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Show THE Mrs. Wm Cole. A iine baby boy was born to the wife of Mr. Hurry Hlack the early part of this week. Haw ley Jenkins came up from Mills Monday and spent a few hours visiting his parents. Miss Idale Pitt returned to Salt Lake Tuesday, after visit ing in Nephi for the past week. Forest Sunervisor Jensen of I'rovo was in Nephi Monday looking over local forest matters. Arthur Jenking of Salt Lake, was the guest oi JVir. ana Mrs. J. N. C. Fexton Sunday. For Sale -- Good second hand harness in first class condition for $20 at Nephi Mercantile Co. Kept for Service. Choice white Chester IJoars, and Jersey Bulls. All Registered. By lhomas BUY A Collumuia jraionoia or a famous HI liaison Tl aiKinmviacnine r-- ! 1 1 Planus an J Playir S'lans ROBERT LOMAX Sifcial Bell-isto- n. l)aynrs-lW!- e of Frovo has been Wm Corbett . e l in seen spending a iew uays a of week the this guest Nephi friend. J flTcAVANAUBHj Mrs. Gerald Cazier.left yester day for San Diego Calif, where he will visit with her husband for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and family returned home from Salt Lake Monday evening after visiting relatives for a few days. Mrs. Harry Wilkey came up from Lynndyl Saturday morning. and will visit with her mother Mrs. I). "K. Brown for a few days. Work is progressing on the new nome oi noy uaicneiors un are made only of the best gradej second south street, where Mr. f m.it. ri.il the kind thai does !5atchelor is erecting a modern f.td-- d and shabby become not bungalow. Miss Ruth Foote came down Designs from Salt Lake Sunday morning to spend a few days in Nephi. are the newe t ami bel. and Hie Miss Foote is attending school in and srii.iir an.l i! a'lnif. (...IS, former the city. nl is properly sel Mrs. Dean Kendall and son. on a g kd cement foundation. and Mrs. John C. Fainter, lelt the wnii cuiwMent are Our prices Saturday for Camp Lewis where thev will visit with Mr. Dean class of woil. .rixhitii. Kendall for a few week. Music Company ti m Beesley Marble and FOUNTAIN GREEN NOTES Granite Works UTAH -- wPimvn. Hv e lic?ada-li- knowing the canw. i t" avi I" I. r.t h..,l,he t,f may Jim-.tm- r u i ii-- 1. r and family ieniemeiu iom Mrs. Kd Guymon were visitors at week. This p;.rtiu!.iry Ltiella OKJroyd The Hl"ft colllfin-- Cause of dflen i i inir Mom- - r.-- J who is srnKi in i rovo atU-n- nunn-- last week. corrected by taking a f ' .l.ws oi Ira Hutrgi'ns and Russel Lund Tnbli-t- . Try it. Many who have been attending school in,.mu.rlin'ii . r lii f t, ii.ii. . i- , tivuri I...... ....... in Moroni are home. Th.-l.y In taking lain the" Tabkl. v ami mil A ami evntlc F NOTICF. PATENT .l In-- i t" t;tahi , , K Sail I.nK- - ft !(!r-- - npj!i tnuk.lat.-.- Lnml cation ( ifT.ro f.-- r '' 't One of the latest action who have come forward with their unqualified tiulotre ment of Taniae is tlien:.nieof Hon. Frank V. Evans, former Mayor of Birmingham. Ala. r State Examiner of Public Accounts of Alabama, and one time editor of. one of the St-- tit's k reat est newspapers-Th- Age-Heral- s:i: J a? The kidney are Or worn out with years of work. Backache means days of misery, Urinary troubles, nights of unrest. Doan's Kidney Pills have helped to make life easier for many. They are doing so for old and young. Nephi people are tearing this. Read the following local endorsement. Mrs. Esther J. Winn, says: "For several years I have been using Doan's Kidnev Fills off and on and can say they are the best remedy for kidney trouble. I have had several serious attacks of kidney complaint and have never found anything that would give me relief except Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan s have removed the pains and lameness in my back and other symptoms of dis ordered kidneys and I have felt like a ditfierent woman after using them. (Statement given May 17, 1910.) A SECOND STATEMENT On April 4, 1917. Mrs. Winn said: "1 stilt use Doan's Kidney Pills at times and always get the same good results. 1 well are a fine know that Doan kidney remedy and 1 recommend them especially for old people." Price 6oc, at all dealers. Don't simply sxk for a kidney remedy get Doan a same that Mrs. Kidney Pills-t- he Foster-Milbur- n Co., Winn uses. Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. that I am rot nen to "puffing" mere experiments a:id am rather orthodox as tolna'.eria know medica. "I shall continue the treatment l with perfect confidence in results. (Signed) "Frank V. Evans. Commenting on this fplendki endorsement of Tan lac, G. F. Willis, Southern Distributor of Tan lac, said; "Although the list of prominent endorsers is a long one, I recall a few leading nar.'.es that lend both dignity and credit to the entire array. Some of them 3 ret "HonC. W. Mangum. of Atof Fulton Counlanta, ty; Hon McKenzie Moss, Judge of the Eighth District of Kentucky; Hon. Moses II. Glenn. tsAPTttN' TWS tN.5UO&3KtT VE TO Q9 6t HE. &B SO OPttH f SOtC Of TMtf eoot3S That's tiwin' I to AP fM6 BOSS OUTtN A V .ovERnaw t vot of voot.o JCST ff - ,lt I IW-it4.r- First pub. April 7th, IH1H. 1 nh. pub, He then gc' to iSoukler, Colo r Lot Lot Acres 17. 14; John, acres 12.2:i5; Copper I'irite No. 1, Lot2!7, acres 4.118. North End, Lot 2205, acres 3.613. Appolo, acres 15. Victoria N Freomont, Parallel, Lot 3S(W, Acres 41.1M3. Equator, Lot 4;!02; Cable, Lot 4303; Jumbo, Lot 4304, acres 16.323 Annaconda, Lot 195 Acres 6 124; Horn Silver,. Lot 203, acres 6.8H, W. H, Whiton, Lot 208, acres 20.06. Evening Star, January, Lot S;$82, acres 23.o;. Junction, Junction No. Lot3l32, acres 68.l',t6. Picnic, Lot 3204, acres 15.954. Last Chance, Lot 54, acres 7.25; Emma, Ixt 45, acres 19. 10: Hemnant, lAt 5(i, acres 10.63; Bed Iron, Lot 41, acres 20.66; Wedge, Lot 49, acres 3.62. Last Dollar. Blue Bird Ext. Apex No. 2 Lot 31)04, acres4'J.214, Silver District. Granite mining claim Lot 234. acres 280ti, Lu-.'k- 21(77, Int. in evening, Tempt-st- , Boston Boston No. 2. Temple, Lot 38, acres KS.94, mining claims. Int. in reality, Mahogany No. 1, Dooley. Mahoguny No 2. Exposition, Southern Cross, Victor Hugo, Lot 37, acres 113.08 Last Chance, Iot 54, acres 7.35, Black Dragon, Ia1 47, acres 19.69 Redemption, Redemption, No. 3 Mining Claims, Lot 3793, acres 61.807 Iron Duke, Lot 3324, Monterey, Lot 344, tiluch. Lot 385, mining claims. Isabella Victoria, Lot 50, acres 8.47, mining claim. Dated at Nephi City, Juab County, Utah, this 1st. day of May. 1918. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JUAB CO. By J. W, Whitmore, Chairman 2 No. 1 1, 2 HUNGEIV Tor three years America fiai fought Starvation in Belgium Will you Ejt 13 - wheat meat fats and fuRar that may still send 2-- M-- e Food in ship loads ? o A W IN I r aVATlM NOTICE OF SALE ESTATE FOR DELIN QUENT TAXES Whereas Juub County ban received Treasurer's Certificate's of Hule and Auditor's Tax I)eeds for the real estate hereinafter described, w hich Mild real chtuU ha been sold for delinquent taxes for the year 1913 and years prior thereto, and the said Juab County has just received Auditor's Deeds for said real estate; and the time provided by law for redeeming said real estate has OF KEAL Attest: Will L. Hoyt, County Clerk. (Seal) First pub. last pub. May 3 ce tr. City Barber Shop Dr. Charles Dunn DENTIST Nephi I I r-t- CUT OviT MtA SO fAUCH seixoW JVH. tMOO' J 1 1 NW TX THE THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE CASE 10-2- 0 TRACTOR Here are hut i very few of the many features of 0 Tractor. the Case 6. Iflcf Srl can he W krd in by Wer I Adapted o all Ljtm "ik pbm. cat for aft of (r m dner" r i1 10-2- harrowi aiJ hauV. Drives umall threshrf, fiuvkcr, bdic, tU fiiUr.ctfc. and 2. The engine i a Ci' dci-v;tc tal tra Uft hard c:U Pimm Do G, R. Yw Enjoy LH7 A man in good physiral condition is almost certain to enjoy life, while the bilious and dyspeptic are dist'ondetit, do not enjoy their meils and feel miserable a good share of tre time. This ill feeling is nearly always unnecessary. A few dses of Chamberlain'" Tablets to tone up the stomach, improve the digestion and remilate the bowels is all thst is) needed. Try it. t,t A patented feature. travel on unplowed land Wide tires prevent bf: fl'.winf. (our-t)lui- 'i motor. AH patt are easily ' ' ; iVic. . Simple, eiy to pt rfi . rry rcrmom. kal. Bull r,i;n,n h. i aixl axle run on Hyatt Roller Bcar.n: '. r tfM'"f of 5. Wrigbf lci than equal tapai ity. I'uiU : lo be durable. , r1'"- - 7. Ail n Cae-niiid- e ffiil pit Lin;. 8. fsirff n'u'.'y xiuJrT ntbfHit mrr-h- r operate krroene. Will tu' load continuously Vxirr ia it ng. rfraft under maxi-n,u- m ri'j i pn.l at pl inj ith enher three or twolxitt'im gang. Tle rrw Ca. catalog te! all alout Case traitor. Come in and get one. 9. Alwiiu'f !y JUDD ws t- - wrw vf c I May 24. State of Ohio, City v: Toledo. . Lucas County. mttUes oath that h Frank 1. Clu-neIs senior pnrtnrr of tit Arm of F. J. Chenay A Co., dulni; h'lali.exi In the City of Toledo, County ami felula aforesaid, and OiHt 'ili firm mil par the sum of ONK 11UNIRK1 lMiI,I.AnS for acl of Cn:arrn thul runnot be expired: and very Now. Therefore. Notice is hereby rnrt byOieuse f' HO.1,'8 CUARRH FRANK J. CHENEY. MKIUCINK. piven, that in pursuance of Section l!if& Sworn to before na and suhicrlbed In of L' tali, 1'.hj7, as my prrs'nc. tbls Sth dy of Iwcetr.bsr, t.f the Compiled ti. ItAt. A. W. CLEASON. amended by Chapter 114 of the Session A.(Pral) Notary Publlo. Utuh, UU. the umlersiifned s Cstsrrh Mdlclne ta tken lull and arts throun the Blood on the IVar.lot Ortinty tV.rnmissioners of Murnui fturfaemi of the Bystem. Sand Juab County, State of Utah, will otter the for feetlmoniala. F. J. CHKNKV A CO., Toledo. O. for sale, at public auction to the high-effold by all druKclsti. at the for front cttj-cash, bidder, Uall's Family Fills for constipation. Jm.r of the County Court House at Nephi City, Juab County. State of l.'tah, all the right, title, interest and estate f the State of Ctnh. of the County of Juub, and each school, town, and other eoirTxva CJ--tuatmbwt ako tnxinc district interested therein of in ITMT W" . and to the real estate hereinafter men A. NIELSON. Proprietor tioned and particularly described. Two Doors South of Lunts' Fbarmacj Said sale will commence at 10 o'clock or A. M. on Monday the 2,th day May, J;1S and will continue from day to day at the aforesaid time and plwe until the whole of said real estate has liwn olTWed for sale. sold to Juab County fur The. proj-ertdelinquent taxes anil now offered fit Phona No. 3 ale as aforesaid is particularly describ' .'ost Odin MUf. g "j., Times-New- s Jennie Lode, Lot 2S51, Acres 8.046; Ex liay. Lot 2(67, Acres 16.803; Duber. Mit 2i'.lW, Acres 2.553. Space lM(e, Lot K21, Acres 6.727. North Bullion, East Bullion, Bullion, Bonta, I.ot22, Imp. acres 75.320. CopjH-l'irite, topper I'irite No. 2, 1 - 1 ti!UU5. I I !:' N-.- f towit: Joo Howers Ext. No. 1, Joe Bowers Ext, No. 2, Midnight, Joe Bowers Ext' Mininjj Claims, Lot No. 2720. Acres I MICKIE SAYS vOWt0N'T tlu-fma- ed ns follows 13.7. 1 v ( I I ft w-- 1 honor of their son llees w ho left TK .aid minium Uiin it "ti r' oril in f.ir service for Uncle Sam. of thf "'! 'y the ()!T..p F.dnaand Idena Jensen, Mil Jiial., ('.f'tv. t N ,.i i. Flan n Allred Golda Jensen, Ethc drrd I'lat 5.fK.k Ni". 11, at-of thttii ftn eminent are home from Ephraim Jackson anl FiI4 Lnit.-in tha here they have been attending Kurvry w nf : .sutos l.nt n Rch'Hll. lUuh Mary Anderson entertained at Anu an 1 all i.rin cliim iing ailvprf ly Anderson Hotel Sunday tberp l. or the any part this tninine eroiiii of. are bhy notiii..i that unW their evcnjn)r jn honor of flees Holman 1a.m. are filed according adverse large croW(J of youngfolks law and regulation incrr uin r within were present sixty (V day from ite of the publication of this police with the register A farewell dance was given in Land OTico at of the United Stale the Opera House last Friday Salt Uke City, I'tali. they will evening for Milton Oklroyd and by virtue of the provixmns of Heei Holman, who were numbers said Statute. lw of the draft. Mr. Oldroyd went hereby direct that t'iU notice publiahed fr Ml days in the to Manti Saturday morning at Nephi Citr, and from early publi-hethere to the training rewpier Utah. ratnp. Mr. Holman left Monday Dated t'ftited Slat" Land f f ee, Salt lake fit v. t'lah AitiI 1.. llx. evening to go to Carbon County C.OLI.D 1! IU,AKf.l,Y. June having leen drafted from therf la Mjru-ia- Hit 'iningh: m - r f e d. v VJn additions to the list of leaders of thought and - The Primary Association are making elaliorate arrangements to re lei irate May Day Friday s in th a itv. Vluh at .Hut May 17th. I'at.M f"f ti'N l'n,t.l 4iat.. KV of SK-S' li n 2l Town-h- i) Mr. and Mrs. Frank AllreJ and Lake 12 South Hunt" - F.i.t, ShII Doris of Cfnterfield ..f th- - t'r.jtpd daughter (l Meridian. f irw-Fountain Green, visiting were M nintain Ijike a th SUtpa .laim c.ntmintf last Lake. Salt i & , ia-:m rr eftihrannff a minrrnl spring Ma. and Mrs. I'. T. Holman atT4 t which a valuahl' fr.,m !h. in ,. nriwl. i.t S ilt c;in ! anil entertained Monday evening I t, ; Mk L- attending school. timl other -t F "You Will Hardly Know Me When We Meet Again, For 1 Am Getting Well." He "Writes Friend Superintendent of Printing for the State State of Kentucky, Colo J no B. Gains, Editor and Publisher, Bowling Green, Ky, Mr. C. C. Cooper, President Georgia Cotton Oil Co, Mr. H. W. Hill. Bank President of south Pittsburg. Tenn, Mr. J. F. Carrol, Cotton Mill Superintendent of Chattahoochee, Ga, Hon S. S. Shepherd, exCity Councilman of Atlanta, and many others whose names have heretofore been giv en to the public." Taniae is sold in Nephi by H. F. Tomlinson, Nephi Drug, and in Eureka by Schram-Johnso- n Drug Co., in Silver City by Mercantile Co. and in Mammoth by Mammoth Supply Co. Adv. Writing to a personal trier u in Atlanta, Mr. Evans, liirmingham. Ala. l ib. 2, HHG By the way, you will hardly know me when v e meet sixain because I am getting li and strong again. As I told voti while have in Atlanta last month, been Buffering a long time vv.th gastritis, as the vloetors call it really a disordered U inach with consequent constipation ams in the shouloers, biadaehe. silffOpH- nn, f ( U ii n - ioQuana heartburn, los or' appetite, ed. loss of sleep and fainting spells. With hugs and Kisses to you For weeks 1 could not sUt pon all and with mothers cards for Mothers Day, Iamyours lovingly, my back. One week ago.npon reeomnn-n-datioIeGrande Jenkins, of friends, who had trird Calif. Valiejo, thmedicine, I purcha'd one bottle of Tairlac and b- an taking dose have HELP THEJLD FOLKS it. Since my second troubles suffered none of the.-to which 1 refer, and ivally beA Helping Hand Extended to Many Old People lieve I am going to gel perfectly in Nephi Won't welt and strong again. that be wonderful at my The infirmities of age art? many. Well, certain it is that Taniae is MoHt old people have a bad back. a wonderful medicim. ard you a often weak Afton Allred was an Ephraim visitor for the commencement exercises at the Snow Academy. Joseph Christensen is home from Iinsran where he has been 22iS SKKIAL City. Utah. April I". L1K Notice in h r l.y riv-NVnhi. arefwy AITI.KAT1N . l'r,.t,.,l Stairs I n v.,.l. in MAC ENDORSED nt i ALA. BIRMINGHAM, Dear ones at home; To day is Friis nice Day. sure some and day Am sending you some Cards and am inclosing them in this letter with the hopes that all will reach youon Motner s uay. i suppose you have received the letter and post cards which I pos-re- d at Napa telling you of our trip over the country. We went to a dance and had a bushel of fun. Then were invited to deep at Private Citizen's home and next morning were permitted to eat our breakfast in the kitchen just like mother would do if we were home and all was as free to the Sailor boys as the air they breathe. California certainly has some mighty fine people and 1 feel very fortunate to be where I am. I will be home on July 4th and I will then tell you all about how well we are treated and our trip. Oh! wont this be a glorious Fourth of July, Mother? I feel like I cant wait for the time to come. Tell Mr. Wood that his paper looks nrghty good to me and that I certainly enjoy reading it and am sure glad to know that good old Nephi went over the tOD with her Liberty Bonds. We sure did some playing with our band to send them over the top Our Monuments Pur FORMER MAYOR OF HOME FROM VALLEJO. For Sale Household Furniture Seo Carl Nelson. Ralph Foote came home from their ranch in' Western Utah Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hopes of Eureka were guests Sunday of ill in NEPH1, UTAH. S. LEGRANDE JENKINS WRITES HEMS OF INTEREST nTnP TIMES-NEW- TV 'r f . |