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Show THE LOSS OF THREE MILLION MEN ADMITTED BY PROMINENT GERMAN POLITICIAN. I!) BEING Copfiihugeii. The Germans ure still Of the bt lief that they will bo ublo to reach tho KiikIIkIi cliuunel const, bar navigation of Clio waters and bombard southern KiiKlund, ami that then It will be eusy to begin jieuce uegotla tlons, according to an Interview the l'olltikeu bus hud with u prominent iennnQ politlclun, a member of the relchstug, who requested that his nuiutt be not used, lie added that the iJermiiu offensive thiiH far hud proved it fail me, owing to heavy losses, and that the Uermau high command was wuiUng to obtain more urllllery. Ger many had lust In killed, wounded und made prisoner 3,000,000 men, he ' milled. ubout the Answering questions oiinloa of the reiehstag mala commit' tee ou the situation ou the western front aud the end of the war, the Informant snld: newspaper's -We bUH believe, uccording to tnpS' Kiies from our military leaders, that we Khali reach the north coast, where our Kim can bar navigation of the liiiiincl aud lire nt south Kuglaml. It Is suggested from the German hide that with thin another course of the war will commence, and, ax far as Germany is concerned. It will be very easy to start armistice negotiations us, despite all assertions, we do not aim at any conquering. We want neither he uilue districts at lxirralne's west frontier nor Antwerp. "We have lost. Including killed, wounded and prisoners, 3,tNo,tKiC) men. I)o you think that we Intend to make foolish claims und wend our children through another four yearn of war? Morrover, we kHuII have enough to do during the age of man to control the now KusMiun country and hoc ure their mercantile and Industrial Influence. Itexpoiislhle German pontlclnus only demand that the western powers ahull give back our colonic," Noted Publisher Managed New York Newspaper from Pari. France. James Cordon Itennctt, proprietor of the New York Herald, died May 14 after having been unconscious for two day. Mr. lien-iielabt wont before relapsing Into uuronsrloiihiicsji were In relation to hi newspaper Interests. Mr, Ilennctt wn with her husband when lie dlsl. tf ISeniitt Mr. wa tiorn In Chanilicr-street- New York City, Just off Park Ill father had row, In May, 1S41. then wrung success from rcticatcd fail-lir- e and the liennott home wn In a fashionable tie! shhormwxL The son w well educated by tutor and acquired several language abroad, also the tuste for Kiiropenn life, which grew upon him with age. Vrom almost every ancle. Mi position In the newspnjwr World bus been linlque. 'vm the death of hi father, ho wa founder nf the Herald, the Younger Helmet t, then Just ait .TO ear of age. Inherited the largest newfpaiier fortune accumulated by any American publisher up to that time, lie aptied It toward achievement to iartle the public aud thus redound the credit of M ricwsraipcr. In rmny Instance these achievement le-uine Important Items In tha world' history. Xuh wn the policy he Inaugurate v lien, as managing editor In 1ST0, he orden-Henry M. Stanley Into the t of Afrlc to find Llvlncstone ; siirh when tie sent the III fated Jesmi-ltthe expedition lo N irth pole; such, when be joined lit Hi" laying of the rointnerrhil cable "II typical Instance nf rn1crj'rle t" "'iialifl news or further it trKinmls- d r e iofl. After ilevelopinx the Hem Id. Mr. I'ci neit fslnhlMicd the New York lite l';ir. tlerabl niel a fondon lie fpn-tcTbi be liitrr lie filso lieeallie interested In III" and the I ..imiieii inl Cable company. '. Statement Due to Error. The statement that It had , ).- - i riot to nw American ft.n-in Irsine until tlu-- hud become " omplete, powerful, self siij.iiortiiig Ain-iii- i Incorrect and army." " to an error in compilaMon." i-online to a nirnient from She l',r;!ih government t.y the Onnd-mgo erionent and made public Tues-S.iat Oii'ilal new." I..-- re-ee- y I Mayor of Denver Dead. river. Itotrtrt Y. mayor of Kj-e- and widely thrnughmit an authority on government, died here M;iy It. after a short lllns of Mr. Sue had iraynr three time. kn-- n Ihe country a Airmen Killed. Two With tfi Army In France Falling airbrotigti the cloud, an Amriz-splane crashed to etirh two kilometer Vhind the American line In the T'il t fir lse Twdy afternoon. I; filing soth the Mlot and the tdwivcr. rt n EVERY SOLDIER WHO BOARDS A TRANSPORT IS FULLY EQUIPPED WITH ARMS. PI Statement That It Had Been Decided Not to Ute Men From United State on Western Front at Present, Was Due to An Error. Washington. American officer are Inclined to characterize the reports sent via Ottawu on Sunday that American troops would not be used until u complete und powerful American army had been developed In France, a mi who of the polltlcul controversy precipitated In Knglaud by the Inci dent of (ienerul Maurice. Tlu-could nee no other explana tlou since the statement attributed to the "wur committee" of .the liritlsh war cabinet was promptly repudiated by Lord Heading, liritlsh ambassador here, und later declared by Secretary linker In n formal statement to be ut absolute variance with the facts us known here. From London comes the official Information that "the statement sent out from Ottawa, attributing to the war committee of the ISrltlsh cabinet the announcement that It bad been decided not to use the American tinny on the western front until It became a complete and powerful force, wus due to an error, which ha now been corrected." Heading's statement said he was confident no such announcement hud been Issued with the knowledge of Premier Lloyd George, adding that the view of the Itrltlsh government which be was transmitting were exactly Secretary linker suld American troop were now being used In battle and would continue to be used as the supreme commander, General best. Koch, Inquiry at the various bureaus of the war department allowed that the expedited movement of men to France la proceeding a planned after the announcement that American units would be brigaded with French and Itrltlsh division for Immediate operations, a well as training. diH-me- May Intern Packer's Son ln Law. Chicago. Count James Mlnotto, of Louis V. SwIfL the packer, was taken Into custody here Monday by deputy United States marshal, two weeks after his arrest wa ordered on The count a presidential warrant. who successfully defended himself two months ago against deportation proceedings, now Is preparing to fight In ternment tinder the presidential war-rutiL He Is at liberty on $.Vl.i)tH bond. 1 Buffalo Express Wrecked. Albany, N. Y. One fireman killed, one paenger mortally Injured and more or right or ten other paaM-ngi-- r the rcnult lew acrlou'dy Injured wa of the wreck of the Ituffalo express Monday night at Sehodaek lauding. iymWm I cons TO BEAT DECIDES Tl NQUIBY U-BO- GERMAN SUBMARINE OPERA. CONFIDENCE SHOWN IN PREMIER TIONS HAMPERED BY DARING BY REJECTION OF ASQUITH'S RAID BY BRITISH. PROBE PLAN. Sinking of Old Boat May Block Har. Lloyd George Wins Decisive Victory bor and Cause Removal of Hun and Coalition Cabinet Is Retained Submarine Base. Greatest Mine In Full Power, Charges of General Field in World Sown. Maurice Being Refuted. London. German submarine operations from the harbor of Ostend. Belgium, huve been seriously huinvered for a time, if not rendered Impossible, by a daring raid made last week uhui the iiurbor by the Urltlsh. An official statement Issued Saturday by the British admiralty says tho channel leading out of the Inner hurbor bus been completely blocked by the hulk of the old cruiser "vindictive, which wus maneuvered Into position under heavy lire and then sunk by i,ombs. It 1 iHiiuted out that the obstruc tion In the channel at Ostend will tend to eventually close the hurbor through the action of the tides and the rapid silting up. If Osteud and Zeebrugge are re moved as porta from which the German may be operated, the Germans apparently will be compelled to withdraw their Bubmerslbles to their home ports. In this connection It Is Interesting to note that a week ugo It was announced that the greatest mine field known to naval oiera-tio- n had been planted lu the North sea to combat the submarine. It wa officially Mated thut the area of this mlue field would be 121,752 squure mile and thut It would be completed by May la. Ixiudun. The Lloyd George ministry wou a notable victory lu the house of commons on May 0. By a vote of LM.)3 to 11KJ the house voted down a motion introduced by former Premier Asqullh providing for the appointment of a to Investigate committee sisjclul charges made by Major Generul Frederick It. Maurice, recently relieved of his post of chief director of military operations at the wur office. Stirred by the Imminence of a cabinet crisis, the people of London crowded the public galleries long before the debute opened. The diplomatic and ieers' galleries also were Ihrongeu. Immediately after the Introduction of Mr. Asquith's motion, the premier took the floor and spoke In defense of the government. He refuted the charges of General Maurice and de clared that statements ninde In his re cent tpeen, to which Maurice's charges referred, were made on Infor mation received from General Maurice's department of the war office. He showed also by documentary evi dence that the extension of the British line was made because of pressure exerted by France, and that the decision was taken on the advice of the military authorities. In agreement with Field Marshal Halg, the war cabinet having interfered In no way In the mutter, although It approved of the disMKition. y diH-iin- a d ! Wettem Wool to be Scoured. no ill te uronred thermit. Washliittun. a fa iliti. We-ster- wil. far lw-f- re i' V V " ?. I " - shipment to eastern markets a ba tieeti strongly urged by Bcprewn- i nt tallvi Minitott nf v,r,l K -James Gordon Bennett, pobbsher of conference during the last wek. Thi i hi at York New I Herald, the taken primarily to save car j tep home In Paris. This noted publisher hih rtherwi would lie to; Admiral blmmura. chief of th managed his New York newspaper IihuI million of pound of grease and JIanee naval tn(T and commnde of the allied riect at Vladivostok. from Parts, dirt aero the continent. llrf-irof- Contnt'n Near Death. .Journal' Zurich state that former King C.nstnfine of Grw-- e I suffering from purulent Inflammation of the lntettne. eo alarming that His condition the royal family ws summoned to the King rri. Tire correpondent lvit e bedide. it NaV HrM data Ilolt"2!i0 lo IMHl. Ottiittif4 Itimi U wanfad bf running cvnd)tlon-- ir Uat and ttaaerias nbi parti. Writ iot 4atail4 llo. V4 Cat Dept.. Randall-DodAuto Co. Kali Laka City d EXPERT KODAK Finishing Hie our rn'ti'imlonil phnteerihra do your Bnlnliini . C U I PI PRC H4 Koolh UtiD Hox7iU. i3nirLilJ blt il Cam or as Films BuppH ltTouwsntbts wsealro lirl P WAMTrrl barber trade- UwfMill Inwnt nred barber: good niipiirtuuiUea opso In armr bT Barbera men over dralt lor nr. Ilet prepared eoiid aa orhcera cummlMion. In tew werka. Call or write. Molar Barber College, ill 8. West Temple St., halt Lake Oily. "tLr PERILS OF THE PANTOMIME Chances Once Taken by Clowns, Harand Pantaloons Clocklequin work Precision Was Necessity. llir e r Iu-tang- o, Berlin Municipal Granaries Burned. Porter Gets Life Imprlsonmer L Pari. The Berlin Iniiriii Cbi'seo. Paul Astiury Porter of granMount Pleasant, lows, wss sentenced aries near i;rosle.ren have hoen defire with Hie hst of 2V to life Imprisonment for the murder o stroyed by of grain, according to a distef tive Jsrnes Phea of lsnton on fuinfal Kbea ws shot when patch frim th Zurich corresprndeiit February of the Pari Petit Journal. be sought to arrest Porter. lil 2-- fi4 CARS l) , lbe IN USED " t n loeiU M CITY fiJW.O-ls.ooO- cwr-msn- it BARGAINS SALT LAKE . Archie Roosevelt Recovering. Murgula Lose Command. El Paso, Tex. Paris. Captain Archie Boosetelt Joaqulm d wind French school children contribut- who ws wounded by shell fragment Amnro ha assumed temporary of the tinrth"stem military rone ed their sou t a subscription slnrted on March 7. ha sufficiently reentered of Mexico, lii'lu.ling Chihuahua. by the Ircy section of Pari to pro to take walks. He says he I (Viahiiila and Zacater-aavide for the first American orphan of fine and wihe to return to the front relievsoon a ing verieil Francisco Murgula. tible. the war. . Mo MAIN STRUT one-nlut- French Children to Aid Orphan. Oklshomans Flog Disloyal Cititen. Tu!. Okla. Pmlth Wsemer, held I'.uTo AIr Aren' in h on a disloyalty charge st Henrietta, r.lrd the I!"t ihlic of rinlnd. I'reM-W- ws taken from Ibe Jail by a mob, t Iricoj-f-will hg'n neotis-ll- stripped and treated st a cost of rd for b pnrche uX three more point. He wss given twenty German Mi In port here. with whip and returned to hi cell. ptt-.t- JCrr-4 BOYD PARK In speaking of bis connection with the Fox American pantomimes, the late F. W. 11 of el e, once mannger of the Old Bowery theater, told me that the making of these many mechanical tricks consumed much time, T. W. W." writes In the New York Sun. Muny skilled workmen were employed, ss these devlpes had to work perfectFEDERAL LOANS TO FARMERS. ly and not get stuck when In use. The About One Ninth of Farm Loan Busi- duties of the stage manager were ness Done by Government. arduous Indeed. From the time the h of the stage manager tinkled his little bell Washington. About farm loan business of the United Stales for the rise of the curtsln to his sigwus done by the federal farm louti nal to ring down the act drop he was system during Its first ycur of uctlve as busy a man as could be found anywhere In any capacity on earth. Just closing. Everything had to be done when the A report Issued May 14 shows thut since the first loans were extended order was given to do It or everything would be Instantly thrown out of trim, lust May, 4U.451 loans, totaling $11,051,-00with the result of a confusion gone huve been closed. More thuu 120,000 funners applied msd. Serious accidents are likely te happen to performers If the greatest , for louus amounting to und loans approved. Including those care Is not eierdsed. Tske the work Harlequin, that merry fellow with The total of closed, were f lTLSM.OOO. the magic sword, who Is always dancIn coun luuns made thU agricultural and gilding about with his lovely try yearly Is estimated at about fSOO, ing Coloruhlne. What haeardoua part 000,000. he plays. He Is perpetually taking leap In the dark, trusting to sheer lack MORE MEN FOR ARMY. as to whether he will do that leap Twenty-fou- r States to Furnish 81,600 aafely or not I ssw Paul Martlnettl coin op through the star trap la the Men at Once. osusl way on one occasion, but InTwenty-fou- r states stead of Washington. the trap In Its place and the District of Columbia were be took Itleaving wttb htm. The points np called upon May 14 by Provost Mar- of the star were atlcklng In bla neck shal General Crowder to f urn Kb. for and the squsre framework wss restthe national army 01,000 more men ing on his shoulders. When he landqualified for general military service. ed on the floor he stsggered a few Movement of drafted men to the steps, then righted himself and ran off camps under this call Is to extend the stsge. As he continued hla part over two periods, from May 20 to 24 he could not have been Injured greataud from May --D to June 2. These ly. I think he was larky not to have dates were fixed ticca use during the broken his cnllsr-hnne- . five days beginning May 25 approxi mately '.&$ti men culled for recently STORY OF A FAMOUS STATUE will be moving to the camp. Bronx Piece, Work ef Leopardl, ASK GOD S AID IN WAR. Cause ef Quarrel Resulting In Being Bsdty Disfigured. May 30 to Be Day of Public Fasting and Prayer. Another ststne thst hss hen conNational Memorial veyed by e and Isnded safely la Washington. Is designated Home Is the great eqneatrlsn one of duy, Thursday, May the fsmnns Oenerst Oolleonl. which by President Wilson In a proclamation. Issued on May 11, a a day of public stood on It lofty e1et1 In the Oara-p- o of S3. Giovanni e Psolo, Ruakla humiliation, prayer and fasting. The Msipie f the notion are asked to ssys of it: "I do not believe there la more glorlon work of sculpture exgather Unit day '.u their place of worship and pray for t lie victory of the isting In the world." This ststae la, Aiiicrbiut arinle which will bring a of conrse. of hronse. and wss mode founded upon mercy. Justice and eled by the Florenttne sculptor and painter Andrea Venwchto In 14S1. asgood will. sisted by hla more famous pnplt, feon-srd- o ds Vinci. Rev. Alessnder Itoh-ena, Peru's Friendship Crowing. writes In the Chrimsn Herald. An Atlantic Port. The spirit of After Verrocchlo's defh. It wss cst friendship of Peru toward the United In hmnne by feorrd1. State ha shown a marked increase There Is a story told to Ibe effect since this country entered the war and thst hen Iops'dl hsd finished bis Peril broke diplomatic relation with he work, qtisrreled with the reftubllf iermnny, said Benton McMillin, Amerover It. A he conld not come to a ican minister to Peru, on hi arrival settlement, he knocked otT the horse's here Tuesday on a Mouth American bead snd to Florence, The escaped slil p. republic ordered him to retnrn, hot be srlng: 1 bsve knocked Taft and Walsh Busy. Men. off the horse's bead. It is true, bat t Former President Washington. csn put It on sgnln: bnt If f c0! ! U.. I.I, I.Jni ..!.;.. T..CI .l to Venice and yon lake off my besf men of the war Ixmrd. have yoti emitd not put It on sriln." The liecn a tit twirl wd by the Ixmrd to underreptit-llfnrrsve him. easnrd hlra of bt life and reward, and be returned take settlement of street rallwsy labor eolnroverMi- - In Cleveland, and sod finished hi work. Midi. Pecutise presents foe Bride. Bread Shortage in Austria. In Sorlsl circle nf the CelestlsIS the "ootrol-ler food The Austrian Ijondon. faml'y of the bridegroom make .resis considering th Introduction of ent to the fsmlly of the bride of vsrt-o- n one breadtes day a week, according snide a few dv before the dsf to a diil'-- from Jeneva to the Iily filed for the msrrlsre. The News. Vienna newM-s.i J the generslly consist of food, the preeita leg and foot of a pig. the leg of a goaL eight government Is fotied to take this action owing to the r lipid diminution i,f small rake of bread, eight torches, the flour supply and the smallest pro-p--- 1 three pair ef Isrge red candies, a of obtaining more wheat before atientlty of vermicelli and several bancbee of flrecrsrkers. the next harvest. Pari. Two hundred and sixty th un- New Nation Recognized. re-og- Artillery and machine guns already In France in sufficient quantities. It wus said, to meet Immediate needs. More than 1,:1K).!MH) uieti have been -ailed lu the draft so fur, und either are lu France, lu camp or nuder call to go into service before June 1. The total of ,:SlKi,(XX) Includes ull men summoned In the May contingent. There Is every Indication that even u larger Increment will be summoned In June than wus summoned In May ami a irogrcsslve monthly mobilization continued through the summer und fall months us the cantonmeuts ure It is expected that at such rute the army will reach n full strength of well over three million within the next twelve or thirteen mouths. It Is possible, some officers say, that the uumber will be closer to live million than three million. are pro-mo- le '' In Although American Washington. troops ure going overseus lu large numbers the urdnunce department has been able to keep up with the new and every soldier who boards a transport Is fully equipped with arms, the ordnance bureuu announced Sun-du- ac-cu- in More Than 1,300,000 Men Called Draft So Far, Whilo Army May Number 5,000,000 in Little Over a Year. pro-gra- PLANS PERFECTED Every' bride should receive an enduring remembrance. We have the gifts that are appropriate and that will be treasured. Perfectly safe to entrust your orders to us by mail. MAKERS OF JEWELRY Some months ago Admiral Jelllcoe of the British navy announced thut the submarine menace would be met by August 1 and It Is osible that he had the blocking of the harbors of Xcchrugge and Ostein. In the laying of President Saves Condemned Soldiers. an Immense mine field lu mind when Service. Scrlpps Escapes Washington. The case of a soldier be made hi statement. l to In the American expeditionary forces Sacramento. Cnl. The ap)-&condemned to death for deertlng In President Wilson by Jaiue G. Scrlpp. BORGLUM ANSWERS CHARGES. the face of the enemy wn went to Presinewspaper publisher of S.m I'iego. I'nl, for deferred clarification In the Denies That He Sought to Capitalize dent Wilson Friday for final action. The president recently commuted the draft on the ground that he was Fnendthip With President. death sentence of two soldier for In work of military necessity New York. Gutzon Borglum, ha ben granted. sleeping at their Kist and of two of having nought aecretly to other who disobeyed order. capitally his friendship with l'resl-leu- t JAMES CORDON BENNETT Wiisoii by undertukiiig to ADMIRAL SHIMAMURA a private airplane company, isdestatement a formal sued Saturday, , jv nying "any connection now or nt any lime" uilh any production concern or any plan to organize such a coi.ipany. lie de lurel further that temnticul-lthe war department "had direct-- l the opposition" to Investigation of aircraft production. In which "a billion dollar in eleven months ha provided us with no plane," and charged that "every subterfuge bad leeii resorted to, to gain time. The wulpior termed the a- - uatioii remade ngaln-- t him In revelation In jHwsii,n of ill cently of a tlie army Inlelligenee bureau former by Ieeds charge "raiiM-enirliicT." iiteiiU Mix, and Mix' (I'obiiud lifiK rblef nlgnal of.rif-- r of ibe anny. and Ken yon W. Mix of the Isxljfc .M.iii'if.ii I uring Co.) He denied that he "bad liwd the president's and In a manner authority i'opr-H-rlunthinkable between men in mutual coiilidence." y June Weddings E ICANS BEING RUSHED TO FRANCE TROOPS DOING THEIR SHARE ALONGSIDE FRENCH AND BRITISH. s -t irrir MXm Mimm ft! UDutnVtU son-in-la- JAMES GORDON BENNETT DEAD. in It AMERICAN , Hun .Military Leader Planned to Reach the North Coast, Where Their Gun Could Bar Navigation of Channel and Fire at England. '. mi COUNCIL PLAN II COSTLY FAILURE ' ' i OFFENSIVE THUS FAR NEPHI, UTAH. TIMES-NEW- S, The Csgse Life, Whenever s jirwwn ef life commit-tifcs- te a eagerness to him who lives IL there the life becomes genuinely ignlDnt. (Sometime th eager pes I more knit np with the motor activities, sometimes with the perceptions, sometime rfh the lmg1nsttoi, .mo-tim- e with reflective thought. Hot. wherever It Is fonnd. there I the the tingle, the eirHement ef reality: Snd there Is "Imports nre" In the only reel sod potlve sen rhlch lm ponsnce ever aawber caa be, Willi as Jonee, a, |