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Show tH.DKX DAI Fire Fvuu. ' Fiaa v either. MiM . liu CUrk u Lqa J. A. klil oo u srlLtx tVrj fouai .u. . Aa twijity tious rarkwitjr la these i'utiLvr, a Mnr are cuo'iuuillr askin iitts. Lav iwj ui uch. Ui Mr. L. T. ttoooeU vhea W Bd hr vi-- U-- ft M Lis j ' a tim t 'btf-oi- ujTil IiAIiGAlX HAYS OXC ENJOYS tLe inUkod and results ' vbea u taaea; it la pieasan rjrrup ci and refreeLIcg to th ti'te, and acta the ividnejs, a fenuj jet prompuj Liver and lijc!s cleanses the sys- Ifaifav ! Feb. 23 and 24, We will sell for two days only IVs-- cu lia nJ-inj- f ,7'JHr-ante- g e Mm n OGDKN, Makaoe 7x'J mirror, Ji5 cecti', worth 40 Feather liattcrs, i" cenv, cents. Sdoe . rt!i u:w:;inmmait ntr:;fi!ti:;i:it!fiiiiinit:in!u::uu:nuu!iiiuittuiintiii:t!iiiii!i;iiiiuiiiiiiiH i." l.ruh, 5 centa, worth 0(t wnts. Stwl hamnifr.35 cents, worth (jOwit. 50 ?-- Ironi now until March first Covered chamber pail, W eei;te, worth will bo made a "CL'KAll UP" f occasion with ns, with moving prices on everything. For these j few days you may revel in luxur- - 1 ies and necessaries, stripped of 1 every t hingbuttho intrinsic worth yourJown need or desire places s E upon them. Choice tailor-mad1 suits and overcoats, fine furnish- 1 ingTgoods, hats, shoes, umbrellas and alKtho choice necessities ro- quired by every gentleman are on our counters at 25 to 30 per cent, j discount, including all our high- class goods." Do you want them! Iut lierette waste bafkit, 25 cents, worth P cent. Two dozen clothes pins, 5 cents. NOTIONS. 3 papers of good pins for 5 rents. 3 japers of aufety pins fur 5 cent. 3 papers of earet tacks for 5 cents. .1 bunches of hsir pins for 5 cents. 'Si good elate pencils for S cents. th imbles for 5 cents. 1 quire of good writing paper, 5 cents. 25 good envelopes for 5 cents. i Art Needlework Materials. 2 doen skeins imported arnsene or No. 2 cheuilhs 25 cents. .3 skeins fact color wash silk, 5 cents. 2 bulls marking cotton, 5 cents, lSett knitting silk per ball, 30 cents. 25 per cent discount on all stamped linens. o These bargain sales will bo continued every week at the Washington Avenue, near corner d street, East Side. Twenty-thir. W. H.VOORHIES, Prop. CHEAT SHOWS IX ONE -- Week (.'ommcncuin Fobmiary 16th. WJl. worth 35 crit', Ogden Department Store THEATRE 2302 FRANK MONROE. Patronize the new Commercial, book bindery, where you can get first-cla- ss TWO work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. d iwh boards, 20 Exceptional Offer. il U-f,- jr iut t Wm. Ilarconibe's and Tiicslav. a fre-ouo- nt LONGER! M.tVn K, jis-terda- y Sadden Deaths. Heart dinoate is by far the most cause of sudden death, which in throe out of four cases is unsuspected. m DELAY S. J. LVl.tor Cathode ' i bar u-r- h nvr j j a xas, giivs e l lU ar(.cyu ta nSfduMjg tl.e uricary orAibL li sttiipki, fcfc asd surv; it w ital-itJy takra u.d j!tfcy in th oTfc'i'.. it iit.v-Ldrv- l last weeing for ith fn4uU ail relaavc oM in Loaw, Salt Lu City. tem effectualij, di?peLi cold, head-acbe- t W. B. WVJrll at tl Knot and Invert and cures habitual for th tirtt tiuut ucv L For ea'e &t- - la riurJ to tm conrtlpatioa trip Ji wud: in 50c and trmancnt!j. all "I hav se-no f I I vtsiUxi tixo druggists. bottleaby pkv d?a. Ik-r- are bu.mea thrift, enterty CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. prise aud the corner atone of aiar.y a uostaiitiul structure euiitiuuail beiig tig rtmcsco, laid, nh a future us that "caautn I ovtsrnis, tt. him tot, . r. be exoeii-- J by auv of Ik u n th Lnitnl iHatb Front Kilnpy To yeara 0'Jen vaa consiJrl a Hr of siwi dui?o-skws- ; the Ii ue'ertuaato a yd uati in!y ith a proud today she siauda of tbou'.iti.ia of th Arr.pri'V.u le repuutioa uoueof the fureaioat cities anouiilly. Orejm Kidney Tei i of the There ta U no eu- U ciire a!l orms of Kidney Urpnse ia must of thd c!'.k f h jve trouhli. Take it fa time. visited, wnparad with the esaouut we have here." A. A. A, Dr. G. W. Corey's o'tk-- i roo-"o. 12 Broom HoteL .Sw.dfs Take Sot ire! Dr. Freeman Burrows, Knit Lake, The Swedish Xik'htingales. who are to will have a branch4o;iioe ev.ry Saturday iinjr in 0,idf a Saturday and Monday uest ut Broom hotel, Ogden, for tho treatiu their natioual drfvs, aud sing ment of diseases of the eye, ear, noee, appear in their native language. threat and lungs. Spectacles accurately many eonpi The many Swedes of Ogden are full of tittfd, diflk'iilt caaes solicited. Glass interest over their coming, and will nee eves inserted." to it that their native singers have a tine audience. It surely will not lack in SjMTial Notice. There is nothing in a name, but in a Read the Sunday Commercial, Sub- - bottle of Wisdom's lUtbertiue there is a world of satisfaction and pleasure to scribe now. ladies of taste and reliaemeut It whitens and beautifies the skin without the inMfn, Wonifn, Children, jurious elTe,-- ts that attend the use of All who are afV.icted, no matter who most cosmetics. The only visible evihas failed to cure you, and no matter dence of its use ia a beautiful clear and how complicated your ailments may be, healthful complexion. Every lady using go and consult the oldost and most skillit recommends it to her friends. ful specialist of the age, who graduated in 184.1, and has had nearly M years who will represent ,he reliable incorporated medical staff Dr. Liebig 4 Co., of San Francisco, at Broom Hotel, Feb 155 and 35, and Clift House, Salt Lake, Feb. 27 aud 23. UTAH. a lV-:B- O: eLoerf uliy j ig 6ooietLia of kt aft ! faror&Ur wi-L- IIvicj trml tii orlrlfit. J I HgKi Kidoy Tr. p-- them aa t.o.tory rtKVfecoaltia j mofk. ar Eiitr JfcCorstkk, eipwinoce. J fvr. jeit- tpLJtU a rl tUU i.eoBf Wd.J k from aa attack tf 1L Vf Lw started CUM.MKKC1AL: SATURDAY. FEUHUAKY 21. 1891. thruuijosit the a:uW. aaj Urj Uii 1 L u fbd j, of U er: Mr. M. K. c oa A Li J. CARKISUN'S n,itio(inl. ilramatio and ;incinl(y romhinntfon. (irnnil clfiuliln ht.w, "JACK THE RIPPER" will 'Jtio most retxm-tion- al positively hi-- produced. ill an, written. WM. J. QAKR1SON, (KMinutionul author and ti iE- German - Restaurant, WALTElt "NAm. PRO. HRAXU, The symptoms are not generally understood. These arc: a habit of lying on A. "IKAIsr, NEAT, the right sido, short breath, pain or distress iu side, back or shoulder, irregular MISSrttir. L1LLV HAMILTON, tho bewifrliir.j OYSTEK'AKraoRT house pulse, asthma, weak and hungry ppells, Bong and dance artist, ' wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or Talented BVIW.. and JOE MAY BLANCHE. artit, dropsy, oppression, dry cough, and Sunday Dinner from 4 to 8 p. m. M ISS preatwt smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book America' CON KLIN. LA Kl 3430 Gil A. NT AVE- - OGDEN. on IleArt Diseases, free at II. A. Walker Minntrel Maimeta, JOHN' UALI.ET AND WILL who soli and guarantee Dr. Miles' lUY MONO. New Heart Cure, and his Dashing aoubrette, MISS LILLIAN CARROLL. Restorative Nervine, which euros ner- Tho boant.ifnl n!;irt and Spanish dancers 3 vousness, hadache, sleeplessness, effects EAULK SISTERS 3. of drinking, etc. It contains no opiates. Queen of ong and danco artists, MISS PEARL mm 5 Harcombe, 2473 Washington - --- " .ni? ..." OgdeiL I " t - iiuiitiiiiiiimiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnitiiiuiMuiinunuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiuiniiiuu serio-com- ij IIow is Your Liver? Needs toning up, of course. English Dandelion Tonic is a specific for all such troubles. AKDINli.. Last week of the popular sketch artists JIM DALTON AND CLARA BOYLE. The and refined wruj and dance artist, MISS L1LLIK MORRIS. That's THE CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN. WILL CONTINUE -- WHITTLE. 15 NOVEL SPECIALTIES The Lire Questions of the Day Before 20 PRETTY - GIRLS 20 the Catholics. and Fifty Cent New York, Feb. 19. The quarterly Popular PrieM, Seata in Hozea Fifty Cents. conference of the Roman Catholic Twenty-Fiv- e clergymen of this archdiocese which is being held to day in St. Patrick's cathedral, has attracted wide attentiDn by reasoa of the report that the McGlynn controversy with Archbishop Corrigan would be reopened and discussed. The questions that usually come up for discussion at these meetings are dogmatic theology, scripture, canon law, and moral theology, affecting the fundamental principle of ethics; in fact live questions ot the day with which every priest is expected to be conversant. The suppositious case of a person styled Albertus was submitted for discussion today. The case ns stated reads: Albertus, a man imbued with the principles of the moderate socialists, believes he has a right to attend meetings at which the property of individuals in l.ind He is advised by a friend is attacked. that ho is in danger. H) replies he is doing no wrong since tho matter is pothe and provlitical beyond of eci lissias i ;nl ince authority. However, to please his friends he goes to confessors. The first utterly condemns him because of the doctrine he maintains, but he is treated more mildly by the second, who advises him not to make himself conspicuous in advocacy of t'e doctrine and while admitting his right to attend tho meeting, urges him not to do so for the sake of peace and to avoid giving spiritual scandal to weaker brethren. The question to bo decided was what judgment should be passed upon the answers of the two confessors. The case is identical with McGlynn'9, but co direct reference was made to the former pastor of St. Stephens A ferfect Fit. Health " Vjl is TILL- Qyl. MARCH 1st. 15 -- Wealth! WHOLESAIE GROCERS, Imprlers and Jobbers. THE- ial Clearance Sale BIIAU . AT COST. ftTREATME Skookam f?oot Haii? Cromer. Grows Hair AT NTV Da. E. C. West's Xf.bvb and Brain Trrat-mkn- t, a Knarant'' e' specilic for Hysteria, DiEii-nos- s, CnnvnNioii?, Fits, Nervous NeuralRia, Prostration caused by the Headnclie. alcohol nse or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Dei.rv'.ftiiiu, Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Asre, Barrenness, Loss of Powor in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spdtinatorrhooa caused by over exertion of the e or Each box brain, contains one month's treatment. Sl.OU a box, or six boxes for $5.U0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of priro. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To enre any case. Wit li each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.01, we will send the purchaser mar written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by II. A. WalKkr, Ilnicxist Sale Afft.. STl Twenty-fourt- h St.. Ocdou. Utah. The Largest Confectionery Maiuifiictnrers in Utah. The Putnam One-Pri- ce Clotliing House, Factory and Salesrooms, 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. 3G6 24th Street, Ogden, Utah. Dont Fonret the Time or Place G ... , . m .f Ill &R M 01 Kf-pidl- Eradicates Dandruff. HARDWARE Stops Palling Hair. 13 a Preventive of Baldness. t Grows Hair oa We are making a specialty of MerBald Heada. chant Tailoring this spriDg. Our spring samples have just arrived and we are 19 an Exquisite now prepared to take measures, and Toilet Article. guarantee a fit. We mean by this, if the garment does not fit, you need not Is Free from all take it. Give us a call. coloring matter. Respectfully, Lof.b & Myer, mark ( Tiait rtgirtertd.) Proprietors of the Golden Eagle, 2410 Contains no Mineral or Vegetable poisona Washington avenue. It is an honest and meritorious Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills preparation. the Act on a new principled-regulatin- g Own Remedy, Nature's the bowelfl and stomach through liver, nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure billiousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. Skookam Rod Hair Grower'Co. Unequaled for men, women, children. NEW YORK, Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 cents. Samples free at L A. Walker. Sal pot by all Druggist. J. W&sdS awn 3 Hi, o COMPANY. CD . o fa CD tf 2345 Washington Avenue. |