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Show SArunrr I mm mux "VJIEATLESw THE i BUTW iM NUAIOAsT The Times. Vol. 9. No. 32 ' CONFERENCE Nephi, Juab County,' Ut h, Friday, May 17, 1918 JUAB HELD . COUNTY MAKES BIG RECORD HERE LAST SUNDAY IN LIBERTY n Cpn-cour- The quarterly conference of Juab Stake of Zion convened at the Tabernacle Saturday afternoon at 2 p. in. J. K. Lunt pre- , sided at the opening session, called out at the commencement of the meeting. Prayer was offered by L. A. B liley Sr. The congregation sang "We Thank Tbee O God For a Prophet" and "Come Come ye Saints" vocal solos were given by Miss Ruth Sperry, and Miss Lutie Brough, being accompanied by Miss Velma Beliislon, and Miss Ixia Cazier. The speakers were J. E. Lunt. J. A. Booth, A. II. Lielliston. Mrs. Cameron, and Elder Smith of Salt Lake. The closing prayer was given by John S. Nielson of Mona. A session was held in the evening by the Relief Society, at which Apostle O. F. Whitney was the principal speaker. The closing session was held Sunday afternoon at which 7f8 people were present. President Rees rather surprised many of the members when be called for a count of those present from the various wards of the Stake. The count showd the number of members present not including visit-iV- s to le as follows. Nephi South Ward .101. Nephi Ward 191. Nephi North Ward 170, Ixnnn Liti and Mona 22. president Ree., presided at the afternoon Meeting and the opening number was a selection by the High School Chorus undei the leadership of Prof. Nelson, and who fumined the, principal numbers, and whose rendition of the various selection? called forth most favorable comment. T. II. G. Parkes. offered the oening prayer, and the chorus then sang another anthem. President Rees. made a few opening remarks, and the Ladies Glee Club, sang in style the anthem "The is My Shepherd" O. I". Whitney of the nubrum of the twelve aio.sllcs then delivered one of the most able discomes it has been the writers privelege to hear for a His subject long time. in its rotation to the present world war, and the sub ject wts ha. idled as only men of Mr. Whitney's knowledge and u was cer aoiiuy caT tainly a rave treat for those wh were fortunate enough to be lrd na-wie- preunt. . Dr. Geo II. L'rimhall who with a party from ti e B.Y.U.worc on their ret irn h vnr (rem Fillmore, a portion of the then.-pittime, vrTiiging n mos?airo to the young people to take training at th P.. i.U. this .'iimmer and prepare themselves for imsition in the public Schools d uring the present scarcity in teachers. Mr. Whitney of Provo ( Ik n gave a violin solo, and Mr. Newton rendered a vocal solo 'Mother' The strike t rimary association was at h session of conference. Mrs. Elizabeth Grace who has served in this capacity for many years asked to be re leaped on account of other work, which wa complied wuh bv the members present and a vote of thank, arid an honorable release accorded to her and conn- selors Mrs. J. W. Brough, Vrs. Sarah Hill, and the stake secretary Mrs. Roe J. Lunt. President Rees, stated that it had leeri reecommended that Mrs. Kmnm Mmmoft be sus- tained for this position which MOTHERS CAMPAIGN ORIVE County Apportionment Is Over subscribed by $22,200, or 50 Per Cent. County Now in Front Rank of Nation. O. F. Whitney, the Pnncipal Speaker, Delivers Powerful Address at Sunday After-nooc Session. Large e in Attendance, Each WVd. Well Represented. PLANS FOR WHIRLWIND The News, Vol. 2 No 40 DAY FITTINGLY OBSERVED RED HERE SUNDAY CROSS WEEK OPENS MONDAY HOI SE I E LEAGUE ORGANIZED Excellent Progiam Rendered in Tabernacle Under Auspices The County Council of Defense of East Juab County met Of Y. L. M. I. A. Which Wednesday evening in the City Hall and perfected the plans, and' Noted Red Cross Lecturer Was Enjoyed by All. oiled up the machinery for the bit Red Cross drive which com Meets With Officers of In checking up the totals of mences throughout the country Monday viay 20th. Mothers was Local Chapter and OrganDay appropriately the Third Liberty Loan drive in Chairman Whitmore, presided aad told the members present observed in CarNephi, many ize Home Service League. East Juab County a record was the amount East Juab County was apjioriioned which is $f,ooo 00, nations being worn Ly ' the made in which the people of East Work of New League Wi'l explained the manner of payments. Pledge cards will h used Mothers in Nephi. Juab County have cause to be and Be Appreciated by Mai in the drive the same as last year, with the following provisions Sunday evening an excellent proud, haying oversubscribed the One was in Taberthe program given fourth payable on August 1st, one tourth on Sept 1st. at. I t e allottment by fifty per cent. nacle under the of the Miss Murry of the National 458 person in Eastjkiab County balance of the donation on Oct 1st. Any person desiring to pay Y. L. M. I. A. andauspices Ladies Liter- Red Cross headquarters from in the do donation and fu'l may will be given a receipt at the so, bought bonds of this issue, ary Club. Mrs. Florence Lunt Denver Colo, was in Nephi FriThe time of subscribing. amounting to $67,000. presided, and the opening prayer day and met with officers of the amounc apportioned by the State The city will be divided into districts with captain , the same was re red by Bishop Bailey. Thrt following are the names local Red Cross chapter, and Committee was $15,000 which as the thrift stamp drive was onducte.l. After discussing the those who took part. Vocal of what is known as a ivas oversubscribed by $22,200 question for some time the following committees were appointed solo Miss Ruth Sperry. Duet Home or practically fifty per cent. We to Service by League. The work carry on the work during Red Cross week. Mrs. Ed Carter, and L. P. Ander- of this is are informed that the west side league to assist those Committee on assessment. J. W. Bwd, V. C.Andrews.Thomas son, Reading Mrs. Jeanette Lunt, of the county did equally as we 1, who have sons, or relatives in C. II. Grace, and A. H. Belliston. Song ,.jss Alice Ord. Reading the w ho need hus putting the whole of Juab Bailey, and help in army Roseoe G rover, Vocal solo Mrs. Committee on adjustments T. A. Foote, Jas. Garrett Jr. and it to matters when forefront the adjusted thiit County Mabel O. Lunt. President T. D. getting J. N. C. Pexton. Rees gave an address "A Tribute are constantly needing attention. conies to backing up this governCommittee on advertising. W. L. Hoyt, L. A. Whitmore. .J. N. to Mother." and Mrs. ment w hether it is men, or money. Cameron, The following are among the C. Poxton. and E. R. Forrest. of Salt Lake nude a few remarks. many problems that wihbe handCommittee on meetings and entertainment. T. C. Winn. W. M iss Cazier, and Miss led by this organization. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Se.Is Norma Bigler, were accompanists and H. G. me Are you worried about your Lunt. J. Or returned home from Kamas Sunis made, captains of teams will visit for the musical numbers. The boy in the army? Ask home s assessment soon As as the, day, where they have spent the prayer being ottered by home in the district with the pledge cards for their sig- closing II. F. McCune. past winter, Mr. Sells bein? em- every Should you want to know who natures, and the amount can be paid as stated above, either by inployed in the public schools in is eligible to allotment and allowis at the time the visit made. stallments or by direct payment that town. WILL LEAVE MAY 25TH- ance, just ask home service. Keep up your courage if you B0ARD SET HIGH SCHOOL EXERCISES GIVES GOOD ENTERTAINMENT EQUALIZATION havn't heard regularly from The following list of men have your husband and son, ask home PROGRAM UAItb rUK IflttllNb been notified by the local loard serv ice. One of the best musical proweek to be prepared to leave this Have you a soldier in the hosthe offered theatre grams goers The LTaduatim? 'Ve)eie nf for training camps on May 2Tth. think your taxes are not If you ask home service. season was this pital? presenjf Nephi theclassof '18 of the .'":hi High being practically all of class one Or ted at the Arlington last mon-da- y correctly assesed, or any errors School you have an unperhaps will be held in tlu Arling from Juab notice the tax in occur to know how propBowers, want and when Harry County. the your Rathburn boy night, t nr .. 11 ton Theatre next Thursday even f i ruly home service. ask these to have time to handle er urn, before an him, ijoran adjustments ijeraiu ieiiision, apPlayers appeared ing Mav 23rd. to commoner i Ernest Blackett. Warner Stephhave not received corrected is when the board of 8:30 you Maybe preciative audience. p. m. The following program enson. A few who had heard these equalization is in session.The coun Clyde Carter, Ernest your allotment did allowance, lisue carried out. win Bowers. Ronald Shaw, Thomas ask home service. musician? in other accomplished ty commissioners at theff meeting Song. Ladies Glee Club. Pruver 11. Salisbury. Even if grandm's rheumatism cities repaired to the theatre in this week have set the following James Stephen Allen, - Jr. Vocal Solo. Garrett,Bobe service. Kenneth enis an Winn, anticipation of evening of woie, ask homewant dates on which they will be in Alice Ord. Paper, "Choosing a Ferron Sperry, to know Jenkins. Andrew while before you Supposing Latimer, others, joyment, session as an Equalization Board, Career" Evan Shepherd. Paper is soldier a eligible whom the excellent orchestra if Alvin Gaisford. discharged Ge,. Carlett, to "Woman and the War" Eva OI- to compensation, Lsk home sermade their initial appearance, and they urge all Archie R. Perhab, Barney, dates in mind if they pin. Male Ouarfette, Prof Car! vice. expressed approval of every ren- keep these with the board in Nelson, Arthur Pyper. Frar. Albert Staff. Jacob Higginson, business Idier's Easy to find out if a dition, and acknowledged the en- havcany IJoolh. Address Hugh Beers. James Hofhein?, uussell and i'aul unless for allottheir to taxes, for an can mother apply tertainment had far exceeded regard to Graduates Prof. B. Rohmti Ilyrum Flanders, Elmer Tripp, service. made the is home at ask proper most their sanguine expection. complaint Lewis, University of Utah. Piano Oscar Samuelson. Bernard Galle-go- ment, Each and every member of the time it will be taken for granted solo, Lola Regulate your baby's illness-how- ? Archie Ijeasman, Alma Mc Cazier. Presentation ask home service. musical organization proved that your taxes are correct and Diplomas, Prin Geo. A. Geo. Jensen, John Hansen, Kee, Sperry. because the roof leaks? Vexed themselves complete masters of k action will be taken after the Song, Ladies Glee Club. Prayer, Albert Gunderson. Wm. Deason, Ask home service. the instruments with which were board adjourns. T. H. G. Parkes. Floyd Brough. J. A. Kelly, J. L. If you want to know if your rendered most beautiful selecThe following is a list of the W. Rex Serry, Ed Furgu-soBush, best girl can lenefit thro your tions, and which elicted spontan- dates when the board will be in Miss Pearl Warren. MUs Ed Chas Peterson, and Chas. insurance, ask home service. eous and prolonged anplause. session for the adjustment of erCan't your daughter get on These mush ans jo.ises extraordi- rors in tax notices. May 20th. na Downs and Miss Camilla Mil Stuart, entertained evenler, Thursday properly in school? Ask home nary artistic qualities and exe- 23th and 29th and June 6th and ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT service. cuted their work in an unusually 7th, between the hours of 9 a.m. A. F. Bracken, in honor of MorEver get lonesome? Want to hrilliant manner. As a fitting and 5 the Court at Mider. m., who p. left County gan a At Saturday secial meeting of the hear a few words of cheer? climax the "Star Spangled BanUtah. house at for Nephi McDowell. morning oJ Directors of ihe Juab home service. Ikrard Camp in and ner" was played, res.xmse The evening wes most enjoyably County Farmer's Equity Limited The officers apiointed to take the entire assemblage arose and Saturday, charge of the Hone Service remained in a respectful position ANOTHER SHIPMENT MADE spent, 500 being played part of held in the Courthouse the evening, intersfurged with the resignation of S. R. Winn, League in Nephi are as follows; while the sweet strains of our manager for the L. A. Miner President, Mrs. T refresh- who has songs and music. Ireloved anthem floated through The Nephi Red Cross Chapter ments were servedDainty Mr. fc the pant ear was accepted. fpllow D. Rees Vice Prosi lent, and Mrs. the air. shipped two more boxes to head- ing: Lillian Condie, e'iha Hag'K Winn has ably managed the bus- Geo. A. After the conclusion of the quarters a few days ago which Sjeiry Jr, Secretary-Treasure- r. of the equity since it wis iness WarPearl Margarett Jennings, but resigns on account program many repaired to the contained the following articles. ren, Edna Downs, Camilla Miller, organized, dance hall upstairs and partici other pressing business mat No. 8 Case Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bracken. of ters which needs his attention. pated in a very delightful terp 200 4x4 gauze compressors THRILLING STORK FOR Raymond Alien. Ockey, Mr. C. H. (trace was chosen Stephen sich roan event. 400 8x4 " Joe Willis, Ross Burton. Irving bv the Board to take the position READERS TIMES-NE" 200 0x9 " and the of of the Jensen, honor Pusiness the and guest Equity Glen Bigler w ho is now living 70 3 yard gauze rolls w ill now be under his direction. Morgan Miller. at Parowan Utah, was visiting 1000 sponges The true story of "German Mr. Grace needs no introduction relatives in Nephi Saturday. 720 folded gauze strips in Belgium, one of the Kultur" to the farmers as of Juab Valley, Mayor James Garrett Jr, left he lias had a wide disclosures of 3100 2x2 gauze wipes sensational in most for Salt Lake this morning to .'igriew't'irai affairs experience " 2000 4x4 and under-stand- s the great world war, and the LITTLE JOSEPHINE PJU IS CALLED confer with Public Utilities Comthe needs of tho farmer'? ravaging and pillaging of North37 absorbent pads .losopnine ray. me two year Total 7727 can be deiwnded uiron to ern France by the Kaiser's mission and to relative the change in old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. their serve interests from every Soidiers, told by a German officer time the of trains the No. 9 each Case G. Pay. passed away Friday, afay. f.tandj"'ir.t. the northbound train to leave in the orgy of ter an illness extending over a 5 operating gowns s;re 200 ftockhol jers in who took part here at 4 p. m. and the youth-boun- d theThere will soon period of several weeks, w hich 20 bandaged foot socks destruction and Farmer Equity, made up death culminated in an attack of pneu 40 bed shirts . train to arrive at 2 p. r i. principally of the farmers of this be published in TheTimes-N- e monia, causing her death. run 120 intend to und will the "Conmake t an in effort told is the valley, equity Thelayor The story pajamas oral services were held Sunday. have these train's arrive arn de- widen their f cope of operations fession of a German Deserter" Total 185 thin in the handling of proby unanamous vote, part at a more convenient hour, duce,yenr and hav. which is one of the most remarkincluding and she choose as counselors, in to order the citizens an in addition to grain a complete able narratives produced by the give DEATH Of SKILL CHILD carrying Mrs. Rose M. Lunt, and Mrs. earlier mail service from S;:U line of war. The author of these conimplements. Sorrow came to the home of Lake. Sarah Hall, with Mrs. Elisie Sid- is to directed fessions was sickened by th? attention Secial weli as Secretary, all of whom Mr. and Mrs. Bart Brough, when earned that he saw and was in their atrocities advertisement were sustained tinanamouslv. little daughter Ruby, pastheir w hich Mr. Mrs. is and this Gus the of paper issue Carlson ani forced to iertetrate, under The general authorities of the sed the to addressed Alvin Anderson Tuesday for particularv early away morning left Taroma Stake were likewise sustained orders of higher officers, and he following'an attack of pneumon- Washington, yesterday after n farmer ad stockholders of the deserted. He succeeded in mak-inc- r by unanamous vote of the people ia. The child had just passed pleasant v isit with mother Mrs equitv a' well as to the agricul 1 his ended the last session her first his w av to the United States. tural interest of thi valley who year of life and had en- Betzy Anderson. and President Rees thanked deared herself w ritten the true story of He has to all thememliers of asoeia the are not memlers those who had taken part in the the events that marked the sweep of the family. Funeral services tion. CARD OF THANKS singing, and otherwise assisted were held from the home yesterof Von Kluck's army across BelWe wish to thank the many T. C. Winn in the conference. afternoon. and children Mrs. Golden Eva day gium at the beginning of the offered the closing prayer. Those friends who so kindly assisted u. FranSan for war. Watch for the first installhere left w ho acted as accompanists Thursday for the illness and death of cisco where she w ill I. during Norton W. visited of husOgden her ment of this remarkable narrative the afternoun meeting were: join our little daughter Josephine. Mrs. Norton mother his and emhu is band Golden who in an eariv issue of ihe Times-NewOfto Miss Miselma I'ellisto;., I1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Mrs. G. Broadhead You can't afford to miss f'azier and Mr. Ashacl Nelson of sister Joseph Pay ano ployed in the ship yards at that J the past week. Provo. it. family. place. c 1 ed Ila JHD T i tax-paye- rs i s, n, A:--- U-e- -- WS wf-sdon- s. |