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Show THE O A ID A Ladies Spring Coats from 20 lo 50 Per Cent Off Ladies' White Lawn Waists, $1.00 to $2.50, now 10 Per Cent Off offered at Silk Waists, this week 2.25 $2.50 Jap and Tub $3.75 Messaline, Taffeta and Crepe de Chine Silk Waists, regular $5 to $6 val., this week 3;45 Ladies' 75c. Knit Summer Jnion Suits at 60c. 15c. Ladies' 20c. Knit Summer Vests Men's $1.25 Summer Weight Union Suits 98c. Kay who has been A baby boy was born to the home on a furlough left last wife of Perry Hall Tuesday. Thursday morning for Camp Epgs for settintr, S. C. White Kearney. Leghorn 50c per setting. GuarMr. and Mrs. Gharles Kay who anteed fertile. See II. N. Hansen. have lived at Eureka for the past For Sale A second hand Ford eight or ten years are moving on H Car in first class condition. A the Fowler ranch at Starr. bargain. See II. L. Batchelor. Louis 'Ellertson of Helper has Lost A purse containing $10 been visiting his mother at Mona. between my home and the Venice The speaking contests held by Theatre. Finder return to Mrs. the schools last week were very J. II. Downs and be rewarded. successful. Much interest was Dr. Harris of the Logan Col manifested and some real live ege was in Nephi this week language work was given. The looking ovtr com i tons at the ex judges. Miss Forrest and Miss periment farm o:i the Levan I'ark," awarded the prizes to Armond Hyde and Verda Keyte. iidge. . now hd I returned to Wells Cloward of Nephi Saturday from Rock port stationed with the U. S. Army Utah, i where he has been employ- - at Camp Kearney visited here j it last week, the guest of Miss eni me past winter leaching school. Chloe Shvpard. Miss Fdna Kendall returned Clyde Keyte, Lee Kay, and Ellertson who are tome Sunday from Mammoth, Clarence school at the H. Y. U. where she lias been visiting for attending Provo of were home last week. the past three weeks. The people of Mona received a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kendall treat Sunday evening when Pres ami tanuly, ot Mammoth and Mr and Mrs. Joseph Kendall of ident Brimhall.Prof.Gudmansen, Eureka, motored to Nephi Sun Mr. Knudsen and Mr. Nelson day and spent Mothers Day with visited here. President Brimhall their, rarents. talked on patriotism and mother, J. A. Stark, Treasurer of the and thrilled the large audience Moroni Sugar factory has been by his earnestness and enthusiin Nephi for several days .this asm. The violin, piano, and vocal week on matters pertaining to music, also was the highest type, the raising of beets for the Mo- especially did the audience enjoy the singing of Mr. Knudsen. roni factory. K. R. Alton of Nephi. Kphraim Everybody went away feeling Kay of Mona and Warren Hol- - that they had had a treat that inan and Iuis Noilson of Ftn seldom comes to little places like una. Green have purchased BuickCars the past week from II. L. Iiatch-elo- r Peter Hiskey who has been agent for this car. suffering for tin past two weeks Robert Huntington of Salt Lake with heart trouble died suddenly morning. Mr. Hiskey spent the early part of this week Wednesday with his sister Mr. G. R. Judd. is an old time resident of Mona. .Mr. Huntington nas jut re Most of his children who live in home from California different parts of the state were turned where be filled a mission for the at his bedside. The funeral will j Latter Day Saints church. be held in the meeting house at 2 The Primary Association of the o clock tnday afternoon. three wards will give a picture Supt Stewart and Supervisor show and vaudeville enter'ain-rr.en- t Nelson vvere school visitors las in the Arlington week. niu'ht May 18th for the benefit of Mrs. Reuben Carter, Mrs. (he soldier Uiys. Admission 5 and Lphraim Shepherd and Chloe 10c. Shepherd were Moroni visitors On Wednesday Mrs. 'during the first part of the week V. II. Cnvan entertained alout A baby boy was lorn to Mrs. twenty little guests in honor of Hugh S perry on Tuesday May the Ith birthday of her daughter l.'lli. Mother and babe are doing Alice. Music, dancing and games nicely. were enjoyed until about 7:30 p. m. when light refreshments KKIKKT OKOiNOITluN OF 1IIF were served. The- folio a ing young men Nephi National Bank Juab County this week for Doul-de- r AT NEW! IX THP ZTKTK OK t TAH AT THK Colo, where they will take army training. Ralph Salisbury, and Walter Uailey of Nephi, and Thomas Rowe. J. R. Forsey. tvrlraf Spriggs, and Wynn Lund, Ix-I . i.) of Geo. W. Forsey, from the west V. f. Tf1 tmim mtvi rrriimi ide the county. un'WJml '.ijii fi mi I. S. lnim K. J. Rird of Grantville Utah who will lc the Music .Supervisor r rrtl t.J Shoes and Slippers ... ... lot Men's Shoes, worth up to $G.50, choice 1 lot Women's Shoes, worth up to $6, choice " !' $5.50, at " " " 1 " 1 " Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes choice Slippers, Don't Fail to See These. Good Money-Savin- g Opportunity. 2.98 2.75 2.39 and 139 Get Our Grocery Prices SAVE 10 TO 20 PER CENT for 85c. Sugar, 10 lbs. for 15c. Soda, 2 package for 5c. Matches 2 25c. Limit 2 of cans, cans for Tomatoes. Milk small for 3 size 6c. Size cans 35c, Large . ECONOMY "BASEMENT Always lets of Uaderpriced Standard Merchandise in the Basement Store. A visit will save you money. One Price To AH. Never Undersold -.- - a SOUS -T .Vm-Vw- - "f-tr--r i and F urnisninss Clothinsr She WV ARRIVING DAILY FOR OUR ANNUAL Barg am iTrrmra Jif 'JX 0 23 A . JJ. V For Particulars Read Our Large Bills i 3 g a I Ferris, A. E. Brown and Educator Shoes and Scuffers for Children and Little Tots i you get Stylish Dependable Shoes that give service and satisfaction at prices you can afford to pay. Ik Our New Spring Line of Crawfords Just Received 1 You should see them at the P i Golden (atr in t. . f'.-- hnrlTi n 'A - Mnnrv to th rvlc tint all cm rn- the n .t.n r.nr' ;I?t; Oov-tT.mr,- 1 1 rutin It mij I 1 Mer. Co. I Nephi I "Where Good Merchandise is Cheaper" SUBSCRIBE FBII lilS-tCT- S ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR Jiat? on hittlpftflu Grrrn r t'.fl. n i f;s in exf-rnniv- e l'.ilfi II fir Shoes like we have will give you douhlc the service. They cost a little more, hut it's just like at $2 and the thoe two men one is other is cheap at $2.50. onH 1,1 tiit! m from ii! mUt k It's that way in Shoes; some of ihrm look all right, but they haven't got the quality; ihry ran't stand hard work. 1? tlrtnr.tr Tvt tr itrjr. 1 172 4 lif.g It J 1.' Kn V IS fV'r., 11 of II ili. aoi it i rrrtttirJv to r ufT vrTf tn kri''W that j tr st whianorarfiif-i- , trrstif thr R '"' '. ' in" r "f J iib, I, J W dr I r HWt H f,H A LAHT'.V T. A. NAP-A-TA- N Shoes 1X1 ar,4 b tfnf my hwwMp awl f,.r J W I!)ff. O.hiT i.tWritiM t., tf..TT. me thu IMh ".itn f Mar. intr t t a frv ; A. MIVFt! K.rfurr fi.M.j. rarrKe and are most economical f t you at the price you pay r for them. They are C'larantred to satisfy you make You cant a you get your money hark. Get them ' r III mfrp j.irt 'iff'rinif than n? otlwr WALK-OVE- mistake. 7f . Ab:ut Phfyir j tm rtv-i'- i di r.'i 1. IV v 1h-bs- 'j 14, Tol o tiiwn )t ltn Thrift KfaT.T' TurVisih sfi'l f;TTiirt overpien t 't tt P r.orsOM of strorltT. tnpn h it 'fin. .rnjlo m Ij'vt-'Un'm a r,'l,ritio ,;r 4OS10I U n Irmienln of honor. to I m in (t"" Have you ever had a man working for you who looked strong and in the pink of condition, but ?omc one along side of him did double the work? with )t rin'of oMIt. Iron 3 SHOES! itf fi rrf in frirr f i?x I .f t r-- jt (rt from frctii o.jr (Olliffl fttta it;it'M rt RrrnftKpri or it frf o ; t"n mf But "5 k ir. la jTfnnni pivi'o to H.0 f)ti'n. 1' pit ilMn th tMih n1 f ciTr r'ttftt to )! thr n'lH fnt! D ho nrr I1' fromine 8 Ij- i" bit fn r Wr ISi.m). f,ibrt Iao . P'an-ijf .i rj Aineriran tf r. r ripg l'.i!lv ci,tsin!l It 'l run f si for ih (' N .! i;r-t'- Dd Store ' i;i! A tior.or. ,f tn n Tl mi Any Oilier Store In The State I 1 o,m ii inft P iti ' -i k T (4 h Manar I ! ')pVf rWk on ftftnkp in th Wnr itr of lwrt A BADGE OF HONOR I Vor Lc?b Money is Our Mottn Grade Postivcl) Sell Our I Ht-- lines as n Queen Quality and Strootman for Ladies and Growing Girls jo Hft'nh I'rfl l! t'nh ;ocr Betier onoes fcj L. Frank, well-know- Crawford's, for Men ( ur. di.-tri-ct musical conditions he re. Hp ex. w e I himself a s p'n ssod mutandard of with the pleased sic found in the schools here. CL tl such L 4 next jcar, this school W irieda and Thursday in Nephi this week '(k ir.g over the in ",fr 4 Sr? Pay-so- n f For Men and Boys. AI?o the Famous Excelfior Scout Slinfs for Men & Boys' j are not always dependable shoes; but when you buy from us and select from - U. S. Army Shoes I'ootvvear Cl;t; l!li;il!il!ll!lllllllllllllllllll!lll!illltllli:illlil!lllli!i!:ill!:ili;i:!!l!i!l!!!!!l I '"fc, 1 P tyiish aftt-rmo- And all kind of Rubber Soles White Shoes and Slippers for the entire family G9c and up k Wc I o I3 ohoes, Uxiorcs and Sli ppers I 1 w LARGE SHIPMENT OF 1 ( . hn-tense- CHARLES FOUTE ITEMS Harvey THIS WEEK 1 mm live LDCAL BREVITIES EXTRAORDINARY 8 NEPH1, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, I I OIJ ! I Hr.t. for summer; we have some suited to you and your r.'rd are estec'ally that The TOGGERY |