Show A SANDWICH ISLANDS FEAST laie lale oahu bahu H J july 24 1882 18 82 0 editor deserea mems wees 1 it ia Is by request that I 1 attempt to report a very interesting feast gotten up by the natives of lala laia and kahana branch in honor of frest clangs wife wile bro knell and kahau 1110 ilio a prominent widow of the jand land all of whom were soon to make their departure for zion on the esth int at 11 a m the true truo hawaiians Hawa Hawaii lians ans gathered at at the plantation house where they sang eang the band played when tho the U utah tah tab elders joined them and all marched in do double U b I 1 e fil nnie file a to the old meeting hour houe ert eIt was si an h unusually fine moma morning in the nir air ir b being ng stirred by a very gentle and refreshing breeza breeze while the burning hot rays raya of the sun were softened by an overspreading over spreading cloud we marched to the tune of the fine fife and the beat of the drum drums S with all the enthus lam of the village school boy armed and equipped to bee see the fourth 11 on entering the house houpe the committee directed us to the head of the boor floor where chere was a table for the utah elders ac they positioned us around the board where we remained stunning nin 9 until after opening services the band played the choir rane sane and prayer was offered by kaleohano who prayed grayed that we might roi mor never want for love hope hopa and charity we were the man seated pat on the floor around the hawaiian table which bim sim simply ID ly a cloth spread upon tb the a floor the cloth 19 lg la 19 strown with if leaves aves au and ferns feins and the food Is placed upon them in dishes of various kinds in the ahe center of the table was a racla rae rac two feet high and the full length of the table beautifully trimmed with ferns fruits and ani flowers the following 1 a 9 a list of the table comforts rish fish akule squid shrimp pulu wana waua meat beef ports chicken chieten vegetable e poi pol sweet potatoes uhl ki fruit ggs egr wan mau gois sauces made of poi and cocoanut coco anut lau made of eveet potatoes and co chanut the natives had made theil their boast that sister bister cluff should cat some of bf everything that was on the table alid thoy they carried it out pretty well for they they the y stood over her until she was almost ci impelled to eat cat everything at pres presented einred the boube house was decorated over the iland dumit hun a wreath of ferna ferns and flowers andin and in ff front exit an arch nicely trimmed bea bearing the hawalt waw Baw ailsa colors on hithe ihle thle walla was written sli li hookahi na a hut hul ma ziona vona na hoku 1211 12 1 which might be tv interpreted 6 leh let us be of one heart henrt ulf wo war gather rather to zion the inhabitants habit ants anta of the twelve hawaiian fe delands islands lands at 2 pm after the opening ser Per services vices bro cluff and wife W were ere leafed in front of the stand the officers of the female relief society then stepped forward and nd prevented them each with an hawaiian kapas of an orange color tha tho kapas balag mere vere spread around bro arid slid slater cluff when a prominent Is lady dy of the made a peculiar E p that they had eaten food were now dressed in hawaii hawaiian an clothing and were therefore truly Ha af at tor for cr the lady had bad finished her speech brother and sister bister cluff rosa ind thanked them kindl kindi for their pres etota promising to keep beep the rame same in jn remembrance of ho the F H R S while they lived A song bong son bon composer for tho the cession was sung by the sst era cra kupau then took the stand land Jand said sald there have been thred threw grent gre great at d during un ak clefta cluff r shiy y cf of three years on the Te islands lands first the tho building of the new sugar mill second the digging 0 f the tho artesian wells and third the commencement of thon then tho the new ek mee meeting hing aing bouee hon bon the labors af the mission have also alwo ben very energetically carried en on during his nals naib mission lion alon several of tho native elders made app to sp acles on the tho ac caslon casion during which tho the ofa off acers officers of the F R S came in irl each carrying n adaid which they presented to brother cluff and wife kaie Hale kaleohano abano made a few closing re marka maika thanking ihan Iban king hing the committee COMMIL tee tEO for their liberality and h kindness fadness the choir sang aang a parting hymn and the congregation n d breed au all feeling joyful over the proceed proceedings ings lugs of the dey dy dt I 1 youra yours res I 1 kidney SIDNEY COBAY CORAY |