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Show THE NEPHI. UTAH. TIMES-NEW- THE TIMES-NEW- S Published Every Friday by The Times-New- - OpflVINGS Dennis Wood Eihtok. y iV . - ... A. H. Gibson SUBSCRIPTION a Flntered as Second t i at the Post CIuhh Mail Matter wWIIsAHAH,AS SE I ' at Nephi, Utah Ollk-- with the government in the cause of America for the period of the war 11AH STATE THAT $ his life in a sane business like manner. ii A DOLLAR WILL OPEN AN ACCOUNT SHLRilT'S - - i SALE UTAH. SUBURBAN WEDNESDAY Have you noticed that nice stuir that Salt Lake is pulling off these days? They call it "Subur- ban Wednesday" when all the old stufT is brought up from the basement to catch the country boobs as one store keeper put it. No woman in Salt Lake will buy at the stores on Wednesday because of the junk on display. Salt Lake is not satisfied with reaping a big harvest trom country shoppers twice a year at conference time, but has now rigged up what they are pleased to call "Suburban Wednesday" when country buyers are invited to the capital to secure the great est bargains, Bah! Fine stuff. FIRST NATIONAL BANK NEPHI, ASSOCIATE JL$5 ,.. Last Thursday eveniiur Mr. a. id Mrs, Juhn J. Oldroyd enter-- ' IN THli DISTRICT COURT OF TIIK t;.ineil in their new home in honor FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF of their sm Milton, who was THF. STATF..OF UTAH IN drafted to serve Uncle Sam. A AND FOR THF COUNTY large crowd of young friends and OF J UAH J. S. Duller. Plaintiff, va Krru-x- II. near relatives of Milton were Hill, S. N. Cole un.l F. M. Widiicr. present. A mo.-- t elaliorate three cMuie iuncheon was served, in Defendant. To behold at Sheriff's Hale, on the which the patriotic colors were 2T.th. day of May A. D. l'.iH. 11 oMmk most attractively displayed. t RED Nil-ley- ) T'V" x;"l o"-- P,RATE i coining week. This will be a donation the same as last year, and is absolutely needed by the government tu carry on the red cross work. The following telegram was received from Bishop C. W. Nihley, by G. M. Whitmore, Chairman of the county council of defense relative to the drive, which commences Monday. Every red blooded American man and woman should give liberally to second Red Cross war fund.it is the call of the heart from our boys in bloody battle fields. Committee men should get larger subscriptions at once to add stimulus to lirst days drive. Utah wants eariy oversubscription pledge cards and receipts send to da v." C. W. Salt Lake City Committees wiil wait upon the people of East Juab County next week fur their donation to the Red Cross. - This paper h3S enlisted jj ALARIC i 75 The interest upon your money deposited in this institution will seem like a gift. Without the exercise of any effort on your part it continues to earn money for you. When a man discovers that his money is earning money for him he begins to regulate NERO V Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. Prices Reasonable t 1 Manager. $1.6U Six Months in Advance, it? ,.c , KATKS. One Vear in Advunce, m&m : Publishing Co. s KA!5E- R- V6T PIKERS. ACM ciYC Free! Everybody! and Shovels Free on our new I'lmery Power . electricity. Boynton's-th- -- Wheel, run by Expert Horseshoer. e ALL KIWD5 OF-- BLACKSMITHING 1 Entire Satisfaction Guaranteed Why do people come miles to get their horses shod here "There's a Reason" Best CROSS WEEK Equipped Shop South of Salt Lake-Cii- y Boynton, the Blacksmith at noon of nuid day, at the front dour The drive for the second Red of the county court-housin Ne phi City, WiiDcping Cough Juab County.StaU-o-f Utah, Hie followCross war fund will commence ing described real property aituaP-i- l in to tiive Chamberlain's Cough Remedy next Monday May 20th. East keep the eouh loose and expectoraJuab County, State of Utah, Juab County has been apiortion- tion easy. It is excellent. The oast half of the ed $t,000 to iai.se during the O quarter of section two, Township thirteen south of Range one west of halt F Harvester Combined or Sale Lake Meridian; the soulli ea.-- l quai ter and the east half of the north-ca.-- t to-wi- quarter of station three, Town-hI have for sale at a fair price; thirteen south of Ranjre one west; U and on reasonable terms a Deer-! north-eas- t quarter of nection tn. Combined 0 foot Harvester ing Township thirteen south of Kane ene t west, the quarter of neciioii fI.i- it. This machine was purchased north-wes- . fall frjn tlx' International; Ia venter Co. These machines! have proved liiahlv satisfactorv , tj,j, ,,.,rt of This! C(,ntrV. . ... -t J I . i; , .(M ro-ls- -. First Ust , Utah. n;an. iwjpg Machine and See Walter I'ax- - M C,'.-.- Rake for v; !e. V17. tin PEN I; Si n. e. T 1 tKn itmr ii-- May 2HK H K'ry CV1 Dtf a4 Ca a. (LOillOVUH. .Ff thr Cooper & Pyper Company IR.hup 4 V. otWr than I'fHraJ fU'erv Hank Rrwrre Krdf-ra- l K. WAKE UP!! I'.a'.V, 1!s.4fl 1' Spring is Here. Put that Pep in Your Step that ccmes with a healthy System. Clean Out! Clean Up!! Keep Clean!!! Use Sar?apa:i!!a! l. oni ei if anr N'n 7m At aprM 441. I In rndvfit rniMUf 3'. Of fmnta ChiwiI Ktnac, intrT'1 and Ii raid T ln Um rwrvH fr Nl 4 'i 52 and fhwki O'lUtaod 1 ita hSt demand Total ftf drni!h(! droi of ira frtif M))iPT dj 11 TO Lt;rf) k U.ao W rr I Ch Itm rhvk otitatJMKi'na jaltlitp 6th" than thow Tljird LilwrtjT !nd a. YOU THAT I't.Tf 1 "T T(r-- t trawlr' afatci t 47? aef Co. Atte;: FAI,, ! FutHwf lWr, W. W. Arfntrna' W. hitrnw L. A. Whitnvre Pi re tort. J. a"d aamrn to me th ISth dar of Mar. Wil l, I,. flOYT. f ITtIt . Plaster N c p hi tics WELL No Iqua.l j The aiid Purest nd'urdl dep.- it c(Cypu:n in the Wor.d 1 Liraf-s- t ! - I. fi. M.Whit?rwr State of 1"T rounf of Jwh. the eaohier of the ahrrve naned tnk d woletonly lht lir and t rwf mr Vr ahnve fateent i trw to the M i. WlirTMuft, hejef. TTert STEAK WE WILL SLLL YOU A S1EAK Total I MO, BAILEY tT TO MAKE TlTe fML 6AY T THf tNOf AlOf Tt wMCe wise of Vou "I 1' ditit Trttat of fm d'I(l ftf rwlH anl f iv Tn lr' Tfwiat ivirvy Ot Hot lirwitpiMitt CALL AND SEE THEM ft Vl lftk dTil that have ever come to Nephi at tf-i- TMal of item IDAVENET TES - o a in KffH Inditdfial 'ihft t"TtfiratM of oW"fl do in the fincJi line of Lunt's Pharmacy 17 Anwmnt all inirrai t irriUtintf rviHt onttardi-ar d tittiffr nwnnl dM t ard ! MAI It fd k CaiHtat We Have Jusl Received 1 'U t'igl atuallr .... ..... .. Furniture Sur jpl) i.lii tr Tesloa. rv8 l.thrrtjr Iraan lknd. uriplctlkr 4 I,ihrrty ijtmn licmd. ii)rdr-- U vun IMMinl aavintr dffwit rrtTrnt actually nun if on I.iU-rtj- r 4 Mr rpnt ft?ml to lktui ttthw than U. S. Um-l, , ciV pontjal savings dVpnwila,. otrwr than I'.H. Ir-- U tm ivcry cnJ Feed Stable All I In HARDWARE fc4,Mi tw in nt Repairing Mt - ord an. I 7. Vealca J. A. CHRISTENSEN ilus Also Everything rtrcul Kumitwrr arxl fixture Mhr than tmnklnr hrtt:M KJ uit lawful mith f rirml K w rr Hank amuum f nm t'ash in vault anl ltalMnaJ hank Net amount due frtwn liatik Ifankrr, and truat pmH'nw otrwr than irw Dnl4 11. in hfp H. and in U wn rKvV, or ctKT lr ottnwa a rvfrrtinir hank Total f4 14, I IT, and I KV' fhrrfc on bank heated otjtii .f niF or ton of reirf.rtin lnk af.d rah itrm IUdarntMm f'ird with I. H. Trmiurr and di frfn lr. 8. Trapuncr , War Havihr Oftifairt and T.nft flampa First Class Shoe va!v- and crrtihfwira of owni and unpMirni I'rrmium on V, S. lund Vt S. Uttul Su-- lu.l o IJ.t-- J Hi o to nerura diitnl I per cent U. 8. hrmtla Urk 1ST ft anil i1iMoutiti, Ovrnlrafi. St"rk A. BOOTH J. 4: ! Paints, Oils and Varnishes at NithL Report of condition of thr Ywtx Matmnal lUn in Ih 8tat of Pteh. at the ckfw at Imiuhm vu My ltj. Vn. 1 .. tri'i tnr mh. May Srd. ,, rl acre-- ; and is 111 good condition. It is o;T r d f r fhIc the o lit has gone to war. Apply t ) W. V.. .fago. Mills Juab Co to-wi- Ik-put- For Spring Mouse Cleaning we carry a complete line of 1 st thi-nc- 5 Report of the Condition. i, eleven. Also beginning HsiJ fii't tunAh of north-wecorner of the south-eas- t of ection two. Township tf.ir- quarter teen south tCaniro one we-- t; Salt Lake Meridian, thence runninij north 71 degrees east up the smith aide of the County Road 1075 feet, thence south t M eet. thence south 71 decree KITS feet thence north liii feet to place of beKinninR. Also lieginninB r the comer of the south a?t quarter of section two, Townhio thirt(Kii south ofRantreone west of halt Lake Mernst M roib. idian, thence runnlne thence south :Ut rtU. 7 l.iAt, thenee south W degrees west nwls ZZ in k thence north 61 rods 20 links, to place of beginning. Excepting therefrom t! 1A certain parcel of land deeded to the Juab County Woolgrow ers a crKiration, and oVcri!ed as folium, Beginning b'A roils mmth t the center of section three. Township 1! south, Kangc one west S". L. M. nn.1 decrees running thence south 73 east Mi rods, 7 links, theio e chi degrees north IT'flriKls, thence north ... degrees east 42 rils, thence aj.t '.'2 rods Id links, theme south 17 decree east 2d riM), thence west, south '.l'1 thence mulli L'3 degrees, f.3 , .TiO riwl. r north degrfs beginning, containing .V. :r m res. Dated April 21. 1 : K. Dan Martin, Sheriff of Juab CouMy, Stat of Utah. Kv I. 1. Chriiten ,1 ortyfrk, t.htrei 0rrt Jttah foi.nlr whov flavor will lake your afflitc and (JirflK)n on the moQ (ilcssin (tuflnc pKnic rrrf planned lor a 1 man or woman' nounsrtnwnl. jr u atoO you in planting your Our compile awrlmfnl ci( tnrat will r(I you omr pirating 5spM Fbs'er 6 Kfc Co, ! m-n- in llie mailer. CITY MEAT MARKET CVofg! W. Garrrtt, Prop. As WKiii irrrivo( a waii,) aftr th injury a rx.fflo of Chamtr-lain'Linimpnt and follow th plain printed ilir tiJtia hi h acfrr pan; t) pri a |