Show lABOR TROUBlES AT PANAMA 1 United States Marines Will Vill Act as Strike ers But Buth Butot h Win ot Force the Men Aten t to Return 4 to Work I Al ASHINGTON April labor W VV troubles on the Isthmus of Pair r ama Railroad have tak n a s turn and the facts h he have been e n reported d tp th state tej en Y y e 1 at panina p pI I m tt r d n C t importance to w warrant nt bl dIscussion at the cabinet meeting and the unanimous opinion was that every everything thing should b be done to avoId an en entanglement entanglement of th united S t S with any labor controversy But It ns de that the government would not nolO withhold In an any degree the Uon tion to the Panama railroad which It has bas assumed h by treaty and it was di directed th that t the railroad property roll lag stock track and terminals should be protected b by forces from the United States at the Isthmus I IZ that became There will i ibe be no compulsion lon against the strikers rs to compel om pel thorn them t to return to p work IS If the railroad caD n secure a 8 torch toree of mea moe to op opera I era orate teo the ro road they will be lii I nueL an attempt This wilt be done I with the full coQ nt q the p Panama though r ln i f el taT Moody WM was with the nut dilly of oC carrying this tI Io and with In instructing A 8 I and e as to the courie cour they theO all tahi i pursue There Is ample force on the Isthmus II for any emergency The official statement of the action CUon taken b by the navy department was as I I I r The na navY department has bas in instructions to Admiral Glass J ial 1 Sigsbee to exercise that cr neither the mn marines Jr nor In Interpose interpose In lb disputes on tb the ih I mU or of Panama JUI nothing t the preservation of pose tn and property to tobe 0 be pr tte I |