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Show NpM, Juab County, Utah Gimcfi-;Tctii- G Slje Thursday, May 1 2. 1 964 Page Seven clean camp chairman; Donna Ingram, editor; Mary AM'uno. Smotcey Says: sjvl;d activities chairman; Judy Winter, song lender; for Annual DM Mayor I I A PERMIT TO u V0UB Mr. and Mrs. Kent Larson, James K. Moor and children IJnton, medic; and Rhon-l- i J L3tai FOREST wiSElV K and children of Heber City Peggy and Gary of Salt Stanley, secretary and treasur- couiiiy vo& er. sent Sunday with Mrs. Anna City visited with Mr, and Mrs. Juab Club Camp lICCAlSS D. Allred. These young people will plan COwRr by W.W. B.uer, M.a ml conduct the summer Mike Anderson of Nephi was CMK Week end visitors of Mr. and Coniultant, National Dairy Counel actelected l! Camp Mayor, club camp am! other Mrs. David Austin were their at the ltvulrrHhip training ivities throughout the year. 4H son In law and daughter, Air. held last Wednesday eve-la- , advisory eonmnl member and BEST WEIGHT CONTROL FOR YOU and Mrs. Thomas L. Randle and Over 200 memlvra i County Extension Agents will There is a weight that Is best and give tone to your body mus son Michael of Logan. work with them In an advisory visited in Salt Lake City a few for each of us. It depends upon des. You also were to make a capacity. officer ir.g, other named in Mrs. Alice Bailey visited In days last week with their child' cl Me: Rode no Howard Alayor-eUone's age, sex, physical activity, list of everything you'd had to Salt Lake A not hi function of the rewly City on Tuesday and ren: Bishop and Airs. Franklin and body build. It may or may eat during, one week. Reid eleven! chief officers will be to of Hall, of week with last police; Atm. Wednesday John and Dr. K. Brough not be the weight for your age" Kudene Stephensen, program carry out the leadership functThe crucial factor in persona her son and daughter In law, 1. EAteman. Mr. .ml In the published weight tables. lizlng weight control to you as an Mr. .chairman; Gary Jones, reerm- - ion of the now Older Comand Mrs. Gordon Bailey. Bralthwalte. Paul Hon chairman; Teresa The words, weight control," Individual involves your adapIn this club all Tolley, munity Club, Afr. and Airs. Gordon Bailey mean achievement and mainte- tion of the four food group plan. members of high school age Mr. and Airs. Wallace Carter, will meet for special activities "...AND AFTER HIGH SCHOOL, I on Saturday with Airs, Air. and Airs. Raymond Houghvisited nance of the best weight for you. la It to incorporate possible in the areas of citizenship, comAir. and Airs. ton, Air. and Airs. Jay Howell, Four Juab HAVE FOUR YEARS OF AS COLLEGE How does one achieve the best Alice Bailey. to the four food groups, (the milk Keith So please, SO I BETTER JUST MAKE IT A and family of Airs. Delta Hedberg, all of Neservice, recreation, permunity Bailey eight?" be careful with fire! sonal improvement, health and FISHING LICENSE THIS TIME!" We talked recently in this col- group, meat group, vegetable Kamas spent Alothers Day in phi. and Air. and Airs. Rollo Annual safety, and oilier areas of inumn about tailoring a plan of and fruits, enriched breads and Nephi with Airs. Alice Bailey, Howell of Salt Lake City were Participate terest to the dub menilairs. atwith recommended to the on cereals), Thursday in Falrview eating specifically to yourself. This was to include a mode of liv- number of servings per day, in Airs. Gilbert Bailey spent tend the funeral services for Event Snow College ing that would give you enough a 1100 to 1210 calories per day Alothers Day In Fountain Green Airs. Effie Aliner Jones. exercise to expend excess energy pattern for adults as follows: and attended the open house in Utah youths will be asAir. and Airs. Douglass Chris-tiso- n honor of her sister in law. Airs Airs. suming the leadership roles in Arr. and of FOOD Alagna, CALORIES MINIMUM CALORIES FOR Calista Tidwell, honoring her on Frank Hudson and two child- putting on their own conference MINIMUM SERVINGS (Average her 85th birthday anniversary. and Airs. Wayne June 6 to 9 at Snow College in SERVINGS values) The open house was held at ren, and Mr.of Orem visited 1 cup milk at Ephraim. Approximately 200 160 Braithwaite 320 2 . the home of Air. and Airs. Alont the Ed. Chase home o Alother a youth delegates 1 ounce meat from counties 75 2 450 H.Nielsen, son in law and daught throughout Utah, plus adult ' oz. each) (3 day. Airs. of Tidwell. er Vs cup vege. W.tors, will participate In the Air. and Mrs. Don Gadd and 7th annual State table, or tj Bur-rastYouth Airs. Mr. J. and Merlyn cup fresh or ited In Fountain Green on Sun Leadership conference, accordand children Lori, Todd Air. unsweetened and Airs. Gcdge Oliver vis-da- y ing to Amy R, Kearsley, asand Troy of Salt Lake City canned fruit with Airs. Eugene Allred, sociate 35-4or fruit juice 140-16spent Saturday and Sunday in Dale Allred, and Air. and Airs 'outh supervisor of extension 4 programs with the Utah 1 slice bread with Mrs. Burrastons 70 Nephi 280 4 James Allred and family. State University. parents, Air. and Airs. Jesse A. Four members from Juab Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett Bailey. Air. and Mrs. Alichael 1190-121Corfield of Salt Lake City and visited in Clearfield over the County have been chosen to TOTAL CALORIES Dale Bailey of Provo spent week end with their children, participate in the conference. With this concept in mind you following Is an example of how Mothers They are Susan Harper, Levan; Day at the Jesse A. Alarcus, Verl and Clyde Gar- Brenda are now ready to relate your food you score one days food by enter- Bailey home. Richard Pay, Alona; rett and their families. Delivery? Linton and Jeff Ostler. Nephi. Deals ? inventory of what you had to eat ing a check mark for each time nowi Juab Right for one week to the four food a food item appeared that day on Mr. and Mrs. Keith Chapman County Agent Lynn Airs. Ned Barnes was in MorCouldnt wil be one of the adult adgroup idea. Including a special your one week list; oni on Saturday evening to at- and two sons of Loa were week be better! column for sweets and fats, the tend the Mothers and Daught- end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. visors to the group. of R. Garrett, parents ers banquet with her mother, Elgin MILK MEAT VEG. BREADS SWEETS Mrs. Luella Atikkelson, and sis- - Mrs. Chapman, GROUP GROUP' FRUITS CEREALS FATS Nephi News Briefs tens. Airs. Mikkelson was preBreakfast Air. Mrs. and Morgan Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Clinton sented a gift for having six Midmorning and son Wayne Jr. of Salt Lake and Mr. and Airs. ChesterKirgan Foote daughters in attendance. snack City visited on Saturday with were In Salt Lake City on FriLunch his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay day and Dinner Saturday to attend the Mr. and Airs. Lewis Beagley, . Morgan. Veterans of World War I con Evening snack Y V and Dennis Beverly Beagley, Total from Mrs. James Garrett and vention. and Airs. Joann Bean and son each group 16 Bruce of American Fork spent daughter Barbara visited In Mothers Day at the home of Moroni on Saturday evening Sniokey Says: Choose from a wide range The big question finally Is If and youll see. Just be careful Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beagley. body styles, colors where they attended the Mothoptions. ""WELCOME of invenon the so fast to not new-ca- r ers and Daughters banquet. Mr. many days your change your eating out 5 make sure buyers pay Special prices Mr. and L. FreeAirs. Dean you and Airs. Garrett and family tory look like this, or whatever and so greatly that satisfaction in TO AM ERICA'S Cher-rind- a the I get Special visited with her parents, Air. they look like, what changes eating is lost. Give yourself time man and family and Miss GREAT OUTDOORS Beck of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Theo Jackson on Sunshould you make in your eating? to adjust. This is why the "crash were Mothers dinner Day Its class. Pure Oil Performance Trials. The answer lies in gradual cor- diets wont serve as steady fare. day. rection. Start reducing sweets and You couldnt live with them. guests of Mr. and Airs. L. EuMr. visitors of Beck. Mothers Day fats, and look for other "extras What you are seeking is a new gene Popular Science Gold Cup for outstanding and Airs. H L. Grace were Airs. you can , eliminate. Are you in- pattern of eating that you can Recent Sunday guests of Zumpano of Salt Lake braking performance In Pure Oil Trials. cluding too many servings of any. live with and still lose weight, Air. and Airs. Allen Belliston ShirleyAir. and Mrs. Alaynard City, in Check fare. and ideal then maintain thing your daily weight were Mr. and Airs. Edwin I. Wankier and family of Alanti AT back to the four food group table when you reach it. Brown of Salt Lake City and and Mr. and Mrs. Dix Grace Miss Mary Brown of San Diego, and family of Payson. Wouldnt you really rather have a Buick Special California. News of your friends in Nephi Doctor in the Kitchen Mike Anderson Named n 4H 4-- 1 mt 4-- "? e; mjj 4-H- ai af Go see your Buick dealer. 4-- Go get a 66 Buick Special. Going 1st class was never easier. (Or smarter.) 4-- H 0 4-- H 0 Es-pl- in . HH tr 4 cf of and WINNER WINNER A WINNER OF A DEAL! Large Group Here for Funeral Services for Joseph Wowood Out of town friends and relatives here recently for the funeral services for Joseph Wor-woo- d included the following: Air. and Mrs. Howard Bur nett, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burnett and son Garth, right now ? (When the getting's so great?) Air. and Mrs. Paul Lunt and Alice Christiansen, a student at the Brigham Young Univer- family of Sandy Mr. and Mrs. Green River, sity was a week end guest of Gordon Lunt and family of Salt Mr. and Mrs. Allen Belliston. Lake City, and Mass Barbara Lunt of Provo spent Mothers parents, Air. and Mothers Day visitors of Air. day with their and Mrs. Blaine Belliston were Mrs. Ray Lunt. her grandmother, Airs. Milton Air. and Mrs. Cleon LeMon S. Harmon of Salt Lake City of Annaheim, California visited and also her brother in law with relatives in Nephi three and sister, Air. and Airs. Marvin days last week. Tolman and baby of LaSal. Week end guests of Mr. and Air. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor Airs. Kenneth Nyman were Air. and family of Springville, and and Mrs. Glenn C. Lewis and Air. and Airs. Glade Van Nos-ddaughter Loralee of Salt Lake and children ' of Payson City, Miss Nancy Nyman and spent Alothers Day with Airs. Charles Rose of Provo. -- See your Buick dealer during his Sale-.- GREENWOOD SERVICE With your help it can alwaya be beautiful! 740 Norih Main Street Nephi, Utah Phone Utah; Miss Sylvia Worwood, Alisa Carolyn Burnett, Mrs. R. M. Brand, Mrs. Richard Alexander, Frank Worwood, Airs. Leonard Belliston. Robinson, Airs. Glen Roper, all Airs. H. L. Smith (Dorothy of Salt Lake City; Jerry and and family of Salt Belliston) Crai'g Coulson, Ephraim; Air. Lake City spent Mothers Day and Airs., Jesse Coulson, Eurwith Mrs. Wdlford Belliston. Mrs! Bell Pay-so- ol eka; Montague, Wilcox, Las Vegas;'' Alr3.' Winnie Pulley, American Fork; Mr. and Airs. Frank Air. and Airs. Bale, Dugway; Bernard Bale, Genola; Mrs. Keith Ahlstrom and daughter Wendy of St. John. , n; Mrs.-Rut- h Mrs. Leonard Belliston was in Springville on Sunday, Atay 1 for the blessing of the twin daughters of Air. and Airs. VerThe girls were non Taylor. named Lisa and Lori. OPERATION GOLDEN EAGLE 9 OUT OF 10 "Fuel for Thought -- from LEO CHRISTENSEN IKIeffec a imew Meoell FRIENDS OF YOUR COMIC USE, ENJOY AND HELP EXPAND YOUR GREAT AMERICAN OUTDOORLAND Heres how to become a Golden Eagle family . . . $7 l all you pay for your Annual Golden Passport. If opens to you and your family 7,000 glorious federal recreation opportunities and identifies you as an important contributor to the conservation of your outdoor StmeU tJEnati aim ftgfiflpfle M11 SnfltJei? MS3o Pay yourself. heritage. When you buy your Golden Passport" by mail, you will also re- ceive a handsome lapel pin and a Golden Eagle Family Award certificate. , Its new Chevron Diesel Fuel with an exclusive detergentdispersant additive. New Chevron Diesel Fuel solves the problem of premature filter plugging. It dis. Make check or money order payable to perses contaminants so well that particles pass through the finest commercial filters without clogging or settling out to cause injector fouling. The particles are so fine, they cannot possibly harm your engine. Result The life of your fuel filter can triple, or more. for your supply of new Chevron Diesel Fuel, give us a cah now. Youll start saving money immediately. Call 6230646 in Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and send, with your name and address, to. Operation Golden Eagle, Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, o 7763, Washington, D. C 20044 4.115 WHEN HELD TO NEPHI MATURITY LEO CHRISTENSEN Your Standard Oil DistributorJ NOW PAYING Ms If youre like most people, ycu don't iu.ve a lot left over after the bills are paid. Often nothing at all. In that case, youre exactly the kind of person the Payroll Savings Plan was invented for. All you do is tell your employer to set aside a certain amount every payday toward the purchase of a United States Savings Bond. You wont feel the pinch, because you never see the money. In fact, youll probably forget all about it, until you discover how much youve salted away. Its a great way to assure a comfortable tomorrow for you and for your family. Its a great way to help Uncle Sam work for tomorrows freedom, as well. So why dont you make good the promises of an I. O. ME every payday? Sign up now for Payroll Savings where you work. Buy U.S. Savings Bonds The V.8. OoMnmeiit doe not pay for this advertisement. 4 in cooperation c itb presented mo public sen-ir- e the Trmacurp Department and The Advertising Counoil. It an imr MMmHwm ct-u- W 623-- 1 851 |