Show A determined CONVERT IT Is Js supposed by per pen persons ons not biest blest I 1 with a knowledge of the fact sand reported arted by some who are aio not ignorant but nut rut desire to pervert the truth that mormon missionaries are engaged abroad in the work of hunting up and foolish souls to swell the number of the utah fold we have repeatedly corrected this notion and explained that our elders are sent abroad to preach the gospel and administer its ordinances to repentant believers the work of the gathering being a consequence of making converts to the tho principles of the gospel we wo clip the following from rom a letter by elder joseph A west now on a mission in england written to the ogden heram herom herald as an illustration of the manner in which I 1 the gospel is sought after by these who have been influenced by its spirit and of the energy and zeal which it infuses into the souls of believers brother west says two weeks ago last sunday an old gentleman between 60 and 70 yearb years y ears earb of age applied to us for baptism stating that he had bad come ail all tho the way from ramsgate rams Bams gate on foot a distance as I 1 afterwards learned of so 88 miles we were not able to attend to it just then but informed him that we would do BO so just as soon goon as possible and in the mean time orne would let him know when and where on the following tuesday elder nye called balled to see him but bat as he had changed his lodging without leaving his address he could not be found A few days later he called upon one of the baines from whom be he learned that we were intending to hold meetings at faversham on the following sundays sunday and as thia this was on his way home ho determined to meet us there unfortunately for him we did not go future circumstances cum stances requiring the postpone anen anent of our visit for another week after koter attending tha the meeting of 0 the baines at faversham ho he continued ills his journey homeward being sub tl V made acquaint acquainted ed with alf the circumstances L wrote him to say that I 1 would positively beat be at faversham on tho the mst dinst and in a few days afterwards finding th that a I 1 would have time I 1 again wrote him him offering to go to rims barns gate and baptize him there my met arst ret message was received by him tut out not my last and to my great surprise the old gent gentleman ieman leman made his appearance at faversham on sunday last having walked the entire distance 3 31 34 miles tin kin in one day and a half hair in the evening we took a walk into the country abou about t two miles to a sequestered spot where I 1 baptized him mm and next morning bright blight and early he started on foot I 1 for his hia home with a heart full of gratitude to god for the tho ultimate privilege afforded him although b by y a concatenation of unfortunate circumstances cum stances he had been compelled to walk a distance of over ovier miles to jo obtain it |