Show SCORES SNAP ELECTION James Bryce Declares Procedure Unconstitutional I BRIGHT IGHT I UNIONISTS M A AmAL EINAI GAIN GA OP P TWO SEATS SE TS New N W York Tork Oct 16 A dispatch to the Tribune from London says sa s Mr James Jaes Bryce says that the dis dissolution dissolution solution of the British parliament parlament was without precedent and opposed to the spirit and ad usage of the British Br Ush constitution constitution constitution The law fixes the duration durton of parliament parlament and established usage usage has settled that th t parliament parlament ought not hot to tobe tobe tobe be dissolved prematurely save to take tae the opinion of the country on some definite issue usually usual when a bill bi has been rejected or the ministry censured To spring dissolution especially upon a stale registrar for the sake sak of party par advantage is a new departure and a avery avery avery very bad ba one here There There has ha been really no issue before the country be because because because cause the war va is over and annexation I is fait accompli Consequently Consequently this general generl election electon settles nothing and andI outlines no future policy poley foreign or ordo do domestic I mth No ST one has i the least idea f I what rr n rr n the th 1 e ministry m ln i n i s t ry will w ill now do d o Perhaps T P er h aps they dont know themselves Mr 11 Bryce is not disheartened by the results of the elections He maintains that too much discouragement is ex expressed expressed expressed pressed regarding the position of t tie the e Liberal Lierl party He says Considering the difficulties under 1 which it has had t to fight this election it i has given proofs profs of strength which make it probable that before beford long the current may be setting in in its Us favor favor 1 The disparity represented by the num number number ber her of members of each party pary returned is very much greater geater than the disparity i disparity par parly ity ly represented by the votes cast cast s Personal Perona Victory Vicor Mr personal triumph in se securing securing Securing curing his reelection has been rendered red more significant by t the e unexpected suc success success I Icess cess of the unionists in upsetting a I strong liberal majority in Aberdeen I shire and ad winning their sixth seat in I Scotland The unionists unionist have barely kept kt their majority under most favorable condi conditions conditions tons They would certainly have re me reduced reduced it by waiting until January or March The cost of living has run up by leaps and bounds and the various industries are hampered by high prices of coal and raw material material The cotton coton supply for Lancashire is a serious 4 problem which menaces the working j I t class with loss of employment and the I full ful burden of increased income taxa taxation ta taxation j jU tion U n will wi be felt during during the spring The I khaki kak election electon was wa adroitly timed for forthe forthe forthe the government but it was premature so far as Lord Roberts Robert was concerned since his return is not expected until January Unionists Gain Ga Two To Seats S t The final figures with the exception of the Orkney islands leave the gov government a net gain of f two seats The total number of members of parlia parliament parliament parliament ment elected is I as a follows Min lin opposition As the Orkney islands district is re regarded yarded gred as a safe liberal seat the gov governments majority will wi be against 18 at the time of dissolution n The latest name that is suggested to strengthen the ministry is that of Lord Lor As Asa a matter of fact how however however however ever nothing is known in official cir circles cr cirdes des cles of any intention to recall recal Lord ces ton from his post at Washing Washington I |