Show WHAT THEY trink THINK OF HIM HIST nomination re for con gress gross has caused boma scathing comments on lia hla course from papers of his own state and party parly the sidney ohio journal xv men which is one of a number of papers with similar sentiments proclaims it its a belief that a vast amount of money has been used to secure the nomination and ana says saye agit it seems almost incredible that a man E hould should be endorsed by republicans whose inconsistency has put the tinge of shamo fahame on the cheek of every honest republican in the land and whose organization of therom the corm corn mitte esin in the interest of cormo zionists and monopolists is a national scandal his will vill cost coat the party in ohio thousands of 1 the adjournment of the house rouse of representatives without the usual vote of thanks to the speaker was one of the most cutting rebukes that etwas it was possible to admi administer inister to that onna officer and kelfer keifer if his sense of honor is not encased in jn a tougher hide th than that of a rhino cerous must feel it most acutely y from disclosures since the adjournment it appears that one of the democratic members was about to offer the usual motion a vote tote of resisted desisted des isted on learning that it would be opposed oppose dan dau ap event unexampled une sampled in that bo body and would thus batai moto mote moa mox mortifying lifa to keifer kelfer than oven even silent contempt from all quarters come conae forth denunciations of f the unprincipled par man wan through unexampled rulings legislation to deprive thousands of people of their inalienable Inalie nabla nabie rights was made possible without deliberation and without a chance for fair examination |