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Show THE RAILROAD TIMES-NF.WS- NEPIXT. UTAH. . THREE KINDS OF GENTLEMEN RATES Somewhat Peculiar Diatinclons That Ara Made by inhabitants or tna Emerald Island. 10 BE INCREASED Irelaud Is the only country In which It has ever been customary to classify RAISE FOUND NECESSARY IN OR DER TO MEET HIGHER COST OF FUEL AND WAGES. Railways of Nation Will Spend ThU Year $300,000,000 Mora for Wages Than Last Year and Vast Sum for Fuel and Equipment. the air the Sprjns fields and woods and mear waters to to the zest outdoor Pleasures nothing affords the lasting refreshment of i So carry lt always $Sft The Flavor Lasts I f r -- gl? fi ""'Alp , mm fimmmm m 'mm ON GUARD gnit rlt ; e d fr. Recruiters Please Notica. In our city they were recruiting a battalion of short, men known as the "Bantams." sold One day our little dier csme In complaining of tiredness. When asked what he had been doing he said, "I've been recruiting all day." "Which battalion are yon recruiting forT" he was asked. "The Bantams," he replied. "How many did yon get!" was the next query. . "Oh," he said with a little sigh of weariness. "I recruited 500 bantams and one rooster !" Canadian. k J- 20-19- J bS f? tKeao days of rising prices, Personal Reports of Real Cases . A UTAH CASE. T. O. Davia, S2 N. East St., Tooel, Utah, aaya: "Last fall I had a sever attack of kidney troublo. It began with backache and my back waa lama and aors, I kept getting won until I waa In a aerloua condition and I waa told I had gravel. Ther wera other algna of kidney weakness and Anally I began using Doan'a, Kidney Ptlla. Th first box helped m and I kept on taking them until I waa entirely cured." elght-nlnetee- Stat of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas . County Frank J. Chny makea oath that ha la santor partner of the. Arm of P. J. Cheny Co., doing; buatnssa In the. City of Toledo, County and Stale aforesaid, and that said Arm will par th sura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any caa of Catarrh that cannot b rursd by the usa of HALL 8 CATARRH MKPICINB. FRANK J. CHENET. In Sworn to bafor ma and aubs-rlbmy presence, this (th day of December, A. fx UM. 8el A. W. OlMSon. Notsrr Publie. HALL'B CATARRH MEDICI NB Is tk-- q Blood Internally and acta through en th Mucou SurfarM of th Byatam. Druggists. 76c. Tesilmonlala F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. at : we need every ounce of strength the ability to do a full day's work every day. The man or woman with weak kidneys is half crippled. Sore, aching kidneys; lame, stiff back, headache, dizzy spells and a dull, tired feeling and urinary jjisordcrs are daily sources of distress. You can't afford to neglect kidney weakness and make it easy for gravel, dropsy or Bright's disease to take you. Get a box of Doan'a Kidney Fills today. They have helped thousands. They should help you. IN dear." said George Plpwhlstle to his wife before the lutter set out for business one morning In 1927. And Mrs. Plpwhlstle, grumbling the while, handed out the chips and waved her hand from the garden gate, as she made a dash for the Three hours after Mrs. P. had returned from the city, George Plpwhlstle came In. He had a mountain of parcels In his arms and the light of triumph In his eyes. "Yes," he panted, as he untied the parcels and disclosed four corkscrews, a stuffed owl, an assortment of paint brushes, a remnant of cloth-boun"Untie Tom's Cnbln," six walking sticks, a toasting fork, a brace of tin openers and a roasting Jack. "Such a scramble I It's Just nliout the best bargain sale that ever was I" AN IDAHO CASE. J. W. Webster, 1010 8th St.. Lewlaton, Idaho, aaya: "Doan'a Kidney Pill have never fuHed to bring me fine result. I had trouble with my kidney of a dropsical nature. Mornings my hand were swollen so badly I could hardly closa them and my fet-- t awelled, too. The flesh under my eye wa puffed up and I had oth-- r symptom of kidney complaint Doaa'a Kidney Pill fixed ma up In rood shape. Whenever I hav been troubled alnra Doan'a Kidney rill have given th aama good reault." Mr. DOAN'S 60c a Box At AU Store. Co, KIDNEY PILLS Buffalo, N. U Y, Chemist 7IU of Distemper Spring Run tOlBU WllUbbl small very MAT UK AVUIWKilJ 111 bring; outlay of money SPOHNS' ABrreat result. a ur cur and m It If you ua It per direction. Simple, aaf preventive and aur. Th tl all la twice th quantity and an ounce more than th too is. Oet your borsrs In best condition ummer. I for lata aprln; and ra or menufsrturere. a POI1 dal drucsiat. barn All MkUICAL CO, ataasifartarera, !. UoahrK, As 'Age Advances the Liver Requires occasional stimulation. aiigbt Soul f9. Small CARTER'S DOM) Saiut Plies Bat Crest la LITTLE LIVER PILLS ha Work four-year-ol- Cutlcura Heals Eczema And rashes that Itch and burn. If there Is a tendency to pimples, etc, prevent their return by making Cutlcura your dally toilet preparation. For free samples address, "Cutlcura, Dept X, Boston." At druggists and by tnalL Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. Blocked the Move. "I thought you told me you were go- tb Colorlest or Pale Faces 1rb,!i!3.d, m condition which will b arreatly helped by Problem for Horns. " Good morning, children." said the arithmetic teacher. "Ho many of you hav prepared an original rirohlrm In multiplication as I requested V Only of Files! r lir Kill All rtftsMrwiMna. Dais? one hand went op. "Well, William, you may give your problem and the rest of the class may solve it" "If my haby sister Is a year old now and weighs 'J) pounds, snd kerps on gaining two ounces a dny until she is sixteen years old, and If the price of living doubles sgnln In the next ten years how much will my sister's graduation outfit cost? Mother anys she would like to know." Itchobotb Sun- .ta Carter SlrOnPlllS STi 4 bin ly K o?f-yoele- y Klltar Fly day Ilersld. ing to break Up housekeeping." We did Intend to, but the cook refused to leave." Boslon Trnnwrlpt. Important to Motrtorabottle of Fiamlne carefully every CASTOIltA, that famous old remedy for Infanta and children, and see that II Pr. rterce'a Pleasant Pellet are the Bears the original little liver pills pot np 40 years of ago. They regulate liver and bowels. Ad. Signature In U for Over HO tears. Children Cry for Fletcher'a Csitoria Cold Comfort. "Prices are high." she began. Milk and Water. "And going higher." said the butcher. liilkln had bought his row And that ended IL Louisville - Courier-Journa- l. alKitit a week, and asked a friend Warm weather Is the for con I. bct snbxtllufe Ci r4t Be CntnlM tat. a? FEVER PASTE SIT, WHITE LEf KENT IW4 Distemper ul I fc- - aWvtsS ataaSaVtl r1? t. ve to give his opinion on the purchase. The visitor arrived, and was shown Into a room lo wait, and commenced hatting to Bilkins, it. "How tnm-milk does your cow give a dsyT" "Itont eight qusrt. sir." "And how much of that do yon tmVI Hm Viwln4a sHir "'Iloiit twelve quart, sir." u as Mf la rot urtm. Collapse of 1'ilklns. coming la the Itl C, tM REEKS' rm4 tmtm, . ?;fV.u.-t.- ?i dKr. American Dollar Flag ,, 4 fsMt Not a Line Officer. "I thought yon told me June married an ofneer," "So she did. He's president of the IWm Towder works." - . ,, . C I Wm S Sg fJMv: lne-- Urmrf fmer4 f )srfa m fSl amrat l 't t 7 Cfor your stomach s sake) Yoa can fiirly feel it work.' It drives the GAS out cf your twffy and the Bloat goes vrith it. c tadlestiM, Bwlliwi, &awr 6laik eta. Ovickly Bisiiii Drmtritl wk Ihm DOUBLE CUA RAHTEE frf 4t EATOMC " rl fMsa. f W if -- f ,!. fc fm W 9 an 4 Bmm9 wtffpsssj; f Ms fareM t t fs itt p'. - 4I 44 ftr 9 nt rtt fhm4raffll4 94 rc f O, f ,TO fA "MS a f4 mttr r AC m Tor Quick ReliefTake ONE tieart? ' Is faaa lettHe-Wyhs- r: - You moated ter Eating .Are Wilh that gassy, puffy feeun, and hurting near your Itr e -- It's Poor Economy to Endure a Bad Bacli May Come to This. "I shall want some money today, FRECKLES Culicura ' f " Washington. Estimates made Monday by railroad administration official Indicate that an Increase of at least 25 per cent In freight and passenger Is In rates will be neccRsary this year to meet the higher costs of fuel, wages, equipment and other operating expenses, now set at between $00,000,(XK) and call more than last year. Recommendation that rates be raised And add by approximately this percentage hai 7 been made by Director General Me of Adoo by bis advisers. He is expected to act within the next six weeks, and long- to put lucreases Into effect immediate ly. Shippers will be permitted to ap 1 wi. peal to the Interstate commerce com WRIGLEY'- Smission under the railroads act, and final decision will be with I'resldenl Wilson. Such an Increase as Is proposed will be the biggest in the history of Amerl wlth you 1 can railroads, as the percentage It larger than any ever sought by tlt 8 railways under private management, and would apply alike to the entire country. Both class and commodity schedules would be affected. Passenger fares would be raised, un der the plan suggested, to ubout 3 cents a mil from the existing general rate of a little less than 2V cents. The proposed Increases, it Is esil mated, would yield about S'.XiO.OOO.OoO 700,000,000 In freight and $200,000, 000 In passenger revenues. It Is roughly estimated by railroad administration officials Utat the roads this year will spend between $.'i00,OO0, 000 and $350,000,000 more for wages than lost year; between $120,000,000 and $150,000,000 more for coal, and be tween $180,000,000 and $250,000,000 more for cars, locomotives, rails, ties, terminal facilities, barges for Inland and waterways and other supplies equipment. These figures may be lowered by later developments, but of flcluls who have studied the situation closely are Inclined to believe they are more likely to prove higher. The Reason. Military. The estimate of increased wages Is "I hear you have a college graduate An army officer's wife wrote to R. A. ii. C. officer, raying her elilld was auf- - for a cook. Isn't that very expen based on the probability that the dl dector general will approve a general during teething. She addressed sive 5ering "Not very. She works for her board scheme of higher pay for workmen. letter. "Dr. Ilrown." In accordance with the railroad wage The recipient returned It with the and clothes." "How Is that?" remark that he should be addressed commission's recommendations, which "She's my wife." called for an addition of $.100,000,000 ""Brigade Burgeon Lieutenant Colonel lirown." to the $2,000,000,000 payroll of last Whereupon the 'ady wrote hack : year. AN ATTACK OF GRIP "Dear Ilrlgade Surgeon Lieutenant CAMPAIGN DECLINES. Colonel Ilrown : I am sorry about misUSUALLY LEAVES KIDNEYS take. Yours, May Jones. More Submarines Destroyed Past Fev "P. S. I'lease bring your sword to Months Than Being Built. tance bany's gums." Tllltlts. IN WEAKENED CONDITION Paris. The effectiveness of the Gerwill often A done of mother-in-laman submarine campaign Is declining. Doctors In all parts of the country hava The German get a rlrk man out of lied when all government Is aware of been kept bony with the epidemic of grip Ise fails. which has visited so many homes. The tills fact, declared Georges rrmptom of grip this year are often very minister of marine, before the naval committee of the chamber of deputies divtreamng and leave the system in a rundown condition, particularly the kidneys Tueday, but has made the greatest cf which seem to suffer moat, as almost every forts to conceal it. He said the situ victim complains of lame back and urination was most favorable and that the ary troubles which should not be neglected, as these danger signal often lead to sinkings of submarines in the first three months of MIS through allied dangerous kidney trouble. DruRgint S c report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer's measures was greater than the tittm which so many people say ber built by the SmpRiKt enemy.' onn heals and strengthens the kidneys Minister referred to the sfler an attack of grip. Swamp-Rootstatement msde In the relchatag April being an herbal compound, ha a gentle healing effect on the kidneys, which is al- 17 by Vice Admiral von Cnpell. minister most immediately noticed in most esses of marine. In which he wild 000.000 sunk by those who try it. Dr. Kilmer ft Co, tons of allied shipping were Ibnghatnton, X. V., offer to send a sam- monthly. This figure, the minister , size Swamp-Rootbottle of on ple receipt of ten cents, to every sufferer who re- said, was Incorrect It was reached and passed In April, will A trial convince it. quests anyone wbe may be in need of it. Regular medi- May and June of 1017. In July It deum and large size bottles, for sale at clined and In Novemlier It fell below all drofmrt. Be sure to mention this 400.000 and since has diminished con At this time of theear people feel paper. Adv. tinuously. weak. tired. Unties, their blood i thin, II ImliH.rn hare red and perhaps Her Choice. they Veterans to Aid Red Cross. expended nil their mental and bodily Would you sooner be an Cindy Led by General l'er.h Washington. and want how tircy their they andto know nver-ot-toe old tnnii's darling or a young man's Ing's fifty "veterans" and 20 wounded renew energy stamina, T stave and Canadian and Aus headache and backaches, hare Ittitlsh French, I'enelope A young man's slave It tralian officers and privates, clear eyes, a smooth, ruddy skin, and me f"H the exhilaration of real good health Is so much ensler breaking a young 7.V)0 speakers are to bring the needs tingling thru their body. Uond, pure, tun n in and tnnking him toe the murk. of the American Red Cros home to the richied blood Is the bent Insurance country next week during the drive ills of all kinds. Almost all for a M?cond $100.0fio.0f0 war fund. disenM4 cnnw frcm Impure and Impoverished blood. It Is to be noticed In the Noted Railroad Matt Dies. pale or pimply face, the tired, hngcard fUv U tW Tm U CM tU W TWm Vfa appearance or the listless mnnner. Atlantic City, N. T. AVllllnm Mahl, IWTtoft 9A Vfr tSs vTlfflifp- -t f ThT' Drink hot water a half hour before MiiiwH M fxmr (retkN, HHis sfrmfci controller and vice president of the sVottMl meals, and for a vegetable tonic there's Tttnjth to fnrm94 tm Wimi ! Union Pacific and Southern Pacific N Dr. than tJoiden iter Ilerrea nothing Medical Discovery, the old fashioned aitrgtt, frm fmt vlmcr?- -, mm4 vpif UttM railroads tint II Ml.T, died here Monday at the age of 75 years. liorn In Karls- 4 fm stwmW 9mm herbal remedy, which has bad such a f It eM mwmirg fine reputation for fifty years. It conrnbe, Germany, be came to this conn tain no Alcohol or narcotic. It Is Sirvlf It In fkvhVf tat twnr tha f try Willi his parents when A boy. made from Golden Seal twit, f.lood-roo- t. tb 9k in 994 9 fv4Hl to rvcvmpt rUt Wtntifnl Swifts Increase Capital. rrmjpym.w?M Wr9t1h OtM Oregon grape root, Queen's root. 9 fW mnr t nli fir t Mack Cherry bark, extracted with glyStockholders of Swift A la tanhl twvWf mrsialtss rtf WM9t Owk Chlrngn. tl cerine an made Into tablets and liquid. If fl fIH to rTW frwk A4r. a special meeting here f at 'ompiiny, Tablets Kixty cents, at most drug stores. Mondiiy. formally iipproved the plan In order to Insure pure blood and to A CHticisen. build op the systern try this tonic j the capital stock of lh corWilliam Ivan Howells, the famoii lo Known as itr. fierce a Holden Medical from $lO.00.Of to 150,000,-UlO- . poration anthor. does not lfkc the movies. He LHscevery. Get It now I thinks their technical side, the camera mnn's side. Is wonderful, but be Socialists Barred from Public Places, Clear YoarSkh has no lime for their literary or scenf 'hlcngo.-Soclall- sts and ail organi ario side. of sations complex YHIeYonSIcep Ion are barred from the um of public A Real Ambition. school buildings for meeting places, by witli fine ambition." "He has action of the city council. Two Social Is "Whnt ists voted agnintt the resolution. "Says be wants to live so that h will be considered somebody' best Woman la Pardoned. friend." I I;"--- : MAIR BALSAM Pierre, g. I). Governor pefef Hot-bechas granted a pardon to Mrs. When Your Eyes Need Care Mae Evans, sentenced to twenty-fivyears' lmprWmment on a cbsree of Eye Remedy Try Murine r -t M mm 9t for the killing of fir. W, Ft,- Omifnn nr sil. Wffrrf Wrwm Wm Ivwm. ",cri SI gtlUDI tXK, CU1CH msnslsushtcr Moore, a veterinarian, at Brooking. W. N. U, &alt Lake City, No. HbiUJIB "After every gentlemen as of three distinct kinds or species. are still Probably the distinction recognized to some exteut In the Kill er u hi Isle, but two centuries ago, and even much later, they were defined I respectively us (one) the inch the (two) "gentlcmsm every of him," and (three) the "gentleman to the backbone." The first Class consisted of descend ants of Cromwell's soldiers, who, If they could ride well, were called "Ituckskln Breeches," or "Suulreens." The second cluss was composed of descendants of old families whose estates had been forfeited to the crown (for rebellion or other reasons), and who had been compelled to lower themselves by working for a living, In trade or the professions. The third class the "gentlemen to the backbone" comprised the old stock, or folks who lived on the ancient family estates and the labor of the peasantry pertaining to their domains. f T Ifd MssS ) A |