure your seat. The hall is small, and the audience will be of the city of Ogden, that we hereby express our acknowledgement of his unlarge. tiring efforts in the cause of education A. Attention! P. 0. S. of and of the great respect and esteem in All members of Camp No. 1. P. O. S. which he is held by the members of this of A. are hereby notified to meet at K. board. Raxrpord Smith, Signed P. hall on Sunday Feb. 22, at 6 p. m. to W. W. Ft'NClE, take part in the anniversary services. L. B. Adams, Attendance is imperative. Thomas D. Dee, W. W. WATTEK9, pres. W.W.Corey, L. Meid secy. Trustees. W. N. Shilling, Supt. Spring is coming and the nightinW. H. Smith, Clerk. , gales. WORKS. r3 XE1XS COM lmiSTEtt Tf itt tio tt From t.eBtlrmr Her Xw Vwk Cilj Uttk Vktr f Putting ia a E! anion FluL Tt Chamber of Comaterea met ia ad buraed ciAi&b aeeajoa to last eight at tL tha Iron work addi- - tkmal cocaideratioa. Among those protect vera Heeara. A. IL Buraatiaa ana V. C Cboata, both of v York City, ahoara luokicg op an advantageous ait for larg reduction or La. Mr. David Evaca, preatda&t of the Chamber, pra idL Ua elated tha pur-pouf the meeting. Mr. I. Brows stated that ha bad been at Salt Lake City aad bad found that coking coal oould be had for ti and the euko for 8iA He bad seen Mr. Grant, of the Eagla Iron Worka, ho said ha would take ten tons of iron a day and Mr. V. M. C Silra stated ba vouKl take half what could ba produced by the m irfeni lurnaoc Mr. C IL Corey, on being called upon, stated that a shaft had ouc been sunk in Cottonwood cation, about twenty-twmilee from the city, southeast, in hunting for silver. The shaft pataed all tbe way through solid iron ore. In fact, there is a little mountain of this iron, all open to approach and excavation. Mr. Brown said ha thouebt this the best place to get iron. It ia all red hematite ore. Iio hod got the ore for the former erneriment from the Hard- mine, in not so accessible a pUx, but of tba same nature of ore. Mr. Evans then introduced Mr. Choate, who in turn introduced Mr. Burnstine. lie said he desired to find a suitable site and rater power for reduction works for various kinds of refractory ores, lie found water power here but it belonged to private citizens and he hardly knew what proposition to in uke to the Chamber. lie wanted about 1,030 horse power, and desired to take it from the Ogden river. The proposed works are intended to handle ore of various kinds from this and adjoining states. It would be put in with private capital, of a capacity of from 10 to 20 tons for the first year. The expenditures would be 175,000 the first year, sad the works would employ an average of 59 men per day. The plant would be expanded after the first year. Mr. Choato said that what would be desired would probably be land for tbe works, three acres at least, and more if possible. Also the-- use ot the water power it possible, or assistance in getting aud improving it. Mr. Maguire thought there will bo little or no diiliculty in getting all the power needed and at very reasonable rate. Mr. A. B. Johnson explained that the question is quite problematic as to what it will cost to develop the power. Ho therefore moved that the chair appoint a committee to show the gentleman around today to see the power, so they can formulate some definite proposition to make to the city. Agreed to. The chair named as Buch commit to, A. B. Johnson, Don Maguire and H. H. Henderson. Mr. Pettengill said he represented partios interested in a portion of the water power of the canon and if tbe gentlemen will put in such a plant as they propose, he would eee that they shall have five acres of land and it shall not cost them a cent Applause. Mr. Maguire said that if these gentlemen will do something valuable for the city, such as they seem to have in hand, he felt Ogden should do all it could for them and for his part he would extend them every encouragement possible. ' The iron proposition was then taken up. The secretary explained that the meeting of the board of directors to devise ways and means to establish iron works had not oeen attended by a quorum owing to the sickness of several members and absence of others from the city. It was therefore proposed that the chamber name the committee, and so ordered. The committe named by the president were: George P. Brown, John Q. Cannon, D. D. Jones, S. M. Pettengill and Charles II. Corey. Mr. Ridgely suggested that as it had come to the attention of the chamber that cial could not be laid down here as cheaply as in Omaha it is a matter the city should take up and see that fuel can be laid down to the advantage of Ogden manufacturing. Mr. Maguire remarked that he would much prefer to see the proposed reduction plant the gentlemen talk of putting in the canon shall be run by the water rather than steam, as the canon winds will bring coal smoke down over the city. It was agreed that the next meeting should be held next Tuesday night. Mr. Maguire remarked that the committees appointed to investigate and make reports to the Chamberlsbould The city bear in mind and be present. is very much interested in the matter, surprisingly eb, and those having the responsibilities should attend to them. Mr. Ridgely explained the general progress made, and urged thorough business measures in pushing this entero prise. Mr. C. C. Rabinson raisod the question SPECTACLES, tf t Van-dercoo- Chruv-tensen- fellow-worker- s, . SPECTACLES, SILVERWARE, k, A Small WrtrL. trj pk-ka- d AS AXXIVEESARY. MASyCEEACE. pert The Utah Xstional Guard will of hi hand, aod ended th baOi by th aataJ day of th Father of ILs caasir g Lisa to drop Lis weapon. T i Country oa Monday evenieg next, Feb. boy wader arrest on a charge of assault. Father and eon are with mack 23d, ball This will probath surgeoa's car. bly b th closing event of this kind of theeeeaon. FAEEWELL TO 6BEATIESS. Th dane will tak plea at the A. O. U. W. hall, and will doubtiw b a aaUa-- f The knocked Oat ly Only Marin actory social oecasion, as are all the re Prober ia IS Boa ad. IVmpvy's th Guard. ception given by 20. George Ba Feb. FiAxcisoa, Swedkh Octette Feb. 21 and 23, New th "Mann," and Johnnie Wast Hall Ticket 75c aad f LOO. Herget. better known a "Yoans Al Elopinr Wife' Eetorc. Mitchell, fought tonight at tbe California Athletio dab for KJXKL Five PoouiwEEPfcic S. Y. Feb. Morgan arrived here this morning from and a half ounce gloves wee used. was knocked out in th twelfth, Buffalo with Mrs. Aaae I lusted, vif of round. Farmer I lusted of Clinton Curnora, and Throughout, Mitchell seemed to stop Orlando Brigga. th young hired man Let! la ache's rushes and countered hi with wbom Mrs. Husted eloped. Tb pair blows with much ease. There was av were taken before Monachaa-aedeal of clinching and boss great th husband of the woman being hot in fighting but not much daaa-ag-e a present. State Assessor James L. done. In the seventh, Mitchell appearing for th defendant. Tb aent th mahn to th boor with a right charge of grand larceny against th bander on the noa. Xear th end et coupl could not b sustained and they th round, however, Mitchell hitnaatf were discharged. Husband and wif went down asder a lik In the then went to a relative' house, where twelfth round, after a fewtap.Mows had talked tbe matter over and agreed beon they Mitchell hit LaBlaneb to go back to the farm and Uvin Uf lightlv struck, with bis left on tb jaw. anew. Blaach dropped and rolling over ee hi face remained on the fiooor until Dont Want a Reduction. counted out. lis was roundly jeered en LaxooLN, Xeb- - Feb. 20. A resolution leaving the ring. relative to uniting all western states in a general reduction ot interest was The Lord Appeared to Bin. in tb legislature. Clakkhbcro, W. Va, Feb. 20L Henry a rich farmer living near Flat, Btrager, Doel Brtween Father and Son. woods, Patton county, says th Load Da.ibckt, Conn, Feb. 20. Jesse Galli, to him in person last Tuesday 18 years old, went home from masa this appeared and commanded him to sell all he morning, and becauso his breakfast did and Us haw poor. net suit him, tried to kill his aged father begun to giv to thot his dispose property, and with a knife. The two were alone in tbe neighbors are hi farm equiproom, and th old man grabbed a carv- ments at low getting He baa been a, price. ing knife from the table to defend him- very religious man for a long time, but self. A fearful encounter ensued around never snowea sing or mental unoaii the table, in which father and son fought beiore. ob-ser- sawr-der- The Kuiffatu of Pythias Held Pleasing: Carnival. Th two lodges, Noa. 3 and 7, of th Knights of Pythias celebrated th of th anniversary founding of Pythiacbm, last night, at their Castl Hall on Twenty-fourtstreet. Tb attendance was large of Knights and their lady friends. Th exercises consisted of speaking, h h banquet, music, games and social diversions. A short address was delivered by Knight W. IL Turner on the history and grow tb of tbe order. Little M is Gertie White recited an exposition of Pythian mysteries. The banquet was a feast such aa the Knights usually spread and the social features of tbe evening were very satisfactory as ever) thing else had been. h, aa-Off- ioar La-Bia- nch r, Wd-ham- - Iv poa-aes-sed To the Drnra Corps. Drum Oirrw The will meet at the K. P. Hill at noon to day to prepare for tho parade. Youniz American oo wn-d-er r REMOVAL SALE . OF W. H. Wright 2355 & Sons' Co. Washington Avenue. i uiiiiiiwnmiiitimmmiiitiiiim 1 I o 6 00 i o V 0 i 0 o o i i V Men's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $2.70 per pair. Boy's best quality Woonsocket rubber boots. $2.00 per pair. Ladies' best quality Woonsocket rubber boots, $1.50 per pair. Dry goods, shoes, hats, clothing and everything else at the same rate, which is cost, at the .0 o Removal Sale of o I Wright & Sons' Co. The sale lasts only till March 1st, and until then everything goes AT COST FOR CASH. oiV 0 o 0 LADIES' SHOES, of which we carry the largest line in the city, are included in the SLAUGHTER SALE. Buy while you can save the retailer's profit, and come o while the assortment lasts. At the rate goods are going now the stock will be terribly broken up in two weeks. t We urge you to make early purchases. You can now get a silk dress for a little advance on the price of a wool one. WHY NOT WEAR SILK? Wraps, baby cloaks, LACE CURTAINS, hosiery, notions, laces, mens shoes, etc., a very complete line. Must go before March 1st, and cash takes the goods. A A lummiiiiuiiuuiHumiiiimtiiiiumiiiiniiiHimm W. H. WEIGHT & SONS COMPANY, 3355 Washington Avenue. JEWELRY, Silver-mounte- d Grold Solid and Line Complete J. Gr. RAINE &2488 COMPANY, Washington A.yenue. Spectacles Properly Fitted. mil they were to weak to aontiaa the bank. Both war badly wounded, ta To Satioaal Gurus Will Celebrate aoaeutticgoff a portion of the eider 1 fktih'a raiin-- A KLt fma Ii That Way. keif severed the boy He and a A Union Pacific passenger Xa 7, du Lb Ogden at 330 yesterday afternoon did not arriv until o'clock nearly three hours lata. Tne delay was caused by a wreck which blocked th track and held th train at Green River. Yesteaday morning two east bound freight wer grwd a few running down the miles east of that place when the first on brak ia two, and a brakemaa was aent back to place the aignaloath track for the second section which was supposed to b some distance behind. The other train, bo ever, cam aJucg shortly afterward, up the nag and cofitinoed it journey with th result that it crashed into th rear of th first section, demolishing four ears. The trainmen fortunately, saw the danger and escaped without injury. A wreck train was sent out from Green River and after three hours work succeeded in clearing the track for tb paasag of No. 7. twenty-sevent- mi. WATCHES, Umbrellas Oden, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects, Free of Charge. - DIAMONDS. |