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Show Nephi, CIj t Juab Counfy, Utah Mona News Thursd.y, May 12. 1966 CimfO-JVctu- G Neohi Local and Social News Levan Local, Mother Day dinner guest Mr., and Mr. Ronald J arret t Mr. anil Mr. Merlin Kay and were in Santaquin on Thursday! of Mr. and Mr. Doran H. Park won John rf Salt Like City wore where lie attemk-a Mother- - were Mr. and Mr. Blaine d rmiuit visitor of Mr. and K Alton Kllrrtaon. Mr. Daughter Social News dinner with her Bnuthwaite and family of Salt daughter. Mr. Elda Martell. A Lake City; Mr. and Mra. The annual Aaronic Priestcorsage wa presented e Tolley and family of Orem; Oster-wa hood banquet of the Levan N. Robert and Mr. before dinner Mr. to mother each Mr. und Mr. Neil Kny aiul ! served. g uard and family of American Ward will be held Saturday, djughter of Sandy and Mra. Mr. and Mr. Cleston May 14 at T:30 p.m. AJ1 memFork. v fin Worthington of Nephi A personal shower wa given ber of the Aaronic Priesthood, Mother' a f,imy and Mr. and and day outing enjoyed I aiPre.il Sperry and Mr. their parent, and all young by Mr. SeVen of Park Mrs Nephi. with Mr. and Mr. Albert Kay ' Mrs. Reva Morgan in honor of Mrs. K. Max Jensen, and men of the ward who will be- and non Norman. 12 years of age Mr. Bernice Painter on Monn and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glen owni during evening. M3y 9 at the Sper- Jensen of Salt Lake City visited th current year and their par- day Mr. and Mr. Dell tvealer of ry home. The evening wa en- at the Loran Park home on ents, are urged to attend prow vUited with Mr. and Mra joyed by Mrs. Olive Cowan, Sunday. Mrs. Max Jensen and Albert Kay on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Shaw, Mra. Jane Mrs. I ran Park are sister. Mother' day dinner guest i Bean, Mra Lucille Warner, Mrs of Mr. and Mr. Orlando AnMother' Day dinner guest Ida Sperry, Mrs. Ada Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pay derson were Marlene Anderson, of Mr. and Mr. Vaughn Moly-neu- x Mr. Eleanor GoldPn, Mr. Alta were Mr. and Mr. Terry Kay, Mrs. Kathryn Smith, Mrs. and family spent Mother Day Edith Kahoilia and daughter Pritchett ami furnlly of Span- Margaret Heckle and the hon- at Hebcr City with Mr. and Mra, Lupua of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mra. Dwight Anderson and ish Fork and Mr. and Mrs. Gary ored guest, Mrs. Painter, and H. J. Collard. of Nephi, Mr. and Mrs. family of and family Molyneux the hostesses, Mrs. Sperry and Alma Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Mra. Morgan. Mrs. J. R. Munk of M&nti Woodrow Beard visited several days last week Mrs. Ray Newton had aa her Mr. and Mrs. Byron Memmott with her sister, Mrs. Sylvia Mr. and Mrs. David Mangel-so- n Mother1 Day guets, Mr. and family of Lehl visited with ' p'!" and family of Arimo, Idaho and nig Mra. Richard Summers parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. spent the week end with his daughter, Karl Newton and F. Memmott on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Burl Morley and parents, brother and sister: John Rutherford, service station manager, shows Jean children Lana and Larry of and Schramm Mr. Mrs. and Mr. of Huntington and Mr. and Mra. LeGrande Mancheck and children Lake of Floyd the safety Salt Patterson and S. R. Cook some City: gelson, Maynard Mangelson and din- - Mrs. Eva Morley of Provo visit-nof were and and Newton Paul Payson family Mr. family for bound vacation on car trips. suggested of cKarna guests of Mr. and Mrs. ed with Mr. and Mrs. J. Clair Mrs. Bessie Witt. Clark Morgan on Sunday. Collard on Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Vaughn MathMr. and Mrs. Don Yates and ews and family of Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ockey and Mrs. Mont and and Mr. family I Clark Prist) rey and sons Alan Miss Nancy Mangelson of Salt Yates and family spent Moth- family of Salt Lake City were I Douglas visited with his Lake City spent the week end dinner Mother's of guests day er Day in Provo with their Mr. and Mrs. Clarence with their parents, Mr. and parents, Calvin Mrs. and Mr. Ockey. Hair. Gerald Mrs. mother, Prisbrey at St. George; and Mrs. Vem Mangelson. Miss Cheri Ostler and her with his brother In law and Mr. and Mrs. James C. Pay-stru- p room mate, Paulette Gailhralth sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theo of Springville announce the Brigham Young Uni- - Callister at Kanab over the the birth of a daughter on April versity, spent the week end at j week end. 27. Grandparents are Mr. and fume-resistan- t the home of Miss Ostlers par Mrs. Clarence E. Paystrup of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Guests at the home of Mr. Levan and Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Ostler. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers for Shepherd of Orem. Great grand By JOHN BAUER were members of Mother's Day Mr. and Mrs. David Ostler T3" parents are Mr. and Mrs. James Central Manager, Valley Music Hall and family of Salt Lake City, their family: Mr. and Mrs. Nor- R. Paystrup. Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ostler and man Richardson and family Paystrup spent three . When Brigham Young before him, dropped her days of FullerLance and of Lisa stated that the people glove and recrossed the Ostof Greg, Paul Bountiful; family last week in Springville with Charles must have amusement as stage. Shakespeare noticed Mrs. ton, California; ler and Miss Lana Hill of ProMr. and Mrs. James C. Paywell as religion be was and picked up the Queens vo were week end visitors at White (Cecil) of Phoenix, Ariz- strup. well aware of the great after glove. Immediately the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le- - ona; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gowers theatrical traditions exist-- - finishing his speech, be Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Squire Roy Ostler. Mr. and Mrs. Mor-- 1 and son Todd of Salt Lake City, added: ing in many lands and Mr- - and Mrs. Blaine Goates of and daughter of also Ostler visited with her ris Murray vismany languages. Certainly And though now bent . English - speaking parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace of Reno, Nevada who were here ited on Saturday with her parpeoples on this high embassy, to observe Mothers Day with ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Garrett. lovally acknowledge their Yet stoop we to take up allegiance to William Shake-r.pear- e her mother, Mrs. Olive Ander- Paystrup. our Couama glove as the greatest playson, also were guests at the So aptly were theee words wright of all time. Burnell Gowers home. seemed delivered that they One of Shakespeares TH$or, to belong to his exit speech. great admirers was the first He then walked oil the ss 6 .Sjgescw 03 Oueen Elizabeth. In those Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Gowers 03&e e.suasc stage and presented the days the custom with perand family enjoyed a family who to the glove Queen; sons of great rank was to reunion at the home of Mr. and was greatly pleased with PRATT & LAMBERT appear upon ti stage beMrs. Glen Gowers in Salt Lake fore the audic or to sit his behavior, and complimented him upon the proCity on Friday. delighted behiiui the scenes. It was this queen's special priety of itdifferent anecQuite a pleasure to attend the dote Mrs. Dean Howard and Mrs. about Shakespeare bard's performances. Nielson attended the anto has Elva with do man the e long-lifthe It so happened that one who was enamel a nual Mothers and Daughters preparing grave evening, when Shakespeare for a deceased ecclesiastic. A high quality alkyd-basenamel. with their mother, Mrs. himself was playing the banquet The grave-digge-r came so Your best choice for all interior O. L. Eliason in Moroni Saturpart of a King, the audiclose to Shakespeares cofence knew of Her Majestys wood and metal trim -- sills, radiday evening and spent Sunday, fin that he broke away a presence in the house.. She Mothers day, with their parators, convectors, grilles and other of it part crossed the he when stage enclosures. It will last and last ents in Moroni. Mrs. Verda A Mr. Wheeler, known was performing, and on White and attractive as the Goble also was with them. Mr. historian ingenious the accustomed receiving of Stratford, was tempted colors in Gloss and Mrs. Verda Goble of Stay-toand from the audience, greeting by curiosity to thrust his moved politely to the poet. Eggshell lusters. Oregon are spending some hand into coffin the and But he did not notice it! time in Utah at the home of her take hold of the baids When, behind the scenes, parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. she caught his eye, and skull. He did not however, Eliason in Moroni, and also visui havto disturb presume moved again, he stUI would it THAT'S THE FIRST OISSATISFIEC iting with other relatives and "MAYBE WE CAN COAX FLETCH TO ing before him the linee not throw off his character 4-- D CUSTOMER I'VE EVER HAD!" friends. to notice her. This made Shakespeare prepared for TELL YOU HOW HE WON IT!" Her Majesty think of some his own tomb: Blessed be the man that means by which she might know whether he would, or spares these stones Happy Savings Bonds Anniversary And cunet be he that would not, depart from the he put us through college. moves my bones." dignity of his character while on the stage. This is supposed tc have Jte helped me start a business. As he was about to make happened about the year his exit, the Queen stepped 181L I Chari-beautif- Ii , j ul Mrs. Bellislon Named Head of Varielte Club For Next Year Activity The Variette Club held their closing social of the season at the home of Betty Bellminn, New officer elected for the coming year were: Mildred chairman; Marrlle Jack-ovice chairman; Erma CarW ter. secretary, and Norma Jen-ki- "A0 reporter. The retiring officers served luncheon to those attending: Gwen Chapman, La-RKendall, LaRae Jarrett, Erma Carter, Maxine Parkin, Verna Wright, Joyce Bracken, Joyce Memmott Dorla Parker, Norma Jenkins, Marjorie Steiner, Jeannie Wllkey, Juanita Flsplin. Marba Stuart and the hostess, Betty Belllston. Bd-llsto- n, n, V urp ..TODAY! USE THE TNT'S 4-- D to BUY RENT OR SELL! DON'T BORROW . . SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! Mc-fro- JUNK. ini DA0OV don't be locked out er smooth durable Pag PLUMBING & BUILDERS' SUPPLY m washable JUST ARRIVED - - A GOOD SUPPLY OF . 1 AND ACCESSORIES FOR THE GRADUATE "Citralite TELL HIM CONGRATULAIONS e WITH A TIE AND SHIRT FROM THE n, The Tmry PLUMBING & BUILDERS1 SUPPLY B.Y.U. HIGH.. SCHOOL STUDENTS 'an now . . . prepare now . ... to enter . B.Y.U. Going to BYU it something special, and special thingt are worth working for. Make sure you are qualified for entrance. Students planning a superior BYU education should be sure to send in an application with transcript of credits before July 30. All freshmen must take the American College Test. Obtain materials from your principal. On more test remains, on June 25. You have until June 4 to register for it. For information write to the Records, Provo, Utah. BYU office of Admissions and remember these dates! Summer schools, first twin Summer school, second term Application deadline, fal semester New student orientation Foil Mmartu registration Classes begin when you travel on a Union Pacific Domeliner low-cos- NUUk "Cit at Los Angeles, i The Chifenger." XBj of Sal FraKisc Cty of See your dealor now Prtka4,City of Dtowf," "City f SI Louis" ) 1 3juy 1 5 1 UTAH POWER I LIGHT CO. prow 9 l:.... July 30 j 3, j 4 J$, 17 C- -p Sept. 19 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY By day, by night. . . you'll see magnificent Dome views of majestic peaks, the countryside, and western skies. Relax in comfortable, modem coach or Pullman accommodations. Enjoy delicious, freshly prepared meals dine elegantly in the Dome Diner. Save money, too, with t family fares every day. For further information and reservations contact your nearest Union Pacific office or your travel agent Union Pacific Railroad -. l- Juty Si |