Show 5 1 IlE OP OF o Payson Joins the Si Silent Silent lent Majority 1 ij I I I I JS iI I PAyson April iOne of our most 00 a ladles ladies has passed aWay In the ierson ot of Mrs Emily S whO died April ApiS 3 at the age a ot nearly 7 67 years Mn I was born April 16 BIT BITin in Jacksonville Mo Io and was the d daught or er of Samuel vid BroWn and nd L LydIa dla Brown ot of Kirtland tul Mo Her father was a r of the Nauvoo Le LegIon Legion gIon Mrs Manwill emigrated to Utah In W with her parents her mother dy lug with cholera on the plains leaving Mrs Iro Manwill at the age ge of 14 years ears to care for tor four younger children two ot of whom were twin babies 18 15 months old She and her father settled Ira in Salt te Lake City where she marrIed John F l Later on the they removed to PU Payson where Mrs Manwill has resided over ever Tire The deceased was tho th ot of twelve children nine of whom her f grandchildren and three children S serviCes over the remains or of Mrs Irs Manwill will be hold in the Payson tabernacle at 2 p nJ a Ida I day April 6 |