Show fag rnett A s died nied of inflammation of tho horeis hovels after an illness cf only forty eight hours at his reis residency residence in the klith Y ward nard erd ard sail dall luko luke city friday august lathi 1882 thomas 1 WILLIAM la bla his seventieth ean lear ear die LIc deceased ceased was the son soa ot of thomas john an and mary collier winter and a d was boc bor autro alea portsmouth hampshire england N november ember 20 IM in november Ko vember 1833 ho he married ann dridge he was baptized into tho the church of jesus jesua christ of 0 latter latten day saints at elt bath rath Somerset shine shire england egid by elde eade yhomas smith brother broiher k laten inter and family crossed the sea sem cd in 1840 1610 in company wl aih h elder orson spencer Ecer but remained in st louig lou one 3 yean w when brother winten winter wab was as ordained a priest by elder eider N ff felt keir in 1830 1850 he with his family creed tho iho plains p W arriving in the tho valley in liep tiep and liv log latent in rent tent and wagons for sometime some gome timo on tho very a spot tr here hede h ere he haa baa resided eter ever s sace nce lie was the tee 11 finst first t bishop of the tho fifth vard ward and was ordained to that thag ollice office in 1653 under iho tho bands hands of apostles urson hyde and a d parley P vaart ha lie neld bold tho office guitena quite quito a number of years and has been a member of i the high priests quorum many scans scars ae S and a gid fid was a regular attendant at thein their monthly mee Wee meetings tings he leaves quite quito a large family to mourn his less he tie leaves 16 18 living child having died 11 14 grand children and tro two great grand gracd children bishop winter was a man of great groat faith and sterlin integrity to the gospel ba be has bas ever been faithful in attending meetings paying tithing and fa fal lf illing filline as nearly as ros bibe elbe the tho duties and requirements of a latter day saint he wa wit honest ug upright night right energetic and in always ready to lend a belp help helping hand to his bi ethren brethren in jn times of need reed he be tas tag gone to join hia bis children and friends who are waiting on the tho other eide side of tho the vall tail but bo be bad a glorious hope in tho the future which should comfort who sorrow borrow for tor his ab sence bence com cou millennial star start pleam please copy amdrew HENRY henby of hii NII elhard hard hand county utah departed this life yuly luly july rth 52 brother henry was wag bom born in 1811 in n county Ir ireland elandt where he remained till 1830 when ho he removed to montreal canada in 1833 he removed to new now york where in 1937 be embraced tha gospel under the hands bands of elder Ford fordham ham bam in I 1 n 1838 ho be immigrated to nauvoo and shared in tha iha persecution which were endured there by the saints in he was ordained to the priesthood by joseph and hyrum byrum smith and filled a sion slon years in the united states IF england mg and ireland and returned in the of 1844 in time to witness the massacre masacre ma sacre cf of joseph and hyrum moved to mcdonald county after the murder of joseph and hyrum and returned again in three montsy and labored on the temple as a carpenter and was wag seta Feta set ret apart as one of the pre identa of the quorum of seventies les in 1845 he removed to st louis and in 1831 1851 emigrated to utah and was appointed to roto goto go to fellmore to a arfst alst in the erect erection fon lon ct cf the them state huse house where he be remained till hig his death brother henry bad been a continual sufferer for the pest past 21 sears rears received an injury in hs bs hip bip by falling from a load of hay bay when from home six weeks rr evious previous to his big death ho be took cod from retting getting wet brought on chills and fever the effect of which ho be could not recover as nature rive give way the tho fever seemed to settle in the injured hip and thigh which caused him excruciating pain until july ath when ho be passed away baulang suffered buffered severely dorins during hs big ho he called upon the eldera from time to time who administered to him and at hs request and by the sanction ot of the ertest PrIest brod and ol 01 the ward generally fi ordained bis hla grandson camuel kine king whom be bas baa raped tn the office of an rider riden 0 fo o that be could bo be with and administer bohs to ha comfort in hig bli last lost moments mo ments mente he ile died with a full knowledg ire fre ot of tle the of mormonism and wished his to remain faithful till fill death he leaves a wife and tour four grand children and many friends to mourn his dep departure arturo arture com |