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Show SAltt Like cit; tVh Both Parties Face Races In sing! Copy I Oc Nephi, Juab County, Utah 84648, Thursday, May2, Named Speaker For Baccalureate Dr. Daryl Chase Girls Day Scheduled Friday at Juab High "Girls Day" events will be conducted at the Juab High School on Friday, May 13. At 11 a.m in the high school auditorium, Dean Phyllis Snow will give a lecture and show slides on the possibilities in a home economics career. Mothers of the girls are in vite dto attend the afternoon activities beginning at 1 p.m At that time the Pro Vita will perform in the gymnasium. Im mediately following this, a fash ion show will be held in the high school auditorium. Final day time event will be a tea. Three Announcement been has made by officers of the Senior Class of Juab High School that I'r. Daryl Chase, President of Utah Slate University will be guest speaker for the annual Baccalaureate services to be held on Tuesday evening. May 24 at the Juab High Auditorium. Dr. Chase has been president of Utah State University at Logan since 1954. Dr. Chase, will be returning to the school from which he was graduated ns a young man. Following his completion of secondary school work here, he was awarded his Masters degree In 1931 from the University of Chicago and then returned to Utah where he was employed in the LDS Church School System. In 1933 he returned to Chicago and received his doctorate In 1936. Between 1936 and 1945 he served as head of five different collegiate Institutions and In 1945 became dean of students at USU. In 1951 he was appointed Director of the College of Southern Utah at Cedar City and was appointed President of Utah State University in 1954. The Senior Class and School officials have also announced that on Thursday evening, May 26, the Commencement Exercises of the school will be conducted at the auditorium Nephi Store newest business will ojien its doors to the public this morning at 11 North Main The business is the Street. Ward Catalog Montgomery Sales Agency and it will be operated by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Morris Lunt. An announcement advertisement is on page eight of this issue, Mr. Lunt stated that "on the floor for immediate sale" are Mrs. Florence W. Worthington many Items, including televls ion sets and household appliances, as well as automobile tires and other Items. The main feature and popularity Of the sales agency type of store, Is the catalog ordering feature. Orders will be processed for delivery by fast truck from the Ward huge warehouse at Denver. It Is expected that deliveries will be made within a very few days. Impressive funeral services Opening event prizes and specd ial were held Monday at the features await those who Ward chapel for Mrs. visit the store during the three-da- y Florence Amy Warner Worthgrand opening event, Mr. ington, widow of Joseph Wor- and Mrs. Lunt stated. Mrs. Worthington thington. died Thursday, May 5 following an extended illness. Bishop Vinton G. Steiner of the Nepih First Ward conducted the services. Mrs. Worthington was born Services Held Monday for Nephi Matron First-Secon- Tree Planting Program Adds Thousand Pine All-re- Richard Lee Pexton, James Richard Reed, Dale Edward Royce, Merrill Glade Sanders, Ronald Jesse Taylor, Jerry Westring, Lynn Rulon Wilkey, Joel DeVon Winn, M. Scott Worwood; Donna Lee Aagard, Kay Lynette Anderson, Margaret Ann Austin, Norma Ethel Bale, Nancy Louise Berwick, Bertha Diane Bowles, Eunice Broad-heaAngela Brough, Ann Brough, Barbara Ann Brough, Marcia Eileen Carter, Myda Ruth Carter, Kathlyn Chambers, Iris Ann Crawforth, JoAnn Fackrell, Mary Margaret Gar-ett- , Patsy Gaarett Marjory I. Greenhalgh, Cynthia Ingram, Sandra Dee Jackson, Dorothy Sue Jackson, Sara Ann Kay, Tari Lynn Latimer, Evelyn Rita Lynn Otteson, Nielsen, Angela Ruth Parkin, , Claudia Ann Parkin, Ellen LaJune Pay, Jacqueline Essie Shaw, Kathy Sherwood, Kathleen SpendLove, Emily Sue Sperry, Sarah Ann Starr, Mary Dawn Steiner, Carolyn Stephensen, Nina Diane Stephensen, Marilyn Stephen Lois Ada sen, Diane Tolley, Vest, Marian Williame, Pamela Wilkey and Carol Faye Winter. Three Named To Boys State Three Nephi young men have been selected to attend Utah Boys State at Logan during June, according tQ an announcement by Jack Shaw, Commander of Nephi Post No. 1, Amer- Miss Rona Shepherd Let an Selected to attend the annual Girls State at Logan in June is Miss Rona Shepherd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Shepherd of Levan. Miss Shepherd Is a student at Juab High School, and will be sponsored at the annual affair by the Levan American Legion Auxiliary. The Forest Service, in cooperation with the Nephi Kiwanis Club and the Juab District of the Boy Scouts of Amer-ileaplanted 1000 pines in Salt Creek canyon in a specia ltree planting and conservation project on Saturday, May7., Ponderosa pine and Lodgepole pine seedlings were planted in Salt Spring Canyon, just south of the McCune canyon Ponderosa Pine plantation. These trees will benefit future Forest users by providing poles, saw timber, enhancing recreational values, providing food and cover for wildlife, and protecting the watershed. This is the second successive year these groups have worked on this project. To date, 1500 Ponderosa Pine seedlings and 500 Lodgepole pine seedlings have been planted in Salt Creek canyon by these organizations. The Kiwanis Club served hot dogs and soda pop to some 30 boys and adults at the completion of the project. the Coordinating activity were Alton S. Gadd, Kiwanis Boys and Girls Committee chairman; Fred L. Gadd, Juab District Boy Scout committeeman; and Neil E. Jensen and Bryan Nielsen of the Forest Service. Have Contest for j NYphl Post No. 1 American L'gion. recently was reoogniz-je- l for activities In two fields of service. Plaques were ceived by post officiult for out- standing work in child welfare activities and in Americanism. The Nephi unit also was recognized for reaching a membership by November over the proceeding years quota. The work of the post in participating in child welfare work among dependants of veterans on both a local and state level was recognized. The post's sponsorship of the oratorical contest and other Americanism activities also was recognized. Forresf Anderson Is New Director of Chamber of Commerce Forest Anderson, local distributor for Sinclair Refining Company, has been named a director of the Nephi Chamber of Commerce, following the recent resignation of Victor Rasmussen. Mr. Rasmussen resigned because of the necessity to lim;t activities following a recent illness. Mr. Anderson formerly served as a director of the organ' ization. Primary Conference Session to be on Channel 11 Twice Mrs. Nona S. Smith, president of the Juab Stake Primary lias received information from the general officers of the organization, that a rebroadcast of the Friday afternoon ses' sion of the annual Primary con' ference will be made on Saturday, May 14 from 7 to 9 pm. and on Monday, May 16 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on KBYU Channel 11. The presentation "I Will Put My Trust in God highlights the session and is excellent for family viewing, according to Mrs. Smith. In addition, the talk by President N. Eldon Tanner will be of great Interest to everyone. Mrs. Williams is New President of Nephi Lady Republican Club (Army Home Town News Ser.) FORT POLK, LA Army Private Charles G. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Williams of 291 West 400 North, Nephi, Utah completed advanced infantry training, plus a week of guerrilla warfare training, recently at Fort Polk, La. During his additional instruction, he lived under simulated Vietnam conditions for five days, fighting off night attacks and conducting raids on enemy villages. Williams was taught methods of removing booby traps, setting ambushes, and avoiding enemy ambushes. The 20 year old soldier attended Juab High School and entered the Army last December. He completed basic training at Fort Bliss, Texas. Ronald E. Sperry, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sperry of Nephi recently was honored for perfect attendance at a special awards assembly at Stevens Henager College, Salt Lake City, A graduate ot Juab H.gh Sch0ol, Mr. Sperry currently is enrolled in a higher accounting and business administration course. Miss Dana Jo Phillips Miss Phillips Named Student Body Head Miss Dana Jo Phillips, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Cheri Ostler and her room mate, Paulette Gailbraith from the Brigham Young University, spent the week end at the home of Miss Ostlers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Ostler. Smokey Says: A. Phillips of Nepih, has been elected to the office of President of the Juab High School student body for next year. This is only the third time in the history of Juab High School that a young lady has been elected to this office. Other new officers are: Richard Linton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kent Linton, vice president; Claudia Jenkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins, secretary; and Craig Boswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boswell, activity manager. was queen The president-eleof this years Junnior Prom and takes an active part In school activities. She will succeed Wesley Christiansen In the Please prevent a Forest Fire! office of I 're i sdent. ct m Wednesday. Mac A. Bigler of Ruicka has filed for the commissioner jvi.st. making three candidates on the Democratic ballot for this position; James A. Phillips of Nephi has filed for the conun issioner post, making two Thmas Lynn Parkin has filed for the Clery-Auditposition on the Democratic ticket, making two candidates; R. Norman Greenhalgh filed for Nephi precinct justice position. He is unopposed. or Republican candidates for commissioner positions include Denton C. Bartschl of Eureka and Howard McIntyre of Mammoth; while A. Dean Winn Is the lone Republican candidate for the commission post. A. K. Johnson, Nephi, seeks the Clerk Audi tor position; Erma I. Goble, the County Treasurer position; Lucille G. Carter the County Recorder position; William C. Stowell, County Assessor position, J. H .(Jack) Brough, Nephi City Chief of Police, the Cunty Sheriff position, and Udell R. Jensen, the County Attorney position. Claude R. Lomax, incumbent state representative, has filed for this position, opposing Richard Brough of Fillmore for the Elder James Kent Pace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pace of Republican nomination. the Nephi First Ward will be honored at a farewell testimonial at the First Ward Sacrament meeting on Sunday, May 15, at 7 p.m., it was announced this week by Bish0p Vinton G. All members of the Stejner. ward are encouraged to attend, Bishop Steiner stated. Elder Pace has accepted a call to serve in the Andes mission of the Church of Jesus Saints. He Christ of Latter-da- y Slightly more than a full inch will enter the mission h0me on of moisture was rece ved at the Monday, and following a weeks Nephi weather reporting statitraining, will go to the special on during the fore part of this mission language training de- week as a valuable spring partment of the Brigham storm occurred. At Levan, the Young University. A graduate readings up to 5 p.m. Tuesday of Juab High School and Juab was 81 hundredths of an inch, Stake Seminary, Elder Pace al- and more rain fell following so has attended Weber State that time. The weeks temperature and College. Speakers at the service will precipitation reports for the be Richard Pace and LeRoy Spriggs, brother and brother-i- n -- law of Elder Pace. Remarks City Councilman J. B. Jenkins will be given by Mrs. Pace, mother of the missionary, and Bishop Steiner, with response by Elder Pace. selections Special musical w;il be a piano solo by Merlene Nelson, and a vocal selection by Janet Pace, Jane and Jan Levanger, accompanied by Mrs. Richard Pace. Prayers will be Announcement was made this by Belvin Pace and Bishop week by Mayor Harlow W. PexRobert A. Nelson. ton of the appointment of J. Barres Jenkins to the Nephi A County Republican meetCity Council. Mr. Jenkins will will the unexpired term of the ing will be held at the City Hall on Tuesday, May 17 at 8 p.m. late Eugene Lunt. The public is urged to atThe new cty councilman is tend. proprietor of the Jenkins Sales and Service in Nephi, and is a former Bishop of the Nephi Third Ward. Filler J.iiiii-- s Kent Pace Elder Pace to ar -- Be Honored Sunday Night More than Inch Of Moisture in Valued Storm Jenkins Named City Official Summer Kindergarten Registrations Set at MIA To Sponsor Dance Dance Tuesday Night Mona, Levan Schools Registration of children for summer kindergarten in the Mona and Levan areas has been scheduled by Juab School DistIn Levan the rict officials. registration will be on May 17 between 1 and 3:30 p.m., at the Levan School. Mona area parents may register their children of kindergarten age between 9 a.m. .and 11 a.m. on May 24th. Jack Completes Training Demo- Juab County, following the closing of the filing (hmioiI on Tuexl.iy night, .icioidng to the list of candidates for the parties nominations released by Juab County Cleik Mrs. George W. Wjlliams was elected president of the Nephi Lady Republican Club at a meeting held May 4. Mrs. C. R. Lomax presided. The group was favored with a vocal solo by Mrs. Alan Ostler. Other officers named include Mrs. Eldon Bowles, vice president; Mrs. Alan Ostler, secretary; Mrs. Sheri D. Ferre, reporter and Mrs. J. E. Andrews, Attending the affair were Mrs Brough, Mrs. Arnold Brough, Mrs. George W. Williams, Mrs. Harlow W. Pexton, Mrs. Eld0n Bowles, Mrs. Lloyd Goble, Mrs. Albert Starr, Mrs. C. R. Lomax, Mrs. J. E. Andrews, Mrs. Alan Ostler, Mrs. George V. Jones, Mrs. Claude Tolley and Mrs. Sheri Ferre. Commissoner Spot ar Piinury election contests face both Republican and cratic paMies treasurer.' Nephi Young Man Way Contest for Commissoner Post On Democratic Ballot; Republicans Also Today for New Donald Eyre ican Legion. Boys selected to attend are Blake Garrett, son of President and Mrs. R. Roscoe Garrett; David Christensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Christensen, and Donald Eyre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Eyre. Sponsors include the American Legion Post No. 1, the Nephi Lions Club and the Nephi Kiwanis Club. The boys will participate In the annual affair on the USU campus. We regret that a photograph of David Christensen was not available for publication. American legion Cited for Work on Child d, fcr- Primary Election Volume 57, Number 19 Grand Opening! ot S,XK! of William H and Juab High School has released Elizabeth Andrews Warner. She the following as the prospective was married to Joseph F. Worgraduates of Juab High School, thington Hay 31, 1905 at the class of 1966: LDS Manti Temple. Mr. WorEarl Lee Anderson, Lynn thington died March 7, 1954. David Lee Bills, Bailey, Mrs. had been Daniel A. Boston, Fenton Lynn active Worthingtonher life in throughout Broadhead, Terry Douglas the LDS Church, serving in the Browti, Ronnie Craig Bryan, Relief Society and Primary orLeaves for Denmark Glen ganizations. Wesley J Christiansen, She was a memCowan, John Owen Co- ber of the ward choir for many Mrs. Allen Belliston left Salt EugeneMichael G. Cowan, Glen years. She also was a memLake City Tuesday, May 10 via wan, Vem John Wells El- ber of the Daughters of Utah Jet for Copenhagen, Denmark, ler tson,Davis, James Fred Gadd, Tom Pioneers. where she will visit her moth' Clarence oble, Perry Reid Hall, Surviving are three sons: ers sister, Emma J. Pultz, and Thomas Howard, Steven Roy Joseph Eugene Worthington, several cousins. Howell; Ray Warner Worthington and Greg L. Ingram, Dale Lavon Henry Worthington, all of NeJarrett, James Dennis Jensen, phi; 11 gradchildren and 13 Gary Bryan Jones, Richard Val great grandchildren. Also surKelson, John Glenn Lomax, viving is a brother, Francis regory Allan Newton, Steven (Frank) Warner of Nephi. Alan Ostler, David Ely Pass, Interment at the Vine Bluff Michael Gordon Pay, David r! cemetery was directed by AnPaystrup, Randy Kenner Pew, derson Funeral Home. Blake Garrett 1966 Miss Marjory Greenhalgh Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greenhalgh announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Marjory Greenhalgh, to Gary L. Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephenson, all of Nephi. The announcement was made to close relatives and friends at a luncheon hosted by Mrs. Greenhalgh on May 4th. Miniature white swans with blue ribbons bore the news "Marjory and Gary August 19, 1966. The Manti Temple will be the setting for their marriage. Miss Greenhalgh will gradu- ate from Juab High School this month. She is an LDS Semin- A Family Affair is the theme for a MIA dance to be held in the First - Second Ward recreation hall on Tuesday, May 17, starting at 8 pjn. The dance will feature a floor show and refreshments will be served. All members 'of the First Ward, and of the Second Ward are invited to attend. Bargain Prices Set on School Lunches for Remainder of School Bargain prices will be in effect at school lunch in Juab School District for the remain-- 1 ing two weeks of school, ae-- 1 cording to an announcement by Ralph W. Menlove, Superintendent. Mr. Menlove stated that beginning on May 16, and continuing until the end of the school year, elementary grade students will pay only 10c for dinner, and secondary students will pay only 15c. In an effort to better acquaint parents with the school lunch program, these plans have been formulated. Supt. Menlove stated "It is, hoped that students who do not Idaho announce the approach! regularly participate in the Jng marriage of their daughter school lunch program will take Gayline Rae to George David advantage of this special of- Leafty, son of Mr. and Mrs James W. Leafty of Nephi, fer. ary graduate and will be a fourth year graduate. This year she served as Senior Ball Princess and as an attendant to the F.F. A .Sweetheart. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jarrett Garv was graduated from Juab High School. He has com- were in Santaquin on Thursday pleted six months service with where she attended a dinner with her the National Guard and now is emploved at H. K. Porter da lighter, Mrs. El da MartelL A beautiful corsage was presented Oo Neplii Works. The young couple plan to to each mother before dinner was served. make their home in Nephi. Mothers-Daughte- rs Utah. The couple wiU be married today (Thursday May 12) at the Salt Lake LDS Temple A reception will honor them this evening at the Juab Stake House at Nephi. They will make their home in Salt Lake City. |