Show Spanish Anarchists Executed MADRID Feb 10Pour of the leaders of the Anarchists who led tho recent attack upon the town of Xeres were garrotted today to-day The platform upon which the men I were executed was surrounded by detachments detach-ments of infantry and cavalry and the route from the jail to the platform was lined with soldiers with loaded rifles The executions wore public and the plaza and streets leading to it were packed with a dense mass of people The names of the four men executed were Busigm Zarzerolla Lamala and Le brijano When the prisoners mounted tho scaffold they were accompanied bj four executioners and by priests and monks I Zarzerella was greatly excited and his demeanor de-meanor showed that he was terribly I frightened but the other three culprits were calm and resigned The condemned men were led to the chairs in which the executioners securely bound them Metal collars were then placed about their necks Then each executioner took his position at the back of the posts and grasped the powerful leverage operating operat-ing the garrotte At a given signal each executioner gave a sharp turn to the lover and each condemned man died instantly After the executions though the spectators specta-tors many of whom were friends of the men executed wero bitter in their denunciation denunci-ation of the authorities there was no sign of any disturbance and everything in town n tranquil was trnqul vasOne of the executed Anarchists left a letter in wbicn ho said the Anarchist press takes advantage of the ignorance of the working classes to inculcate theories against justice and reason He desired his comrades to know the Anarchist journals jour-nals had been deceiving thom and is convinced con-vinced that many of those preaching toe doctrines to them are perfectly indifferent as to thoir fate He advises his comrades to repudiate their teachings and be honest workers with faith in God and religion A collision occurred today between Anarchists An-archists and police in Barcelona A number num-ber of revolver shots were exchanged |