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Show NepKI, Juab County, Utah ITIjC i latkm of HiyUla with floral CARD OF THANKS U'c ara mot grateful for tributes arul with cards and and friervls who Blood We are grateful to the by our aide in our hour of aor-- j Bishopric and IU lief Society of row, following the death of our our word for their kindnesses and services. wife and mother El wood Hall. Reid Unda Wa are grateful to those who and Beverly ILill sent food into our home; those who expreased love and apprec- We jm in thanking all for your kindnesses following the death of our daughter and sister. Mrs. Mary Ann Bagley and family Beta Members Enjoy TOPPING OR REMOVAL NOTICE TO PARENTS OP JCAB 1 1 1 1 1 SENIORS LOADER AND SACK HOE WORK Fill Dirt Sandbox Sand Barnyard Fertilizer Fireplace Wood Many of the Seniors have purchased only a very few 66 graduation announcements. We have a supply still on hand if your tiesire additional ones for mailing to friends and relatives. 10c each including inside and outside envelopes. The Times-New96 South Main. Clarence Phillipsen Phone s, Hobby Night Meeting At Morgan Residence Members of the Beta Literary Club were guests at the hi sue of Mrs. Clark Morgan on Thursday evening May 5. The "Hobby Night" program was in charge of Mrs. Miles Anderson, Mrs. A. V. Jacobsen and Mis. Harlow W. Pexton. Mis. Roy E. Gibson, president of the club, presided at the business portion of the meeting. K. J. Sperry and R. Clark Greenhalgh gave a discussion on the projiosed golf course, and Invited the support of the club membership. Decorations were made by the club members, to be used for the Girl Graduate luncheon. IB Members attending the meet ing were Florence Wilkey, Ruth Chapman, Zoe Gibson, Melva Miner, Marjorie Morgan. Maxine Anderson, Florence Parkin, Blanche Pexton. Helen Pay, Alice Belliston, Ida Brough, Edna Mae Ludlow, Decima Jacobsen, and Mae Nyman. ISg Bel-listo- n, Cen-terfiel- Hen-dricks- WBm Your druggist is indeed a guardian . . of your health . . of your future. He maintains countless reference books in addition to the knowledge gained through years of study, to add to valuable service he performs to protect, or guard your health. Rely on your druggist as you do your physician. re HO Mr. and Mrs. J. Barrs Jenkins were host and hostess at a family dinner in honor of Mrs. Jenkins sister, Mrs. Allen prior to her departure for Copenhagen. Denmark. The following were In attendance: Alice J. Christinsen, student at II. Y. U., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Poulsen and children of MantJ; Mr. and Mrs. Miles Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Bryen Christensen and family of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caldwell and family of Gunnison; Mr. and Mrs. James Christiansen of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Christiansen and family; Mr. and Mrs. Blair Wilkey and son; Mrs. J. L. Belliston; Mary E. Brown of San Diego, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Belliston. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Anderson were in Salt Lake City visiting with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, on Mother's Day and over the holiday week end. While there they welcomed their sixth great grandchild on Mother's Day, May 8. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jr. Mrs. Hendrickson Is the former Virginia Ostler. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ferry J. Ostle and Mr. and Mrs. PROBATE AND GUARDIAN Wallace Hendricksen Sr., all of Consult Salt Lake City. Mrs. Olive D. SHIP NOTICES. County Clerk or respective Anderson of Nephi is of the new signer tor additional baby. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of IDA RACHAEL UDDIARD, deceased. CreditNew Babies . . . ors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Mr. and Mrs. Clark Austin office of Will L. Hoyt, Attornof Nephi announce the birth of Neey, 31 South Main Street, a son on May 7, at the Utah phi. Utah, on or before the 13 day of August, A. D. 1966. Valley Hospital. Grandparents Claims must be presented in are Mr. and Mrs. David Austin accordance with provisions of of Nephi and Mr. and Mrs. Clar5 Section Utah Code An- ence Gowers of Delta. notated 1953, with proper verifBabies bom at the Juab ication as required therein. County Hospital during the G. HAROLD UDDIARD, past week include the followAdministrator of Estate of ing, according to the list reIda Rachael Liddiard, leased Wednesday by Hospital y GUARDIAN Thurtday, May 12, 1966 Nephi Local, Social News r. TREE EilNC5J-rctUi- S JOHN By Giral r r 1 n BAUER Juab HigSi ol sicllalion the gal.iv the pulpit have turned in have allirnu-humility that the theatre ol their d, signing is a Temple for the people. Hereafter perchance it may lie regarded as one of the strange things of dramatic history that Brigham Y'ming, a man of no art culture beyond that which was but the high priest of a despised church, should have so lifted the theatre to the cotivplion of the great liigh priests of the stage; and. if Brig ham's Tliealro' had fallen from its pinnacle, we shall not dehit tire fall to him nor bis counsellor, whose dedicatory praver is before our eyes. Following this quotation in the Romance of An Old Playhouse the author, George D. Pyper slates: "It is a remarkable fact Uiat while the theatres were originally fostered by the churches as was the case with tho early miracle plays, in later days the playhouse was almost unicondemned by versally them, and these institutions But have grown far apart. Brigham Young, with great wisdom, saw that, properly regulated and directed, the Rtage offered a great field for education and progress. and he sought to bring the theatre close to the church instead of ostracising it. In this way he hoped to elevate the standards of the stage and educate the people to the best there was to offer. If you are interested in a per- manent position associated with Computers or Engineering. o An opportunity of obtaining a College Degree by attending Night School. Apply in person at the Plant between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. during the week of May 16. THERM0ID DIVISION H. K. PORTER CO., INC. NEPHI WORKS RETREAD PAIR SALE a?5 from or 7.J0-1- 4 id mtnmkUt Swl 6T0-1- S reasNMhMM oom W In Voguettes Members Share Favorite Recipes The Voguettes met last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. LaMar Everitt. Each member brought her favorite recipe to club and shared the recipe with other members. The following attended the meeting: authorities: Mrs. LaMar Everitt, Mrs. Carl 4 to Mr. bom May Daughter, Dates of publication; May 12, and Mrs. M. Clark Newell of 19 and 26 and June 2, 1966, in Mona. Grandmother is Mrs. The Tjnes-New- s, Nephi, Utah. Fred Slack of Cedar City. Daughter, bom May 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Newell of Nephi. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Yale Brough of Nephi, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Clark Newell of Mona. Great grandmother is Mrs. John M. Brough of Nephi. tj. i There will be two openings in the immediate future for young men of the 1966 Class. to yWK ptoe 75-9-- V TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF Monogar, Volley Mviic Hod Winn Valley Mu. nic Hall had d.iiii-uion thw stagtl alu-lli Hitt Dillere New Year's eo jierloniuiiuo hint Ifcivitilx-it revived a tradition extalil mliod at the dedicatimi of the old Suit isike Theatre On ThursMan'll 8, 1862. day Follow ini; the nrayer ot dedication, an andremi by President Young, and brief addresses by llelier C. Kimball and Jolui Tavlor, honor was paid to William H. Folsom, the architect and designer. The choir and soloists sang an anthem to close the dedication. The nd The curtain rose Pride of the Market was played. The evenings entertainment ended with danc-th- e theatre stage. It is recorded: The Salt laiko Theatre, in fact, at the outset, was elevated to the caste of a dramatic temple, and made a high school to the public for the study of uman nature, which was the object of all the plays of our Solomon of the Anglo-Saxostage. Not in the whole history of tho stage, ancient or modern, was ever a theatre before thus endowed as a sacred dramatic temple for the people. True, Shakespeare and the rest of the great dramatic composers, with Garrick, the Kembles, the Keans, Macready, Booth, Forrest, and others of their illustrious class, in their imperial dignity of character and in matchless splendor of their genius, before whose bright con- - Five. Pag Jarrett, Mrs. Michael Jar ret t, Mrs. Everitt Thomson, Mrs. Neil Wilkey, Mrs. Jack In- M Mrs. Joe Christensen, gram, Mrs. Wesley Lynn, Mrs. Keith Steele, Mrs. Richard May, Mrs. DeMar Gadd and Mrs. Clarence Bowles. nw GREENWOOD SERVICE 740 North Main SI. - Nephi IGA BONUS BUYS FLOUR ALL DAY SATURDAY MAY 14 1966 The Hoover Company Recommends having PANY Vacuum Cleaned and Lubr- WILL icated Completely once a year to Receive Long BE IN OUR BRING 6 p.m. Bring him service SERVICED! it for you. WE USE GENUINE HOOVER PARTS OPPORTUNITY! Perhaps your present cleaner is too sick to have its life restored. You may be interested in shopping for another one. All of our NEW HOOVERS will be on sale SATURDAY at DRASTICALLY REDUCED PRICES. Come in and let us help you save on the purchase of our newest model. PORTABLE PLAY AT THE FAIR. UtEY LOOK LIKE TURNIPS!" VENICE THURSDAY FRIDAY. SATURDAY MAY COY SEE 11017 THE WEST WAS THE 111 MIRISCH CORPORATION,, lim Ml lEEAEMIH IWHI STURGES T TECHNICOLOR liuuruiymr E ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT SHOW STARTS 8:00 promptly MIDNIGHT SHOW MAY 13 POLISHER SCRUBBER The light and lively Cleaner that's perfect fvSiose quick pickups. The easy and inexpensive way to scrub, wax and polish floors. Rug shampooing accessories available. SPIN DRYING WASHER If comped only SI -- 12 by by Ife portable novee My rolling enter . 1 Kinds. on SUNDAY AND MONDAY TUESDAY MAY WILLIAM HOLDEN ALEC GUINNESS JACK HAWKINS in Ut!BSO08fflG ((MTS RED ALASKA 4 PORK CHOPS LOIN END PORK ROAST THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT SHOW STARTS 8:00 promptly dozen GA Grader PEARS quart ol -- iy2 can 46 oz cans - 3 for 1.00 SALMON - - TALL CAN - 99c PINEAPPLE JUICE - 46 oz cans RIB OVEN FRESH BREAD Cl lb (5) 2ls TABLE FRESH PRODUCE LB CRISP SOLID LO. CUT lb COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS LETTUCE 9A( m LB m ASPARAGUS 19' per l-bUTAH GROWN CHUCK STEAK ROZENlF OOP'S! SWANSON TV TABLERITE U. S.O. A. CHOICE lb SWISS POT ROAST STEAK BONLESS BACON 1 WuTmi 1 6 Pound load In Just 4 ISnutee, Spin dtyl eme toed ll lust FRUIT DRINKS Ml IGA BARTLETT TRAIL write evoryUilng INSIDER new Including itmeUc cord reel UNITED ARTISTS LARK SHASTA ASSORTED lb TIIE HALLELUJAH The exciting demef 212 COLOR TV BEETS ON DIS- 57(5) DRESSING WHAT MY -I- IGA SALAD 1 303 tins IS DOING TO JOHN The best cleaner ever built. 30 more efficient on rugs, times more power with tools. i "I DON'T LIKE JIM DIAL-A-MAT- IC 21 FRUIT COCKTAIL . . . You DON'T MISS THIS HURRY! Combines Hoover efficiency nd pries you cant refuss. A host of features Including "it beats, as It weeps, as It cleans." .. Medium-- A Crush, Chunk, Tidbits YOUR IN receive a regularly pricec $5.95 serves for only 079 WITH EVERY HOOVER CLEANER SPECIAL EGGS STORE will BELTS wimvckiibLE Cut Green HOOVER CLEANER and let yours in Saturday! FREE BEANS PINEAPPLE REPRESENTATIVE SATURDAY FROM 9 a.m. TO Life and Satisfactory Operation. IGA A TRAINED HOOVER COM- yourl Hoover 10 lb bag NRICHED CREAN CORN -E- - 5MOKY MAPLE A FEW CASES PEACHES -PEARS - FRUIT lb FILLETS ,79 STAMPS PRE FREEZE" AND SAVE! - package IGA FRUIT OR CREAM PIES FREE GOLD STRIKE n 65c PERCH OR COD COCKTAIL PRICES STOCK UP NOW - Reg. DINNERS 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI PHONE 6231 131 ustom Cutting, Wrapping, Freezina 49 49 eachjjgi OPEN WEEK DAYS PM 7:30 A OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 7:00 PM FOR YOUR M-6:- 00 CONVENIENCE 3 |