Show IRELAND AND UTAH The ruling power of Great Britain has at last succumbed to the demands of justice for Ireland and Queen VICTORIA announced flounced a policy of Homo Rule What an earnest patriotic but turbulent people had struggled for many years to achieve for the Emerald Isle has fallen like ripe fruit at the feet of the suppliants after almost the last hope had dissappeared Irish local government is the boon which agitation of her rights before the worlds tribunal has I produced for the country of GUATTAN and or BURKE The wrongs of this whipped lave of oppression have cried to Heaven and awakened the slumbering pity of mankind man-kind The grand old man of Hawarden whose years and honors hare blcssed every cause in which his voice has been raised aroused the sympathies of nations for the bleeding victim until with shamo and humiliation hu-miliation the Queens government bows to the universal appeal It may fao that accumulated decades of despair found expression in treasonable acts and threatening words on the part ol the Irish people that British agents were created as spies that the eloquence of Irish anathemas was hurled at the British throne itself that Irish wrath and Irish courage combined to make a spectacle of revolt as rnagmnosnt as it was futile But it was an endeavor for freedom a fight against coercion which its despite imprudent impru-dent methods and great hazard commaodec the admiration of both hemispheres Long I timo those people worked watched and waueu it was not Irelands poet but Englands who wrote Freedoms battle once begun Bequeathed from bleeding sire to son Though baffled oft is ever won The confidence of the government in the countrys fitness for local selfgovern ment conditions now prevail in Ireland which justified the government in giving that country extendedpower of local sell controlthese aro tho words of tho dispatches dis-patches announcing the decision of the government And yet but a few week ago the utmcst turmoil existed at some or the elections The church authorities were said to bo arrayed on one side of tho controversy con-troversy and alien constabulary were stationed sta-tioned at different points to preserve the peace Shall we draw a lesson from this in connection con-nection with tho condition of Utah Her aro a quarter of a million of peaceful intelligent in-telligent Christian people of all nativities all creeds They are obedient to the laws of the country and aro no burden to the people peo-ple of tho nation They live under the American Amer-ican flag tho symbol of freedom sufferance suffer-ance and civilization They desire to bo governed by laws of their own making and yet are domineered over by a Federal appointee who not only exercises an absolute abso-lute negative upon their attempted legislation legisla-tion but assumes to dictate tho language in which their enactments shall be couched Upon these people are quartered representatIves represen-tatives of the general government with powers different from any that belong to other communities of the United States To a desire of the majority for a closer union with tho people of their country and a nearer resemblance to their mode of administering ad-ministering laws a tenth of the residents of the territory interpose a rebellious opposition op-position insisting upon a tyrannicalrule of tho minority Should they be able to continue con-tinue their influence with the dominant political po-litical party they would in the event of that part retaining that control keep Utah in a condition of vassalage indefinitely that they can make it servo their purposes I of plunder persecution and intolerance Today the spirit of this minority is more fanatical bigoted arrogant and intolerant than that which animates any people on tho face of the earth Tt is unrepublican to the last degree Its only use for the govern ment is to employ its power for purposes of oppression It does not want Utah ever to be a state and it would if it possessed the power it craves cut it loose from any the most remote conuection with tho Union One thing at least is sure this minority will never consent for Utah to elect its own officials until it feels sure that it was passed I from minority to majority |