Show 1 established 1850 THE tre DESERET hews NEWS WEEKLY on one aps cps copy ona one year with sam saw 6 Months RU lt as three months go 80 THE DESERET news NEWS mews semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY one cony co cog 1 7 ons ona yar year wn with postage M too six months MOMS 1 00 M M tbt three taree monha mouths montha LW ME THE deserea DESERET DESE REf NEWS SEWS ono one coopy cb T one oce year with wm p 4 six montha months aas aag ag three throe months 65 65 terms teams IN THE C GENERALS i perusing a recent copy of the chicago we observe the following statement from benl leib of th the e chicago democrat st jacobs oil ol 1 eis is the remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia without aldy any manner wanner r or doubt and people who sunner suffer from these diseases ought to be ba made acquainted with that fact whenever I 1 had occasion to use the oil I 1 found it au all its proprietors etora claim for tor lt it eres byes s nosy rosy cheeks and clear complexion only accompany good health parkers par Pai kena hera ginger tonte tonic letter better than anything makes pure rich blood and brings health joyous spirits strength and beauty ladie ladle s try it bazaar prices on the famous american ciden cider mills large medium anti and mail email E they are acknowledged the most perfect and complete mills ever brought to the territory for n sale eale ae ty H B clawson Cla ois weon and his agents only barrels for cider elder or vinegar aeppli ed edin in any quantity simples la in construction most bloat substantially made and not 1 liable I to get out of or ortie ortle dersie densie rare raie the ault auit man taylor and kingsland fordu son vibratory vibrators rs the best threshers Thre Three herN herb even evec brought to this country agitator john W lowell iao iio well weli has already booked orders for 20 of these world renowned threshers Thre manufactured by tho the J I 1 case T M co these ms chloea proved themselves last year to be the best es threshers Thre on earth and parties who think of buying al thresher this bep sep season bon will find it to their interest to send their orders in at once d FM ROYAL rayal V M A A E f absolutely absolutely P pure u lre ire this powder never varies A marvel of purity strength reneth st bidd find more economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot bo sold bold in competition with the multitude ot of low test cr phosphate powders sord only n cang cans co KB im wall wad street new now york TOO |