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Show NopM, Juab County, Utah (Tljc.Cittico.ctuc .i Thursday, May 12, 1964 Clubs Invited to 4-- H Fix Up... Paint Up . . . Its Spring! 4-H- Foster Beautification "We are encouraging Clubs throughout the state to Horne participate In the and Community Beautification Program this year" stated Lynn Esplin, Juab County Agent. Mr. Esplin noted that much has been accomplished In the . past two years by Clubs participating In the beautifica tion program sponsored by Kennecott Copper Corporation and the USU Extension Servic-eeYet, a lot of work remains to be done to make our com munities more pleasing and at4-- 4-- H s. plication, keep a record of what is done including befoie and after pictures, and submit a report of what is accomplished to the county agent by October 1, llkUl. The county agent Indicates the following as sjeeific things which a club might do in communication beautification: (1) remove or repair dilapidated barns and other buildings, nni or fences: (2) haul away any ol dautomobile bodies, Junk collection and debris: (3) elimin- ate weeds and litter along the streets In the community; (41 The beautification program cut down and remove dead (5 being directed in Juab Coun- trees; repair and paint tractive. Director Explains Experiment Station 3 Research finding at Utah Stata Uni varsity vitol to human health ara discussed by Dr. Joseph C. Street and Dr. K. W. Hill, new director, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, as they check analysis of insec tkido residue la animal tissue. ty by USU Extension Agents buildings not removed: (6) keep Lynn Esplin and Clara Scho- vacant lots free from debris and field. They point out that any weeds; (7) improve, plant, and club or community recreation maintain areas, It la parks, cemeteries, etc.; (8) es- group may participate. not necessary that they carry the regular home beautification project Individual effort will be recognized but major emphasis is being given to 4-- H H labhsh and maintain nu.N.U tables and rest hums fur tour-- , Ists; and (9i assist with imliv-- , Mu.il home landscape improve- -' nient and plantings, The Home and Commun-- , d.v Beautification program aims to help mendters loam to cooperate as a club or com-- I group In community nninlty betterment activities; learn to j work with other groups such as city officials, garden club. etc. develop pride in home and community surroundings; provide attractive facilities for visitois to the community; give sendee to the community in which they live; and develop skills In selecting. planting and maintaining trees, shrubs, flowers and lawns for beautification of home grounds, public grounds, parks and cemeteries. 1 , 4-- H group activities. club or group desirAny ing to enter the program should submit an application to the county agent by June 1, conduct the beautification program as outlined In their ap 4-- H NOTICE TO WATER USERS The U. S. of Aanerica, Bureau of Land Management, Fillmore, Ut., has filed with the State Engineer Application No. 37558 to appropriate .1 sec. --ft. of water In Juab County. State of Ut. The water is to be diverted from a well 300 ft. deep at a point N. 1735' W. 1353 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 33, T14S, R5W, SLB&M. The water is to be used year round for the domestic requirements of 100 persons, the stockwatering of 250 head of cattle and for the watering of wildlife and fowl in EVSEVi Sec. 33, T14S, R5W, SLB&M. (68-175- n. Chemicals Discussed Are you confused by the many different weed chemicals ? This problem frequently bothers people involved in weed control including home owners, gardeners, farmers, ranchers, industrialists, and people having direction of road and street departments of public agencies. To help eliminate the confusion in using weed chemicals, Juab County Extension Agent Lynn Esplin, with Utah State University, suggests requesting from his office a free copy of the 1966 Chemical Weed Control Guide published by USU Extension Services. The newly revised guide is based on current information obtained from research and experience In Utah and surroudig states. New chemicals, developed, tested, and found suitable for use are included In the revision. A compiled list of chemicals for weed control has proven es- - Protests resisting the granting of the above application with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Ut., on or be- 'fY? 0.MUFB CH fore June 25, 1966. Hubert C. Lambert STATE ENGINEER ers Pitch Right in to ' j Beautify Homes C TUING. or any other lime, Is just right for adding a bit of cheery color, a cozy nook, drapciiea, or an entire new decor to the home. At leant that's what scores of 4H Club metnbcis are doing as part of their borne improvement proj- ect It is amazing what these teenagers, and even pie teens, have done to beautify their own rooms, and often all the other rooms in the family dwelling. Projects vary according to ability and need, but the young homemakers learn the basics of painting, papering, choice of color, texture and design, furniture and floor relinishing, sewing and purchasing. Awards Given At the close of the 4 II Club year, the 4 II staff of the Cooperative Extension Service will judge completed projects for county, state and national pecially helpful. In table form it lists the chemical name, act-iv- e Ingredients, forms available trade names and chemical company. Each recommendation for controlling weeds in crops Indicates the crop, the weed to be controlled, the chdmlcal and rate of application to use. when and how to apply it, and pre-cautions. For lawn weeds and weeds in areas the circular indicates the weeds to be controlled ,the chemicals to use, the rate, volume, time and method of application and precautions for use. Recommend-- 1 atins also are given for controlling water and ditch weeds, undesirable plants on range-land- s, and weeds on vacant lots. The extension circular emphasizes that weed chemicals are effective tools if used properly as a supplement to good cultivation practices; they are not a replacement for such practices. These herbicides can be used safely without injury to perrons crops and other desirable plants by following the and handling them awards. Donor of the home improvement awards for the fifth Straight year is The Sill Foundation, Inc. Six $500 scholarships will go to national winners. More than 70 different home Improvements were scored by the third Linda over a seven-yea- r period. She studied flower arrangement, color, texture and design as she advanced in her projects. Her method for making glass mosaics gained national fame. After transforming her bedroom into a cozy retreat, Linda went to work on her brothers room. She used the bright hues of his miniature car collection for the decorating colors. Examples of what ran accomplish is told in the records of three recent national scholarship winners, all named Linda. Linda No. 1 had the thrill of helping to renovate an old farmhouse which her parents had purchased to make more room for tho growing family of six. Linda tackled painting, tiling, DON'T BORROW SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! Deadline Extended for Dates of publication: May 12, May 19, May 26, 1966, in The Times-New- s, Nephl, Juab County Utah. Medicare Applications The deadline for signing into the Medicare Program has been extended to May 31, 1966. According to Lee Wankler, chair-- 1 man of the County Teachnlcall Action Panel, it is very Import-- 1 ant that all Senior citizens contact the Social Security Ad--1 ministration and investigate the provisions of this program. 4 ARE TIMES WHEN "THERE CROW IS UNNECESSARY A SCAREAROUND HERE!" I I MI I IKJ POWDERED OR BROWN SUGAR for 1.00 pound pkgs3 for 85c TOMATO JUICE 46 cans 4 for 1.00 PITTED OLIVES - TALL ANS CRISCO SHORTENING 3 lb can - - 79c pkgs 89c CAKE MIXES - Betty Crocker ayer-3 SCHILLINGS PEPPER - - 4 oz tins - 3 for 1 00 SHORTBREAD COOKIES BY SUPREME Regular packages - 2 for 89? . VOUEi LAS! CHAM TO SEE Atl EXCITING 1 MUSICAL Why do so many people hold on to their Savings Bonds after theyre matured? 1. Because they keep on earnNOW, more ing money than before. 2. --jjSfi'SS0 but Because they keep right on making Uncle Sam strong. 5SSS- 'Buy Because I NOW PAYING 4.115 tirement. . August 3 22-Sep- t. DOROTHY Jf run 1 ZL Up Vv Ooremmmt toe not say for thil edvertitement a pnhlit ten Ace in cooperation mth It it pretented the rrmwi Deportment emd The Adverttetnf Council. The U - 1 : -L- DEL MONTE DRINKS - MIX OR MATCH COLLINS HAM - CENTER SLICES - per lb 89 ANNIE GET YOUR GUN CLUB STEAKS BACON -- 1 lb 89e 55c lb pkg S. Tickets at Theatre box office, area representatives, stores. Or send check Castletons, ZCMI, and all or money order to P.0. Box 222, North Salt Lake, Utah 1 -- 46 OZ. Apple, Grape 4 cans fr 1 .00 FROZEN LEMONADE-- 6 OZ cans 2for 100 2 for 98c SWANSON TV DINNERS these 4 shows sorer way to save for re 5th SHOW FRE- E- ; OZ fruit, or Orange Buy U. S. Savings Bonds WHEN HELD TO MATURITY mjrm theres no safer, Americans own over $23 billion in Series E and H Savings Bonds that have already matured. Some are 25 years old this year, but they keep right on eam-- ing money for their owners. Its another good reason to start buying Bonds today where you bank, or on Payroll Savings where you work. Page Thraa MILD CHEESE lb 51c |