Show IT LOOKS LIKE A JOB II I I I The Bis BilJ for Controlling Irrigating Ir-rigating Water CAN JIAllVKY EXPLAIN lH I Will lIe A3k hat the rniuumtoo Report Bu fore He Aeiiln Asks oran or-an JUice Something over two weeks ago Water master Harvoy submitted his quarterly report re-port to the city council In which hoc ho-c aimed in round figures some JGOOO tor controlling the Irrigating water in this city during that time i A period when there wasnt a foot of land irrigated A period during which onehalf hours work each day would safely control all the irrigation water used When the report was read in tho council it created a feeling of profound surprise immediately brought to his feet Councilman Coun-cilman Hvdo Who asked for some light on the subject No one seemed to be either able or willing to give it and on motion of I Mr Hyde the question was referred to the committee on irrigation It was bar ly I expected that the committee would report prior to tbe election but it was thought tho information would be forthcoming on Tuesday but it wasnt and those interested Inter-ested are beginning to ask why 1 The duties of the present committee on irrigation end on Tuesday next and it looks as though the members wero endeavoring I to shuffle out of what appears to be a very disagreeable matter by not making a report I It is their duty however to make it and Is due to themselves to Harv y and to the i taxpayers who < so money has been squandered squan-dered during the past two years It is said that Harvey is a candidate for reappoint I I mont If thIs be so then ho himself should Insist that the committee do its duty before his name is submitted to the new council as even a Liberal government cannotafford to sponsor a barefaced grab They Do Not Like It Tho policemen who have been summarily summar-ily bounced by tho mayor during the past year and who sent in a demand for their pay from the time of their dischargo until the 1st of this month are somewhat sore over the action of the city council on Tuesday Tues-day whereby their claims were denied j It is said that a combined assault will now b Q made upon the oily exchequer through ho courts The expitrolmou claim they have received eminent legal advice that their claims are just and must ba paid The Twentieth Ward Sewer There was considerable jubilation among the residents of First mid Second streets from A to I yesterday over tho defeat the evening previous of the monstrous proposition I I propo-sition to extend the sewer over that terri lory merely fnr thn purpose nf suppljing pp 3 g work to Liberal colonists previous to election elec-tion and some of whom are now in the employ of tbe city The proposed action of tho council was little less than au outrage out-rage and met with the just rebuke it do served It was one of tho most scandalous pieces of work ever done by the present city government The feollil Thren 1 Folland and Hardy tire tho only Democratic Demo-cratic members of the old body who will hold seats in the now city council but they will be ably assisted by Eo E Rich one of the most prosperous business men of this city who will prove a holy terror to all who do not walk in the straight and narrow path of honesty and economy in tnuncipa government Foliand and Hardy have both made good records during the time they have occupied the seats stolen from them two years ago and lit the end of tho term it will bo found that Rich has done his constituents honor 5alt Lakes hlllwltlk Salt Lakes sidewalks that is the greater portion of those that are paved are little less than a disgrace to tho city government They have been put down at tho expellEe in many cases of people who could ill afford the drain und now after all they are In but little if any bettor condition con-dition than those in the original state Streams of water flow along the center and form puddles through which pedestrians pedes-trians are lorced to wade ankle deep Es pcoiaily is this the case on sidewalks running run-ning cast and west |