Show INDANS INDIANS DEPORTED PEACEFUL S TELLS CONDITIONS IN INS DEPARTMENT OF OP COLORADO Apaches Are Ae So WeI Well Behaved That Tt Withdrawal of Troops To ps Prom From Res Bes Reservation Rs Is I Recommended Wahington Washington Oct Oat O t 16 There were no Indian India troubles in the department of the Colorado Col rdo last lat year according to I General Merriam and the only difficulties dif between white men and ad Indians were individual arising arsing from cards and ad whisky The rhe white men says says the gen general general eral were the aggressors In his annual anual report General nerl Merriam states the disposition of his troops and says It Il I will be observed that nearly all al alof of the posts are placed on or in the im immediate imI immediate mediate vicinity of large larg reservations The exceptions Forts Douglas Dougla D A I Russell Russel and Logan are at important railroad centers center rendering their gar garrison gr grI garrison rison quickly available for emergencies emerencie I in any an direction The general speaks with wih commenda commendation tion ton of the excellent progress pro ess being I made toward civilization by the Apaches under the management nt of 1 I Captain Nicholson Seventh cavalry I He said saidI j I found them largely and successful successfully II ly engaged in agriculture and saw j I large numbers number of men as well wel sis na r wom worn women en at work in the fields felds most unusual I for Indians I wa was also told by lay rail railroad ri railroad road officials that they could not em employ employ employ ploy better beter men for railroad labor than these Apache Indians In view of these facts and of the assurance by Captain Nicholson of the absolute loy by loyalty alty aly and ad efficiency of his Indian police I recommend the withdrawal of all al the troops from San Carlos agency in instead instead instead stead of repairing that post |