Show SOCIAL CHIT CHAT The Dailin Reception Two Weddings and Announcements of Coming Events Tho studio reception of Mr and Mrs C E Dailin was an artistic treat to those who could avail themselves of the pleasure and from two until six oclock a constant stream of visitors wore going to and fro A model of the Angel Gabriel which is to adorn tho temple whon finished is a beautiful work ot art and elicited unquali fed praise The bust of Brigham Young was very life like and said to bo a perfect image of the great man ono of him in a standing attitude which i most Interesting would acceptably ornament any room being an appropriate size as well as a graceful statueone with which his Jrionds are delighted de-lighted A bust of General Connor seems to have been made from 1 photograph taken some years ugo and looks somewhat younger than he did before his death but the expression and distinctive military bearing of the old veteran aro clearly defined de-fined and pronounce in no unmeasured terms its excellence Tho bust of George Q Cannon one of the dignitaries of tno Mormon church is easily recognized by Its perfect likeness to him and the expression of the face ana above all thointensity of the eyes is remarkable re-markable Joseph F Smith the apostle is taken from a photograph said to be a correct likeness the sculptor losing nothing noth-ing in his reproduction but conceiving the ideas of expression which are inimitable President Woodruffs bust is a well executed exe-cuted piece of work and elicited the most favorable comment The enthusiastic praise of tho visitors I yesterday afternoon must have been gratifying to Mr Daub and while noteducated ing Daln wbie noteducatet up to tho proper point of appreciation of such pronounced artistic merit the wholesomo I sincerity with which his work was admired would be a compensation lor the lack of a critiques How of words The bronze head of a Sioux chiof was accurate and sufliciently barbaric in expression ex-pression to suit any brave A Singing Angel a tiny cherub taken from nature a SOl of Mr Duncan Alc Innes is a pleasing study and Illustrates the artists dev tion to the nude in art The Awakening of Spring which was exhibited In 1890 is an ideally beautiful rtmiTo full 01 imaginative race uuu sent ngure lWUPUIlIVt g InCt sentiment ment A photo of this and several of the young sculptors most famous works were on exhibition a A qUiet homo wedidnsr which rather took the town by storm was that of Miss Fairy Morlan to Mr A B Jones both well known In social circles in our city Thoy left upon tne midnight train for a San Francisco trip Wo tender them our congratulations and many wishes for health prosperity and happiness Mr Jones is the cashier of tho Utah National Na-tional bank and came to Salt Lake city about two yeais ago while tho bride is the second daughter ot tno Wdll known real estate dealer J A Morlan r Mr Louis F Kullak and Miss Elizabeth C Crawford were married pestarday morning morn-ing nt St Marys cathedral They have gone east on an extended tour Upon their return they will bo at home at 722 West Temple street a S The Womans Relief Corps entertained friends last night lit the Metropolital hotel parlors at cards An informal musicale and refreshments added pleasure to those assembled and not until a late hour did the party disperse The Emorson club met with Mrs Dr Tibbets last night Tho subject under discussion dis-cussion was Faust The Kafco Klatch will be hold at 345 p m at the Motropolitan parlors under the direction of the Unitarian ladies CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE On Tuesday evening last Mrs Earl D Gray invited a number of friends to meet Prof Bailey of Boston one of the most noted Christian Scientists of the country and to hoar him explain the principles of that doctrine After explaining the science briefly Mr Bully requested those present to ask him any questions in relation to the subject which they desired and for over an lou the guests kept him busy answering nuzzling and knotty questions Much in puzzl g uu u questoDs uu terest was manifested in tho subject Among thoso present were Mr and Mrs Georsre Lowe Mr and Mrs McGurrin MrsTWitiihor Jones Mrs Thompson Mrs Taylor Mrs Lett Mrs Roylo and others |