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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah TWtday, May 2?jc Mother1 visitor of Mr. Dy Levan Local and Social News Nephi Local and Social News 12, 1 966 Pg Two and Mr. Jamea P. Christensen were Mr. and Mr. I toe Mower and family of Salt Lake City, Mr. Roy Greenhalgh waa in were In Kearn over the week Mr. and Mra. Wesley Chriaten-c- n Mr. and Mr. Cart Wankler on Saturday. and family of Nephi, and Santaquin on Sunday where she end a guest of their aon In and family of S.tlt take City visited at the Christensen home attended Sunday School with law and daughter Mr. and Mr. Mr. and Mr, Homer Christen-e- n visited with hi mother, Mr. her mother, Mra Peter Heel!. Kenneth O. ami Kunire Undhardt of Mr. Mona. Kay. Joseph Wankler, and with Mr, family of Salt Lake City were Mr. Joined his wife . DODGE Real 115 and Mr. Marion Wtuikur on sharp ('sne where the bargain are for Greenhalgh Mrs. Iean Dalby and childa dinner the week end visitors of Mr. and at Mr. and family Mra. one owner). . . that PAINTER MOTOR Robert Well Sunday. ren spent last week In Salt Pol art hard top Heells home. and two children of Sandy, Mr. Mr. J. H Bondixen. Mr. 14.000 mile balance of 50 COMPANY at 140 South Main, with her take parent, City EASY SHOPPING Hoyt and family ajo Mr. and Mr. Marion Vankr . 000 mil warranty to new own Nephi. Mr. and Mr. Willard Hansen and Mr. Lee Boswell and famDay dinner Mr, and Mr, tavern Stephen-en- er. See It at PAINTER'S ily. and Tony Salisbury were and family aint Saturkiy in were Mither' and of and Mr. husbund her family Her Ogden, Joined IN THE PRIVACY Mitchell Mrs. Gordon Hansen and fam- Mother Day dinner guest of AT FORSEYS Salt take City. They visited guests at the Bendixen home. end. for the w-Air. and Mr. Byron Johnson. 15.99 for the fisherman Reels with Mr. Carl Wankler and 1T1 1LNG BLAOvSM of AND ily Draper, and Mr. and Mr. Mr. und Mr. Neil Croslsnd OF YOUR OWN HOME Elwin Goble of Murray were Buy now for the opening family and also at the home of and tlieir d uighter. Mra Janice Mr. and Mr. Derle Hansen WEIJJING Ilow share sharat Wankier weeks Mr. Mr. and Mr, few and Mra Dan Mothers Visited 305 in away and rebuilt Mr. and visitors South of Johnson, Day pened daughter Christy Stephenson and daughter Lori Alex and Annette Johnson, and and Mra Clarence Hansen. Copperton. phone of Nephi were In Itt.'iJto, Calif Salt take City on Sunday with 2nd Went, Santnquln Judy-Le- e Jackets Cleo Johnson of Fountain Mr. Odl Price. and Mr. with 19 Mr. funeral week the for last and otnia Sorensen Vem 16 boat foot Mr. ... FOR SALE Mr. Mrs. and Alma Given were In SunHaycock Leamington of Prow, and Majur and service for J. B- Honey, broth- Mr. and Mr. Mark Green and with 0 h.p. Mercury motor, la and family spent Mother's Day day to attend Sacrament Uniforms meetMrs. Harlow V. lextm of Ne-p- er in law of Mr. Crosland. They Terry Green. See at condition. It excellent with In son LAWN their MOWER AND and law and Elhear the of ing report son in spent Mothers Day with also visited with their Painter Motor Co. Nephi BICVCLE 8ERVICE Fresh Silks daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert der Raymond Lovell, who recMr. Dukle Franoom wa acMr. and Mrs. Herman Christen- law and daughter, Mr. and Mr Lawn mowers on home Houghton and family of Grang- ently returned from the Raroand Saturday sharpened companied and Hubert .Gordon Ikskott Mi and daughter Mr. sen. Radios now er. tonga mission. They also visby her aon In law and daught- repaired. We have tires, engine DeLUXE HI BOOTS Franoom of American Pork also Linda. ited with Mr. and Mra Bill er, Mr. and Mr. Charles Broth-erao- parts, wheels and blades for only $9.45 at Forses Variety Mr. end Nell Mrs. Haynee after spending the win moat mowers. All sizes of tires Store in Nephi. Record Players and daughter Kim of Logan vis- Nielsen. ter with them at Layton, and and tubes, and part for bicywith Mr. ited and Mrs. Cart with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fran-co- cles and tricycles. Leave word Mrs. Reva Maughn and son etc. Hardware In Nephi or SPRING TIRE SPECIAL at Haynes over the week end. at tang View, Washing- at Daren of Smlthfield spent last In Levan for GREENWOOD SERVICE ton. Mra. Wallace Tolley and at Kenneth Hoyt Jan Davis of Seattle, who Is week with her Mr. and all between Saws RECAPS (exchange) ONLY attending the Brigham Young Mra Newton parents, Mr. and children of Salt take City and pick up and delivery. Kay. for terms your Mr. and Mr, tao Christensen filed and set. SAM'S SHOP, $28.00 budget visited with her Mrs. Boyd Mickel and children University, in a.m. to 8 p.m. 1326 incl. convenience. spent Mother1 Day with Mr. Gunnison grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy and Vicky of Salt take Franoom. G. Howarth on Sunday. George City also spent Mothers Day 623-056- 1 NOW ONLY $24.93 for 7xS5 CARPETS Competitive at the Kay home. Mr. Dulcie Franoom cele- with KIXJ price Mrs. Dick famand 200 hswrioo room and twite at Binoculars Variety Ingram Forney In Come and eo?ltely brated her anniversary Morbirthday Mothers In spent ily Day see for yourself. ALSO: Drap- Store, Nephi . .oil wltfc TV, radio and on Monday. Her guests were oni with her mother, Mrs. Fern and new living room suite bockgramd nusle. Pool and patio... Mrs. Leah Bosh. Mra. Nellie ery STYLO LAS Francom. See 8 finer dhl-a-ma- tk REGISTERED QUARTER Nielsen, Mrs. Louise Fran com, Upholstery, 205 South Main, phonos. Valat, Car fallal. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ingram Two VI HORSE stallion service. Mrs. Christine Taylor. Mrs. BUr, taouty and Gift Shop. GvkJed to choose from. Horse and daughters Linda and Doroand Mrs. Phyllis stallions ola Shepherd lour arranged. Excellent Mooting and FOR SALE Good used re Christensen. shoeing, breaking and train- thy were Mothers Day dinner Jack Convention FocIlIH for group frigerator Appliance, ing. Horses bought and sold. guests of Mrs. Shirlene Dovey up to ISO. and Children In Mt. Pleasant Visiting at the home of Mr. 45 South Main, home of RCA Contact: K. E. Motes Outatancflng food In Coffoa Shop and and Mrs. H. Ray Francom last I Whirlpool and RCA Victor pro- Jim Jacobsen LaMar Rostounni, Centrally locoted to oil social Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bryan and week wrere Mr. and Mrs. Carl ducts. 1619 Incl Bowles. ocHvhte and toonk wondon In iho aroa. two daughters of Granger were Franoom and family of tahl; 147 East 6th North, Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Francom and 1419 inch dinner guests of their grandPhone Mr. RE GENTLE, be kind to that son John of Sprlngville; mother, Mrs. Harry Irons on and Mrs. Gordon Francom of expensive carpet. Clean It with TOOLS at Thursday. HAND POWER American Fork; Mr. and Mrs. Blue Lustre. Rent an electric discounted price . . at Forseys Mr. and Mrs. Gall Skidmore $1.00. Chapman Lynn Francom of Provo and shampooer Variety Store In Nephi and three children of Salt take Mr. and Mrs. Leon Madsen and Furniture Co., 27 South Main. City spent the Mothers Day family of Orem. Mra. Donna OUR SPREADER FREE week end with her parents, Mr. USE Norton of Provo visited on FAMILY TOO LARGE? We seed and Mrs. Russell Jackson. Tuesday at the H. Ray Fran- have a locally owned 61 New- with the purchase of lawn 66 South fertilizer. or cm home. port Station Wagon 9 passenMrs. Olive Broadhead spent Main, Nephi. ger. New tires. One owner Mr. of Friday in Salt Lake City with Mothers Day guests to Painter Motor Oo. her daughter, Mina Lou Broadand Mrs. Ralph Jackman were Hurry A Locally owned 1962 Ford 1900 SoutkSt Stmt their daughter, Miss taralee looks good-r- uns head, where she attended a Gal axle Sedan Mothers day party at the SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH NEED TO SET! 1962 Engle, and Mr. and Mrs. Roger good is good; See your of Salt Lake City. They Oldsmobile Star Fire Motor Elemenetary school where Miss Jensen Painter men in at dealin good Phoin: Area 801, TWXSU-45- 5 Broadhead is teaching. They all visited In Fountain Green condition fully equipped Co., Nephi. or tour Bterest BEST tESTERU MOTEL also attended the opera "Alda 8 during the afternoon with Mr. Jerry Aagard, phone at the Brigham Young Univerand Mrs. Henry Peterson. 1920 3 bedroom FOR RENT sity where Lester Broadhead Fenced down. to close pome, had a small part, on Friday Oool fr summer For your ' convenience: Coin yard. Carport. night. ofTimes-News living. Contact operated dry cleaners, 8 lbs for fice 18 details. Miss Mina Lou Broadhead of for $2.00; coin operated washers, Salt Lake City, and Lester 20c, coin operator dryers, 10c. REGISTERED APPALOGSA Broadhead, a student at the CULLIGAN, 384 N Main, Nephi for service. Con- Brigham Young University at 18tf STALLION tact R. Terry Kendall, 595 East Provo,, spent Mothers Day in Nephi with their mother, Mrs. 3rd North, Nephi. Phone Olive Broadhead. Seniors We have extra an- UTAH POWER A LIGHT CO. nouncements dont forget Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jarrett that aunt and uncle . and that NEED AUTO GLASS RE cousin In California. Timee-- l PLACEMENTS? We are specNews, 96 South Main, Nephi ialists and can Install your windshield or door glass while TEST DRIVE the 1965 New you wait, If yon desire PaintYorker , . locally owned . . call er Motor Co., Nephi. now for demonstration no Painter Motor Co. FOR SALE: Gibson Electric obligatin guitar and amplifier, with and tremolo. This vicinity. 30 inch Norge FOR SALE more details write Guitar For 4 Call Electric range Box 6179, Salt 19 Department, take City, Utah. 181920 LOOKING FOR HARD TOPS? most We have eight on hand A 1963 Ram FOR SALE tailored to hler Wagon sizes and colors has 6 cylinder Painter Motor engine and overdrive your budget. a Co., 140 South Main, Nephi. See It at trade In Painter Motor Co. TODAY! WEDDING GIFT LIST for BEESLEY MONUMENT CO, every wedding . . at Nephi For grave markers, monu17 North Main, Nephi. elry, ments, death dates and inscriptions of any type. Terms CONVERT TIME Is here See ear local repavailable. 1957 Ford for sale at this low resentative: George Johnson, Painter low price $200.00 Motor Oo., phone SEE THIS SHARP 1960 PLYMOUTH V-- 8 automatic white wall tir- transmission EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE radio and original on watches and Jewelry Nephi heater. Talk paint to one of your 17 North Main, Nephi DEALIN PLYMOUTH SALJewelry, ESMEN about this one. See RENT our power rake clean Ray Jim or Vearl Fred the ded grass out of your lawn Loren today. 1966 Impala Sport Sedan a more powerful, more beautiful car at a most pleasing price. , before your fertilize. Stop fungus and disease. $2.50 per hour Equipped turkey coops with 4 (IF YOU QUALIFY) 3 $5.00 minimum. Phone acres of ground for sale 13141516 Larry Harmon 18Af BLACKETT HOME ALKERS SHOPPING SERVICE Ra-nmr- .a k I'-t-- 754-346- o o n, m 4-- D its the Best the You'll love an 623-014- 1; 623-138- 2. 623-076- 8. (Motto fMi leogw 4-- D 487-780- 1, 445-343- haven't examined a new Chevrolet since Telstar II, the twist or electric toothbrushes, If you See your deelor now TTiimfe re-vt- rb 623-048- (i wmmm 'o one-own- er AVAILABLE FOR YOUR INSPECTION AND SELECTION 623-068- 6. COMPLETE FINANCING ARRANGED INCLUDING NO DOWN PAYMENT 623-082- shame on you! 623-005- 2. Youve been missing out on a lot thats new and better since 62: A more powerful standard Six and V8 (155 and 195 bp, respectively). New Turbo-Je- t V8s with displacements of 396 and 427 cubic inches that you can order. A fully synchronized transmission as standard. A Turbo Hydra-Mali- c transmission available. Deep-twicarpeting on every model. lubrication interval. or 6,000-mil- e brakes. A Delcotron generator that extends battery life. rocker panels. Up to 3' more shoulder room; increased leg and head room. A smoother suspension., New sound and vibration dampeners throughout A longer body, a wider frame and tread. Items you can add, such as AM-FMultiplex Stereo radio, Comfortron automatic steering wheel (or one that tilts heating and air conditioning, and a only). Standard safety items on all models, including front and rear seat belts, back-u- p electric lights, windshield washers, padded instrument panel, padded visors, e inside mirror and wiper arms. wipers, outside mirror, shatter-resista(Use them to best advantage.) And of course the great buys you can get right now from your Chevrolet dealer. 4 ft. BAMBOO SHADES GRADUATION PICTURES width, 1.98; 8 ft. width, 3.49 at and portraits. Color and black Kens Hardware, 48 North Main and white. John Cowan, phone Nephi. 623-063- 8. SPRING TIRE SPECIAL at GREENWOOD SERVICE 4 RECAPS (exchange) ONLY $28.00 budget terms for your convenience. WEDDING GIFT LISTS Hardware always at 4-- D st Six-mon- th Self-adjusti- Self-cleani- ; coil-spri- nt non-giv- 3 bedroom SALE FOR home with large lot for sale TWO HORSE TRAILER for house has coal furnace, mod- sale. Contact Ray Limt at 623 kitchen. convenient Call em, 1827. 1920 Donald Eyre, 1819 FOR GUITAR LESSONS call 3. Also Kirk at FOAM RUBBER CARPET has Morgan for sale of Fender agency 10c PADDING per square ft. and amplifiers, acousat Kens Hardware, 48 North guitars tic or electric. Terms can be Main, Nephi arranged. Contracts handled by Progressive School of MusAPARTMENTS FOR RENT ic. Rental guitars also availFurnished or unfurnished 29 tf able. Call EXCAVATING, fill dirt, top POWER MOWERS at For-ie- aeoil. Contact erl W. Wilkey Sea your Chevrolet dealer! 623-185- 1. 623-056- 0 or 623-155- 1. 19tf. $49.95 NOW CHEVROLET CHEVELLE CHEVY n C0RVA1R 4-- 04 FOR SALE: Sofa, chair and platform rocker In very good condition. Must sell this week 5 Call Harold Laird IS 623-191- GREENWOOD SERVICE 740 North Main Street Nephi, Utah Phone 623-185- 1 Man? BE YOUR OWN BOSS! International business looking for local representative. High commissions paid by largest company of It kind in the 0 or world. Call collect send resume to 155 North 2nd C0 OF COURSE! PHONE 623-180- yi th Chtvroltt Way AT 623-036- 8. with S at Variety Store h.p. Briggs & St rat on engine Move out in May WHERE? 623-068- 6 WHO? RAY KELSON FRED PAINTER LOREN GARRETT JIM PAINTER VEARL COATES 373-183- 11 tf FOR SALE: Sleeper type West, Provo. excellent condition 1962 Ford Pickup. See ADDITIONAL GRADUATION Don Newton or phone valUNe 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS office. ! at the Ttme-New- v PAINTER MOTOR CO. camper made for PHONE 623-063- I 623-06- 86 140 SO. MAIN |