Show SAMUEL s si sOne W DE DEOne DEAD i One of Last L t Survivors Su vors of Mormon S Battalion Gone Special to The Fhe he Herald Herld Plea an Grove Oct 16 Samuel amel Stephen White Vite one of the few survivors survIvor of the Mormon battalion died this morning o old oid age aee and He was born In J on county Vt t April Pr 8 1821 count AprI 18 From Torn hit hu moved mo t with wih his father fr frI frA I A f Samuel Sauel S SWit White and mother Henry and aisil Rebecca White g ghe first t to om Ohio d then to oaN Nauvoo u at he ho joined the th Mormon oron church about lR In February 1546 he left for the west est I with It the first company of saints and from fron i Nauvoo to Winter Quarters he was team i iter I Ister ster ter for Amass Amasa Amaia Lyman When hen volunteers I Ifor for tho te were called caled for he en enlisted enlisted listed and marched all al the way to Call CaI fornia From there he h came to Utah ar arriving I Iriving I Iriving riving here lieo In the fall tl of 1845 In IS he married marIed Catherine Foutz Fouta daughter of or o I Margaret Foutz FontS of Huns mill massacre I fame nine They lived e first on o Big Cotton Cottonwood Cottonwood t I wood where J ha he worked o on n Ilia Amasa Ly mans c farm In larch 11 they thc moved have lived to Pleasant Grove where they ever S SIn I In a way Mr White has taken part as captain captin and major in the Utah mi ml I litla lla During Durin the Black Blace Hawk war also als h he had charge of fitting uttIng out the Pleasant Grove boys bo s For several years he lie was a i city councilman 1 I ITh The Th life Ufe of o Uncle Sam as he is best bet I known was one on of His Ills al almost almost almost most SO 80 8 years arf were spent honestly honesty and nd usefully As a pioneer he has taken C his part ul in the ups and downs of Su Utah from r the first taken It quietly and effectively He hns h hn earned c what a he gets a p peaceful j i jend end and de the love o and respect r of those I Iho ho he leaves behind j I |