Show AFTER THE SPOILS A List of Candidates for the Appointive Offices ONLY STALWARTS NEED APPLY this Will Be Basklns Motto Those Who Will Go and Those Who Will Remain Now for the spoils This is the cry which is singing through the Liberal camp today and the indications indi-cations are that there will be a very lively scramble among the American gentlemen for the appointive offices The woods are literally full of em and new applicants are coming in every hour The Tuscaroras are in the front rank of the office seekers and with Old Rip at the head of the machine they expect to carry off the best plums on the municipal tree CITY ATTORNEY It is understood that City Attorney Hall II s tired of public life and wants to retire He will be allowed to do so and the applicants appli-cants for his position are Judge Hoge Mr Bowman and W G Van Home Baskins partner The knowing ones think it lies between Hogo and Van Horne CITY ENGINEER If Mr Doremus bad been olected to the council from the Third precinct he would have retired from the office of city engineer engin-eer of course But ho wasnt elected and so he objects to retiring Doremus points with pride to the aerial sidewalks ho has constructed in the last two years to the tunnellike cuts he has made and to the shade trees he has destroyed Besides I this he chopped the trees down in front of Baskins residence thereby putting a I roll in Old Rips pocket by way of damages dam-ages and he thinks in view of these cmi nent services that he can justly claim the y office for two years more His chief clerk Mr Perkins is also an aspirant for the place but it is generally cenceded that Doremus will hang on SUPERINTENDENT OF WATERWORKS Grand Sachem Billy Ryan of the hobo tribe will be retained as superintendent of waterworks The Tuscaroras were afraid that Ryans braves might leave their wickiups on the bill on election day and bolt the ticket because their chief had been slaughtered In the convention and to avert such a calamity it was agreed that Billy should remain at the head of the colonization bureau for another term This goes I CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT W A Stanton will also be retained as chief of the fire department He is a Tus carora THE WATEUM J M Harvey who ranks next to Ryan in the hobo tribe will not be disturbed SANITARY INSPECTOR It is not generally known that the office of sanitary inspector is about the best paying position in tho city government govern-ment The well posted ones say that it is I worth a round 10000 a year but Bill Showell has taken especial pains to keep this fact to himself But poor old Bill has got to po because be isnt a Tuscarora W A Rhodes of the Fourth precinct thinks he has the call on this job and Henry Buhring also wants it badly DEPUTY TREASURER Jack L May will be the deputy city treasurer POLICE JUDGE The candidates for police judge are W W Gee of the Fifth and Fred Kesler and the probabilities are that Gee will Fet tber as Keslers only qualification is that he Is a rantankerous Liberal while his principal defect is that ho is as ignorant of things in general as ho is of the law CITY AUDITOR Of course Ralph Hoag who has so ably i filled the office of auditor for two years will have to po because he is straightout I Democrat The aspirants for this job are j J M Fisher who has served 15 party asa as-a judge of election Bert Raybould a Liberal Lib-eral registrar and Elmer Ellsworth an I alleged funny man DOG TAX COLLECTOR Mr Galleazi tho Third precinct heeler I thinks he has waited long enough for the office to seek him and now ho is after the office He is a Tuscarora and say he will have old Joe Silvers scalp dangling at his girdle in a few days CITY SEXTON Some of the Liberals in the Fourth precinct pre-cinct are displeased with Daniel Dunne because be-cause he didnt set a lot of hobos to work in the cemetery before election day They say that ho must therefore go down and I will try to get the position for George Harrison SUPERINTENDENT or SEWERS Some of the braves were a bit discouraged dis-couraged when the HERALD announced a few days ago that MeToo Lippman was after Van Houtens brogans but that was I only a joke MeToo is af tor the auditor i ship and Frank Hines will probably succeed suc-ceed Van Houtcn COLLECTOR or WATER RATES I Chris Diehl will endeavor to retain this office but C M Jackson and Arthur Parsons Par-sons want It Isons ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY I So far no aspirants for tho position of assistant city attorney have appeared and it is likely that D C Eichnor who has so faithfully discharged the duties of that position for two years past will be allowed to succeed himself THE POLICE DEPARTMENT There will be a lively shaking up in the police department It is proposed in the first place that all policemen shall be required I re-quired to pass an examination ana thus demonstrate their fitness for the positions which they fill and If this is done about half of the men will dropped The office of captain will bo vacant when Janney qualifies as marshal and those who are spoken of as his successor are Sergeant Donovan Officer Eslinger Officer Randolph Ran-dolph Officer Matthews Detectives Glenn OReilly and Charley Lange It is also hinted that the office of chief of police will not go with the marshalship this time but that the two will be separated and Oscar Vandercook appointed as chief of police It may bo said that Marshal Young was appointed to this position to succeed Alfred Solomon who resigned in April 1S90 to servo twoyearsso that if he chooses to remain re-main the office of chief will not be vacant for two months unless the marshal choses to resign There is a herd of applicants for positions as patrolmen DEPUTY RECORDER Charley Stanton the city recorder elect has not yet announced his choice for deputy recorder but his friends say that Charleys wife will succeed Mrs Ellen Curtis Gage in that position Mrs Stanton Is a lady of marked ability and as popular as her hus band IN GENERAL Rip Van Winkle Baskin it is said has announced in advance that the rule will be none but stalwarts need apply and this will be rigidly adhered to Fitness for the position and competence will be a secondary second-ary qualification Jakoy Greenwald it is said will be given something if he wants it but Jakey hasnt made up his mind as to what he wunts THE BOSS DEPARTS Boss Powers loaves for Washington today to-day where he will exert himself to prevent the Faulkner bill from becoming a law Its It-s understood that Lilly of the Valley Allen will accompany him SAD AiND SUDDEN Death of lira Bolivar Robert at 830 Last Night Many a heart will ache this morning when it is known that Mrs Emma P Roberts wife of Territorial Treasurer Bolivar Roberts aied at her residence last evening at S30 oclock after an illness of but a couple of days Tho sad event comes with crushing force upon the relatives and friends of tho estimable lady few if any of whom were oven aware of her illness The deceased was an old resident of this city and was the daughter of the late Ezra T Benson and would have been 50 yoars of age on the 23th of this month The date of the funeral services will be announced hereafter |