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Show OPA LISTS MAXIMUM PRICES FOR '46 HAY Producers of hay may not charge, more than the legal ceiling ceil-ing prices established by the OPA, Beaver producers are warned. "The base price of Division I hay alfalfa and alfalfa Vght mixed classes during the months of June through October is $22 per ton if sold in the stack at the farm," according to the announcement. announce-ment. "Division II hay alfalfa heavy mixed classes including timothy tim-othy and wild oats has a base price of $20 per ton." If the hay is sold by the producer pro-ducer in the field, this base price must be discounted by the customary cus-tomary discount in existence in i 1942, v.'?::. .h ,-n :io event has ever been les3 than $2 per ton. If producers pro-ducers sell less than a carload lot (20.0Q0 pounds) delivered to the feeders' premises, $150 plus trans- j portation costs may be added to the base price. If the producer sells hay in carload lots delivered off the farm, such as a rail sid'ng or buyers' warehouse, $1 per ton plus transportation costs may be , added. |