Show NOTICE T haye HAVE IN MY possession one light red COW 2 years old branded H K B R oa on top of right ribs slit sul in left ears cart two slits sifts in right rishi white spot in foca fora forehead hoad boad whito white spot on both should shoulders erss erst tall and under bellr which it if not claim claimed eds edt will wm ba be sold bold amr aug 23 at 1 at the pound at manti mantl county IT T JENS HANSEN ITANEN ITAN EN district mantl manti aug RAILROAD WORK WANTED ANTED MEN AND trams TEAMS tol work on the IX RG MG ry east cast of green eiver biver emery county otah utah for prices and other Inform information tion apply to JAMES JAMBS ROBBINS KOBBINS EB en contractor sall Sali salina nall bevle nevie co U utah ta it NOTICE T HAVE IM IN MY possession I 1 ono bay 18 ois oil uart MART aa R C whito white faco face t two wo white hind feet no b brands r dl it not claimed on or before august 0 27 7 issa will bo be sold according to law at gho the colpo pound at 0 am W D THOMPSON cr ecipio millard ca aug aus 13 NOTICE NOTI CE IN MY air possession one ono chestnut bonel son bon el MARE 0 ebira years old one chestnut sorrel hm bora one year erd eld two tiro white feet HOUSE three tareo yeara tears old white spot in race tac ono uno bay three tears jeaa old three whito white feet the tha above animals ane are all branded combined on left ghi EkL and vented tented on left lett thigh ihnot if not claimed on or before august jtb ith 1683 will be te sold cold to the highest bichest blader bidder at the ostray round roand a at t at 10 welock am ata A delong district round koeper garfield co aua aue 11 reps sass 75 i r jt if yaa yoa are alasa aynah fl yo 0 r I 1 dab azem ofir man of let lt s enad ty tho stra a of f to ngo y your atles nill ailt woe woi wert werk k to rest ia A n u a 0 t toe to e bri ban ne i thui teni ud hop HO 6 tiers 1 elasta fasts wa HOP leop E G 1 hv na emy eny indiscretion du LI r t n wv jiin i IE r s L i a ai a 0 miar riar ried or ngi ola old pr ea toung houi rout pooi poof health arlt 15 h ion ioa lon a bedor bador bed oi sickness nesa rolv rely oh WU 0 p I 1 whoever Wh ocTer y yora youa on awe are e afa apa sfa thousands Thou sanda dla sla CB an whenever you feel reel reet feet t fr 0 somo tomo tuat that y 0 n u 1 bastia ass fd form ot of W K I 1 d ne rue 7 needa needs aca disease 4 thab that t amelic lit in n oc r haye hta without 1 th t intoxicating ibra rbra by a timely uso of taire tako hop bitters li nate have yon you ays dys 4 bidney kidney idu j D 1 C eli disease K ila lia la aa absolute ot t the stomach and d bomel tow blog blood ble bla eur fr r i I 1 use of 0 f op A au tou you will lii ill be b aoe b o cc Q or KS narcotics hop bitters isyou are rg ply weak and li ggs iii ili row spirited rt try tny NEVER ular iti ft may ay I 1 nor 9 bave save your I 1 FA L pvc alo lio 0 ith it han has a bro ero bra co sayed saved hw h jr T deeds olt ott nark mark this I 1 upon the condition of the stomach and its near allies the tho liver and the bowels depend physical dealt health hand and clearness of intellect if it these thebo organs are inactive or in a state of irritation I 1 be toning regulating soothing influence AP erl rax is urgently required SOLD BOLD br BY ALL DRUGGISTS eod cod 4 aw w ao LOST s r N SATURDAY AUGUST 1883 0 ON between city and the penitentiary a bun ilo ot of bedding tho the aonder finder will return it to this thib office for tor the owner and arid bs be rewarded aim alm wed TED sam SAX the best and most economical economic allia aiila hair ir dres d sing and made from materials mate nals that are beneficial to the hair and scalp calp parkers hair balsam is highly esteemed everywhere for its excellence and axa d superior cleanliness it flaver kever falls to restore the tha youthful Youth tul color and lustre bogray to gray or faded hair hain hairis is elegantly per rd 1 fumed and is warranted to remove danar dandruff and itching of the scalp so prevent falling of the hair Q boe boc 50 si a 0 1 igei izes st izei st desler detler dal rs la in amet ames wn jr mik rik kte uly geu hi ld h u agnic gric U A health and aud strength El estorer if you are a mechanic or farmer fanner worn oat out wi ditl r overwork or a mother run down clown by family or house ho 4 duties dulies try PA primers imERs toiyo if you are a lawyer minister or business man ex er hausted by mental strain or anxious cares donot do not take tale intoxicating stimulants but use parkers parsers ginger tome tonic if you have consumption dyspepsia rheumatism krigor kidney or urinal annary complaints Compla compia or if you are am troubled wit with any disorder of the lungs stomach bowels blood or nerves youcan you can be cured by PARIC PARK ERS GINGER it is the greatest blood purifier and aid the gest best and surest cough cure curs ever used if efm you are atin prasong away from age dissipation or any T e or weakness wc akness and require re muire a stimulant take N gil git z TONIC at anc once it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate it has saved hundreds of lives it may save tours yours y ours indcox CO mcfan st ar mrk me toe aj at on no loar sizes at all devlen in medicines gloat SIZE its rich and lasting fragrance has made e this deligh perfume e esceo exceedingly i g aci popular ular there is thing nothing like liko it insist upon a having flore FLORY s bognis and look for sel sei signature a 0 of fews 96 10 a ly on oi evey erey icy ticy t vey rey v boam bottle any j or dealer ia in per furiero C can cin supply YOU 1 ou 25 and sizes lange LAEGE artno avino buying as SIZE e THE CASE fa aln 14 V 0 H ahead of all other competitors 0 SALT rake rare CITY I 1 august 1682 1832 J 7 IF lowall edg dear sir the J L 1 caso cago arita tor we v 0 o bought of you last reason is the me best beat machine we ovey over saw sow or ot used it will thresh moro grain arain tin aiu and thresh it better end and cleaner than any other machino machine wo we havo have ever been and we can c confidently becom mend it to any persons to P purchase ur chasen chases a good thresher yourn ete etc G W LU fein feln IV A BARRON BABEON ashiley s foric FORK UINTAH co i feb 1882 isse john IV lowell dear bear sir the agitator separator and woodbury bury iwer power iwen that we bought of you we can truly E ay eay give entimo satisfaction it beats anything thin chin g that we ever saw to thresh and clean we vvo have run seven different diffie rent kinds 0 of 1 machines but this is the cham flon flou the cleaning and the dep brating ere are perfect we wo bavo bave not had a man find nind fault with it yet set and we believe that the people here hero will testify to our statement State meAt as being the tho truth it comes cornea as aai near being per fedt as it I 1 his bis is possible pos albl for a nachine machine to be fcc wa we cannot 1 tell teli le 11 you ton up upon udon paper all its superior w r how much we think of it but can say we 1111 48 that could we not get another like lae it no money would buy it yours truly GEORGE BROWN 8 J CAMPBELL WM P REYNOLDS robeet ROBERT BODILY cedar CAR CITY sep 1881 john TT lowell dear sir bir our maeh mach machine ine lne agitator Is doing excellent work cleans the be best stand and th faster than any thresher we ever saw we vo remain CORRY HUNTER lehi LEHT utah county february ath 1882 to john ohn W lowell eeg esq dear sir As nur lur opinions have often been teen asked about the merits of the agitator threshing machine we purchased from you last fall we ve take pleasure in sending bending the fol lowing as our experience with it to answer the numerous inquiries and perhaps others who would like ta know we recommend the following points of superiority over all other machines we are acquainted with lightness of draft oar oai team of five blan span sian of average native hores har horses hares es and mules being fully aquai to the work and without crowding or hurrying them they gave us all the speed and power we needed needa d thorough Tho roligh threshing and I 1 cleaning and that without extra effort on our par part such a thing as the sieves being crowded or cogged clogged or requiring the attendance of one person at the tail tall end of machine having never occurred or been needed lightness of wear after having theres hed bed bushels of grain lucern beed geed etc the general we wear ar on the machine being scarcely perceptible ath lightness of running ex denees by comparing comi laring notes with our friends of other ma machine ehinea chinea ve we fand find ours oura have not exceeded half at of theirs wo also consider the capacity for cc threshing in quantity superior to other makes of or machines Alt ait although Altho aitho bough ngn the farms hero here are small necessitating a g great r cat deal of moving and often to distant points yet we ve threshed as high ss bushels per day we vve also consider the straw starter end shake E levator elevator principle pk and many other points are os d worthy of notice and examination of off dif any and all persons who may contemplate purchasing a machine A J EVANS af M T WOODHOUSE IL al ROYAL M B BUSHMAN 1 I have helped wear out four EU ri chines of other kinds hinds and I 1 beartel endorse all of bf the foregoing points A D RHODES jc jn cedr CEDAR CITY march ish b irr J A W lowell we bought one of the J 1 I cv caa 32 luch inch agitator threshers Thre iba N year and consider it by far the bell ball thresher ever brought braught to this cc com try it runs very light eaves dl 91 the grain and is a very durable richine we threshed grain at atthe tit rate aj 2 bushels per minute I 1 yours etc CORRY CORKY HUNTER 1 I also ake the liberty to redo men to the following reil 01 able people who have purchased tin agitator machines mel mer sr robbing t kaysville rays Kays ville bishop reter peter barlon narion and othell kaysville Kays ville woolley lund iund Judd St georgc al badt bad t wells nevada S A worthington grantsville Grants ville cummins matthews croul groua creek bl bishop aboa IL jensen manti mantl H S stevens Stev ens eus ferron perron city bishop 8 B S smith Manas Manassa ss cm OM jas larson lanson and M harm Bara samari hammarin aria arla coop co op Sam ham samaria sametria IV F clarner garner and nud others agdel lai lal coop co op laketown lisko Lake town D woodward and others will slater sons sat Bat basterville erville bishop harper abens esons calls calis FO and many duany others W JC I 1 now have orders ordera for 0 twenty of hese these famous Thres thresia bil biE big rig anca anio tho iho e c who want tl should bend gend in their orders at co ct to 10 johei IV louell LOWELL LAKE lawe OE OR oldo |